His Ever After (Love Square) (24 page)

“Thanks. I’m pretty excited myself. I love that man,” she sighs wistfully as Brad and Cory arrive back at the table with our drinks.

The night carries on and Jacob and Simone return just as Cory spots his friends coming in through the door. We say our goodbyes, and I’m relieved that I won’t have to watch Jacob with his date.

A little while later, I decide to head over to the jukebox after being bored half to death by Cory’s semi-lame friends. I never would have taken him for the type of man to hang around with Star Wars fanatics. Hardcore Star Wars fanatics. I shudder at the thought of having to listen to any more talks of Jar Jar Binks. Granted Cory isn’t leading the conversation, but he isn’t changing it either.

“What are you doing with that guy?” I feel Jacob’s hot breath on my neck and his left hand on my waist. My skin prickles with the thrill of being so close to him, and a chill runs down my spine. I know he feels it, because his fingers flex on my side.

“What’s it to you?” I ask in return, trying to hide my excitement from him touching me. Damned traitorous emotions. I don’t want him to know he gets to me. I need to guard my heart from being trampled on again with him. He still loves Samantha and would rather be with a woman like Simone than me.

“I care about you. I worry about you,” he whispers in my ear, while his other hand snakes around my middle. He is now holding me from behind. My body is rebelling against my brain. All I want is to lean back and enjoy his warmth.

“No, you don’t. You love Samantha. Everyone else is just a consolation prize to you.” I pull away from him and turn around. My finger drills into his chest. “You smell like sex and you’re standing here, feeling me up and telling me this bullshit. What is wrong with you?”

Jacob gives me a sheepish look and takes a step back. “Shit,” he mumbles, running his hands through his hair. “You have me all fucked up Kara. I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight. I haven’t spoken to you in months. I thought for sure you hated me after the way I left things with you. And then I see you again and you’re with that jackass. He is so slimy, I’m surprised he doesn’t slip through your fingers.”

“And you’re with a woman, who could be a model, that you just met and still gave the business to in the ladies room. God! You are such a man whore! I don’t know why you’re even over here talking to me right now. You made yourself perfectly clear before. You have no feelings for me. I was nothing but a good time to you. Just leave me alone!” I cry out, warring with indecision. Part of me hopes he’ll walk away as fast as possible, while the other half of me wants to beg him to wrap me back up in his arms.

I glance around and see that people are looking at us now. I feel embarrassed at the spectacle we are making. The last thing I need is for Cory to get the wrong idea about Jacob and me.

“Did you ever think that our timing was bad? I had been through the wringer. We just buried Brooke and I was overwhelmed with guilt thinking I killed her. I couldn’t be what you wanted back then, but I want the chance to show you that now I know I can be.”

His words have the power to knock me on my ass. If I wasn’t leaning against the jukebox, it just might have happened. What is he saying to me? Am I just a substitute for Samantha? He can’t have her, but he knows he can convince me because I’m naïve and stupid?

“Kara, I’m so damn sorry for the way I treated you before. It was rude and thoughtless and insensitive. I was hurting and confused, and I took it out on you. You deserve so much better than me, but I can’t let you go. I need you to give me another chance.” His words and the look on his face reflect nothing but sincere intentions and remorse.

Before I can respond to his ludicrous statements, Cory steps in between us.

“Is there a problem here?” He looks between us, suspicious of what he just interrupted.

“No. I was just coming back to find you,” I say, putting my hand on his arm.

Without another word, Jacob storms off and pushes through the front door forcefully. I take a relieved breath and walk back to Star Wars hell alongside a man I’m not sure I should be with. Jacob officially has me so confused, that I don’t know what I want anymore. I look over at Cory, but don’t feel one iota of what I felt with Jacob. Cory definitely isn’t Jacob, but isn’t that what I was trying to avoid?


Chapter Sixteen





Mother fucker!
I shake my hand, now radiating pain thanks to the punches I landed on the wall.

