Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (11 page)

The entire experience was foreign to Tony, he’d never wanted a man before, and certainly not Jason. But tonight, this Jason, this forceful Jason directing their play, Tony wanted him. He could hardly fathom it, but he did. And the thought didn’t frighten him, it exhilarated him. He felt his balls tingle and knew he couldn’t last long, not with these newfound desires swirling through him while Kate’s sweet hot mouth sucked him deep, and Jason whispered seductively in his ear.


Samantha Kane

“Jason,” he whispered in a tortured voice, keeping his hips moving slowly, so slowly, driving his cock deep in Kate’s mouth, almost to her throat, as she moaned in rapture, sucking, sucking. “Jason, I, I can’t last, oh God, I’m sorry, I’m going to come.

Please let me come, Jason, I want to come.” He knew he was begging, and it thrilled rather than embarrassed him. He knew he wanted to beg Jason for so much more, and he would, soon.

Jason’s hand moved from Kate’s face, and Tony nearly cried out in disappointment.

But then he felt Jason’s touch as he slowly smoothed his hair and caressed his neck until his hand was wrapped around Tony’s jaw. Jason exerted a gentle pressure, slowly pulling him upright as his hips drove Tony’s toward Kate’s mouth again. In disbelief, Tony heard himself whimper, weak with lust.

“Should I let you come, Tony, hmmm?” Jason whispered darkly into his ear. Kate sucked hard on his cock and the dual stimulation made him bite his lip to keep from coming. “You’ve been very obedient, Tony, so you may come. Fuck her mouth three more times, slowly, I like it slow, then come, in her mouth.”

Counting out three more times, for Jason’s pleasure, heightened Tony’s own so that when he reached Kate’s throat on the third thrust he exploded in her mouth. Dimly he heard Kate moan in ecstasy and he felt her throat convulse around him as she swallowed the jets of semen bursting from his cock. He saw pinpricks of light behind his closed eyes, and swayed drunkenly in his pleasure. Jason’s arms came around him from behind, pulling Tony back to rest against his chest as Tony convulsively fucked in and out of Kate’s mouth several more times, small bursts of semen shooting out onto her lapping tongue. He wondered vaguely who was moaning Jason’s name, and realized with a shock that it was him. Slowly he became aware that Jason was speaking.

“Yes, Kate, darling, that was wonderful. Yes, lick the last drop off his magnificent cock, baby, he fucked your mouth so well. You both did so well, you’ve made me very happy. I want to eat your pussy now, Kate. You’ve earned your reward.”

Kate opened her eyes, dazed with pleasure. She had never enjoyed sucking a man’s cock before. She had done it, they all wanted it, but it had always been a chore. Not tonight, not with Tony and Jason. She loved the taste, the texture, the thrust of Tony’s cock. Sucking him had been pure pleasure, listening to his moans, and Jason’s praise.

When he had come in her mouth, his semen had been deliciously salty and creamy, and she had wanted to swallow every drop, and then build him up and eat again. Or better yet, suck Jason to completion in her mouth. The thought of both men coming in her mouth, one right after the other, excited her beyond belief. Would Jason let her?

She watched Jason help Tony down off her, to sit on the floor. Tony looked weak and dazed, and Kate was thrilled that she had been able to do that to him. She and Jason, really, because she knew that Jason’s forcefulness tonight had excited Tony. She had felt him grow larger and thrust deeper every time Jason whispered hotly to them.

She wasn’t jealous or worried about his desire for Jason, it seemed natural that they 56

The Courage To Love

desire one another as she desired them, after all they had been through. And this new Jason was impossible to resist.

As Jason turned back to her, she stretched out her hand in supplication. He took it in his own and brought it to his lips, kissing her palm with a soft lick of his tongue.

“Jason, please,” she murmured, “may I suck your cock now, Jason? I want it.”

She could see she had surprised him. His eyes widened, and then a slow grin broke across his face.

“Want me, do you, then?” he asked teasingly. He let go of her hand, and slowly unbuttoned his breeches. He pulled out his cock, so engorged it jutted straight up toward his stomach, the veins lining it thick and dark. He took his index finger and rubbed it on his crown, spreading the leaking wetness around. He threw his head back and moaned at the feeling, and Kate moaned with him, wanting to taste it so badly her mouth was watering. She looked over at Tony and caught him staring as well, licking his lips, and she couldn’t control a quick thrust of her hips as desire shot through her.

