Read Hooker Online

Authors: J. L. Perry

Hooker (23 page)

beside the bed, he places a kiss on my stomach as his hand skims over my skin until it reaches my breasts. His other arm moves behind my knee, lifting my leg so his lips can trail a path down my inner thigh, stopping before he reaches the good part. I’m desperate to have his mouth on me.

He hooks my leg over his shoulder and lifts the other one to repeat his kisses. He appears to be taking his sweet time tonight, like he’s savouring every moment. It only makes my need for him intensify. Every word, every touch, every kiss, every look—I’m intoxicated by him.

‘I need you, Brock,’ I whimper as my hands grip his hair. I need him so much I’m aching.

‘All in good time, beautiful.’ After running his tongue along my pelvic bone, he blows hot air over my sensitive flesh. If he’s trying to kill me, he’s succeeding.

Using all my strength, I push his face forward until it connects with my vagina.
Enough of the teasing
. He chuckles against my skin, causing a vibration.

‘Please,’ I beg.

‘I like it when you beg me,’ he says as his tongue licks a path up my centre, making me moan. ‘I love those sounds you make too. It drives me crazy.’

‘You drive me crazy,’ I whisper. He lets out a small laugh before slipping a finger inside me. That’s exactly what I need. I push my hips forwards as he withdraws from me before adding a second finger, burying them both deep inside me. ‘Oh God.’ I tug on his hair, pushing his face even closer. I can’t get enough of him. He has spectacular oral skills.

He withdraws his fingers again, sliding them down between my arse cheeks. I want him to touch me there again. When he did it the first time, the orgasm was so intense I
thought I was going to pass out. I swore it was something I’d never do—that’s why I made it a hard limit. But I want to give Brock a piece of me that nobody else has ever had.

I hope he takes the hint when I push my arse into his hand. He groans against my clit before running his fingers around the hole and inserting a tip. He stills, giving my body time to adjust to the invasion before pushing in a little further. The combination of that and his tongue lapping at my clit brings me to the brink within seconds.

‘Brock,’ I moan tugging on his hair again. ‘I’m going to … I’m—’

‘Christ,’ Brock growls and I let out a scream as my orgasm takes hold. Again I’m seeing stars as the sensation reaches every nerve ending, making my toes curl. While his finger is still inserted in my arse, he pushes his tongue deep inside me as my muscles continue to pulse.

When he’s finished he raises his head and licks his lips before giving me the most majestic smile. I snake back on the bed as he crawls towards me.

‘I’m going to take that sweet arse of yours one day,’ he says as his mouth meets mine. I smile against his lips. Did he just read my mind?
Bring it on, Mr Weston
. In the short time we’ve been together he’s turned my thoughts about sex completely around. He’s taken my personal idea of hell and transformed it into something magical. What I feel when I’m with him is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. He’s wiped away all the shame that once consumed me and replaced it with something beautiful. I no longer feel used and dirty—I feel desired and wanted.

Once he’s settled between my legs, he gazes down at me and smiles. Running the back of his hand tenderly down the
side of my face, he slowly eases inside me. My eyes flutter shut and my head presses back into the pillow as he pushes all the way in, filling me completely. I feel so connected to him when we’re together like this. It’s like we become one.

‘Open your eyes,’ he commands, and I do. My eyes lock with his as he draws back before pushing all the way back in. ‘I love you, Jade.’

I pull his mouth down to mine. My kiss is full of passion, conveying everything I can’t say. His words were spoken with not only sincerity, but confidence. Most importantly, he didn’t say he
he loves me this time, he said he
. I clench my eyes shut to stop the tears of joy from escaping. For the first time in my life, my empty heart is so full, I think it’s going to burst.

I’m almost afraid to admit this to myself, but I’m hopelessly in love with him too.



spend the majority of Sunday in bed, only getting up to eat and shower. Even though our relationship is moving along fast, it feels right—I’m not going to fight it. I’m actually looking forward to the journey ahead. I’m surprisingly comfortable with how things between us are progressing. I don’t want to leave this little bubble that Jade and I have created over the past week. It’s been absolute bliss. With every day that passes I see her blossoming into the person she’s always wanted to be … the person she was meant to be. It’s such a beautiful thing to witness.