I was not at all prepared for seeing Kara again. Especially on the arm of another man. What the fuck is she thinking hooking up with that bastard? He looks as smarmy as a used car salesman. Some men should never be allowed to look that polished. You’d think he was a damn politician if you didn’t know better. And we all know how trustworthy politicians are.


I groan and rest my head in my hands. Seeing her again was a jolt to my system that reinforced my need to be with her. To possess her. To make her mine. She’s the only person I have ever felt strongly about, other than Sam. I knew it back when I was pushing her away, I just didn’t want to admit it. I knew she was under my skin. Whenever I spent time with her, I felt at peace, even with all the bullshit swirling around me. And she didn’t let me completely trample all over her either. She held her ground a few times, which was a major turn on. And in all my self-destructive behavior, I pushed her away and treated her like a piece of garbage. Now she’s with some asshole.

I groan again and shake my head at the image of her giving herself over to him. The thought of her naked body moving with his makes me want to punch the wall again.

I never would have hooked up with Simone tonight if I knew Kara was going to be at Murphy’s. I’ve been so single-minded the last few months that I’ve barely allowed myself to think of her. Whenever I did though, I was instantly filled with longing and regret. I thought about calling her and begging for her forgiveness, but I just assumed she hated me and wouldn’t want to hear from me. I figured I burned that bridge, and it pissed me off that I was stupid enough to do it. I never should have chased after nameless pussy. I should have manned up and treated her with the respect that she deserves. And since the timing was all off for us back then, I should have known better than to start something I had no intentions of finishing. I’m such a fuck up. I can’t believe I tried to convince her to give me a chance while I still smelled like another woman.
Real classy. Real fucking classy.

Simone even knew something was up between Kara and me. That’s why she asked me to go dance. Not because she wanted to grind close and whisper sweet nothings into my ear. No, it was because she knew how uncomfortable that scene was and wanted to save me from it. The first thing Simone said to me on the dance floor was, “You love her, don’t you?” I was totally taken aback by her question. Could I possibly love Kara when we haven’t been friends for all that long, and we’ve only slept together twice?

I didn’t deny her observation though. Something inside wouldn’t let me. It was as if pretending my feelings for her were shallow and meaningless, would have been the biggest injustice of my life. Strange, I know, considering all the shit I’ve been through and done.

I jump up and head for the liquor cabinet in the kitchen. Reaching for the bottle, I know I should find another outlet for my frustration and anger. Before I can pour a glass of Jack Daniels, I stop myself. My hand is frozen in the air with the bottle slightly tipped over the glass. This is not what I should be doing. My shrink would kick my ass if she knew I was drinking to numb myself again.

I have way too much frustration built up inside me right now. I need to do something, anything to release it. I head down to my room and change into running shorts and a t-shirt and lace up my sneakers. A late night run is what I need to get back on track.

Halfway through my run, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I stop running and answer the call.


“Bad news. We got another body,” Mack says into the phone.

“Fuck. Another one?” I pant out, trying to regulate my heartbeat and breathing.

“I wasn’t too thrilled to hear that myself. I’ll text you the address and meet you there,” he says before hanging up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and rest my hands on my knees. I’d really love to catch this fucker. Another helpless woman is dead due to the fact that it’s taking so long to figure out who he is. But without any real clues, we are all blind in this investigation.

I turn towards home and haul ass back to my apartment, pushing myself into a fast run. The burn in my lungs and my legs feels good and helps exorcise the demons threatening to overtake my mind.

When I get home, I quickly shower and change before heading out to the crime scene.




“It’s getting worse,” I say to Mack while we stand over the body of yet another dead woman.

“I know,” Mack replies with a hint of understanding.

This is the fifth victim, and everyone is getting restless the longer it takes to find this guy. Word has it the Feds are itching to get in on this one. One more body and I don’t think they’ll be holding back. I don’t want to give my case over to them. I want to find this fucker and pound him into the ground.

