Grabbed by Vicious (16 page)

Read Grabbed by Vicious Online

Authors: Lolita Lopez

Tags: #Erotica

reserved for our families.” He brought her hand to the

space just over his heart. “I’ll put your name and our

family crest here.” He carried her fingertips to his

shoulder and down his arm. “Our children will be placed


“Really?” She seemed so touched. “You’re going to put

me on your body?”

He nodded. “It would be an honor to have a reminder of

you on me always.”

Her eyes glistened and she swallowed. “That’s very

sweet of you to say.” Then she asked, “And me? Do I get

to mark myself?”

“Some wives do.” He didn’t want to influence her

decision by telling her how much it would mean to him to

have his name on her body. “The decision is yours,


She smiled and moved her hand up and down his arm.

“You have really long arms, Vicious. That’s space for a

lot of children.”

He laughed and rolled on top of her. “Then we’d better

get started making them.”

She giggled as he trapped her beneath him and used his

knee to spread her legs. He captured her lips and stabbed

his tongue inside her waiting mouth. She moaned and rose

up to meet him, her stiff nipples grazing his chest. She

clutched at his arms and hooked her ankles against his


He’d always been quick to recover but he’d rarely

gotten this hard so fast. He didn’t even have to guide

himself inside her. With a gentle thrust, he eased his cock

into her snug pussy. He decided to take his time with her.

There was no rush now. This time, climaxing wasn’t the

true goal. Just being joined and close was enough.

He nuzzled her neck and kissed her jaw. She whispered

his name, the sound so soft and enticing. In that moment, he

realized just how lucky he’d been to find her. Her trust and

willingness to try new things was a far cry from her fear

and panic last night. He hoped he’d never do anything

stupid enough to jeopardize the foundation they were


“Vicious.” She arched under him. Lips parted, she

rubbed her cheek against his. “You make me feel so


He tried to let her know how she made him feel but it

was too hard. “I’ve never…”

When he couldn’t find the words, couldn’t find the

courage to make himself so vulnerable to this pixie-like

creature who had ensnared his heart, she smiled and

kissed him.

“It’s all right.” She spoke so softly he could barely

make out the words. “I know.”

Maybe she did. He kissed her again, this time pressing

all of his conflicted emotions into it. Their bodies, joined

dually now, seemed to move as one. She caressed his back

as their tongues danced. He thrust into her with measured

strokes, taking her long and hard and deep. She trembled

and inhaled shuddery breaths. “Vicious…”

His fingertips move down her face. He started at her

hairline, followed the curve of her cheek and then touched

her mouth, his fingertips dragging against her full lower

lip. He cupped the back of her head and kissed her with

even more passion. She’d stoked the fire and now basked

in the heat of it.

“I need you.” Vicious angled his hips just so and made

her gasp. “I need you, Hallie.”

“I’m here.” She kissed his jaw. “I’m right here.”

He captured her wrists and pulled them over her head.

He held them hostage there, restraining her beneath him.

This time there was no panic flashing in her eyes. It was

trust mixed with desire that he saw reflected in the dark

pools. His chest tightened and white-hot heat pierced his


Vicious devoured her mouth and snapped his hips. He

hastened the pace of his deliberate thrusts, his angle just

right and his depth exactly what she needed. She groaned

and closed her eyes. “Take me, Vicious.”

No sweeter words had been spoken to him. He moved

faster and harder. She slid up the bed a little each time but

didn’t seem to mind. In the back of his thoughts, one word

flashed—careful. She might enjoy a little roughness but

she wasn’t nearly big enough to withstand the full assault

of his desires. He could harm her irrevocably if he

indulged that feral side of him clamoring to be set free.

He gripped both of her wrists in one hand and let his

free hand move down her body. He shifted his hips just

enough to let his fingers touch her clit. The swollen pearl

responded so easily. He flicked it for less than a minute

before she came undone. She shattered and cried out his

name. Her thighs tightened around his waist as she rocked

and begged him to keep going. “Don’t stop, Vicious. Oh

god. Oh! Don’t stop.”

Groaning, he fucked her like a wild man. He tried to be

mindful of her small size but she just felt so damn good.

When he came, he thought for sure the top of his head

would blow off. He buried his face in the curve of her

neck and shuddered painfully as jets of cum filled her.

She nuzzled his cheek. In the grip of his climax, he’d

brought both hands to her wrists, just for something to hold

onto. He loosened his grip and expected her to pull free

from him. Instead, she interlaced their fingers and kissed

his cheek again. It was the smallest gesture but it meant a

great deal to him.

When he finally had the strength to roll away, he

flopped onto his back and tried to catch his breath. She

rubbed his arm before sliding away from him. He tried to

snatch her but she was too quick. He enjoyed the sight of

her jiggling ass as she ran into the bathroom. Sometime

later, she returned and snuggled up to his side. His heart

swelled as he slid his arms around her, cradling his new

bride to his body.

As she drifted off in his arms, Vicious entertained the

what-ifs. They seemed to be firmly entrenched in their

honeymoon period. He had no illusions that it would last

forever. At some point, this newness would fade—and

then what? Would she hate him for taking her away from

her home and family?

