Read Just 2 Seconds Online

Authors: Gavin de Becker,Thomas A. Taylor,Jeff Marquart

Just 2 Seconds (36 page)

Date: April 10, 1993
Target: Secretary General Chris Hani
Location: Boksburg, South Africa
Details: Hani was shot four times at about 10:15 a.m. as he stepped out of the car he had just parked in the driveway of his home. A survivor of two previous assassination attempts, Hani normally traveled with bodyguards but had given them Easter Saturday off. Janusz Walus, a right-wing extremist, fled the scene, but was apprehended within hours.

Date: April 11, 1993
Target: Security Chief Mohamed el-Sheimy
Location: Assiut, Egypt
Details: El-Sheimy was killed along with his bodyguard and driver in a machine gun attack.

Date: April 20, 1993
Target: Information Minister Safwat Sharif
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Details: While leaving his home, Sharif was wounded slightly in a machine gun attack that also wounded his driver and bodyguard.

Date: April 23, 1993
Target: Opposition Leader L. Athulathmudali
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Details: Athulathmudali was shot and killed by a Tamil gunman at a political rally. The assassin was shot and killed by bodyguards, while fleeing.

Date: April 30, 1993
Target: Tennis Star Monica Seles
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Details: During a break in her tennis match, Gunter Parche leaned over the railing, withdrew a serrated boning knife, and stabbed Seles in the back between the shoulder blades. He was stopped as he raised his arm to stab her again. Seles was rushed to the hospital and survived. Parche stated that he wanted competing tennis player Steffi Graf to be the top player.

Date: May 1, 1993
Target: President Ranasinghe Premadasa
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Details: Premadasa was riding in a May Day parade when a man with a bomb strapped to his chest crashed his bicycle into him and set off the bomb. Premadasa and 11 others were killed, and 60 were injured.

Date: May 14, 1993
Target: TV Talk Show Host Maurizio Costanzo
Location: Rome, Italy
Details: Costanzo was departing his studio when a car bomb exploded. Twenty-three were injured, including Costanzo, his driver, and bodyguards. The Sicilian Mafia was blamed.

Date: June 2, 1993
Target: Former Supreme Court Justice Jairo Duque Perez
Location: Medellin, Columbia
Details: Three hit men with automatic weapons gunned down Perez as he drove through town. The gunmen escaped in a minibus.

Date: June 6, 1993
Target: Opposition Leader Mohammed H. Arbab
Location: Karachi, Pakistan
Details: Arbab was sitting outside his home in his car when gunmen raked him with automatic weapons fire. Abu Nidal terrorists were blamed.

Date: August 1, 1993
Target: Governor Viktor Polyanichko
Location: Vladikavkaz, Russia
Details: Gunmen on horseback ambushed Polyanichko's motorcade with automatic weapons, killing him, his bodyguard, and a general. Three other bodyguards were wounded.

Date: August 8, 1993
Target: U.S. Diplomat Fred Woodruff
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Details: Woodruff was killed by a sniper's bullet while riding in a car with his bodyguard. He had been training bodyguards for President Eduard Shevardnadze.

Date: August 18, 1993
Target: Interior Minister Hassan el-Alfy
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Details: A remote-controlled bomb on a motorcycle was detonated, and then automatic weapons were fired at el-Alfy's motorcade. Four were killed and 15 wounded, including el-Alfy.

Date: September 11, 1993
Target: Party President Maninder Singh Bitta
Location: New Delhi, India
Details: Bitta was departing his office by car when a car bomb exploded, killing eight, including two bodyguards. Thirty-six were wounded, including Bitta.

Date: September 21, 1993
Target: PLO Official Abu Shaaban
Location: Gaza Strip, Israel
Details: Two carloads of gunmen forced Shaaban's car off the road and shot him to death when he got out. His son, brother, and two bodyguards escaped.

Date: September 29, 1993
Target: Party Leader Samuel Motha
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Details: Motha was shot in the head and killed outside his home as he was leaving for work. The gunmen escaped.

Date: October 9, 1993
Target: Military Prosecutor Taha el-Sayed
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Details: Four gunmen shot and wounded el-Sayed as he walked near his house. He had prosecuted the terrorists who tried to assassinate President Mubarak.

Date: October 14, 1993
Target: Justice Minister Guy Malary
Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Details: Malary was leaving his office when gunmen opened fire, killing him, his driver, and two bodyguards. He had received death threats.

Date: December 5, 1993
Target: Mayor Helmut Zilk
Location: Vienna, Austria
Details: Zilk was seriously injured when he opened a letter bomb addressed to him. Three other bombs mailed to officials were defused. Another exploded, injuring a legal secretary, making ten letter bomb incidents in four days.

Date: December 20, 1993
Target: Politburo Member Antoine Baaklini
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Details: A car bomb, parked outside the headquarters of the Christian Party, exploded. Baaklini and two others were killed, and 130 were wounded. The car contained a 440-pound remote-controlled bomb.

Date: January 29, 1994
Target: Jordanian Diplomat Naeb Imran Maaytah
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Details: A gunman fired a 9mm pistol through Maaytah's car window as he pulled out of a parking lot at his home. He was struck in the head and neck, and killed.

Date: March 23, 1994
Target: Presidential Candidate Donaldo Colosio
Location: Tijuana, Mexico
Details: Colosio was walking through a crowd of 4,000 people at a political rally. Mario Aburto Martinez approached Colosio, then raised a .38 revolver and shot him in the head and abdomen, killing him. Security guards grabbed Martinez. Colosio had insisted on little security so he could be "close to the people."

