Going Too Far (The Curvy Submissive) (6 page)

Because I didn’t want her to be.
I didn’t want her to
crave pain with her pleasure. I didn’t want her to let any man control her or
subdue her wild, bright spirit. Maybe she had a little submissive inside her,
but there was too much of her to allow anyone to cage that.

And…and I didn’t want her to explore it with someone who
would enjoy hurting her.

“We picked out a little gift for everyone. These are
accessories you may recognize, or not, and maybe you think you know how they
are used, but maybe not. You all know Tyler and I, you trust us, and we trust
all of you.”

Inside the bigger box were small grey boxes wrapped with
purple ribbons. Tyler handed them out and each box bore a name. I already knew
what would be in my box, but I wondered what would be in Kat’s.

“The unmasked men are all competent, experienced players in
our lifestyle. We won’t be exploring anything too intense tonight, so I want
you to feel free to ask them how to use some of the accessories, let them help
you try them out. Some we’ll demonstrate as a group, loosen you up so to speak,
others you can try at your own pace, alone or in this room.”

“You’re all consenting adults, but we advise that while you
can explore to your heart’s content, penetration isn’t the goal. We all know
how to get off that way.” Kelli winked at a girl who giggled when she took her

Kat’s box was small and fit easily in both palms. There were
many things that could be inside her box and God help me, I couldn’t tear my
eyes away from her hands as they set the box in her lap and began untying the
bow. Her skirt, light as water, had shifted to expose her knees and the first
inch and a half of her thighs. Eric, the bastard, noticed too. He leaned down
and whispered something in her ear, his mouth touching her as he spoke. She
shivered and stumbled unknotting the bow. He took the opportunity to rest his
hand on her thigh.

I had to look down, my heart thundering in my chest hard
enough to tear right through it. If I wasn’t careful I’d make a scene and I
didn’t want to do that. I had no right to act possessively over her in this
situation. Any outburst on my part would make the new players very
uncomfortable and would no doubt embarrass Kat.

I concentrated on dragging the ribbon off my gift and
pulling the top off to reveal a fluff of tissue paper. Inside I found a coil of
maroon hemp rope.

This was Kelli’s part of the night, all luxury and
pampering. She acted as a switch, topping and bottoming with practiced comfort
on any given night. That made her role in this little party that much more
important. These gifts offered a way for the other women to ask questions and
feel comfortable with those around them. Most of the guests at her parties
never made the lifestyle a common practice. They experimented and played, but
spent more time enjoying vanilla sex than any other. That was fine.

The women opened their boxes eagerly and discovered
blindfolds, wrist cuffs, collars, and gags. One man had been given a small
flogger, another a leash. All very simple, easy accessories to acquaint oneself
with. None of it looked particularly frightening.

Kat gave a little gasp when she opened hers and I
immediately gave her my complete attention. She withdrew a scarlet silk box,
decorated with a little silver clasp. She parted the clasp and let the lid fall
back to reveal a cushion of red silk holding a pair of beautiful jade Ben Wa
balls and a curled silicone sling.

Bashful and brave, she ran her fingers across the smooth
surface of the marble-sized balls and it was that look, that beautiful look of
open imagination that completely unmade me. Her fingertip circled each ball
before tentatively drawing them out of their pillows to hold in the palm of her
hand. I wondered if she knew how they were used. I wondered if she’d use them
tonight. The thought went straight to my groin like a bolt of electricity and I
had to close my eyes and swallow the moan that threatened to give me away.

I was going to go to hell for this, for watching her and
imagining her on her hands and knees as I inserted the balls one at a time into

That could
happen. I wasn’t stupid
enough to cross that line. Imagining it? Yes, alright. In light of the
evening’s festivities I could allow myself to fantasize. But I wouldn’t touch

Could I allow someone else to touch her instead?


