History of the Second World War (129 page)

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Authors: Basil Henry Liddell Hart

Tags: #History, #Military, #General, #Other

Black Sea, German drive near, 247, 253; Russians lose naval base on, 249; ‘danger area’ between Carpathians and, 573; threat to German armies on, 574-5.
See also
Crimea; Kerch
Blackett, Prof. P. M. S., 389
Blamey, General Sir Thomas, 356, 687-8
Blaskowitz, General J., 29-30
Blida airfield, 325
‘Blitz’, the, 105-8
, the, 61
Blumentritt, General G., on Hitler’s attitude to Britain (1940), 83; on difficulty of getting information out of Britain, 548; on obtaining use of reserve panzer corps, 549; on Hitler’s decision of no withdrawal, 550-1; on Kluge and plot to kill Hitler, 551; on Germany’s lack of defences (1944), 558
on Allied mistakes in advance to Germany, 565-6; commands 15th Army, 649
Bobruisk, 163, 580
Bochum, 600
Bock, Field-Marshal F. von, army group of, 28, 38, 75, 77; to complete encirclement of Allied troops, 81; commands army group in Russia, 132, 148-9, 159, 161, 166-8; urges continued offensive, 168-9; resigns through illness, 169, 244; takes Rundstedt’s place, 245; successful counteroffensive of, 248
Bologna, 540-2, 671-3
Bond, Lieut.-General L. V., 231
Bone, 313-14, 334
Bonin Islands, 630
Bonomi, Ivanoe, 537
Bor-Komorowski, General, 583
Bordeaux, French Government in, 85
Boris, King of Bulgaria, 133-4
Borneo, 203, 688-9
Bougainville Island, 502-3, 505; Japanese force in, 507; campaign in, 507-9
mopping-up operations in, 687-8
Bougie, 334
Boulogne, 75; mobile radar station at, captured by Germans, 94
Bradley, General Omar, in Tunisia, 402; takes command of 2nd Corps, 424, 427; commands 12th Army Group in ‘Overlord’, 561; in disagreement with Montgomery on strategy, 561-3; opposed to airborne attack, 564; confident that enemy is beaten, 639; receives news of Ardennes attack, 642,
proves identity to cautious G.I.s, 645; seeks to exploit Rhine crossing, 677-8
Brandenberger, General E., 653
Brandenburg, 667-8
Brauchitsch, General Walther von, in Polish campaign, 29; opposed to invasion of France, 35-7; opposed to Manstein’s plan, 39-40; and Hitler’s order for standstill of panzer forces, 81-2; opposed to Hitler’s Russian strategy, 166-7; urges continued offensive, 168; asks to be relieved of command, 169; Hitler’s scapegoat, 244
Braun, Eva, 680-1
Brazil, 385
Bremen, air raids on, 598, 603
Breslau, 667-8
Brest, German commerce-raiders in, 374-5, 377, 379, 596; air raid damage to port, 377; U.S. Army arrives at, 392; Germans hold out in, 557
Brest-Litovsk, 31, 161-2, 580-1
‘Brevity, Operation’, 174, 176-7
Briansk, 241, 490-1, 493
Briggs, Major-General Raymond, 418-19
Brighton, 89
Brindisi, 456, 466-7
Bristol, air attacks on, 107-8
Britain, guarantees integrity of Poland, 3, 11-15, 704; appeasement policy of, 6-7, 10-11; suddenly reverses policy, 7, 11, 15; encourages German wish for
, 8-9, 14; rearmament programme of, 10; euphoria in, 10, 141-2; declares war, 16, 705; blind to potentialities of armour, 20; availability of basically essential products to, 23; disregards approaches from disaffected Germans, 35n.; isolation of, 65, 141, 708; Hitler’s attitude to, at time of Dunkirk, 83, 87, 142, 708-9; Hitler prepares for invasion of, 87-90, 105, 109; ringed by enemy air bases, 98; Blitz on, 105-8, 137, 709; postponements of invasion of, 106-7, 709; practically unarmed, 109, 708; badly hit by Mediterranean defeats, 131, 136-7; lost prestige of, 131, 152; reprieved by