History of the Second World War (132 page)

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Authors: Basil Henry Liddell Hart

Tags: #History, #Military, #General, #Other

Gerow, General Leonard, 652
Ghazal, 305
Ghormley, Vice-Admiral Robert L., 358-9, 361
Gibraltar, Germans plan operation against, 145, 150; fears of German seizure of, 313; ‘Torch’ assault forces pass through Straits of, 317; Mark Clark carried to Algiers from, 318; Giraud at, 320; Spain takes no action against, 333
Gibraltar convoys, 380, 382, 386
Gibson, Wing Commander Guy, 600
‘Gideon Force’, 125
Giffard, General Sir George, 515
Giffen, Rear-Admiral R. L., 322
Gilbert Islands, 506, 510-11, 513, 613
Giraud, General Henri, chosen as leader of French in N. Africa, 319-21; Algiers broadcast in favour of, 326-7; leadership of, not accepted by French, 327-8, 330; Commander-in-Chief of Ground and Air Forces, 331; High Commissioner, 332
Givet, 657
Glaire, bridge over Meuse at, 71
Gleiwitz, 667
the, 371, 377, 596
Gniezno, 667
Godwin-Austen, Lieut.-General A. R., 124, 184, 196, 268
Golikov, General P. I., 263, 480-1
Gondar, 125, 127
‘Goodwood, Operation’, 556
Gore, Lieut.-Colonel A. C., 407
Goring, Reichsmarschall Hermann, claims Luftwaffe can prevent escape from Dunkirk, 82-3, 708; and deal with Royal Navy and R.A.F., 90; attitude of, to fighter pilots, 93, 101, 106; optimistic expectations of, 99, 106; and Battle of Britain, 99, 101-5; fails to follow up advantage, 103; and air attack on Crete, 137; unwilling to provide air support for U-boats, 390; promises aircraft for Ardennes offensive, 649; mentioned, 37, 95
Gort, General Lord, 75-7, 80
Gotha bombers, 589, 592
Gothic Line, 537-41, 670
Gott, Brigadier (later Lieut.-General) W. H. E., at Operation ‘Brevity’, 176; at Gazala, 271; at Mersa Matruh, 278-9; at Alamein, 287; death of, 290
Goubellat, 424
Goums, Moroccan, in Italy, 534
Govorov, Marshal L. A., 576-9, 587
Grasett, Major-General A. E., 220
Gravelines, 75, 80
Graziani, Marshal, 112, 117-18, 674
‘Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, The’, 619
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 210, 343
Greece, Italian invasion of, 115, 145, 151; Churchill’s plan for military aid to, 115, 118, 152; British force, in and out of, 118, 131, 151-2; results to Britain of switching force from Africa to, 131; Hitler decides on invasion of, 132-3, 151; campaign in, 134-135, 137, 152; Allied bombing expected in (1944), 437; Rommel called from, 451; German forces escape from, 585-6
Greenland, 380, 384-5, 387
Greenock, 382
Greenwood, Arthur, 16
‘Greif, Operation’, 644
Greiffenberg, General Hans von, on Balkan campaign, 133-1
Gretton, Commander P. W., 389
Griswold, Lieut.-General O. W., 689
Grodno, 162, 580
Groves, Brigadier-General P. R. C., 590
Groves, General L., and ‘Manhattan Project’, 698
Grozny oilfields, 254
Guadalcanal, struggle for, 345, 356-62, 498; Japanese lack air control at, 353; U.S. plan to take, 357; Japanese airstrip on, 357; large force of U.S. Marines on, 358-62; air cover for, 359, 362; piecemeal Japanese landings on, 359-60, 362; Japanese shelling and bombing of, 360-1; land offensives on, 361-2; ‘Naval Battle of’, 361-2; Japanese evacuation of, 362; U.S. troops from, in Marianas, 618
Guam Island, 617-20, 684
Gudbrand valley, 62
Guderian, General Heinz, advocate of high-speed warfare, 22, 66, 706; in Poland, 30, 706; advises attack through Ardennes, 39; leads tank spearhead in West, 65-6, 70-4; halted at Meuse bridgehead, 72, 80; stopped from taking Dunkirk, 74-5, 80-2; at Battle of Somme, 84-5; in Russian invasion, 159, 161; method of, for use of tanks in Russia, 160-1; deep penetrations of, 161-3; Hitler orders forces of to turn S., 166-7; urges drive to Moscow, 166, 169, 710; dismissed by Hitler, 169; Chief of General Staff, 663; defence forces of, against Russian offensive, 663-4, 666
Guillaume, General, 534
Guingand, Major-General Sir Francis de, 118, 131
Gumbinnen, tank battle near, 588
Gustav Line, 470, 526; Allies fail to reach, 473; Allied amphibious landing behind, 526-8; offensive on, to support Anzio landing, 527, 529; breakthrough of, 532-5
Guzzoni, General A., 436, 445
‘Gymnast, Operation’, 310-11, 313


