History of the Second World War (128 page)

Read History of the Second World War Online

Authors: Basil Henry Liddell Hart

Tags: #History, #Military, #General, #Other

Ambleve, River, 650
Ambrosio, General, 401
Amchitka Island, 500
Amery, Leo, 367
Amiens, 84
‘Anakim, Operation’, 368
Anami, General, 615
Ancona, 474, 539
Anders, Lieut.-General W., 534
Anderson, Lieut.-General Kenneth, commands Allied troops in N.W, Africa, 317, 328; orders pause for concentration before advance on Tunis, 335, 337; weather forces abandonment of offensive of, 341; expects attack at Fondouk, 402; takes defensive against Rommel, 409; mentioned, 338, 340, 405, 406, 423
Angers, 557n.
Anglo-American disagreements: about invasion of N.W. Africa, 310-16; about Second Front, 310-12, 438; about invasion of Sicily, 435, 438; about invasion of Italy, 450-1; about Italian campaign and ‘Anvil’, 526, 532-3, 537-8; about ‘Overlord’ break-out, 552-3, 556-7; about cause of missed opportunity in West, 561-6
Anglo-French guarantee to Poland, 3, 11-15, 704-5
Anglo-German: Naval Treaty (1935), 7; pact, negotiations for, 14
Antelat, 198, 268, 272
Anti-Comintern Pact, 205
Antonescu, Marshal Ion, 147, 150, 585
Antwerp, captured by British, 558-9, 565; delay after reaching, 559, 566; operation to clear port of, 560, 566; planned advance to, 561-3; Ardennes offensive aimed at, 645-6; flying-bomb and rocket bombardment of, 677
‘Anvil, Operation’, Anglo-American disagreement over, 523, 526, 532-3, 537-8; suggested abandonment of, 532; postponed to July, 533; renamed ‘Dragoon’, 538
Anzio landing, 526-8; Kesselring’s response to, 528; delay in break-out from, 529; needs aid instead of giving it, 529; counterattacks on bridgehead, 530-1; thrust from bridgehead to meet main armies, 532-3, 535
Aosta, Duke of, 124, 126-7
Apamama Atoll, 511
Aparri, Luzon, 222
Apennines, Rommel’s Army in, 455; capture of ports to E. of, 466-7; winter struggle in, 472-3; dividing two Allied armies, 523; attack on Gothic Line through, 539
Apulia, 459
Arad, 586
Arakan offensives (1942/3), 363, 365-6; (1944), 515-16, 634
Arawe, New Britain, 508
‘Arcadia Conference’, Washington, 310
Archangel, British convoys to, 392
Ardenne, 653
Ardennes, the, 561; thought impassable to tanks, 38, 707; German attack through (1940), 39-41, 67, 69-70, 639, 707; paucity of German defences in (1944), 560, 566; American Army N. of, 564-5; Germans ordered to hold bulge in, 588; German counteroffensive in, 609-10, 639-59; Allies unprepared for attack, 642-3; Hitler’s plans for, 644-9, 657; German defeat in, 658-9; Hitler refuses to send troops E. from, 663
Arezzo, 471; line, 539
Argenta, 672; Gap, 672-3
Argentan, 556-7
Argentia, U.S. Naval base at, 380
Ark Royal
, H.M.S., 370, 379
Armavir, 252, 477-8
