Hooker (16 page)

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Authors: J. L. Perry

‘I’m going to run out of panties,’ she giggles when I tear them from her body.

‘I’ll buy you more,’ I say as I shove them in my pocket before my fingers glide through her folds. I love how wet she gets for me.

,’ she whimpers as she spreads her legs wider, allowing me better access.

‘I think I’m in love with your pussy,’ I moan against her flesh the moment I taste her. I’ve never said that to anyone before, but it’s true. I am.

‘I know I’m in love with your mouth,’ she replies, making me chuckle.

I slide a finger inside her as my tongue goes to work on her clit. When her legs start to quiver, I snake my arm around her waist to hold her up. Eating her pussy is my new favourite thing.
I could do it all day. Before her, it was more about me. I always made sure I pleased the women I was with, but there were other ways to do that. Everything seems different with Jade.

It only takes a few minutes before she’s calling out my name. ‘I love how you make my body feel,’ she says finally, looking down at me with a sated look on her pretty face.

‘I’m only just getting started,’ I tell her, placing a kiss on her pelvic bone next to the lace of her suspender belt. ‘How do you get these undone?’

I watch her unclasp the front, so my hands move around the back to do the same. My lips trace a path down her legs as I roll the stockings off, one by one. I’d leave these on because they’re as sexy as fuck, but I want to take her in the pool. If I get my way, in time I’ll christen every inch of this place with her.

Jade goes to work on the buttons of my shirt as I slide out of my shoes and undo the zipper and button on my trousers. I remove my boxers at the same time, pushing them down my legs. I help her undo the last few buttons before shrugging out of my shirt and scooping her into my arms.

‘Are you up for a swim?’ I ask, walking towards the pool.

‘I’m up for anything with you, Mr Weston.’

‘That’s my girl,’ I say as I walk down the steps and into the water. Thank fuck the water’s heated. I can’t have my dick shrivelling up in front of her. I have a reputation to keep.

The moment we’re chest deep, I let her go. Her arms snake around my neck and her luscious long legs wrap tightly around my waist. Her tits are now firmly pressed into my chest, and as much as I’m enjoying the feel of her soft skin against mine, my need to be inside her is overpowering. She’s my addiction.

My lips find hers as my hands move down her back before coming to a rest on her arse. Shifting her body slightly, I draw
back before entering her in one swift movement, impaling her with my cock. We moan in unison as I bury myself balls deep inside her.

I wrap her long hair around my wrist and tug on it gently making her head fall backwards. My tongue licks a trail up her neck.

‘Jesus, Jade,’ I groan as her hips grind against me in a circular motion.

I could easily lose myself in this woman forever.


I set my plan in motion while Jade’s in the bathroom drying her hair, getting ready to leave. I barely slept after our marathon sex session last night. I kept going over everything in my mind. She has no idea what’s about to happen. I thought it best to keep my ideas to myself for now, otherwise she’d worry unnecessarily, or worse, try to talk me out of it. But my mind is made up, there’s no going back.

Thankfully, in my line of work I need to have a lot of cash on hand. You never know when a crisis will pop up in the middle of the night. This may not be work related, but it’s a crisis nevertheless—a huge motherfucking injustice to someone I care very deeply for.

After gathering what I need from the safe, I write a quick note to enclose with the money. Fuck, I hope this goes the way I’ve planned. Otherwise, the only way Jade will be going back to work for that monster is over my dead body. For Jade’s sake, I hope it doesn’t come to that. She’s going to need me now, more than she realises.

standing in the foyer admiring her as she prances down the stairs carrying her suitcase. I take a moment to appreciate everything she is, to appreciate
. I’m not sure she’s even aware how extraordinary she is. Now that I’ve had time to absorb her revelation from last night, I’m filled with nothing but admiration for her and the predicament she’s been living with. She’s not only incredibly smart, but courageous, breathtakingly beautiful, and so damn sweet. Her most admirable quality, though, is her strength. The world is her oyster, or it could be. And if I get my way, it will be. It only makes me hate M even more for putting Jade in this situation.

Jade has so much to offer, and if I’m lucky enough to be given the chance, I’m going to make it my mission in life to see she gets everything she deserves. A huge statement coming from someone like me, but that’s exactly how I feel. I want to fulfil all her desires, and I’m not just referring to the bedroom either.