Jason looked down in time to see Kate’s involuntary thrust, and he chuckled. “You see, my dear? You need me to eat your pussy first, or else you won’t be able to concentrate fully on sucking my cock. And we can’t have that, can we? Be a good girl and spread your legs wide, so I can feast on you.”

He sat down and pulled her legs apart, and Kate’s protest died on her lips. The hungry look on his face as he stared at her pussy made her blood race. She broke out in a sweat at the heat that seemed to be spreading from her pussy to the rest of her body.

She waited, waited for Jason to put his mouth on her, but he sat mesmerized by her pussy, and she felt it weeping in response to his regard.

“Tony, God, Tony, she’s so wet. She wants me to lick her pussy so badly, it’s crying for my tongue. Come, Tony, come close and watch me.”

Jason’s words made Kate cry out and thrust her hips again. Yes, oh, yes, she wanted Tony to watch Jason eat her pussy. She hoped and prayed Jason would let him help.

Tony moved slowly from where he sat, crawling on all fours to lean against the front of the settee, where he could clearly see her pussy. His eyes locked with hers. She felt helpless in the tide of Jason’s desire, and saw the same weakness in Tony.

When Tony settled back to watch, Jason leaned in and rammed his tongue into Kate’s pussy without preamble. She cried out and gripped his head again, pulling it hard toward her. Again, Jason pulled away.

“No hands, Kate, just your pussy and my mouth. If you behave, perhaps a finger or two. Now slide down and then place your arms back, above your head.”

Kate whimpered, but obeyed. She desperately wanted the release Jason’s mouth could give her. She looked down and saw Tony’s eyes dilating with lust again, as he recovered from his orgasm. He watched Jason lean down and lick Kate slowly and deeply. She thrust her hips, only to have Jason’s hand press them down again.


Samantha Kane

“No moving, Kate. Only my mouth and tongue move.” He looked up at her from beneath his lashes, the look provocative and commanding. “Do you understand?” He squeezed her hip.

“Yes, I understand.” Kate was appalled at how weak her voice sounded. Jason was devastating her, and she loved it.

He began to feed off her, his pace changing every time she began to accustom herself to it, and she became frustrated as he denied her the orgasm that was shimmering just out of reach. She growled roughly in her frustration, and she felt Jason laugh against her and heard Tony moan in desire.

Tony’s moan brought Jason’s head up. Kate could see his lips and chin glistening with her moisture, and she shivered.

“Would you like a taste, Tony? Yes, I think you deserve it, and turnabout is fair play. But don’t make her come, or I shall have to punish you both.” He moved from between her legs and Tony took his place, diving into her pussy with an open, hungry mouth, moaning in gratification at the first taste of her.

“Oh God, yes, Tony,” she moaned out, his voracious mouth and tongue pushing her closer to that glorious edge. She gripped the settee cushions tightly in her effort not to move against him. Suddenly his teeth ran down the edge of her pussy lip, nibbling gently, and she thrust up uncontrollably.

“Stop,” Jason growled out, and Tony immediately stopped, pulling back so his hot breath teased her damp curls.

“Kate, Kate,” Jason said as if disappointed. “I told you not to move, darling. No matter how wonderful Tony’s sweet mouth is, you are not to fuck it. Do you understand? Tell me you understand, Kate.”

Kate looked at him, and saw his calm tone was belied by the lust carving his features. His eyes were black with it, and narrowed as they stared at her, his breathing quick, his nostrils flared.

“Yes, yes, Jason. I’m sorry, I won’t move, I promise.” She made her tone as conciliatory as she could, loving the game. Jason’s answering grin told her he knew how much she was enjoying this.

Tony’s tortured breathing was bathing her pussy, and she shivered as Jason reached down and ran a finger through her crease.

“Mmmm, Kate, so wet. Tony, lick her, while I fuck her poor pussy with my fingers.”

“Oh God, oh God,” Kate chanted, and cried out as he pressed two fingers into her.

She felt Tony’s tongue lash out and lick around those fingers where they fucked in and out, and she knew she couldn’t last long. But oh, she wanted to last forever. She wanted them both eating and pleasuring her, wanted Jason ordering them around, wanted to see Tony’s burgeoning desire, for as long as possible. She understood Tony’s earlier pleading, as she longed for release as much as she dreaded it. Suddenly she knew what Jason wanted, knew what she had to do.