Arnhem, 560, 563, 565
Arnim, Colonel-General Jurgen von, in Supreme Command in Tunisia, 341; 21st Panzer Division under control of, 402; 10th Panzer Division under, 403, 406-7; abortive offensive of, 410-12; withdraws forces from Mareth Line, 418; spoiling attack of, 424; forces of, lack food and fuel, 425-6, 429; mentioned, 397, 405, 412
Arno line, 539; River, 541
Arnold, General H. H., 438, 603
Arras, British attack from, 76, 80-1
Arzeu, Gulf of, 323-4
Asia, Japan’s aims in, 204; Russian divisions from, 257
Asmara, 126
Assam, 236, 363-4; Japan invades, 513, 516-520
Atbara, 121
the, 370
Atlantic, Battle of, 370-94; invasion of Europe dependent on victory in, 387; R.A.F. reluctance to take part in, 595
Atlantic Ocean, U-boat attacks in, 370-7, 380, 383-6, 388, 390; surface-raiders in, 371, 374, 377, 380; long-range aircraft in, 371, 389; U.S. involved in, 375, 380; Italian submarines in, 376; American ‘Security Zone’ in, 380; U-boats withdrawn from S., 382; Brazilian bases in S., 385; U-boats withdrawn from N., 389, 391; air-cover over N., 390
‘Atlantic Wall’, 543
Atomic bomb and Japan’s surrender, 691-8; reasons for dropping, 697-8
‘Attila, Operation’, 153
Attlee, Clement R., 694
Attu Island, 352, 500-1
Auchinleck, General (later Field-Marshal) Sir Claude, replaces Wavell in N. Africa, 184; determination after ‘Crusader’, 190-1, 193, 195; intervention of, in Rommel’s January 1942 attack, 268; wants time for preparation, 269; intends making stand W. of Tobruk, 276; takes over command of Eighth Army, 278; at Alamein, 283-90; regains initiative, 284; plans of, 284, 287; Rommel’s tribute to, 289; replaced by Alexander, 290; defence plan accepted by Montgomery, 291, 293; Commander-in-Chief in India, 515; mentioned, 270, 272
H.M.S., 382
Aurunci Mountains, 534
Ausa, River, 540
Ausente Valley, 534
Australia, escapes Japanese attack, 203-4; MacArthur in, 223, 346; threat to British sea-route to, 237; Japanese Navy wants to attack, 343, 498; threat to American sea-route to, 344-5; anxiety in, 499
Austria, German take-over of, 6, 9, 14, 701; oil of, 24; Alexander plans invasion of, 537, 542
‘Avalanche, Operation’, 460-5; obvious objective for, 456-60, 469, 474; Eighth Army landing not co-ordinated with, 457; near failure of, 463-4
Avranches, 551-2; break-out at, 556-7, 582
Awa dam, Luzon, 689
Axis Powers, lack of raw materials in, 23-4; Russia asked to join, 145; Yugo-Slavia agrees to help, 151; Japan joins, 205-6; Japan encouraged by successes of, 210; reinforce Tunisia, 328, 341-2; Spain the ‘non-belligerent’ ally of, 333; deprived of battle-tested troops against invasion of Sicily, 432; ultimate defeat certain, 711
Azores, U-boat group off, 385; British air bases in, 390
Azov, Sea of, Russian drive towards, 480-2


