i bc27f85be50b71b1 (291 page)

serum levels III parathyroid disorders,

classlhc:1tion of, 444-446

6861, 687--{;88

cleansing and debridement in, 459

urine levels In parathyroid disorders,

coagulation zones in, 439, 439f


complications of, 443, 444

Calcium algi nates III wound care, 492t

systemic, 441, 441 t, 465

Calcium channel blockers, 854[

depth of, 446, 448f, 449t



gallstones, 544-545

excision and grafting in, 454--459, 456t

urmary, 583-584

extent of, 445f, 445--446, 447t

in kidneys, 566, 579-580

fluid administration in, 452, 465

percutaneous nephroscopic,

infection control in, 452--453

removal of, 596

inhalarion injury in, 450-451

surgery In, 596-597

lightning, 443-444

Cancer, 331-359. See also Tumors

Lund and Browder formula on, 446,

Cannabinoids in nausea and vomiting,



management of, 447-467

Capillaries, 364

pain in, 453, 465

characteristics of, 365t

assessmem of, 463

refill rime, 371 t

pathophysiology of, 439--444

Carbohydr:ue antigen 19-9,5 17r

physical therapy examinarion in, 459-

Carbon dioxide


arterial partial pressure, 112

physical therapy interventions in,

in cardiac evaluation, 31


in mechanical ventilation, 821 t

physiologic sequelae of, 439--441,

hypercapnia. 1 13


permiSSive, 82 J t

posirioning of patient in, 467, 467t

transport of, 97

from radiation, uluaviolet and ioniz-

Carbon monoxide

ing, 444

diffusing capaciry of, J29t

resuscitation in, 450--452

poisomng from, 451

rule of nines in, 445f, 445--446

Carboplarin, 854t

shock in, 452

Carclnoembryonlc antigen levels, 508r

skin substitutes in, 457t--458t

Carcinoma, 332, 333t

temperature maintenance in, 453

of lungs, 344

thermal, 441, 442t

of skin, 356-357



of thyroid gla nd, 657t

edema in. 368, 386t, 428-429,

Cardiac c ycle, 6


Cardiac index, 6-7, 788t

pulm onar y, 142

Cardiac output, 6-9

electroc ar diog raphy in, 74-79, 82-

111 heart failure, 44


measurement of, 788t-789r

embolism, 392, 401-402

Cardiomyopathy, 44

embolization therapy in, 326, 422-

classification of, 46 t


dynamiC c ardiomyoplasty ill, 57

endarterect omy in, 425-426

in HIV infection and AIDS, 635t

func t ional classification of, 48-49,

ventncular assist device in, 832-836


Cardiomyoplasry, dyn amic, 57

heart failure, 44-49, 58, 59

C ar diopulmonary resuscitarion decihyperlension, 392-395

sions, 755

incidence 0(, 1

Cardiovascular system, 1-88

infections of heart, 624-625

anatomy of

management of

blood vessels in, 364, 364t, 365

111 cardiac di sorders, 50-69

heart 111, 2, 3f

in vascular disorders, 414-428

an est hesia aff ecting, 872

10 mechanical ventilatio n, 824

blood and blood vessels 10, 363-

myocardial ischemia and infarc430

tion, 39-43, 50-53

disorders of. 39-69. See also specific

pathophysiology of


in cardiac disorders, 39-49

aneurysms. 388-390, 426-438

in vascular disorders, 384-404

arrhythmias, 43-44

pericardial, 44, 47t

anerial, 384-399

physical therapy in, 61-69, 428-430

aneriovenous malformations, 313-

In Circulatory assist devices,



111 ath eroscl erosis, 384-388

go,l, of, 61-62, 428

111 bed rest, prolonged, 754t

response [0 exercise in, 62, 64f

in burns, 441 t, 443, 444

wi thholding 0(, 62, 63t

bypass grafting in

postopcr:uive, 872, 873

coronary arrery. 52-53

Raynaud's disease and phenomeperl pheral,423-425

non in. 397-398

c:lrdlomyoparhy, 44, 461

risk factors for, 14, 14r

circ utuory assist deVices in, 829-

skin disorders in, 402, 403, 468-



compa rtment syndro me in, 399

syncope in, 318

congenital vascular malformations,

thrombolytic th erapy in, 50, 423


thrombosis, 392, 400-401

drug therapy in, 59, 60-61, 393,

valvular, 44, 45(, 57-58


vasculitis. 395-397

�-adrenergjc blockers in, 853t


calcIUm channel blockers in,

in Wegener's granulomatosis, 396


wound healmg in, 475

digit aliS 10, 59, 60t, 8671

evaluation of, 13-39

dIUretics in, 861 t

angiography in, 38, 370, 376. See

nitrates in, 866t

also Angiography

symparhomimetics in, 8671

311scultafion in, 22-24, 24f, 370, 609

thromboly tic, 50, 423, 868t

blood pressure measurement in,

vasodibtOr, 869r




Cardiovascul3r system-continued


in cardiac disorders, 13-39

Foley catheters Ln, S05t

diagnostic and laboratory measures

suprapubic, S02t

in, 25-39, 370-376

Texas catheters in, S03t

history taking in, 13-15,367


physical examination in, 15-24,367-

Celluliris, 630


Central cord syndrome, 3 lit

in vascular disorders, 367-376

Central nervous system, 260-274

in wounds, 479-480

brain in, 260--274. See also Brain

heart in. See Heart

degenerative disorders of, 319-321

structure and function of, 2-12, 364-

infections of, 625-629


spinal cord in, 274. See also Spinal

blood vessels in, 5t, 364, 364t,



Structure and function of, 260-274

primary structures in, 4t-5t

trauma of, 305-310

Carmustine, 854t

Central venous catheters, 795t

Carotid arteries, 272, 273t

peripheral inserted, S02t

Doppler imaging of, 302

tunneled, S04t

endarterectomy of, 425-426

Cephalosporins, 848t

Carpal fractures, 189

Cerebellar arteries, 273t

Cartilage transplantation, autologous,

Cerebellum, snucrure and function of,

219-220, 22 I f

260, 267r-268r

Cast brace, 220

Cerebral arteries, 273t

CastS, 220-224

aneurysm of, 314, 390

bivalve, 220

angiography of, 302

complications of, 220, 223, 224

spasm of, 315

serial, 220

Cerebrospinal fluid

types of, 220, 222t-223t

circulation of, 269-271, 271£

Catecholamines, 671

drainage of, 324(, 798t

Catheterization, 794-808

in hydrocephalus, 315-316

cardiac, 36-38

intracranial pressure of, 321-324,

precautionary period after, 38, 52


central venous, 795t

increased. See Intracranial pressure

peripherally inserted, 802t


tunneled, 804t

normal range in, 321

epidural, in pain management, 882t-

leakage of. 316


lumbar punCfure for analysis of, 303

for hemodialysis, 590, 591 f, 795t

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