They may not have treated her the way he thought she

should have been treated but they were her family. It was

clear she loved them. Look at the lengths she’d gone to for

her sister. She’d risked a great deal to send her away to

the colonies. The reason for that escape still remained

unknown to him. He hated to pry but he would need to

know all of Hallie’s secrets soon.

Vicious decided then and there he had to find a way to

keep her happy. It wouldn’t be easy but he’d never backed

down from a challenge. For Hallie, he was willing to try


Chapter Nine

“You look deep in thought, Kitten.”

She glanced up from the breakfast table she was

preparing for her husband of two nights as he strode into

the kitchen. He stole her breath away. Wearing only a

towel and with hair still damp from a shower, he

displayed his naked chest and those rock-hard abs. Her

greedy fingers itched to touch him again.

Maybe she shouldn’t have hurried in the shower. He’d

tried to get a bit frisky but she’d managed to evade his

lecherous hands. Breakfast had to be on the table without

delay or he’d be late for duty. Now, though, she regretted

her decision.

“What were you thinking about?” He ducked his head

into the cold storage and retrieved a carton of the blue

juice he liked so much. She handed him one of the glasses

from the table.

“Flowers,” she admitted. “I miss them.”

He frowned. “Flowers? Why?”

She shrugged. “My family was poor by our village

standards but we always put together a nice table. Clean

white plates, matching silverware, a vase of flowers from

the field out back or the small garden on the side of the

house, and one of Kerri’s tablecloths,” she explained. “It

doesn’t feel right sitting down to eat with you on this cold,

bare metal tabletop.”

He took a long, slow sip of his juice. “I might be able to

find a tablecloth in the housewares shop. Did you like the

ones at the general’s party last night? I’m sure they have


She shook her head at the memory of the silvery-gray

cloths. “It’s not the same.”

He looked amused. “A tablecloth isn’t the same as any

other tablecloth?”

“No. Our tablecloths at home were made by my mother

and stepmother and Kerri. My oldest sister isn’t much of a

cook but she has an amazing talent for embroidery.” Hallie

thought of the delicate needlework Kerri created. “You

should have seen her trousseau. She and Darrin had to

wait almost two years to marry so—”

“Two years?” Vicious interrupted with shock.

She smiled. “Makes our fifteen-minute courtship seem

rather scandalous, doesn’t it?”

Vicious snorted in amusement. “It seemed much


“I’m sure it did with all that wet clothing slowing you


He narrowed his gaze. “You’re just lucky I didn’t break

something falling into that stream.”

She started to point out that if he’d broken something,

she would have reached the safe zone, but didn’t. Bringing

up that possibility would probably lead to an argument.

He seemed to understand and asked, “So why two


“Money. Or, rather, lack thereof. Darrin had to wait

until he had enough money to start his own herd but when

it became clear that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon,

they married and moved into our family home.”

Vicious looked puzzled. “But a man is supposed to

support his wife.”

“Darrin did and still does.”

“But not in a home of her own.”

“Not at first but they have their own farm now.” She

frowned at him. “Material things aren’t the only things that

matter, Vicious. When you love someone, you take the

good with the bad. For better or worse, right?”

“What in the world are you talking about, Hallie?”

She remembered then. They hadn’t had a proper

wedding ceremony. He’d taken her passport from the race

officials, handed it to one of the processors from the

and had her small paper booklet stamped, the one

and only stamp in the whole thing. After that, he’d signed

his name across the bottom of a touchscreen tablet and

then shoved the stylus into her hand. With one quick

signature across the bottom of the digital contract, she’d

been wed to him.

“In my world, we exchange vows.”

“We exchanged vows.”

She rolled her eyes. “We signed a contract, Vicious.

We didn’t exchange vows. You said, ‘Here. Sign this’.”

She mimicked his deep voice. “It’s not the same thing.”

His jaw visibly tightened. “Do you not consider our

bond as deep as the one your sister and her husband


“I—” She stopped, uncertain of what to say. “I don’t

know. It’s just different, Vicious. Kerri and Darrin fell in

love. They pledged to marry. They started to build a life

together and planned a wedding. They married in front of

their families and friends.” She chewed her lip and

shrugged. “You chased me through a forest, threw me over

your shoulder like a sack of potatoes and made me sign a

contract. It’s not the same.”

“I see.” His tone was short and clipped. He slammed

the empty glass down so hard on the counter she was

stunned it didn’t shatter. “I’m going to be late.”

Mouth agape, she watched him spin on his heel and

stalk from the room. She didn’t know what to do. Her first

instinct? To chase after him and make him talk to her. Only

the knowledge that she’d never truly seen him angry

stopped her. So far he’d been sweet and kind. Whether the

same was true when he was angry was a mystery. She

really didn’t want to find out the hard way if he wasn’t. As

big as he was, he could hurt her if he lashed out in a rage.

Obviously she’d upset him but what she’d said had been

the truth. It wasn’t the same. Vicious didn’t love her. He’d

claimed her like a prize. There had been no gentle wooing

or sweet words. He’d simply bested her in a physical


She couldn’t deny that she had feelings for him now. It

was very early days but she cared for Vicious a great deal.

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