Read Hooker Online

Authors: J. L. Perry

Hooker (18 page)


hand gently skims down the side of her beautiful face as I watch her sleep. I’m in awe of this woman. How she can sleep so peacefully after everything that’s happened today astounds me. It also breaks my heart. The poor thing has obviously been through so much in her life that she’s used to this kind of behaviour. And I hate it.

She’s held herself together like a real trouper today. I, on the other hand, not so much. Maybe on the outside, but not internally. I’m not worried for myself, but I’m concerned for Jade. What if I can’t protect her like I promised? The way M grabbed hold of her hair made me sick to the stomach. I can’t bear to think of what Jade’s endured over the years at the hands of that woman. She’ll never have to face anything like that again if I get my way.

This whole caring for another person thing is so new to me. I hope I can pull it off. Rest assured, I’m going to try my damn hardest. By the sounds of it, Jade’s been to hell and back, so the last thing I want to do is let her down. I’d like to be the person she can count on, if she’d let me.

It’s ironic how one person can enter your life and turn
everything upside down in a blink of an eye. I’ve never been the commitment type. Settling down was never on my agenda, but a part of me thinks there’s definitely a possibility with Jade. That scares the fuck out of me. I can’t believe I’m even entertaining the idea. What if I can’t give her what she wants—or worse, what if she doesn’t want what I’m prepared to give?

I take a deep breath as I try to calm down. I need to get some sleep. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I’ve already put some plans in place to keep Jade safe, but I’m going to need a hell of a lot more if I’m going to succeed. M’s crazy and I know she’ll stoop to anything to get her way.

A crushing pain settles in my chest at the thought of it. I’d hate to see what would become of Jade if M got her filthy hands on her again.


I’m up before Jade wakes. I feel like shit, but I want to make her some breakfast. She hardly ate yesterday. I can’t cook to save my life, but I’m sure I can manage to cut up some fruit. I have some of that muesli crap too. Looks like damn bird seed if you ask me, but I know she likes it. I asked my housekeeper, Erika, to buy some.

I’ve given Erika the next few days off. I don’t want her hovering around with all this shit going on. She usually comes when I’m at work, but I won’t be going into the office until I can sort out what I’m going to do with Jade.

After turning on the coffee machine, I wash some strawberries and grapes under the tap. Placing a few scoops of muesli into a bowl, I grab a tub of yoghurt out of the fridge. I’ve seen her use that instead of milk. I place it all on a tray
so I can carry it back to the bedroom. As I go to lift it off the bench, I feel her arms wrap around my waist.

‘Good morning,’ I hear her say in a sleepy voice as she places a kiss on my bare back. I think I could really get used to having her around. Turning in her arms, I cup her face in my hands. Her face is free of makeup, but she’s still as beautiful as ever.

‘Good morning,’ I say when she smiles up at me. ‘How are you feeling today?’

‘Okay,’ she replies with a shrug. ‘I’m here with you, so that’s a plus.’

I kiss her and I can taste mint, so I know she’s just brushed her teeth.

‘Mmm,’ she moans into my mouth.

‘Is that my shirt you’re wearing?’ My hands slide down her back, coming to rest on her arse.

‘Yes. I’ve run out of clothes. I hope you don’t mind.’

‘I don’t mind at all. I like seeing you in my clothes,’ I say, because, surprisingly, I do. I feel bad that she has nothing here. She was only supposed to stay overnight and it’s too risky to go back to her apartment right now. ‘How about we go on a little shopping spree today?’

‘Really?’ she asks, her face lighting up.

‘Really.’ As much as I’d be happy to see her walking around the house naked, I know that’s not practical. Plus women like shopping, don’t they? I want to do whatever makes her happy. I’ll get a few of my boys to tag along in the background, just in case.

‘Oh, my purse … I don’t have it with me.’

‘You don’t need money, Jade,’ I say, tightening my embrace. ‘I’ll figure out a way to get your things from the apartment.’

not letting you pay my way, Brock. I have my own money.’

‘We’ll work all that out later.’ I kiss her again softly on the forehead. I don’t want to say anything that will upset her, but if she thinks I’m taking money from her, she’s mistaken.

‘How did I get so lucky?’

Funny, I feel like the lucky one here.

