Fever (17 page)

Read Fever Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #college



Morgan still hadn't said anything. It made me nervous. It was Saturday night and we were supposed to be hitting the town, just me and her. That was what she’d said anyway. She was being way too mysterious for my liking. I expected pajamas, ice cream, and some serious conversation, but she pulled out my dark purple dress that was more like a sleeve with straps and told me to fancy up.

“I'll be back in an hour, and we can finish getting ready together.”

She slipped out before I could ask where she was going.

I now stood in front of my mirror in nothing but my black panties and bra, carefully applying eyeliner.

The front door jiggled and I dropped the stick, smearing black ink down my hand. Glancing out into the living area, I was about to demand Morgan tell me where I was going when my voice evaporated.

Dumping the eyeliner on my desk, I raced into the living room with a squeal.


We wrapped each other in a tight embrace, laughing and jumping around in a circle.

“What are you doing here?” I held her at arm's length, drinking in her sunny smile and bright green eyes.

“Morgan called an SOS. She said you guys needed some sunshine...and sunshine is here.” She pointed at herself and wiggled her eyebrows.

I burst into laughter and pulled her into another embrace.

“Now, I can only stay for one night, so we have to make it count.”

“Where are we going?”

Morgan dumped Jody's bag next to the couch and grinned at me. “You're gonna love it.”

“Hells yeah!” Jody lifted her arms into the air and swayed her body.

“Dancing? We're going dancing?”

“Not just any kind of dancing.” Morgan beamed. “Brad's a bouncer tonight at this club in town. They've got this amazing band playing, and he's already promised me he'll get us in.”

“Are you and Brad back together?”

Morgan blushed, wrinkled her nose and then tipped her head to the side. “Maybe?”


“No, I know, I know, it's just...I've missed him so much more than I thought I would, and I just want to give it one more try. I don't want to walk away from something that is maybe right for me, and Brad finally suggested he might be willing to consider living somewhere other than his home town after graduation, so...” She gave a little gleeful smile.

I grinned back, feeling happy for her. They did seem good together. There was definite chemistry between them. My smile faltered, my own woes crashing back over me.

Morgan's face crumpled with concern. “But this night is not about boys. It's about the Terrible Trio going out to have a little fun.”

“It's time to shake our
asses,” Jody sang, making us all giggle.

“Let's suit up.” Morgan clapped her hands and I rushed back into my room.

Eyeing the purple dress on my bed, I wrinkled my nose and turned back to my closet. Flicking through the hangers, my hand landed on the dark red dress I'd bought on a whim last year. The fabric was silky soft and draped my body perfectly, but the main reason I’d fallen in love with it was the knee-length skirt. It was a twirly dress, and I had only worn it once since Jody made me try it on. We'd gone out that night and twirled on the beach, looking ridiculous, but feeling freer than birds as our skirts spun wide in the night air.

Stepping into the snazzy number, I called Jody to help zip me up. The dress sat really low on my spine, exposing my back.

“Take your bra off.” Jody tittered. “The strap runs right across your back. It looks awful.”

I did as commanded and wriggled out of it, throwing it on my bed before doing a slow spin and then clutching my breasts.

“How am I going to dance without a bra?”

“You’re not that big.” Jody’s eyes rounded. “No offense.”

I poked my tongue at her and she giggled. “Well, do a few moves, see how it feels.”

I jiggled around, feeling like a fool and soon crumpling into fits of giggles on the floor. Jody pulled me back up, her own limbs weak from laughter.

“I think you’ll be fine.” She brushed the tears from her eyes. “Do you remember that night at the beach?”

“Yeah,” I giggled. “I haven't worn it since.” I bit my lip. “I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard since then
, either.”

“Ah! You look so hot!” Jody stepped back from me and clapped her hands before reaching into the closet and pulling out my strappy sandals.

“There's no way I can dance in those.”

“Come on. They suit the dress perfectly.”

“Jody.” I grabbed her shoulders. “I need to dance tonight.”

“You need to dance?”

to dance.”

Her expression softened as she took in my serious gaze. Her hands touched my elbows. “What's going on?”

“Please, don't make me talk about it right now. I have to switch off.”

“We just hate seeing you being eaten up like this. You have to tell us what's wrong.” Morgan's head popped up behind Jody's.

“Turtle Mode for two weeks is way over the limit. You better fess up in the morning or I'm gonna have to give that butt of yours a spanking.” Jody pointed her finger at me.

I snickered and shook my head, not missing the worried glance Jody threw over her shoulder.

“I guess we'll just have to get you drunk then.” She shrugged, making me giggle as Morgan's head began to shake.

“You know what, Morgan, getting drunk sounds brilliant right now.” I tipped my head.

She rolled her eyes and gave me a pointed look. “All right, maybe one drink, but no more. We're going there to dance, not get wasted.”

“That's right.” Jody mocked Morgan's motherly tone. We both laughed while Morgan huffed off to finish getting ready.

Jody dropped the sandals back into my closet and pulled out my white pumps with the gold edging. “Stylish, yet comfortable.”


As soon as we were dolled up, we snapped a quick selfie and headed out the door. Heads turned as we giggled our way down the corridor, but I barely noticed. I was with my girls, and tonight I wanted to forget that men even existed.