Date: March 28, 1994
Target: Foreign Minister Belkacem Touati
Location: Algiers, Algeria
Details: Touati was shot and killed by three Islamic militants outside his home. His wife was wounded.

Date: April 1, 1994
Target: Judge E. Gonzalez Dubon
Location: Guatemala City, Guatemala
Details: Several gunmen fired automatic weapons into Dubon's car, killing him and his wife. They were returning home late at night.

Date: April 6, 1994
Target: President Habyarimana (Rwanda) and President Ntaryamira (Burundi)
Location: Kigali, Rwanda
Details: Both presidents and two cabinet ministers were killed when their Falcon 50 jet was shot down by a missile near the airport. Heavy fighting broke out in both countries, eventually killing nearly 1 million people.

Date: April 26, 1994
Target: Parliament Member Andrei Aizderdzis
Location: Moscow, Russia
Details: Aizderdzis was shot in the throat with a shotgun on the doorstep of his home. He had published the names of 266 mafia figures in his newspaper.

Date: April 28, 1994
Target: Police Chief Jose Benitez Lopez
Location: Tijuana, Mexico
Details: Two men with assault rifles killed Lopez with his bodyguard as they were leaving the city airport after investigating a bomb hoax.

Date: June 18, 1994
Target: Human Rights President Yousef Fathallah
Location: Algiers, Algeria
Details: Several men entered Fathallah's office and killed him with a silenced pistol. He had been a critic of political violence.

Date: June 28, 1994
Target: Police Inspector Bhadur Ali
Location: Karachi, Pakistan
Details: Gunmen in two cars pulled alongside a van carrying Ali and opened fire with AK-47s. Ali was killed with five other officers. He had received death threats and escaped several attempts to kill him.

Date: August 9, 1994
Target: Senator Manuel Cepeda
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Details: While
en route
to work, Cepeda was shot and killed by four gunmen firing from a van and motorcycle. His bodyguard returned fire, but they escaped.

Date: September 5, 1994
Target: Legislator John Newman
Location: Cabramatta, Australia
Details: Newman was shot and killed in his front yard by gunmen in a car with tinted windows. He had crusaded against gang violence. In 1991, a shot was fired through his office window.

Date: September 19, 1994
Target: Congressman Arlen Uribe Marquez
Location: Medellin, Colombia
Details: Leftist guerrillas threw a grenade at Marquez and his driver as they were walking to their car at work. The gunmen then opened fire, killing both men.

Date: September 28, 1994
Target: Secretary General Jose Ruiz Massieu
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Details: Massieu was shot through the neck and killed by a gunman with a Tec-9 assault weapon. He had just waved off his bodyguards and gotten into his car in front of a hotel. A man was arrested and told police he was paid $15,000 in pesos. Several others were later arrested. Their plans included killing a governor and a congressman.

Date: September 29, 1994
Target: Vice Speaker Afiyaddin Dzhalilov
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Details: Dzhalilov was walking from his car to his brother's house when he was gunned down. His bodyguard and driver were also killed.

Date: October 23, 1994
Target: Presidential Candidate Gamini Dissanayake
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Details: Dissanayake was killed with 50 others at a political rally by a suicide bomber. He had finished a speech and was leaving the stage.

Date: December 3, 1994
Target: Democratic Leader Georgy Chanturia
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Details: At least five gunmen in two cars opened fire on Chanturia as he was leaving his home, killing him and wounding his wife, the driver, and a bodyguard.

Date: March 11, 1995
Target: Cabinet Minister E. Kabushemeye
Location: Bujumbura, Burundi
Details: As he walked from a store to his car, Kabushemeye was shot and killed with his bodyguard. The gunmen fled on foot.

Date: March 28, 1995
Target: Opposition Leader Mireille Bertin
Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Details: Bertin was machine gunned to death on a busy street by gunmen in a taxi three days before President Clinton's visit.

Date: August 29, 1995
Target: Parliament Chairman Eduard Shevardnadze
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Details: Shevardnadze was cut by flying glass in his armored car when a bomb exploded alongside his motorcade as he was heading toward an announced public appearance. Two of his bodyguards and his physician were seriously wounded from the blast. They were traveling in a different vehicle. The blast occurred at 6:30 p.m. as he was leaving his office building. Video of the scene showed the leader sitting in a chair, his undershirt and face specked with blood, and he appeared dazed. Several other cars were also heavily damaged, their windows blown out and their roofs and fenders buckled and burned. Georgian prosecutors charged 14 people in connection with the attack. Shevardnadze survived several assassination attempts as Georgia's Communist leader from 1972 to 1985.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)

Date: August 31, 1995
Target: Chief Minister Beant Singh
Location: Chandigarh, India
Details: A bomb planted in Singh's bullet-resistant car exploded outside his heavily guarded government building, killing him and 15 members of his staff. A Sikh separatist group was blamed.

Date: September 27, 1995
Target: Presidential Counsel Antonio Cancino
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Details: Gunmen wounded Cancino and killed two of his bodyguards while he was on his way to an interview at a radio station.

Date: October 3, 1995
Target: President Kiro Gligorov
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
Details: A remote-controlled car bomb exploded as Gligorov's armored Mercedes drove by, ripping it apart and killing his driver. Though injured, Gligorov and his bodyguard survived the attack. His route to his office was well known and his car often slowed at the location of the bomb.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)

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