Read Hooker Online

Authors: J. L. Perry

Hooker (20 page)

I can understand why she’d want her freedom after the life she’s led, but I hope that her going home doesn’t mean the end of us.

‘Have I got enough time for a quick snack?’ I ask as my lips kiss a path up her neck.

‘Always,’ she replies, smiling and turning her head to capture my lips.

I groan into her mouth. Lifting her off my lap, I place her on the desk in front of me. My fingers go to work undoing the button and zip on her shorts. When my eyes meet hers
again, she’s doing that damn lip-biting thing again. Fuck, she’s beautiful, in every sense of the word.

She lifts her arse slightly off the desk so I can remove her shorts and panties. Placing my hands on the back of her calves, I lift her legs and position her feet on my shoulders before my mouth bears down on her.

‘Brock,’ she moans. We’ve slowly been making our way through this massive house over the past few days. When I’m finished with her, it will be time to tick
Christening my office desk
off the list. I won’t be satisfied until I can’t enter any room in this house without thinking of her.



morning, I get a nice surprise. ‘What’s going on?’ I ask when Brock leads me into the lounge room.

‘I have a work function to attend tonight, and I was hoping you’d be my date.’

‘Really?’ I ask.

‘Really. Will you come with me?’

‘Yes,’ I say without hesitation, even though butterflies swarm in my stomach at the thought of going. I’m not even sure why, I’ve attended these kinds of events a thousand times in the past. I guess this is the first time I’ll be going as someone’s date instead of their client—as Jade the person, not Jade the escort.

‘Great,’ he replies, pulling me into his arms. After placing a kiss on my forehead, he turns towards our guest. ‘Jade Davis, this is Brendan. He’s a stylist and friend of my brother’s.’

‘It’s lovely to meet you,’ he says, taking my hand and placing a kiss on my knuckles. ‘You’re simply stunning.’ He shifts my arm out to the side as his eyes travel the length of my body. ‘It’s going to be an absolute pleasure working with you, Miss Davis.’

you,’ I reply, forcing a gracious smile. I’ve received compliments on my looks my entire life, but I don’t think I’ll ever be entirely comfortable hearing them. And although the look Brendan gives me isn’t sleazy or creepy, Brock picks up on my uneasiness.

‘Can you give us a second alone?’ he says to Brendan, before leading me back into the main foyer. ‘Are you okay?’ he asks, cupping my face in his hands.

‘I’m fine.’ Because I am, but I don’t elaborate.

‘He’s gay,’ he says. ‘You have nothing to worry about.’

I let out a small laugh. He’s obviously misread my uneasiness. ‘He can try all he wants,’ I reply, sliding my arms around Brock’s waist. ‘I only have eyes for one man.’

‘Really. And who would that be?’

‘I’m not sure if you know him,’ I say. When he growls, I laugh. I place a soft kiss on his mouth. ‘You,’ I whisper.

It’s hard for me to put myself out there like this. When you’ve been rejected your entire life, you come to expect that from everyone you meet. So letting your true feelings be known is only setting yourself up for heartache.

Brock gives me the most beautiful smile, revealing his perfectly straight teeth. ‘I’m glad to hear that because I only have eyes for you too, sweetheart.’

I finally manage to convince him that I’m comfortable being alone with Brendan, so Brock heads into his home office to do some work. I hate that I’ve been keeping him away from his business for the majority of the week.

While Brendan takes my measurements, his assistants wheel in two racks full of beautiful gowns. I’m used to this kind of treatment, but I’m touched that Brock has gone to so much trouble to please me.

jump when I hear the front door slam shut, it makes my heart rate accelerates. I hate being on edge like this. What if it’s M?

‘Anyone home?’ I hear a male voice call.

An attractive young man comes barrelling into the room a few seconds later. ‘Well. I’ll be damned,’ he says, approaching me. ‘You must be the woman who’s captivated my brother’s heart.’

‘Shut up, Joshua,’ Brock snaps from behind him as he enters the room as well. While Brock appears to be unimpressed by his brother’s outburst, Joshua seems quite amused. I even hear Brendan snicker beside me.

‘I’m Joshua,’ the new arrival says, extending his hand to me. ‘I’m the good-looking one in the family.’