The club was humming when we arrived. Brad waved us straight through, giving us all appreciative smiles. Morgan planted a grateful kiss on his lips and promised him a proper thank you later. I looked away from their hungry gazes and made a face at Jody. She licked her upper lip and did a sexy little shimmy, giving me the giggles.

Man, I didn't need alcohol when I was around Jody. She made me drunk on laughter alone. We pressed our way through the crowds and found ourselves a table that looked out over the dance floor. It was a prime spot that had just been vacated. We dumped our stuff and hit the dance floor immediately.

The band was amazing. The lead guy sounded like Michael Bublé, and I nearly died when I saw the brass section rise up behind him.

“Swing!” I screamed at Morgan, grinning like a kid in a candy store. “I love you!”

“I knew you would!” She grabbed my hand and spun me around as the three of us laughed our way through some old jazz routines we'd worked out one summer break. They'd wanted to know the moves my parents had taught me, and as much as I hadn't wanted to do it, it'd been a really cleansing experience.

After dancing hard out to four songs, we fell against each other breathless.

“I'm gonna order some drinks!” Morgan yelled at us.

“Shots!” Jody clasped her hand. “Please!”

“Jody, no!”

“Oh come on.” I pulled at her other hand. “Just one.”

We put on our pleading faces, and it didn't take much for her to chuckle. “All right, fine! But just one!”

She pushed her way to the bar, and Jody and I decided to dance one more number before heading over to the table. Morgan met us for the end of the song.

“The drinks are on their way.”

“Sweet!” Jody started heading for our table.

“I just want to grab a bottle of water first,” I called to the girls, moving toward the bar.

My heart was thumping in time with the rhythm; it was a heady rush. I felt elated and free, just what I needed. Finally making it to the bar, I leaned against the metal and attempted to catch the bartender's eye.

“Nice dress!” I spun at the sound of the rich voice behind me and came in contact with a gorgeous pair of blue eyes. His smile was appreciative and melted my heart.

“Hey, Cole.” I turned away from him, my giddy high evaporating. He looked way too sexy standing there in his black slacks and white shirt; the dressy-casual style suited him. He looked like a movie star out for a night of fun, ready to dance and turn girls' hearts to marshmallow.

“You look really beautiful tonight.”

I pressed my lips together, wishing he wouldn't say stuff like that to me.

“What are you doing here?” I snapped around to face him, my tone sharper than I meant.

He gave me a soft smile, his eyes tender and sweet. “Well, as you know, I really like this kind of music.”

My lips stretched into a smile before I could stop them. I glanced down to the bar top and tucked a curl behind my ear.

With a huff, he stepped into my space. “I can't keep doing this, you know.”

I looked up, meeting his steady gaze and feeling myself weaken.

“Not talking about it? It's not working for me.”

“Cole, I can't—” I tried to back off, but he took my arm, gently holding me.

“Look, just let me say my piece, and then I won't ever mention it again, I promise.”

His gaze was so sincere
, I had to say yes. “Okay.”

I relaxed in his grasp, and he let my arm go. Leaning against the counter, he gave me a sad smile. “We both know it's complicated
, and I...uh...know that I'm not gonna get what I want out of this equation. I've accepted that. You're with David, and I respect that one hundred percent, but I just...” He tutted and shook his head, turning to me with an earnest look that made my spine tingle. “I want you to be happy.”

“I am.” I couldn't look him in the eye. “David's good for me.”

“Is he?”

“Don't do this, Cole.” I tried to back away, panic sizzling through me. He snatched my wrist, softening the move by rubbing his thumb gently over my skin.

“I'm sorry. You're right. It's not my place.” The sad torture cresting over his expression made me want to cry. He had the world's kindest eyes. Why the hell did he have to be so amazing?

He let out a shaky sigh, and a small grin touched his mouth as if he was reminding himself of something. “I know you love him, and you don't want to hurt him. Ella, you're a really good person, and he's lucky to have you.” The fact he was giving in stung, but it was such a huge relief. I didn't want a fight, not with Cole. In spite of that, I couldn't help my deflation as he gave me a stiff nod and let me go, shoving his hand into his pocket. I thought he was about to give me a curt goodbye and walk away, but he pressed his lips together and forced a smile. “Look, can we just maybe...be friends
, at least?”

My neck muscles were straining as I tried to shake a no. That was what I was supposed to do, right?

Cole leaned into my space again. “David knows something's up with you. Don't think he hasn't noticed. If you don't stop acting so weird around me, he's gonna start making his own conclusions. Incorrect ones.”

I swallowed and ran my fingers down my drop earring.

“So for David's sake, can you please just be my friend?” He followed up his emphatic look by sticking out his hand, asking me to accept what he was offering.

I knew I should have walked away, but I didn't want to. I wasn't some dumb, immature kid who couldn't control herself. I could do this. Cole was right. I couldn't have David thinking the wrong thing.

With a tight smile, I clasped Cole's hand and gave it a little squeeze.

“Thank you.” He really meant it.

My smile grew to full beam. It felt good and not as hard as I thought it might have been.

Cole turned his back to the bar and leaned against it. I joined him, deciding to wait for the bartender to head this way before catching his attention.

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