Read Hooker Online

Authors: J. L. Perry

Hooker (19 page)

‘Yes, thank you,’ Brock replies.

I stop what I’m doing, listening intently to their conversation. Of course she was waiting until I wasn’t around for a chance to talk to Brock alone. Some women have no shame. It’s not half obvious that she’s attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be?

‘Great. Let me know if your friend requires any assistance, handsome.’

‘She’s my girlfriend,’ he replies flatly.
He called me his girlfriend
. My lips turn up in a huge grin as I do an inner fist pump. Even if he’s just saying that for her benefit, I’m still thrilled. I’ve never had a boyfriend before.

‘Oh.’ She doesn’t say another word after that. Thankfully, she got the message loud and clear.

After tightening the ribbon, I admire my ensemble in the mirror. It looks gorgeous.

‘Jade,’ I hear Brock call softly, after knocking on the cubicle door.


I see now?’

The hopefulness in his voice brings a smile to my face again. Without replying, I unlock and open the door slightly. He pops his head in and the look on his face does something to me. I’m so lost in it, I don’t even realise when he pushes the door open further, worming his way inside and turning the latch to relock it.

‘What are you doing?’ I whisper.

‘Sweet Jesus,’ is all he says as his arms wrap around my waist, drawing my body towards his. ‘You look incredible. We’re definitely buying this.’

‘You like?’ I ask as he gropes at my arse.

‘I fucking love. Turn around.’

I do as he asks.

‘Christ,’ he groans as his fingers skim up the outside of my legs until they’re resting on my hips. In the reflection, I see his eyes planted firmly on my behind. He takes a step forward, rubbing his body against mine. When his gaze meets mine in the mirror there’s pure desire in his eyes. Nobody has ever looked at me the way he does.

His hands encircle my waist as he draws me closer, pressing into my back. ‘What are you doing to me?’ he murmurs as his lips graze over my shoulder. I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing he’s doing to me.

I moan softly, resting my head against his chest while his mouth trails a path up my neck. One of his hands palm my breast through the corset, and the other moves down between my legs. I’m so lost in his touch that I totally forget we’re still in the dressing room at the lingerie store.

I’m pulled back into reality when I hear the tearing of
fabric. ‘Brock,’ I say, when my eyes fly open to see him shoving the now ruined panties I was just wearing into his pocket. ‘I haven’t even paid for them yet.’

‘Shh,’ he whispers in my ear as the hand on my breast moves up to cover my mouth. ‘I’m going to fuck you now. I can’t wait another second.’ My eyes widen at his comment. Has he lost his mind? We can’t have sex in here. I see his other hand in the reflection of the mirror disappear behind me and the distinct sound of a zipper rings out in the silence that has now fallen over us.

My stance widens automatically. My head knows what we’re about to do is wrong, but apparently my vagina didn’t get that memo.

‘Do you even realise how sexy you are?’ he whispers as his hand finds its way between my legs again.

‘Mmm,’ I moan into the palm of his hand, my body trembling with anticipation.

‘I’ll remove my hand if you promise to be quiet. Okay?’

I nod. I still can’t believe we’re going to do this.

‘Place your hands on the mirror,’ he demands. I do exactly as he asks. It’s ironic how I’ve hated being controlled my entire life, yet I have no qualms about following his orders. The way Brock takes control is sexy.

He rubs his cock between my legs as I push my hips towards him. I’m no longer concerned about what we’re doing. I want to feel him inside me.

I bite down on my lip when he slides inside me, trying hard not to make a noise.

‘Christ you feel amazing,’ he breathes as he pulls out slightly before pushing all the way back in.

god.’ One of his hands grasps my hip, holding me in place, while the other tugs on my hair, tilting my head back so his mouth can cover mine.

‘I said no noise.’

My eyes roll back in my head as he deepens the kiss before picking up the pace. He slams into me in short, hard strokes. It feels incredible. The risk of the sales assistant discovering us only seems to heighten the experience.

It doesn’t take long for him to have me on the edge. ‘I’m … I’m,’ is all I get to say before we’re interrupted.

‘Is everything all right in there?’ I hear the skanky sales assistant ask. Shit. There’s no holding back. I’m coming whether I like it or not.