“The other victims were barely recognizable with how badly beaten their faces were. This one is mutilated. Something is making his depraved behavior escalate,” I say with disgust as I look down at this poor woman. Her face is carved up like a pumpkin at Halloween time. Something tripped this guy, making him step outside his usual pattern.

“This is so damn frustrating. We have no clues, nothing to go on. This could be anyone,” Mack sighs in irritation.

I grab the arm of one of the crime scene techs as he walks by. “I want this place combed from top to bottom. We need something, anything to go off of.”

“Yes, sir,” he says as he walks to the other side of the room.

“No sign of forced entry. It had to have been someone she or the roommate knew well enough for her to let him in. We’ll go talk to her family in the morning. Maybe they’ll be able to give us something. In the meantime, the roommate is headed down to the station to give her statement,” Mack says with his eyes still glued to the corpse.

The victim’s roommate was an emotional wreck when we got here. Understandably, of course. It’s not every day you walk in to find your good friend brutally murdered.

This day just keeps getting better and better.




It’s Friday night, and I’m bored. What is my life coming to?

I could go down to Murphy’s and have a drink, but I’m afraid of running into anyone I know. I’m just not in the mood for idle conversation.

I could call Emma and drive up there, but by the time I get there, it will be too late to spend any time with them. The girls will already be in bed.

Grabbing my keys, I head out to find one of those kiosks where you can rent a movie. It’s better than staring at the wall all night or flipping through hundreds of television channels trying to find something decent to watch.

Walking up to the kiosk, I see a familiar face arrowing through the different screens of movies. A thrill runs through me at seeing her again. After my botched attempt at getting her to give me a chance, I tried calling her. I left a voicemail, but never heard back from her. That was a week ago and now here she is. Alone, without her boyfriend.
Thank fuck for that.

I tap her on her shoulder, and she turns around looking surprised.

“Fancy meeting you here,” I say with a smile. I stick my hands in my pants and rock back on my heels in a nervous gesture.

“Yeah right,” Kara laughs lightly at my attempt at humor.

“You decide what you’re renting?” I ask, pointing to the machine behind her.

“I’m thinking the new Seth Rogen movie with James Franco. I could use a good laugh after the stressful week I had,” she replies, turning back around to complete her purchase.

“I heard good things about that. Maybe I’ll get it too. I had a shit week as well.” What I really want is for her to come back to my place and watch the movie with me. Maybe snuggle up on the couch. Let me cop a feel under a blanket.

“I heard you were back to work. I’m really glad things are looking up for you,” she says over her shoulder.

“Yeah thanks. Hey, if you’re planning on watching this alone, maybe we could just watch it together. I’ll bring the popcorn and soda, if you bring the movie.” I gift her with a smile sure to get me my way.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” She shakes her head and grabs her movie from the machine.

“Is it Cory? Are you still together?” Please don’t tell me it’s because of him.

“No, well… I don’t know. We kind of had a tiff after we left the bar the other night. I haven’t spoken to him all week. It’s just,” she stops and swallows, licking her lips. “I don’t think it would be good for us to be alone together. After everything that’s happened.”

Her face blushes, and she looks to the side. I reach out and brush a curl away from her face, turning her attention back to me.

“I’ll be a gentleman. Promise.” I hold up my fingers showing Boy Scout honor. “I could use a friend, and I just want to spend some time with you. I miss having you around,” I tell her before putting my hand down and giving her some space.

She looks indecisive for several minutes before agreeing to watch a movie with me. I feel like I just won the lottery.

“Your place or mine?” I ask as we walk down the street together to the parking lot.

“I’m closer, so we can go to mine. I walked here, do you mind giving me a lift home?” She looks up at me and her eyes sparkle under the street lights.

“Not at all. Let’s just run into Rite Aid and grab some snacks.” I lead her into the store, and we stroll the aisles picking out snacks.

“I’m good with just popcorn. We don’t need all this garbage.” She laughs, pointing to the bags of chips and candy I have loaded in the basket.

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