I take the suitcase out of her hand and place it on the floor beside us.

‘Rupert’s outside,’ she says. I already knew that. I heard him pull up before she came downstairs. She’s trying to play it down, but I can clearly see that she feels apprehensive about leaving here.

‘Do you trust me?’ I ask, cupping her beautiful face.

Her brow furrows. ‘Yes, why?’

‘Good. I need you to wait here for me. I’m going outside to talk to Rupert for a minute. Okay?’

‘Sure. Okay.’ There’s uncertainty and confusion on her face as she tries to make sense of what I’m saying.

‘Just give me a few minutes with him, and then I’ll explain everything.’ Her brow furrows again, but she doesn’t reply.
It hits me right in the chest. I have no idea what lies ahead for us, but I know that I’ll protect and care for this woman with everything I have. Pulling her into my arms, I hold her face protectively against my chest. ‘Everything is going to be okay, sweetheart,’ I say, trying to reassure her. ‘Promise me you’ll stay here.’

‘All right.’

Fuck, I hope I’m doing the right thing.

Rupert leaves the car when I walk down the front steps. ‘Mr Weston,’ he says as I stop in front of him.

‘Rupert,’ I reply, extending my hand to him.

‘Is there a problem with Jade?’ he asks, looking down at his watch. ‘I need to get her back to M’s.’

‘She’s not going back.’

‘Excuse me?’ he says, frowning.

‘She’s staying here with me. I refuse to send her back there.’ I wait for him to react, but he doesn’t. Instead I see his features relax and the corners of his mouth turn up slightly.

‘Is that what she wants?’ he asks.

‘She doesn’t know yet, but I’m almost certain she’ll be fine with it.’

‘Are you sure you know what you’re doing? She’s not going to give Jade up without a fight. She has an unhealthy obsession with her.’

‘I’m not afraid of her,’ I scoff, because I’m not. ‘If she wants to fuck with me—or someone I care about—then she better bring her best show, because I’ll fight her with everything I have.’

‘I’m glad to hear that,’ he says, placing his hand on my shoulder. ‘Jade needs someone like you in her life. But, I must
warn you, be prepared for anything and everything. This woman is the lowest of low. She’ll stop at nothing to get her way. I’ve never met anyone like her before—she’s one of a kind.’

‘You obviously haven’t met my father then.’ I chuckle, but there’s no humour in it.

‘No, I haven’t.’

‘If you have such a dislike for her, why do you continue working for her?’

He looks away, running his fingers through his hair. ‘I have my reasons.’

I get the impression there’s a story there, but I don’t have time for that right now.

‘Can you give this to M for me? There’s a note enclosed that explains everything.’ I pass him the grey backpack that contains one million dollars in cash. The note explains if she tears up Jade’s contract and gives me something in writing to that effect, I’ll give her a further two million dollars. That should more than pay for the remainder of time Jade has left with her. Money talks, and this woman is greedy. Whether she accepts my terms or not, Jade will not be returning. ‘I’m sorry to put you in this position, but I couldn’t see any other way.’

‘Don’t worry about me,’ Rupert replies. ‘I can handle myself. To be honest, I’m grateful for what you’re doing. Jade deserves to be free of the life she’s been leading. It’s no place for a sweet girl like her. If I wasn’t in the position I’m in, I would’ve taken her away from it a long time ago.’

‘You still have my card, right?’

‘I do,’ he answers.

‘If you need anything, just call. There’ll always be a job waiting for you here if you decide not to continue working for that bitch. I mean that.’

need to stay where I am for now, but thank you. If the opportunity arises where I can leave, I’ll definitely take you up on that offer.’ He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a card. ‘Here’s my number as well, just in case you ever need anything.’

‘Great. Thank you.’ I shake his hand once more.

‘Look after Jade for me. I’m going to miss her, she was the highlight of my job.’ There’s definitely a hint of sadness in his voice. I’m sure they’ve grown close over the years.

‘I will. I’m pretty sure she’ll miss you too. You’re welcome to come visit any time you like. I appreciate everything you’ve done for her over the years, mate. I know she’s very fond of you.’