Flying Fortress
Bab el Qattara, 281, 286
Badoglio, Marshal P., 451-3; escape of, 454, 467; replaced by Bonomi, 537
Bagramyan, Marshal I. K., 579, 581-2, 587-8
Baku, 253
Balaclava, 576
Balaton, Lake, 587
Balbo, Marshal I., 590
Baldwin, Stanley, 591
Balikpapan oil centre, 689
Balkan campaign, 133-5, 145, 151-2; causes delay in invasion of Russia, 131-2, 150; Yugo-Slav coup precipitates, 132-4, 151; German troops pass through Rumania for, 133, 147, 150-1
Balkans, Churchill hopes for opposition to Germany from, 115, 118; overrunning of, 131-5; Italy invades, 145; plan to exploit, after victory in Italy, 526; German lines of communication through, 574; Allied bomber raids on, 574, 577; pressure for peace in, 576-7
Baltic flank of Russian advance, 579-82, 584, 587-8
Baltic Sea, U-boat training delayed in, 384, 393
Baltic States, Russian control of, 13-14, 43, 143; German advance through, 149; Russians enter, 579-80; German army group isolated in, 663
Banmauk, 635
Baqqush, 306
Baranov, 582, 664-5
Baranovichi, 162
‘Barbarossa, Operation’, 146-50, 157-70; delayed by Balkan campaign, 131-2, 152; new date for, 152-3; British warnings of, 153-4
Bardia, 114, 117, 192, 198
Barents Sea, 392
Barentu, Eritrea, 126
Bari, 467
Barletta, 468
Barlow, Major Rudolph, 338
Barmen-Wuppertal, 600
Barre, General G., 336
Bastia, 672-3
Bastico, Marshal E., 277, 308, 398, 401
Bastogne, 651, 653-7
Bataan Peninsula, 203, 211, 222-4, 629-30
Batan Islands, 222
Battaglia, Monte, 541, 672
Battipaglia, 462-3, 465, 469
‘Battleaxe, Operation’, 174, 177-80; lessons of, missed or misunderstood, 180-1
Batumi, 253-5
Bawdsey radar research station, 94
Bayerlein, Lieut.-General Fritz, 277, 293, 406; in Tunisia, 413, 423
‘Baytown, Operation’, 457
B.B.C., broadcasts announcement of Italy’s capitulation, 453, 460
‘Beat Germany first’ strategy, 312, 356-7
Beatty, Admiral Lord, 53, 230
Beaufighter, Bristol, 364, 601
Beaufre, Captain Andre, 320n.
Beaverbrook, Lord, 11n.; as Minister of Aircraft Production, 92, 94
Beck, Colonel Joseph, 10, 12
Beck, General Ludwig, 6
Beda Fomm, 198; Battle of, 116-18
Beja, 410-11
Belgium, neutrality of, 32; Hitler’s plans for invasion of, 35, 38-40, 707; German plans for invasion in hands of, 37, 41, 706; warned of invasion, 38; Allied plan to advance into, 41, 70, 707; Allied forces cut off in, 65, 69-70, 74-6; German invasion of, 66, 68-9, 707; breakthrough in, 69; retreat of B.E.F. through, 75, 77; surrenders, 77-8; Allies drive into and through (1944), 558, 562; and relax after entering, 567
Belgorod, 249, 480, 483-4, 491
Belgrade, coup in, 134, 151; air attack on, 152; liberation of, 586
Belhamed, 195, 269
Benevento, 469
Bengal, difficulties of using, as base area, 363; new airfields in, 364
Bengal, Bay of, Japanese commerce raiding in, 237
Benghazi, capture of, 115-18; evacuated by Italians, 116; evacuated by Germans, 119; German tank reinforcements at, 198; evacuated by Indian division, 268; Eighth Army H.Q., 308; harbour damaged by gale, 400
Berbera, 124
Berchtesgaden, 149; Hitler tries to control Normandy battle from, 549
Berdichev, 495, 570
Beresford-Peirse, Major-General M. N. de la P. (later Lieut.-General Sir Noel), 113, 126, 178
Beresina, River, 163, 579-80; area of forest and swamp around, 134, 163
Berg, 652
Bergen, 51, 56-7, 61
Bergius hydrogenation plants, 610
Berlin, reprisal raid on, 102; road to, through Ruhr, 565; bombers to raid (1918), 589; air raids on, 596, 601, 603, 608; ‘Battle of’, 602; Russian offensive aimed at, 664; Russians approach, 667-8; Germans speed Western Allies towards, 679; Russians in, 680-1
Bermuda, U.S. installations in, 380
Besancon, 85
Bessarabia, Russia aims at, 14; Russian troops in, 143, 165; Hitler promises return of, to Rumania, 150; German troops compelled to hold to ground in, 575; Germans cut off in salient in S., 584-5
Bethouart, Major-General E., 317, 320-1
Beveland Peninsula, Germans allowed to escape through, 565
Bevin, Ernest, 694
Biak Island, 616, 618
Biala, River, 30
Bialystok, 31, 580-1
Biferno, River, 468, 471
Biggin Hill sector station, 95, 101
Bilin River, 234
Billancourt, 597
Bir Berraneb, 195
Bir el Gubi, 186, 195-6
Bir Gibni, 187
Bir Hacheim, 269, 272-3, 275
Bir Sheferzen, 190
Bir Waid, 176
Birmingham, air raids on, 108
Biscay, Bay of, U-boats destroyed in, 390-1; U-boat concentration in, 391; German bases in, 394
the, 377-9
Bismarck Archipelago, U.S, plan to capture, 357, 502; Japanese Navy gives priority to, 501; Japanese forces in, 502; classed non-essential to Japanese plans, 506; capture of, 508-9, 613; Japanese aircraft withdrawn from, 513; mopping-up operations in, 688
Bismarck Sea, Battle of, 503
Bitburg, 565
Bizerta, need for quick capture of, 313n., 315; Allied advance on, 334; airfield at, 334; German troops at, 335-6, 427; capture of, 430; convoys for Sicily pass near, 440; embarkation point for invasion convoys, 441, 460, 466

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