‘Ahh,’ I moan into Brock’s mouth as my body starts to quiver and my orgasm hits me full force. His hand quickly moves from my hip, snaking around my waist, using his strength to hold me up. When he pulls out of the kiss, I see a smile tug at his lips as his eyes lock with mine in the mirror.

‘We’re fine,’ he says in a breathless tone that has him sounding like he’s just run a damn marathon.

I see his eyes clench shut as his movements become more desperate. I can feel my vagina still pulsing around him and I know he’s about to come as well. Shit, could his timing be any worse?

‘I was just helping her come undone.’

He did not just say that. There’s humour in his voice as my face flushes red. I softly elbow him in the ribs, causing him to laugh. Then the dreaded inevitable happens.

‘Christ,’ he says in a loud, drawn-out moan, as his body starts to shudder.

‘Oh …
okay,’ is all the sale assistant says before I hear her high heels clinking on the tiles as she walks away in a hurry. God, she knows what we’re up to. Someone kill me now.

‘Why did you say that?’ I whisper, when his body stills.

‘I wasn’t lying, I am helping you come undone.’ He chuckles as he unties the silk ribbon on the corset, sliding his hand inside to pinch my nipple between his finger and thumb. Closing my eyes, I bite my lip again trying to suppress my moan.

How am I going to face that woman when I walk out of here?



When I’m done, I put my cock away before turning Jade around and pulling her into my arms. Although she’s clearly embarrassed, I know she enjoyed it. The minute I saw her dressed in that lingerie, I had to have her. I’ve never wanted anyone like I want her. It’s crazy. Losing ourselves in each other helps escape the cloud that’s looming over us, even if it’s just for a short time. No drama or pressures. No outside world. Just us becoming one.

Christ, I sound like a damn pussy.

We’ve heard nothing from M since she left my place in a huff yesterday morning. I’d be foolish to think that was the end of it, because in my heart I know it isn’t. Like me, she’s not prepared to let Jade go. I only hope that we can stay one step ahead of her. I don’t want that psycho bitch anywhere near my girl.

‘Do you need some help getting dressed?’ I ask, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

think I can manage. You’ve already helped enough.’

I don’t miss the sarcasm in her voice. It makes me chuckle.

‘I’m glad you find it amusing. We still have to face that woman out there,’ she angrily whispers. It doesn’t faze me in the slightest. I’ve been caught in compromising positions more times than I care to admit.

Cupping her pretty face in my hands, I place a chaste kiss on her lips. ‘I’ll be outside if you need me,’ I tell her, trying hard not to smile. She may be embarrassed, but she’d do it all again in a heartbeat. I know her body like the back of my hand. There’s no denying this strange pull we have towards each other. I don’t think either of us can control it.

While she’s getting dressed, I walk back out onto the shop floor. The sales assistant eyes me suspiciously, but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. The uneasiness I felt when I first walked in to this store is now gone.

I head towards the rack that contains more of the kind of panties I just destroyed. Pulling them out of my pocket, I check the size. I then proceed to grab every pair available. We’re gonna fucking need them.

Moving to another rack, I grab a few more items that take my fancy. Making sure to grab extra panties, of course. By the time Jade exits the dressing room, my arms are overloaded.

‘What are you doing?’ she asks, coming to stand beside me.

‘Stocking up, sweetheart.’

‘How many pairs of panties do you have?’ I see her eyes widen as she riffles through what I’m holding.

‘Not enough,’ is my reply. She lets out the sweetest laugh. I fucking love that sound.

‘You do realise this is a high-end boutique? These garments don’t come cheap.’

shrug at her comment. Money’s no object to me. She obviously has no idea how wealthy I am. ‘As long as I get to rip them off your luscious body, they’re worth every fucking cent.’ When her smile widens, I lean forward and brush my lips with hers.

Yep, I’m a goner


Jade hesitantly asks the sales assistant if she could use the bathroom while the purchases are being rung up.

‘That comes to two thousand, seven hundred and fifty-five dollars,’ the sales assistant says a few minutes later. Jade was right, this stuff doesn’t come cheap.

Jade comes back and stands beside me. She still has a slight pink tinge on her cheeks, which I love. I drape my arm over her shoulder, pulling her into my side. I can’t seem to keep my hands off her.

