i bc27f85be50b71b1 (293 page)

complications of, 376

therapy, 344, 860t

in echocardiography, 32-33

Color duplex imaging in vascular evalu


ation, 373t

cerebral, 3071

Colostomy, 548-549, 550

of lung, 140t, 144

10 intestinal obsrruction, 533

in rib fractures, 144. 149

Com., 282, 2821, 755-757, 7561

Coord Ina lion lests. 299, 300t

Glasgow Scale on, 283-284, 2841

Corneal reflex, 2901, 297

in liver disease, 543-544

Coronary arteries, 1 2

Comfort measures in end of life care, 755

anatomy of, 3f

Companment syndrome, 399

angiography of. 38

in casts, 220, 223, 224

angioplasty of, 5 1



atherosclerosis of, 428

Cruciate ligament repair, arthroscopic

in diabetes mellitus, 684

anterior, 215-216, 218t

directional atherectomy in, 51-52

posterior, 218t

lipid blood levels in, 28-29

Cryoprecipitate, 419t

management of, 51-52

Crystals in urine, 565t

myocardial ischemia in, 40

Culture techniques, 611-612

bypass graft, 52-53

in wounds, 482

spasm of, myocardial ischemia in, 40

Cushing's disease and syndrome, 664-

stem placement in, 52


Corpectomy. 21 It

hypertension in, 395t

Corrigan's pulse, 17t

Cyclophosphamide, 855t

Corticospinal traer, 276t

Cyciosporine in organ transplantation,

Corticosteroid therapy, 842t


inhaled, 861 t

Cystecromy, 597

intranasal, 864t

Cystic fibrosis, 133t, 136-137

myopathy in, 759

diagnostic tests in,S t9t-520t

in nausea and vomiting, 846r

Cystitis, 582-583

in organ transplantation, 704r


Cortisol, 662(, 669-670

Cystography, radionuclidc, 569

deficiency of, 672

Cystometrography, 568

target sites and actions of, 669t

Cysroscopy, 567, 568

Cosynrropin test, 662t

Cytarabine, 856t


Cytology, 612

antitussives in, 852t

Cytomegalovirus infections, 636-637

enhancement in physical therapy, 153

in HIV infection and AIDS, 635t, 637

examination in respiratory evaluation,


Dacarbazine, 855t

in extra pleural disorders, 145t-

Dactinomycin, 855r


Daily living activities

in obstructive disorders, 131 t-134t

in hip arthroplasty, 192

physical therapy based on, 154t

in shoulder arthroplasty, 204

in restrictive disorders, 138t-140r

Dalteparin sodium, 844t

In pertussis, 620

Danaparoid sodium, 844t

Crackles, 103-104

Daunorubicin, 856t

Cranial nerves, 287, 288t-292t

Dead space, respiratory, 127t

disorders in diabetes mellitus, 684t

Debridement of wounds, 485-488

origin and function of, 288t-292t

autolytic, 486

testing of, 288t-292t, 297

enzymatic, 488

Craniectomy, 325, 326


Cranioplasty, 325

nonseleCtive, 485, 486-488

Craniotomy, 325

selective, 485, 486, 488

Cranium, 260

sharp, 486

Creatine kinase levels in cardiac evalua

Decerebration, 296

tion, 29-30, 30t

Decortication, 296

and physical therapy, 31

Decubitus ulcers, 162, 163,470-471

Cre::ninine tests, 564-565

staging and classification of, 483,

after angiography, 370


Critical illness

Defibrillator, automatic implantable carĀ·

myopathy in, 759

diac, 56

polyneuroPalhy in, 758-759

Degenerative disorders of central ner

Crohn's disease. 537-538

vous system, 319-321



Delirium, 282r

Dipyridamole, 852t

in intensive care unit, 757-758

in thallium stress tcst, 36

tremens, in alcohol withdrawal, 760

Disc disorders, intervcrtebral, 210-213

Dementia, 282t

artificial disc implantation in, 212-

in HIV infection and AIDS, 635r



indications for surgery in, 21 1 t

in Guillain-Barre syndrome, 320

Discecromy, 210, 21 1 t

in multiple sclerosis, 320-321

Discrimination, two-point, 298r

Dermaromes, 274, 280f


in musculoskeletal examination, 163,

of hip, 176-177

164r, 165r

in pelvic fractures, 175f


of shoulder, 185

burns of, 449t

Diuretics, 861 t

Structure :md function of, 437, 438(

osmotic, 867t

wounds of, 483, 483r

Diverticular disease, 530-531

Diabetes insipidus, 667-668

Diverticulitis, 530

nephrogenic, 667, 668

Dobbhoff tube, 799t-800t

water deprivation test in, 662t--663t

Dobutamine in stress echocardiography,

Diabetes mellirus, 428, 673-685

32, 33

complications of, 679-685

Donors in transplantation procedures,

foot disorders in, 471-472, 681, 682t


hypoglycemia in, 677, 685

in bone marrow transplantation, 700,

infections in, 681


insulin pump therapy in, 676t

cadaveric donors, 699

kcroacidosis in, 680-681

in kidney rransplanration, 700, 709

kidney disorders in, 572, 580-581,

living donors, 699-700, 701


in lung rr:msplamarion, 700, 70 1, 729

neuropathy in, 471-472, 681-684

matching to recipient, 700-70 I

signs and symproms of, 683t--684t

in pancreas transplantation, 700,

types of, 683t-684t


physical therapy in, 677

Doppler imaging

skin disorders in, 681

in neurologic evaluation, 301-302

ulceration in, 469t, 471-472

in vascular evaluation, 373t

tCSt'S monitoring control of, 675t

Doxorubicin, 856t

rype 1, 674-677


rype 2, 674, 677-679

of cerebrospinal fluid, 324r, 798t

vascular disorders in, 684

Jackson-Prarr drains in, 715, 803t


in pancreas transplantation, compariimermincnt hemodialysis, 589-592,

son of cmeric and bladder

590f, 591 f

techniques, 718

peritoneal, 587-588, 589f

poStoperative, 803t

Diaphragm of sella turcica, 269r

active, 803t

Diarrhea, drug therapy in, 863t

in liver transplantation, 715

Diasrole, 6

passive, 803t

blood pressure in, 19, 19t, 393f, 784t,

postural, 897-900


conrraindicarions to, 897, 899

Diencephalon, 260, 265r-266t

typcs of patient positions in, 897,

Diffusion, 587


of oxygen, 770

from wounds, 481-482

Digitalis, 867t

Dressings, 488-489, 490r-492t

toxicity of, 59, 60(, 867t

in burns, 460t, 46 I t

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