I end up taking Jade on the kitchen counter before I feed her some breakfast. I couldn’t resist after seeing her dressed in nothing but my white button up shirt. She’s so fucking sexy. Sitting there watching her eat, I’m ready for round two. Throwing her over my shoulder, I carry her upstairs before taking her again in the shower.

This woman is going to be the death of me.

Once showered, she dresses in my white shirt again. She needs to wash one of her outfits before we leave. As great as she looks, even I know my shirt isn’t appropriate attire to wear outside the house. After showing her where my laundry is, she sets about washing what little she has. Thank fuck she knows how to use the machine, because I have no idea. Erika sorts out that stuff for me.

While she’s busy, I head into my home office to make arrangements to leave the house later today. I genuinely feel bad that Jade won’t be able to go home for a while. I plan on making up for it on our shopping spree—I’m going to buy her whatever she wants. Lord knows how long she’ll be here.

A few hours later, we’re in my car heading to the shops. I have my guys in two cars, one travelling in front, the other trailing behind. Jade is completely unaware. I thought it best not to say anything that may frighten her.

won’t even notice them when we’re out, but they’ll be close by if needed. She seems relaxed enough under the circumstances, but I did notice her scanning the grounds when we were leaving the house. She’s wearing the light blue dress she had on yesterday, with matching blue heels. How many shoes does this woman own? I’ll admit I love every pair I’ve seen so far, but those red ones will forever remain my favourite.

Her hair is down and completely straight. She’s only put a bit of gloss on her lips. And she looks beautiful. As gorgeous as she is all dolled up, her natural beauty is something else. She takes my fucking breath away. How she looks now reminds me of the time we spent together in New York. She was a different person over there. I get the feeling it’s the person she’s been yearning to become. I’m sure if I can keep her away from M, she’ll continue to flourish.

‘Are you okay?’ I ask, placing my hand on her knee. She’s awfully quiet, and it’s unnerving.

‘I’m great,’ she says, placing her hand on top of mine and looking at me with a sweet grin on her face. ‘I’m happy to be here with you.’

‘I’m glad you’re here as well.’ She has a lot of adjustments ahead of her, but she’ll get there. I know it. Her life is only going to improve from here. I’ll make sure of it. My hand moves slightly up her leg and under the hem of her dress. I growl when she parts them slightly, allowing me access. My eyes move back to the road as my hand automatically travels a little further.

‘Where are your panties?’ I ask, briefly looking in her direction.

‘You tore them.’

right, I did.

‘Mmm,’ she moans as my fingers glide through her wetness.

My eyes dart in her direction again just as her eyelids flutter shut and her sweet mouth slightly parts. This woman drives me wild. Flicking the indicator, I manoeuvre the car to the side of the road.

‘What are you doing?’ she asks.

Quickly putting the car in park, I remove my seatbelt at lightning speed. ‘Come here,’ I command, leaning my body across the centre console and crashing my lips to hers. Sliding one of my hands into her hair, I tug on it lightly, tilting her head further back and deepening the kiss. My other hand moves back under her dress, towards her little piece of heaven.

‘Will this unhealthy craving I have for you ever be sated?’ I say against her mouth. She doesn’t need to answer because I’m already pretty certain it won’t. She’s under my skin and slowly worming her way into my heart. The scary thing is, I’m powerless to stop it.



The moment his fingers slide inside me and his thumb circles my clit, I push my head back into the seat, moaning into his mouth. I’m quickly becoming addicted to his kisses and his touch. For someone who hated sex, it’s surprising how quickly I’ve changed. He’s like a drug.

‘Yes … that’s it … fuck my fingers, beautiful,’ he murmurs against my lips as my hips push forwards. His dirty talk only turns me on even more. I can’t believe we’re on the side of
the road in broad daylight, and he’s bringing me to orgasm. I’m not bothered, though, I’m too consumed by him and these incredible feelings.

It doesn’t take long at all for him to take me over the edge. ‘B-B-Brock,’ I stammer breathlessly, as my whole body starts to quiver. I grip his hair, pulling his face even closer to mine. I devour his lips as he drains every ounce of pleasure out of me.

When he removes his fingers, he draws back to make eye contact. I watch as he raises his hand and places two fingers inside his mouth. His eyes briefly close like he’s savouring the taste of me. God I love it when he does that. It’s so hot.