I’m quite concerned for his wellbeing as he gets back into the car to leave. The shit is going to hit the fan when he gets back to M’s. I feel like a prick for putting him in this position, he seems like a decent guy. I hope he doesn’t suffer any fallout from the decisions I’ve made.

I wait until he reaches the end of the driveway before I turn and walk up the front stairs. Now to face the music with Jade. I hope she doesn’t hate me for what I’ve just done.



Butterflies churn in my stomach as I wait for Brock to re-enter the house. I have no idea why he needed to see Rupert alone, but it concerns me. Maybe he’s going to ask him to keep a closer eye on me. There’s no need for that. Rupert takes great care of me. I’d be lost without him in my life. I know he’s under M’s iron rule just as much as I am, but he helps me out whenever possible.

pass and Brock still doesn’t return. Pulling my phone out of my bag, I check the time. What’s taking them so long? M is going to be pissed off if we don’t leave soon.

My head snaps up the moment the front door opens. The solemn look on Brock’s face does nothing to ease my mind. My heart starts to beat out of my chest as he approaches me.

‘What’s going on?’ I ask.

‘You’re staying here.’

‘What?’ Has he requested me for another night?

‘Jade,’ he says, pulling me into his arms. I can hear his heart beating rapidly as my face rests against his chest. ‘I can’t send you back there in good conscience. Not now that I know the truth.’

I put my hands on his abdomen and push away before taking a further step back. ‘What do you mean I’m not going back there? I have to go back,’ I blurt in a panic. Of course I don’t want too, but I know I don’t have a choice. God, what has he done? Brock’s delusional if he thinks he can refuse to take me back without consequences. My hands are trembling as I cover my face with them. Images of what she did to one of the girls who tried to leave the profession flash through my mind.

This will not end well.

‘I’m not sending you back there, Jade. That’s final.’

I can tell by the forceful tone of his voice that he means what he’s saying. Has he lost his fucking mind? No one makes demands like this to M.
tells her what to do. She’ll rip him apart, and me for that matter.

‘Look at me, sweetheart,’ he says, pulling my hands away from my face and crouching down slightly so we’re at eye level. When my eyes meet his, he gives me an unsure smile. ‘I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. You’re safe with me.’

don’t know her like I do, Brock—she’s ruthless.’

‘I’m not afraid of her,’ he states matter-of-factly.

‘You should be.’ M’s middle name might as well be crazy-arse-she-devil-bitch.

‘Well, I’m not. I’ll protect you. Please tell me you’re not angry at me for doing this. I can’t bear the thought of you going back there. I want you here with me.’

Tears rise to my eyes. I’m so overwhelmed. Am I actually free of her—and my shitty life?

‘Are you happy to stay here with me? At least for the interim, anyway. Until we sort this mess out.’

‘Yes … no … I, um, I don’t know.’ Is this really happening? ‘I want to be wherever you are,’ I wanted to say. Even though it’s the truth, I had no intention of telling him. I don’t want him to think I’m clingy or needy, because I’m not. I’ve been alone all my life. I’m used to rejection. Nobody has every truly wanted me.

Raising my head, I make eye contact with him again. ‘I
want to go back there, but she’s not going to just roll over and accept this.’

‘She doesn’t have a choice. My mind is made up.’

His words surprise me, but annoy me as well. ‘Do I even get a say in this?’ I snap as I put my hands on my hips. I’m hurt by the statement he just made. Don’t get me wrong, I love that he feels so protective towards me, but I refuse to be dictated to. I’ve had to deal with shit all my life—I refuse to let him do it to me as well.

‘Of course you have a say, as long as it doesn’t involve you going back to work for her.’

I narrow my eyes at him.

‘Don’t look at me like that, Jade. I’m not trying to control you, I’m trying to protect you.’

doing whatever it is you’ve just done, you’ve put me in danger. You’ve put both of us in danger. You didn’t even discuss it with me first.’

‘She won’t get anywhere near you.’ He places his hands on my shoulders as he stares into my eyes. ‘I couldn’t risk having you talk me out of this. That’s the only reason I didn’t discuss it with you first. I care about you, Jade. I’ve never cared for a woman like I do you.’

I fight hard to suppress my smile when he says that. I care about him too. Nobody has ever made me feel like this before, but all that is irrelevant at the moment. We have a bigger problem to face—M.

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