Haakon II, King of Norway, 61, 63
Habata, 191
Hafid Ridge, 177, 179
Hagana, ‘underground’ Jewish defence force, 366n.
Hague, The, attack on, 67-8
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 125
Haining, General Sir Robert, 366-7
Halder, General F., plans Polish campaign, 29; and plans for invasion of France, 35, 38, 39-40; diary comments of, on Hitler’s halting of panzer force, 80-3; on weather causing delay in invasion of Russia, 132; disagrees with Hitler’s Russian strategy, 166-7; urges continued offensive, 168; on underestimation of Russian strength, 169; holds Rommel back, 173-4; unwilling to reinforce N. African campaign, 175; restraining influence of, on Hitler, 245, 247; Hitler dismisses, 257-8; mentioned 87
Halegh Eleba, 196-7
Halfaya Pass, 176-7, 190, 192, 307; anti-tank traps at, 177, 179
Halifax, Earl of, 8-9, 12-13, 16, 53
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Atlantic convoy terminal, 375
Hall, Lieut.-General C. P., 689
Hallouf Pass, 418
Halmahera Islands, 620
Halsey, Vice-Admiral William F., and Tokyo raid, 344; in Guadalcanal battle, 344; C.-in-C. South Pacific, in tactical control of operations, 502; landings of forces under, 502-4, 507; prepares for Philippine landings, 621-2; at Battle of Leyte Gulf, 623-8; supports Philippine landings, 629; Spruance takes over from, 630
Hamburg, ‘Battle of’, 599, 601, 605
Hammamet, 424, 431
Hamman Lif, 431
Hango, Russia seeks naval base at, 43-4
Hankey, Lord, on plans for Norwegian occupation, 58
Hanover, 601, 603
Harar, 125
Harding, Major-General John, 532, 539
Harris, Air Marshal Sir Arthur, supports strategic air attacks, 597-600, 609; opposition to strategy of, 602, 609; calls for night-fighter support, 603; objects to bombers’ diversion to pre-‘Overlord’ targets, 606-7; instructed to continue ‘area-bombing’ attacks, 610
Hart, Admiral T. C., Asiatic Fleet of, 221
H.M.S., 324
Hawaii, 343, 356, 498, 618.
See also
Pearl Harbor
Hawkinge airfield, 99-100
Hayashi, General, 517
Heath, Lieut.-General L. M., 227
Heinrici, General G., 579, 666; defensive strategy of, 496-7
‘Hellfire Pass’, 179.
See also
Halfaya Pass
Helsinki, 578
Henderson, Sir Nevile, 8
Henderson Field, 357, 359-61
‘Hercules, Operation’, 277
H.M.S., 237
Herr, General T., in Italy, 671, 673
Herring, Lieut.-General E. F., 503
Hewitt, Rear-Admiral H. Kent, and Casablanca landing, 316, 322-3; Western Naval Task Force of, at Sicily landings, 441; supports Salerno landings, 460, 463
Heydte, Colonel F. von der, 650
the, 361
Hill 290 (Longstop Hill), near Medjez-el-Bab, 340
Hill 322, Tunisia, 415
Himmler, Heinrich, 663, 674
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 693-4, 696, 698
Hiroshima, 695-8
the, 351-2
Hitler, Adolf, invades Poland, 3, 705; intends to avoid war, 6-7, 13-14, 18-19, 704; Generals oppose plans of, 6, 36, 39-40, 145-7, 149, 166-7; confidence of, grows with success, 7; wants
, 7-8, 12; encouraged by Britain, 8-9, 14; demands of, on Poland, 9-10, 12; effects of Polish Guarantee on, 11-12, 704; makes pact with Russia, 13-14, 704-5; appeal of high-speed warfare to, 22; plans offensive in West, 34-5, 65, 706-7; proposes peace conference, 34, 707; suspicious of Russia, 34, 36, 143-4; opposition to, within Germany, 35n., 36, 40; Generals’ plot against, 36; forced to change plan for invasion in W., 37-8, 40, 707; approves Manstein’s plan, 39-40; and occupation of Norway, 45, 51-6, 58, 63, 706; underestimates Russian strength, 45; sees Quisling, 54; imposes halt on advance in W., 65, 72-5, 80-3, 708; plans capture of Albert Canal bridges, 68; aids escape of B.E.F., 74-5, 80-3, 708; uneasy at quick success, 80-1; his attitude to Britain at time of Dunkirk, 83, 87, 142, 709; terms of, for France, 85-6; has no plan to deal with Britain’s opposition, 87; prepares for invasion of Britain, 87-90, 105, 109, 709; prepares to attack Russia, 87, 89, 107-8, 143-56, 709; orders reprisal