attack on Russia, 141; warns Russia of invasion, 153-4; Japan’s grievances against, 204-5; naval strength of, in Pacific, 208; attitude of, to Japan’s attack at Port Arthur, 218; threat to her supply-routes through Indian Ocean, 237; takes Madagascar, 238; opposes 1942 Second Front, 310-12; protest in, about appointment of Darlan, 331; building up American strength in, 357; imports of, affected by U-boat sinkings, 386; troop convoys to Sicily from, 440; ‘watertight’ against spying, 548, 550; defective lorries from, delay advance to Rhine, 564, 566; acceptance of ‘indiscriminate bombing’ in, 594-5, 597; U.S. bombing force in, 603; Hitler plans second Dunkirk for, 646; enters war in striving to avert it, 701, 704; could have been defeated in 1940, 709
Britain, Battle of, 90-108, 709; preliminary phase of, 98; Luftwaffe nearly wins, 102-3; Blitz on London, 105-8; importance of fighters to, 592; Bomber Command’s targets during, 594
British Empire, Hitler’s admiration for, 83
British Joint Staff Mission in Washington, Dill head of, 311
British Naval Mission in Washington, Noble appointed head of, 387
British Somaliland, 121, 124-5
Brittany, enemy air bases in, 98; German commerce-raiders in ports of, 374-5, 377, 379; Allied diversion to capture ports, 557
Broadhurst, Air Vice-Marshal Harry, 419
‘Broadway’ airstrip, 517
Brody, 166
Broich, General F. von, 341
H.M.S., 326
Brolo, 445
Bromberg, 667
Brooke, General Sir Alan (later Field-Marshal Viscount Alanbrooke), escapes from France, 84; offered command of Eighth Army, 290; and Alamein battle, 304; in Moscow, 314; at Casablanca Conference, 438; supports strengthening forces in Italy, 526; supports Alexander’s N. Italian plan, 537; mentioned, 397
Brooke-Popham, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert, 227
Brooklands, bombing of Vickers-Armstrong works at, 103
Bruges, 560
Brunei Bay, 688-9
Brussels, 558, 563-4, 646
Bucharest, 574, 585
Buckner, Lieut.-General Simon B., 684
Buczacz, 574
Budapest, Allied air attacks on, 574; Russian drive to, 586-7; Germans ordered to defend, 588; German attempt to relieve, 663-664, 666; fall of, 668
Budenny, Marshals., 165
Budenovsk, 252, 478
Buerat, 266, 308-9, 397-8
Bug, River, 30-1; flooding of, 134; German crossings of, 161, 165-6; retreat to, 570; Russians on, 572, 581
Buin, Bougainville, 688
Bukovina, 143, 150
Bulgaria, part of, in Balkan campaign, 133-4, 151; Russia seeks influence in, 145, 147; sues for peace as Russians reach frontiers, 585
Buna, Papua, 355-6
Buq-Buq, 114
Burma, Japanese conquest of, 203, 233-6, 343; British troops in, 208; aircraft in, 209; British withdrawal from, 236, 362; planning reconquest of, 363-5, 369, 513, 516-17, 631, 633; civilian refugees from, 363; Chinese plan for reconquest of, 364; Chindits in, 367-8, 515, 517-18; renewed Japanese offensive in, 368, 498, 513-16, 518-20; rejected as route of attack on Japan, 499; U.S. anxiety about, 510; campaign in (1943-4), 513-20; alteration in Japanese command system in, 515; Slim’s Army advances into, 520, 633; Japan’s problem in holding, 633-4; operation in N., 634-5; clearance of S.-central, 687
Burma Road, Japan’s aim to cut, 203, 210, 236; link with, 235; U.S. anxiety to reopen, 510; attempts to reopen, 515, 633; reopened, 635
Burroughs, Rear-Admiral Sir Harold, 317
Busch, General E., 89, 148, 579, 582
Bush, Dr. Vannevar, 695
Butcher, Captain Harry C., naval aide to Eisenhower, 553, 645
Butgenbach, 652
Buthidaung, 365-6
Bydgoszcy, 667
Byelaya Tserkov, 570
Bzura, River, 30