But I have to head back into the office. As much as I hate the idea, I don’t have a choice, because I’m falling behind. Amy having to courier over some contracts for me to sign forced my hand. I can’t continue working from here. Before this week, I hadn’t taken a day off since I started running the company.

There’s still no word from M, which concerns me. No news is good news they say, but that rule doesn’t apply where she’s concerned. Because there are no rules where M’s concerned. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I decide to
call Rupert. Maybe he can give me some insight. He replied to my text yesterday morning, giving me Jade’s number and asking if everything was okay. I told him it was, but didn’t elaborate further.

‘Rupert,’ I say when he picks up. ‘It’s Brock, can you talk?’

‘Of course. How’s Jade? After your text, she’s been on my mind.’

‘She’s doing great.’ I feel myself smiling as I talk about her. ‘She’s happy, Rupert. We both are.’

‘I’m pleased to hear that. She deserves happiness. She’s been through a lot.’

‘I know. I’ll do my best to make sure she gets it,’ I tell him, and I will. ‘Her happiness means everything to me.’ The line goes quiet. I hope he doesn’t think I’m not blowing smoke up his arse, because I’m not. I mean every word.

‘Have you heard any more from M?’ he asks, changing the subject.

‘No. That’s why I’m calling. I was wondering if anything had been mentioned at your end.’

‘All’s quiet here. She’s made me her personal gopher since Rocco can’t drive with his broken wrist.’ He chuckles. ‘You really did a number on him.’

‘He had a gun pointed at my head. That fucker deserved it and a lot more.’

‘No arguments here,’ he says. ‘I can’t stand that guy. I’m glad someone was able to bring him down a peg or two.’

‘If either of them set foot on my property again, I won’t be so kind. I won’t take any chances when it comes to Jade’s safety.’

‘Just be prepared for anything. She won’t let this one go, I know it.’

protect Jade with everything I have. She’s not going back there. Ever.’

‘I’m glad to hear that.’

‘Let me know if you hear anything, will you?’ At least I know I have him working on the inside. It’s something I guess.

‘Of course. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open. Tell Jade I said hello.’

‘I will, mate. She misses you. Once things settle down, will you come to the house and visit her?’

‘I’d like that,’ he says.


I begin to miss Jade the moment I walk into the office. I offered to bring her with me, but she declined. It was probably for the best. I know I wouldn’t have gotten much work done with her here. I left one of my best men at the house, he’s highly trained to handle any situation and under strict instructions not to let Jade out of his sight. She didn’t seem impressed about him being there, but there was no way I was leaving her alone.

‘Amy,’ I say into the intercom on the desk. ‘Can you get Natalie to come up to my office when she’s free?’

‘Yes, Mr Weston,’ she replies, clearing her throat. I chuckle to myself when I realise why. I’m a changed man and in time she’ll see that. Leaning back in my chair, I run my hands through my hair. Fuck me. I really am. Realisation of how much my life has changed in such a short time hits home. The love of a good woman can do wonders for a man’s philandering ways, I suppose.

I fucking hope she loves me. If not, then I pray she will in time. She feels something for me, I know that much. It was a
huge step for me to even admit that to her, but I needed her to know I’m all in, because, by Christ, I am.

‘You wanted to see me?’ Natalie says when she enters my office. I can see that familiar glint in her eyes as she approaches the desk. When she licks her lips, I have to adjust the tie around my neck. I’m surprised I’m not the slightest bit tempted to go there again.

‘I didn’t call you up here for that,’ I say, clearing my throat. ‘I have a girlfriend.’

‘Then it’s true,’ she says in a disappointed tone.

‘What’s true?’

‘The talk around the office. They’re saying you’ve finally settled down.’

‘I haven’t exactly settled down,’ I say with a chuckle, ‘but yes, I’m in a committed relationship.’

‘Lucky girl,’ I hear her mumble under her breath as she takes the seat opposite me. But I’m the lucky one.