‘Oh and these,’ I add, pulling the damaged pair of panties out of my pocket and placing them on the counter. The sales assistant’s eyes move from Jade to me, and then down to the torn undergarment. I see a blush creep over her face before she shakes her head. Turning to Jade, I find her head bowed.

Fucking woman

‘I don’t know my own strength,’ I say with a shrug before clearing my throat. I feel Jade stomp down on my foot. I thought my explanation would help, but obviously not. I open my mouth to speak again, but she gives me a look that has me closing it straightaway. I can’t explain why I find this whole situation amusing, but fuck me, I do.

in the car, my fingers grip the steering wheel when Jade pulls a pair of panties out of the bag and shimmies into them. I have to get this need for her under control.

We drive to the mall and spend the next few hours buying her new clothes. I’ve never enjoyed shopping, but today I do. I love spending time with her. I’m pleasantly surprised by her selections. Rather than the classy outfits she usually wears, she opted for more casual attire, jeans and shorts mainly. It pleased me no end for some reason. Jade oozes class and sophistication, but on the other hand she seems to crave normality. I’m yet to find one thing I don’t like about this woman. Understandably I hate her occupation, but I no longer have to worry about that. Well, I hope I don’t.

Around lunchtime, we head towards a café to get something to eat.

‘Would you mind if I had a burger and fries?’ she asks, looking at me over the top of her menu.

‘Of course not. Have whatever you like.’ I’m taken aback that she’d even ask me that.

‘Thank you,’ she replies, smiling. ‘I’ve never eaten a burger before.’ I hate that she thinks she needed my permission.

‘Jade,’ I say, reaching for her hand across the table and grasping it in mine, ‘I’m not M. You can eat, wear, say and do whatever you like. I’d never try to control you … I mean, I won’t give up control in the bedroom, but everything else, you’re free to do what you please.’

‘I know,’ she says with a sigh. ‘It’s just going to take some getting used too. I’ve been dictated to my entire life.’

Her words break my heart


next two days pass without incident. There’s still no word from M, and it’s disconcerting. She wouldn’t give up that easy. I wish I knew what she had planned, so I could stay one step ahead. I have a feeling she’ll pounce when we least expect it.

Jade, for the most part, seems okay. On occasions, when she thinks I’m not watching, I see the worry etched on her beautiful face. I haven’t gone to work for that very reason. As long as we’re together, she’s safe. I’ve been doing what I can from home, but I’ll have to go back in to the office eventually. I was hoping the situation with M would’ve been sorted by now.

The time I’ve spent with Jade this week has been amazing. She’s smart, witty and completely fucking adorable. She’s down to earth and just a pleasure to be around. I love how easy-going she is. Most of the women I’ve been with in the past are high maintenance.

Even if things don’t last between us—and I find myself hoping they do—I know I’ll cherish every second I’ve spent with her. I’ve realised a moment of something incredible is far better than a lifetime of nothing special, which is exactly what I’ve had until she came along.

Erika, my housekeeper, came in briefly this morning to do a bit of cleaning. Jade gave her a list of things to pick up from the supermarket—she’s been cooking for me all week. Her culinary skills are extraordinary and would rival the best of the best. What blows my mind is she’s had no formal training. I’d love to see her fulfil her dream of opening a restaurant one day. It’s plain to see she’s in her element when she’s in the kitchen.

‘Hi,’ I hear her say from the door of my office.


not disturbing you am I?’

‘Not at all,’ I say, rolling my chair out from under my desk and tapping my hand on my knee. Pushing off the door frame, she comes over to me. As soon as she’s in reaching distance, I grasp her hips, pulling her down onto my lap. ‘I’ll always make time for you.’ I place a soft kiss on the side of her head and draw her body closer.

‘I’ve really enjoyed my time here,’ she says before resting her head on my shoulder and sighing. She seems content, which I love. ‘I just wanted to let you know that dinner will be ready soon.’

Who knew playing house could be so enjoyable? Not me. I honestly thought I was happy living here on my own, but now I know that’s not the case. Jade has changed me in so many ways. I’m truly going to miss her when she goes. To my huge disappointment, she’s voiced her desire to leave numerous times over the past few days. When it’s safe to do so, she has plans of returning to her apartment, or finding somewhere else to live. Every time she mentions it, I get a stabbing pain in my chest. There’s a huge part of me that doesn’t want her to go. But I’ll worry about that when I have to.

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