I shook my head to clear the fog of beautiful, terrible
thoughts and found Kelli sitting on the edge of her seat, her head cocked to
the side as she watched me. Without meaning to, I glanced over at Kat and found
her soft green eyes on mine, her mouth parted in surprise at the sound of my
name. She looked down at the jade balls in her hand and quickly put them back
in their scarlet box as if she were embarrassed that I’d caught her with them.

“What? Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.”

Kelli’s eyes darted over to Kat then back at me and I scowled
when I recognized that deviant glimmer.

“I said, let’s start off the demonstrations, shall we?
You’re a devil with rope, so I was hoping you’d demonstrate a Shinju tie for

I cleared my throat and lifted the maroon rope out of my
gift box. “Of course. Would you like to kneel or stand?”

Kelli leaned back and crossed her long, caramel legs and I
should have known the moment I stood up I was in trouble. She crossed her hands
over her knee, very proper like, and smiled as if she had no idea the trouble
she had every intention of causing.

“Actually, I had a better idea. Why don’t you demonstrate on
Kat instead?”

Kat’s head jerked up and she nearly dropped the Ben Wa box
on the floor. The chimes inside the jade orbs rung softly as they knocked
against the lid.

“What? No, not me. Someone else.”

Kat shook her head and wide-eyed she looked so fucking
adorable. And young. Too young to be in this room, being asked to be tied up by
an older man. And yet…yet there was something about the idea that I couldn’t shake.
I wanted to know what it would feel like to possess her, if only just for a
moment. If only for pretend.

And it would give me the opportunity I needed to get her
away from Eric’s grabby hands.

“Take off your boots.” I moved to the center of the room where
a small, platform ottoman had been set up for this occasion. The cushioning
would provide much needed relief for those unused to being placed on their
knees. “Then come here.”

She froze, lips parted in a silent
, her green eyes
peering up at me begging for a way out of this. I didn’t give it to her, and
that was cruel, I knew, but as the image of her kneeling for me took root, I
couldn’t let her wiggle her way out of it. I pointed at the ottoman and more
firmly with my Dom voice, repeated my command.

“Now, Kat.”

This seemed break her terror and she set the Ben Wa box
aside to lean over and undo the laces on her boots. Her fingers shook as she
pulled the laces and watching her gave me a strange pleasure. I wondered what
it would be like lace her in a corset or bind her to a whipping post.

Are you mad?
As soon as the thought was born
guilt overwhelmed me. I had to get control of this situation immediately before
my fantasies escaped into the demonstration we were about to do together.

It took time but she finally pulled her boots off and stood
up. I was momentarily enraptured by the shape of her calves and the knee-high
socks she wore. They were colorful, pinks, blues, yellows, greens - totally
incongruous with the classic black dress she wore. But they were so
and I wanted to run my hands up them to where they gave way to milky white
thighs, wide and soft and just a little on the thick side. I’d thought about
those thighs before, guiltily but powerfully, and here they were, within my
grasp. I just had to reach out and stroke them.

Her hands traveled her torso and hips to straighten her
dress and nervously but proudly she stepped into the center of the room with
me. I didn’t even hesitate when I took hold of her arm at her elbow and
directed her up onto the ottoman.

“Kneel for me, Kat.”

I could almost feel her heart racing as she lowered herself
to her knees facing Kelli and Tyler. She didn’t look at anyone, embarrassed
perhaps, but in avoiding their intent gazes she assumed a very submissive posture,
eyes cast down a few feet in front of her. She held her knees close together
and I took a moment to enjoy the lines of her body this position created. Her
full, heavy breasts looked particularly beautiful like this. She settled her
hands on her thighs.

“Give me your eyes.”

She didn’t react immediately and so I stepped beside her,
captured her chin in my hands and gently pulled her face up to mine. Holding
her like this…I almost couldn’t breathe. She possessed exquisitely soft skin. I
stole another touch, stroked the line of her jaw to the point at her chin and
held her still. “While we do this demonstration I need to know that I have your
complete obedience and trust. This isn’t exactly a play scene, but I need to
know you’ll listen to me so that I don’t unwittingly hurt you. Do you

She swallowed, her strawberry pink lips parted, and she
nodded. When I released my hold on her, she did not pull her eyes away from

God, they were so green.