I laugh. He’s very handsome. His features are similar to Brock’s, but in my eyes, he has nothing on his brother. Brock is perfection in every sense of the word.

‘I’m Jade.’

‘Wow. I can see why my brother is so taken with you.’

‘Ignore him,’ Brock says, coming to stand beside me and draping his arm possessively over my shoulder. ‘What brings you here, anyway?’

Joshua winks at me before turning his attention to his brother. ‘I just needed to see her with my own eyes.’

‘I don’t understand what the big deal is.’ Brock’s words only seem to amuse Joshua more. When my gaze moves to Brock, I find his eyes narrowed.

‘Calm down, bro, you did well,’ Joshua says, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

Brock clears his throat while shoving his free hand into his pocket. He’s clearly uncomfortable with this situation.
They’ve totally lost me. I have no idea what they’re talking about.

‘Well, you’ve seen, now you can leave.’

‘Nope,’ Joshua says, taking a seat on the couch and placing his feet on the coffee table. ‘I think I might hang around for a while.’

‘How did you get in here anyway?’

‘I still have my key.’ Joshua removes it from his pocket and dangles it from his finger. I can tell he’s enjoying getting under his brother’s skin, but despite that, I like him. My gut instincts are usually pretty spot on. Their playful banter tells me they have a good relationship. I’ve heard the way Brock talks about Joshua, so I know they’re close.

‘If you’re going to continue to drop in unannounced, you can return it.’

Joshua chuckles before shoving the keys back into his pocket. I find myself envying their relationship. I pined for a sibling growing up. I still do. A real family of my very own—someone who would love me unconditionally and make me feel like I wasn’t so alone in this world.

The pair of them sit on the couch while my fitting continues. However, I only get to try on three of the dresses that Brendan brought to the house. The moment I enter the room wearing the strapless emerald green gown, the guys unanimously choose it. They all say the colour of the dress makes my green eyes pop. It feels weird parading around in front of them, even though it’s something I’ve been forced into doing my whole adult life. Being on show is something I’m not fond of. Remembering two of the men are gay and the other is Brock makes it a little easier.

Once the decision’s made, Brock stalks across the room towards me. ‘You look breathtaking. I’m going to enjoy
stripping you out of this dress and fucking you tonight when we get home,’ he whispers so only I can hear. His finger lightly skims a path down my neck and comes to a stop at my cleavage just above the bodice of the dress, making a shiver ran through my body. I have to clench my thighs together at the desire that washes through me. The effect he has on me is so strong.

Bring it on, Mr Weston … bring it on

Brendan and his assistants leave a short time later. He measured my feet before leaving, saying he’d have some shoes delivered to the house later that day. When they arrive, I instantly fall in love with the gold strappy heels. He also sends a small gold clutch to accompany them. He has exquisite taste.

I guess Brock can see how comfortable I am with his brother, because after we ate lunch he left me with him while he ran a few errands. I was fine with that. Brock has been cooped up in this house with me all week and I’m sure I’ve been holding him back from doing a lot of things.

Besides, it gives me the perfect opportunity to pick Joshua’s brain and get a little inside info on Brock.


When I exit the ensuite, I find Brock standing on the other side of the bedroom, in front of the mirror. He’s already dressed in his tux and tying his bowtie. I take a minute to drink him in. His strong back and broad shoulders are accentuated in his tailor-made jacket. My eyes move towards the reflection in the mirror and I’m again left breathless by him.

The moment he notices me watching him, he swings around. His lips curve into a smile as his eyes move down the length of my body. Being dressed up is nothing new
for me, but I find myself hoping he likes what stands before him. Appearance has never been high on my agenda. On M’s yes, but never on mine. In this moment though, it means everything. I want to look beautiful for him. I want Brock to be proud to have me by his side tonight.

Something has shifted between us recently. I think we’ve both let our guard down—I know I have. It’s hard for me to let people in when I’m so used to being rejected. For some reason, Brock is different. The things he makes me feel both frighten and thrill me. For once in my life I’m willing to remove the barrier I erected around my heart years ago. Only for him. He’s the first person in my life who’s ever made me want to take that leap of faith. I only hope I don’t come to regret it.