raids on London, 102; postpones invasion of Britain, 106-7, 146, 709; postpones invasion of Russia, 131-3, 152; Balkan campaign of, 132-5, 151-2; disturbed by losses in Crete of paratroops, 136-9; analogy between Napoleon and, 141-2; British reaction to, 142; cannot understand British attitude, 142-4; signs new treaty with Russia, 147; persuades Rumania to co-operate, 150; maybe deceived his Generals about Russian preparations, 154-5, 166; dilutes invasion forces, 157-8; decides on orthodoxy in invasion of Russia, 160; uncertainty of mind of, 165; diverts armies off road to Moscow, 166-168; depressed by increasing difficulties, 167; forbids withdrawals, 168-9, 242, 304, 497, 550-2, 557-8, 569-71, 575-6, 579, 586, 588, 658-9, 664, 671, 673, 710; makes himself Commander-in-Chief of Army, 169, 244; liking of, for dynamic leaders, 173-4; unwilling to reinforce Rommel, 175, 433, 711; concept of, of Archangel-Astrakhan defensive barrier against Asia, 210; pressure of events too strong for, 244; makes changes in high command, 244-5; plans 1942 campaign, 245, 247-8; believes only what he wants to, 245, 663; sends Parachute Division to Russia, 255; orders submarines to act in accord with Hague Conventions, 370; Stalingrad hypnotic symbol for, 256-8, 710; orders retreat from Caucasus, 264, 477; approves Rommel’s further advance, 277; unable to face realities, 308-9; sends troops to Tunisia, 328-9, 433; occupies Vichy France, 329; refrains from pressing Spain for action against Gibraltar, 333; overconfident of success in Tunisia, 333, 341, 413, 433, 435, 712; sends ships to Norway, 384; decides to pay off big ships, 388; estimates comparative strength in Tunisia, 412; and order to withdraw to Wadi Akarit, 416; deceived as to Allies’ objective in Europe, 433, 437-8; offers reinforcements to Mussolini, 436; suspicious of Italians, 436-7; immense stretch of conquests a disadvantage to, 437, 547; turns down airborne counterattack in Sicily, 444; pours resources into Italy, 450; prepares for Italy’s defection, 451, 458-9; demands imprisonment of Italian soldiers, 454; prepared to evacuate most of Italy, 454-5, 523; decides to hold Italy, 470, 523; plots against, 479, 551-2, 582, 649; agrees to withdrawal on Moscow front, 483; still hopes for success in Russia, 484, 488; dilution policy of, to increase number of divisions, 485-6; gives tanks to Manteuffel, 495; reaction of, to Anzio landing, 528, 531; in conflict with Generals about ‘Overlord’, 547; believes Normandy will be chosen for invasion, 548; continual interference and rigid control exercised by, 548-50; not immediately told of invasion, 549-50; believes Normandy landing only subsidiary one, 550; on flying bomb, 551; mistrusts Kluge, 551; calls Student to fill gap in defences, 558-9; dismisses Manstein, 571; clings to Crimea, 575-6; reported death of, 582; relations with Model, 583; helped by ‘unconditional surrender’ demand, 588, 712-13; plans Ardennes offensive, 644-9, 657; Manteuffel gains modifications of plan from, 647-9; no General dare oppose plan of, 649; sends support too late, 657-8; disbelieves threat of Russian offensive, 663; idea of, for Alpine redoubt, 674; surrender moves in defiance of, 674-5, 680-1; believes Western Allies unable to resume offensive, 677; told he has no resources available, 678; orders destruction in Germany, 679; illusions of, 679-80; death of, 680-1; strategic advantages to, of 1936-39 moves, 701, 704; and Communism, 709
Hitler Line, 533-4
Hoare, Sir Samuel, 10
Hobart, Major-General P, C. S., 117
Hobbs, Major-General Leland S., 655
Hodges, General C. H., 562, 642, 656, 685
Hogland Island, 43-4, 46, 587
Holland, warned of invasion, 37-8; invasion of, 66-8, 707; naval and military strength of, in Pacific, 208; German garrison troops from, defend Albert Canal, 559; German 15th Army escapes into, 565

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