The Courage To Love

“Please, Jason, please let me come. Oh God, please, I’m begging you, let me come, please make me come, please Jason.” She knew what she was doing, and yet, she couldn’t keep the genuine pleading from her tone, the rough note of desperation and lust. She was riding the edge of being out of control.

She looked up at Jason, and had to restrain her shout of triumph. He was nearly as out of control as she, one hand buried in Tony’s hair as Tony lapped up her juices roughly, his fingers pushing deeply, roughly, into her in a smooth, fast rhythm. His breathing was broken as he rasped out, “Yes, Tony, suck her, I want her to come for us now.”

He pressed his fingers in hard, and touched a place deep within her that shot pleasure to her fingertips just as Tony wrapped his lips around the hard nub of her desire and sucked, and she spun out of control. She felt her hips buck against them, and heard her keening wail of release as if from a distance. The pleasure was so absorbing it was all she could understand right now, the throbbing ache of it, the hot wet convulsions of her pussy around Jason’s large, calloused fingers, the suction of Tony’s mouth, these were her world. Jason moved his fingers in her, and Tony sucked again, and Kate arched her back and threw back her head at the renewed tremors of pleasure rocking her to her soul. She began to sob their names, trying and failing to tell them how wonderful it was, how achingly sweet, how fulfilling.

She began to come back down from the heights of pleasure, and Jason’s voice became clear, whispering reassurances to her, telling her how beautiful she was in her climax, how responsive, how delightful, how loved. And she responded automatically, from her heart.

“Oh Jason, darling Tony, how I love you,” she sighed, bringing down one arm from over her head to rest it against Jason’s which had been soothingly rubbing her stomach as he kissed her exposed hip. His movements stopped.

Without looking at her, he whispered, “You’ve never said that before, Kate. Say it again.”

Tony had been kissing the inside of her thigh and stopped to look up at her, hope and desire warring in his gaze.

Kate started to panic, but then took a deep breath. Admitting she loved them was not the same as agreeing to marry them.

“Of course I love you. As you told me last night, it’s never been like this for me before. Apparently, love does indeed make a difference.” She smiled tremulously at them, but quickly amended her admission before they could speak. “But just because I love you doesn’t mean I’m going to marry you.”

Jason was breathing deeply through his nose, clearly wanting to say something, but stopping himself. Tony spoke instead, his tone teasing.

“Clearly more dallying is required, Jason. It would seem, after tonight, that that is your forte. Any suggestions?”

Jason reluctantly chuckled, and Kate felt her muscles relax.


Samantha Kane

“You promised, Jason, you promised if I let you eat my pussy, that I could suck your cock.” Kate made her voice low and seductive, and saw both men’s eyes ignite again.

“Yes, Kate, I did promise, didn’t I?” Jason told her with and indulgent smile, and she smiled back, the thrill of knowing she would have him in her mouth soon making her still sensitive pussy clench yet again.


The Courage To Love

Chapter Nine

Kate couldn’t believe she’d let them talk her into this. The theater, for God’s sake, what was she thinking? Although, to be honest, she’d hadn’t been thinking much after the way they had loved into near insensibility the other night, when they had begged her to come with them tonight.

She glanced at herself in the mirror one more time. She was wearing the midnight blue satin again. It was one of her few remaining good dresses, the best of the lot, really, and if she did say so herself, it looked rather fine on her. She glanced at her hair and sighed. There wasn’t much you could do with an abundance of fine, straight hair. She’d tucked it into a chignon at the back of her neck again, although it was a little looser than she wore it during the day, softening her features slightly.

With trembling hands she reached for the jewelry box that had been delivered that morning. Even though she knew what was in it now, her anticipation made her catch her breath as she lifted the lid. The diamonds and sapphires winked at her in the fading light of early evening. The earrings and necklace were spectacular. The design was simple, a wide collar for her neck, and small dangling earrings; the stones themselves were the fire. Kate was no jewelry expert, but she knew the stones were superior quality, if only from their brilliant gleam.

She gently picked up the note that had come with them, already wrinkled from repeated readings. She’d have to tuck it away for safekeeping before she ruined it. Like the jewelry, the words were simple, but of superior quality.

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