Dropping his hands from his tie, he stalks across the room and pulls me into his arms. ‘You look stunning,’ he says, placing his lips against my neck. My hair is slicked back into a tight bun at the nape of my neck. Since I didn’t have my hairstylist for tonight, it was the best I could do. My makeup is done to perfection, smoky eyes and my signature red lips. ‘God, you smell amazing. How am I going to be able to keep my hands off you tonight?’

‘You’ll manage,’ I reply. ‘Let me do this for you.’ I tie the bow quickly and flawlessly. It’s one of the many things I learnt during my training to become an escort.

I love looking after him. I can’t even put into words how wonderful it’s been. Even with the uncertainty of M hanging over our heads, these past few days have been the happiest times of my life. If I’ve learnt anything over the years, it’s nothing good ever lasts, so you should enjoy every second while you can.

bought you something when I went out earlier,’ he says, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a blue velvet box. ‘I hope you like them.’

My hands are trembling slightly when he passes the box to me. Tears sting my eyes the moment I lift the lid. Inside is a mass of teardrop-shaped emeralds, strung together to make the most exquisite pair of earrings I’ve ever seen. ‘They’re beautiful,’ I whisper. I don’t know what else to say. Nobody has ever bought me anything this extravagant before.

‘When I saw you in the dress this afternoon, I felt compelled to get you something to wear with it.’

‘They’re perfect,’ I say, brushing my lips against his.

‘I knew nothing I bought would ever be able to outshine your beauty.’ He lets out a small sigh. Our eyes lock, but neither of us speak. Time seems to stand still as we gaze at each other. Butterflies settle in my stomach as I’m suddenly overwhelmed by the feelings I have for this man.

‘You’ve already done so much for me. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to repay you.’

His fingers tenderly glide across my cheek. ‘I’m pretty certain there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.’

Tears burn my eyes. ‘Thank you,’ I whisper as I pull him tightly against me.

I know I’m thanking him for more than the earrings.



We’re both quiet on the drive to the function. I crossed a line before we left. It’s a line I was certain I’d never cross. But that was until Jade came into my life. As I stood gazing into her
eyes after giving her the earrings, something happened that I can’t put into words. It was like a sucker punch to the chest. A kind of epiphany, you could say. The feeling hit me like a tonne of fucking bricks, and I’m not sure what to think about it. I’m in way over my head here.

‘You ready?’ I ask, lacing my fingers through hers as we walk towards the function centre. Tonight is huge for me. Jade is the only girlfriend I’ve ever had, so bringing her here to meet my family and work colleagues is a big fucking deal. I’m apprehensive, but also excited to show her off to everyone. I’m pretty sure she’ll love my mum. My dad is a whole other story.

‘Ready as I’ll ever be,’ she says, tightening her grip on my hand. She seems nervous.

‘I think it’s only fair to warn you that you’ll be meeting my parents tonight.’

‘Really? Your parents? You’ve never mentioned them before.’

I shrug. They’re not my favourite subject. ‘My mum’s okay most of the time, but our relationship is a little strained of late. Let’s just say they weren’t very accepting when Joshua came out.’

‘Oh,’ she says as her pretty green eyes widen. ‘That’s a shame.’ Yes, it is. Josh told me today that Mum has been calling him daily since they’ve reconnected. I only hope it lasts. He’s been hurt enough.’

‘How is your relationship with your father?’

I was afraid she’d ask me that. ‘My dad’s a prick.’ It’s best to prepare her because you never know what to expect from that man. I don’t bother elaborating, she’ll find out for herself soon enough.


feel all eyes on us when we enter. Jade squares her shoulders and I have to repress my smile. I love her strength. I hope tonight is a pleasant experience for her. As we cross the room, I stop to greet a few of my colleagues. The shock on their faces is evident when I introduce Jade as my girlfriend. I guess I should’ve expected that with my reputation, but it annoys me nevertheless. Is it so hard to believe Brock Weston has a girlfriend?

Who am I kidding? Even I can’t believe it.

As we make our way to the table where my parents are seated, my gaze lands on Clarissa. Fucking great. She has nothing to do with our company, so I don’t see why my father insists that she always attends. Her face lights up when she sees me, but the moment she spies my date, her smile turns into a frown. She better keep her fucking distance. I won’t tolerate her upsetting Jade tonight.

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