“Good. Here’s what you need to know. This shouldn’t hurt.
I’m going to tie you in a way that might feel uncomfortable or foreign, but it
shouldn’t hurt. If it hurts, if something is too tight or your hands or fingers
go numb, I need you to tell me immediately. During a play scene, the way you
would tell me is by using safe words. Do you know what a safe word is?”

Kat turned her chin very slightly back and forth to indicate
she did not know. I didn’t know if I was pleased or ashamed at being the person
in her life to teach her what a safe word was and how to use it.

“A safe word is how you will communicate to me when you need
me to stop what I am doing and help you immediately. For this demonstration you
will use the words
. You can use
you need me to pause or slow down. You will use
when you need to be
immediately released and the demonstration needs to end. You should not feel
embarrassed about using either of these words and you must not hesitate. I
don’t want to accidentally hurt you, Kat, and I need to trust that you’ll use
your safe words if you need to.” She nodded slowly, but her entire body
screamed her tension. I needed to calm her down, so I touched her again beneath
her chin, a reassuring touch that linked us briefly. “You won’t disappoint me
if you use them, do you understand Kat?”

Her whole body slowly uncoiled as my words released her
anxiety and for a moment it felt like she was suspended on my fingertips.
Nothing in the world mattered but where we were joined. “I understand.”

“Repeat the words to me.”

“Yellow if I need you to pause, red if I need you to stop.”

I stroked her jawline tenderly. “Good girl, Kat. Very good.”

My encouragement made her smile and I would have given anything
to bottle it so I would never forget the look she gave me then. It made my heart
hurt unconditionally.

“Now, place your hands behind your back so that your
forearms are stacked and your palms rest against the opposite elbow.”

Without being asked, she returned her eyes forward to gaze
at Kelli and formed the position I described to her. I unwound the rope,
already cut to the length I needed, formed a loop, and wrapped it three times
around her arms at the center of her back where they met. The Shinju tie was a
simple one, but all my thoughts centered around the woman kneeling before me,
my little Kat, and I had to force myself to concentrate so I could complete the
tie correctly. 

With the first knot completed, I gathered her hair into my
hands and shifted it so I could lean down and speak close to her ear. When my
lips brushed her skin I felt a shiver pass through her and travel through me.
“Are you doing alright, Kat?”

“Yes,” she whispered back, and turned her face towards mine
a fraction of an inch but enough to put my mouth dangerously close to hers. I
wondered if she would taste like sugar and vanilla the way she smelled. “I’m
ok, Josh.”

Most women I bound called me Sir, as
appropriate, and I preferred it. But there was something sweet and touching
about her calling me by my name as she had since she was a little girl. It closed
the distance between us that usually existed in these scenes. This girl spoke
my name every day, but this moment was different and we both knew it.

 I took up the rope and prepared to wrap it around her body
when I realized exactly what technique I was demonstrating for this group.

The Shinju required the rope to be passed above and below
her breasts several times and that I would have to
them. For a
moment all I could do was stand still beside her and try to control my
breathing, my heart rate, and the panic that seized me. I had no doubt Kelli
had done this on purpose knowing I wouldn’t think far enough ahead to suggest a
different tie, one that wouldn’t require me to caress Kat’s full, heavy

Whatever game Kelli was playing was a dangerous one, one I
might never forgive her for. It wasn’t all Kelli’s fault though. I knew I could
stop. I could call it off and send Kat back to the couch.

Except I didn’t want to stop.

We were in so much trouble.

I didn’t want to embarrass her so I started moving again,
but I’d no sooner grazed the curve of her breast than she gave a little gasp
and my erection responded powerfully against its constraints. I didn’t know
anymore which of us was the one being tied up and controlled.

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