My hand reaches across the centre console and skims over the coarse fabric of his denim jeans, until I’m cupping his crotch. I can feel his erection straining against his pants and that only seems to turn me on more. I love that I can do that to him.

‘Not now,’ he says as his hand covers mine.

‘Let me please you.’

‘You already have.’

‘I think it was you who pleased me,’ I say.

‘I love pleasing you,’ he replies as he starts the ignition again. ‘I have something more important to do.’

‘Like what?’ I ask.

‘I need to get you some damn panties. My boner won’t go away as long as I know you’re not wearing any under that dress.’

No more words are spoken as we head to the lingerie store. I’m sure he even broke the speed limit a few times. After parking the car, he hastily heads around to my side to open the door. I notice him untucking his shirt as he goes.
I presume he’s still hard and trying to hide it, but I did offer to relieve that earlier.

Tugging on my hand, he pulls me out of the car and towards the street front store. The sheer desperation in his movements is amusing. From the moment we enter, though, his urgency shifts dramatically and his eyes dart everywhere as he comes to an abrupt stop. I fight to suppress a laugh. I must admit, Brock looks extremely uncomfortable surrounded by so much silk and lace. He hangs back as I grab a selection of things off the racks. I adore lingerie. That and shoes are my weakness.

I see the sales assistant approach. She’s tall, blonde, and extremely attractive. The moment she goes to speak, her eyes land on Brock. Sidestepping me, she makes a beeline for him. Initially it annoys me, but when I see his face turn red as he nervously tugs at the collar of his shirt, I smile. Poor thing.

‘I’m with her,’ I hear him say in a panic, as I let out a small laugh. I shouldn’t find this situation humorous, but I do. He only has himself to blame. If he hadn’t ripped all my underwear, we wouldn’t be in this position to begin with.

‘You okay?’ I ask when he comes to stand beside me.

‘Uh huh. You seem to be finding this situation very amusing.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘I bet you don’t.’

Turning my head, I cover my mouth to muffle my laugh. When my gaze finally moves back to him, he shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans, cocking an eyebrow.

‘Liar.’ Leaning forwards, he places his face within an inch of my ear. ‘I may have to punish you later, for telling fibs.’ I’m not sure if it’s his words or his warm breath dancing over my
skin, but a shiver courses down my spine. ‘Then again, you’d probably enjoy that.’

‘If you were dishing out the punishment, I’d definitely enjoy it.’

He gives me a knowing look that holds so much promise.

‘What do you think of this?’ I ask, holding up a pretty pink silk corset. It has two strips of black lace running down the front, either side of the eyelets, which are laced with black silk ribbon. ‘It goes with these,’ I add, showing him a tiny pink and black G-string.

Instead of replying he growls, adjusting his crotch at the same time.

‘I think I might try these on.’

He growls again when I give him a flirtatious smile.

I know I’m treading on thin ice, but I’m enjoying making him squirm. It’s playful and fun. My life’s always been so structured and serious, it’s nice to act carefree for a change.

I guess my life is far from carefree at the moment. It’s like the calm before the storm—the M storm. I don’t want to think about that right now. I want to enjoy my new found freedom for as long as it lasts.

‘Is it okay if I try this on?’ I ask the sales assistant as I pass on my way to the dressing rooms.

‘Sure,’ she replies, without making eye contact. Her gaze is fixed firmly on Brock as he trails behind me. There’s a smile playing on her lips as she looks him up and down. Ugh. She’s lucky I’m not the jealous type. He is perfection, so I can’t really blame her, but it’s obvious we’re here together. I find her behaviour trashy.

‘Where are you going?’ I ask Brock, when he tries to follow me into the cubicle.


‘I’m capable of doing it on my own,’ I inform him as I push him back out.

‘I want to see what it looks like once it’s on.’

‘I’ll consider it,’ I say, closing the door in his face. The look he gives me is priceless. I’m smiling to myself as I set the lingerie down on the red velvet chair in the corner.

‘I mean it, Jade,’ he warns, making me laugh. I love this dominant side of him.

As I set about getting undressed, I hear the sales assistant speak. ‘Is everything all right in here?’

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