‘I need a favour,’ I ask, trying to change the subject. Things are getting awkward. ‘I want you to go over the accounts for the last ten years and see if you can find anything on a Melody Sinclair.’

‘Sure, I can do that.’ I watch as she jots the name down on a notepad. ‘When do you need the information by?’

‘As soon as you can get it.’ Before I even knew who she was the name sounded familiar. The fact that she’s associated with my father, I wouldn’t be surprised if she shows up on the books somewhere. My father’s a snake and I can practically guarantee he’s used the company’s funds to pay for his whores.

‘Is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?’ she asks with a dash of hopefulness in her voice. The old Brock Weston would’ve had her on her knees and under the desk in
a heartbeat, but all that’s changed. I’ve changed. Wonders will never cease. I’m committed to one woman, and couldn’t be happier.

My phone chimes and I pull it out of my pocket as Natalie leaves. I smile when I see a message from Jade.

This man is following me everywhere! EVERYWHERE!!!

I chuckle. That’s exactly what I asked him to do.

He’s just doing his job sweetheart

Well, it’s driving me crazy. The only place I can be alone is in the bathroom. I’m surprised he didn’t follow me in here as well. I bet you anything he’s waiting outside the door. I’ve been hiding in here for an hour. I’m playing Candy Crush on my phone. FYI, I hate Candy Crush. I suck at it. Stupid candy

I laugh out loud at her reply. She’s so adorable.

I’d give anything to be locked in there with you right now. The things I’d do to you …

Jesus, just thinking about it is giving me a hard-on.

I wish you were in here with me too. Tease!!!

I’ll make it up to you when I get home. I promise. I’ll bend you over the bathtub and have my way with you. I’ve been thinking about your heavenly pussy all day

I groan to myself. Now my dick is so hard it’s straining against my pants.

Oh God. Now I’m thinking of you doing exactly that. Can you come home for a quickie? Having you here would be so much better than playing this damn game. It’s giving me high blood pressure

I laugh out loud again, adjusting my aching cock at the same time. This woman is going to be the death of me. As I go to type my response, the phone chimes again.

OMG! He just knocked on the door to check I was still in here. Where did you find this guy … the Gestapo???

I wish I could come home, but I have a meeting in twenty minutes. Be patient with him. He’s only doing what I asked him to do, and that’s keep you safe. I need to know you’re going to be okay when I’m not there to look after you

I know, and I appreciate that. I just miss you. x

I miss you too, sweetheart. x

It’s official, I’m pathetic. I do fucking miss her though.


As busy as I am, the day seems to drag on forever. I’m desperate to get back to my girl. Going home to that big house was never something I looked forward to in the past. Having her waiting for me has changed that.

Jade texts me constantly throughout the day. She has me in fits of laughter at one stage; I can tell she’s bored out of her mind. I hate that she’s cooped up in the house all day. I’m going to have to find something stimulating for her to do until this mess with M blows over.

As much as she says she hates it, I think she’s becoming addicted to Candy Crush. She rings me, at one stage, squealing because she’s gotten past a hard level she’d be stuck on for over an hour. ‘Woo hoo! I kick level forty-seven’s sweet little candy arse,’ are her exact words.

Amy buzzes me as I’m getting ready to leave, to say Natalie wants to speak with me. When she’s seated in my office, she leans forwards, passing me a thick manila folder.

‘I’m guessing you found something,’ I say, opening it.

‘I did. I went back over the accounts for the past ten years, but when her name kept popping up so frequently, I dug a little further. She’s been on the company payroll for the last
eighteen years. Until today, I’d never heard of her. Who is this woman?’

‘A friend of my father’s.’ I’m not getting into the technicalities of the situation with my staff.

‘A very wealthy friend,’ she retorts. ‘In the past eighteen years, she’s been paid close to ten million dollars.’

‘She fucking what?’ I seethe as I flick through the paperwork in front of me. There was an initial payment of one million dollars, then they ranged anywhere from five to ten thousand dollars a week. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out exactly what those payments were for, especially given my father’s history. My blood boils at the thought of him paying so much for his whores, and with company funds, no less. My poor mother. Maybe it’s time I let her know just how despicably low her husband is.

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