i bc27f85be50b71b1 (290 page)



Biliary tract

Bleeding. See Ilcmorrhage

cancer of, 350, J50t

Bleomycln. 8_S51

cholecystitis of, 544-545


cholelithiasis of, 544-545

coagulation of. See Coagul:!non

evaluation of, 5 1 1, 516t-522t

composaion of. 365. 366(

functions of, 505t

functions of, 365-366

referred pam from, 502t

smear of, J82


transfusion of, 416-422

serum levels of, 5 1 7t

Blood-brain barrier, 271-272

in liver failure, 714r

Blood cell countS

in liver transplantation, 715

III cardiac evaluation. 27-28

urine levels of, 565t

III chemotherapy, 343

Bilirubmuria, 565t

in hemarologlC disorders, 379, 380t

Billroth gastrectomy, 549

.lSlr, .l8lf

Biochemical markers

III mfecflons. 610

10 Cancer diagnosis. JJ7t

Blood pressure, 19-22

to cardiac evaluation, 29-J 1 , 30t

and aftcrload. 9


ankle-hrachml mdex on, H4t

to cancer dmgnosis, 336, 337t

in cardiac cycle. 6

in gemtourinary evaluation, 569-570

cerebral, J23

of liver, .52 1 t

dmstolic. 1 9. 191. 39Jt, 784f, 787t

of thyroid, 6Ht

gemtounnary sYStem III regulatton of,

Blotherapy 10 cancer, 338, 343-344

560. 600

Biot's respiration, 1 001

m hypertension. 392-395. See also



caTheterization of

111 hypotension, orrhostJtic

Foley carheters Ill, 80St

in heart tr.lnsplanratlon. 726

suprapubiC, 802t

III mfecllons, 639-640

disorders of

III infeCtIons, 609, 639-640

cystectomy Ill, 597

III ilHr;tcralllJI pressure muease, 3241

cySUtlS, 582-583

mean anerial, 787t

neck suspension procedure in, 597

measurement 0(, 1 9-22, 784t

orthotopic subsmution in, 599

arterial Ime Ill, 787t, 790f

referred pain in, $S8t

111 different postures. 21, 22f

rransurethral resectIOn in, 596

equipment 111. 7841

urinary dIVersion procedures in,

Korotkoff's sounds 111. 20, 21 t

597-599, 598f

111 neurologlt: evaluatton. 287

evaluation of, 56 1-570

normal range Ill, 19, I CJI, 393t, 784(,

biopsy in, 570


cyStoscopy in, 567, .568

and peripheral vascular reSistance, 12.

physical examination in, 563

1 9

radiographic exammatlon in, 566

III phYSical therapy mtervenuons. 66

radionuclide SCans In .569

systolic, 19, 19t. 3931. 784(, 7871

urodynamic studies In, 568

III vascular evaluation. 370

hydrochsrention of, in cystitis ther

III ventncular aSSist device, 836

apy, 583

Blood vessels. 363-430

neurogenic. 584

arteries. 364, 384-,)99. See also Arterin pancrea .. (ransplanranon with blad


der dramage, 7 1 8, 719

III arteriovenous malformatiom., 3 1 3-

Blakemore tube, 797t

.3 1 4, 40.1

Bledsoe brace. 227t

charactcristic3 of, 364, 36S1



congenital malformations of, 403-

Brain, 260-274


and blood-brain barrier, 271-272

function of, 365

blood supply of, 272-274, 312-315.

layers of, 364, 364t

See also Cerebrovascular sysveins, 364, 399-403. See also Veins


Body surface area in burns, 445-446

central systems of, 272


electroencephalography of, 303-304,

cancer of, 345-346. 346t


diagnostic tests in, 337t

herniation in imracranial pressure

rypes of, 333t, 345, 346r

increase, 321, 322f, 323

cranial, 260

hypertension affecting, 394t

fractures of. See Fractures

meninges of, 269

grafrs in spinal surgery, 212, 214

and dural folds, 269, 269t, 270f

in hematologic disorders, 378r, 379

and dural spaces, 269, 270t

marrow of. See Bone marrow

inflammation of, 626-627, 635t

metabolic disorders of, 689-692

protective mechanisms of, 260, 269-

osteomalacia of, 691


osteomyelitis of, 629-630

structure and function of, 260, 261 f,

osteoporosis of, 689-690


Paget's disease of, 691-692

trauma of, 305-306, 307t-309t

in parathyroid disorders, 687

tumors of, 356

radionuclide scans of, 168

Brain death, 755-757, 756r

in cancer diagnosis, 337t

Brain stem structure and function, 260,

structure and function of, 160


Bone marrow

Breast cancer, 346-348

in aplastic anemia, 406-407

diagnostic tests in, 337t

in leukemia, 351-352, 353

hormonal therapy in, 343

in myeloma, multiple, 354

risk factors in, 335r

tr:.lIlsplamal"ion of, 343, 353, 733-

surgery in, 346, 347t, 347-348


Breath sounds

allogeneic, 733

in cardiovascular disorders, 68

autologous, 733

in respiratory evaluation, 99-105

complications in, 735-737

Breathing exercises, postoperative, 345

donors in, 700, 733


harvesting procedure in, 735

auscultation of, 102, 103

indications for, 734

cancer of, 344t

infections in, 735-736

sleeve resection of, 151

in leukemia, 353

Structure and function of, 91 [

physical therapy in, 735, 736, 737

Bronchiectasis, 134r, 137

preoperative preparations in, 734

Bronchitis, chronic, 132f, 135-136

syngeneic, 733

Bronchodilators, 853t

Borg's rating of perceived exertion

Bronchophony, 104

in cardiovascular disorders, 67, 67t

Bronchopbsty, 151

in respiratory disorders, 155

Bronchopneumonia in burns and inhala

Bowel sounds, 507

tion injuries, 451

Braces, 225-229

Bronchopulmonary disorders

Brachial artery blood pressure, com-

expectorants in, 862r

pared to ankle pressure, 374r

hygiene measures in, 152-153

Brachytherapy, 340

in lung transplantation, 730, 731

Bradykinin, II r

in mechanical ventilation, 826

Bradypnea, I DOt

mucolytics in, 865t



Bronchopulmonary disorders-continued

topical ageIHs in, 459, 460r-4611

posfllral drainage in, 897-900

rypes of, 441-444

Bronchoscopy, 119, 120t

Burst fracture of lumbar splfle, 182, 184f

in cancer diagnosis, 337t

Busulfan, 854[

Bronchospasm, 130

Buryrophenones in nausea and vomiting.



bronchodilawrs in, 853t

Bypass surgery

Bronchovesicular breath sounds, 102

coronary anery, 52-53

Brown-Sequard syndrome, 311 t

peripheral vascular. 423-425

Buck traction, 231t

Buerger's disease, 396-397

C peplide levels in pancreas rransplanta·

Bulla formation in emphysema, 136

tion, 718

Bundle of His, 9

CA 19-9,517t

Burkitt's lymphoma, 352

Cadexomer·iodine In wound care, 489

Burns. 439--467

Calcaneus fractures, 182. 250t

admission guidelines in, 447--450



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