Caen, 548-9, 557; capture of, 546-7; near break-out close to, 552-6
Caesar Line, 535-6
Cairo, Rommel fails to reach, 266; Mussolini prepares to enter, 277; panic in, 283; Anglo-American Conference in (1943), 523
Calabria, Allies lose opportunity in attacking, 446; landing in, 457; German force in, 459, 463
Calais, 75, 82, 548
Calcutta, 237
Caltagirone, 442, 444
Calvert, Major M., 517
Camiguin Island, 222
Camino, Monte, 472
Campoleone, 530
Canada, nickel mines of, 23; offers reinforcement for Hong-Kong, 220; takes on antisubmarine escort duties, 375, 380, 382-3, 388; U-boat groups off, 385; training aircraft crews in, 600
Canaris, Admiral W., attempts of, to thwart Hitler, 38
Canea, 138
Cap Bon peninsula, 424, 430-1
Cap Matifou, 325
Cap Sidi Ferruch, 325-6
Capaccio, 462
Cape Esperance, battle of, 360
Cape Gloucester, 508-9
Cape route, reinforcements sent to Egypt and East by, 109, 178n., 438; threat to, from Japanese Navy, 237
‘Capital, Operation’, 631, 633
Capua, 469
Capuzzo, Fort, capture of, 112, 179, 188; British advance on, 176, 179; Germans retake, 180; panzer divisions moved to, 187; Germans retire past, 307
Caribbean, U-boat group in or near, 385
Carigara Bay and Plain, Leyte, 628
Carinthia, 134
Carnimeo, General, 126
Caroline Islands, 204, 346, 613.
See also
Carpathians, Russian front in (1941), 166; Russians in foothills of (1944), 573, 584; German line of defence on, 573; Russians break through, 586
Carroceto Creek, 531
Casablanca, discussion on U.S. landing at, 313-16; French resistance at, 320-3; landing at, 321-3; Hitler’s delusion of taking, 413
Casablanca Conference (1943), 386, 397; planning for reconquest of Burma at, 368; planning for invasion of Sicily at, 438-9; ‘unconditional surrender’ demand decided at, 451; directive of, as to bombing of Germany, 599
Caspian Sea, 251-4
Cassino, Battles of, 529-35
Cassino, Monte, 470, 527, 535; destruction of monastery on, 529-30
Castiglione, 325
Castrovillari, 459
Catalina flying boats, 350, 379, 381
Catania, 443
Catanzaro, 459
Caucasus, value of oil from, to Germany, 150, 245, 248; Hitler demands cutting of Russian supply routes to, 167; Rundstedt fails to reach, 168; 1942 drive to, 245-9, 251-4, 710; Germans cut oil pipeline from, 251; Germans reach foothills of, 252; stiffer resistance met in, 252-3; Kleist frustrated by, 254-5; retreat of German army from, 264, 477-9; Hitler still hopes for, 484
‘Cauldron’ at Gazala, 273
Caunter, Brigadier
A. C., 112, 113n., 116-17
Cava Gap, 460-1
Cavallero, Marshal Count U., Italian War Minister, 267-8, 308; Rommel and, 398-9; dismissal of, 401
Celebes, 203, 237, 508
Celles, 657-8
Ceriano ridge, 540
Cernauti, 573
Ceylon, 237, 343; aircraft for defence of, 364
Chalons-sur-Marne, 85
Chamberlain, Neville, sudden reversal of policy by, 3, 11, 15; appeasement policy of, 6-7, 9-11; and Eden, 8; euphoria of, 10; rebuffs Russia, 12-13; negotiates for Anglo-German pact, 14; announces declaration of war, 16; and occupation of Norway, 51, 55, 57-8; Churchill replaces, 65
Champagne breakthrough, 84
Channel ports, Guderian’s drive to, 72, 74-5; invasion barges collect at, 89, 105
Chappelle, Bonnier de la, 332
Charleville, 81
Chartres, 557n., 562
Chateau-Thierry, 85
Chater, Brigadier A. R., 124
Chekiang Province, punitive expedition on, 345
Cherbourg, 548; project to land troops at (1942), 310-12; plan for capture of, 546
Cherkassy, 569-70
Chernyakhovsky, General, 579-82, 666-7
Chertkovo, 251
Cherwell, Lord, 597, 695
Cheshire, Wing Commander Leonard, 607
Chiang Kai-Shek, Generalissimo, army of, fights Japanese, 206, 634; lends American Aid Group to Burma defence, 235; and General Stilwell, 236, 633; abandons plan for reconquest of Burma, 364-5; U.S. support for, 509-10

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