Gillian McKeith's Food Bible (334 page)

Read Gillian McKeith's Food Bible Online

Authors: Gillian McKeith

Drink elderflower tea.

Take vitamin A. Often sufferers of sinusitis have weakened immune systems, and vitamin A helps to strengthen immunity.

Vitamin C with bioflavanoids and quercetin can help, too.

Take n-acetylcysteine supplement for draining out the nose.

Bromelain in between meals can help to reduce inflammation. If you take bromelain with meals, it will act as a digestive enzyme. If taken in between meals, it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Echinacea extract and the herbal extract goldenseal should help to reduce mucus buildup.

After a course of echinacea, switch to astragalus.


Try a steam inhalation with oil of eucalyptus and tea tree oil together. You can also try peppermint oil. Essential oil of pine in a bowl of hot water brings relief, too.

To give yourself a right good clear-out, make a lemon juice and horseradish drink. This is an age-old remedy for clearing the sinuses.

A hot facial compress or hot, damp face cloth can bring relief. Some people prefer ice-cold compresses, but the hot one tends to be more soothing. You could alternate hot with cold.

Acupressure, which you can do yourself, helps. Press with your index and middle fingers on each side of your nose; hold the pressure for a couple of minutes. It should bring some relief.

If your GP has you on medication, make sure you take probiotics to keep the level of good bacterias in your gut high.

Pull and massage your toes daily, as the sinus nerve endings are on the toes.

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