Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (8 page)

“Lord Randall! Richards! How are you?” Mr. Neville greeted them with a broad smile and a hand on Tony’s shoulder. Jason and Tony stood and shook hands with the two men, the four of them grinning like fools.

“Fine, Neville, fine. And you? How are you, Overton? It’s been too long since we’ve seen you boys.”

“Boys?” Phillip Neville laughed in genuine amusement. “Only you would refer to us as boys. Are we never to grow up in your mind, Jason?”

Jonathan Overton had turned his attention to Kate and Veronica. “How do you do?” he inquired politely, and arched a brow at Tony, waiting for an introduction.

“Mrs. Katherine Collier, may I present Mr. Jonathan Overton and Mr. Philip Neville? And this is Mrs. Collier’s niece, Miss Thomas.”

“How do you do?” Kate murmured as first Mr. Overton, and then Mr. Neville bowed over her hand, and nodded at Veronica.

Jason and Tony sat back down. Veronica, too enthusiastic by any standards, spoke up. “Oh, do join us. It’s wonderful to meet some friends of Lord Randall and Mr.

Richards. We want you to tell us all their dirty little secrets.” She grinned mischievously, casting a sly glance at the gentlemen in question. Then she looked at Kate archly. “At least, the ones we don’t know already.”

Kate closed her eyes in mortification, praying for the ground to open up and swallow her. When she opened them again, Tony was grinning at Veronica, while Jason was delivering one of his sternest looks at her.


The Courage To Love

Mr. Neville laughed out loud, while Mr. Overton merely smiled. “And just what ones do you already know?” Phillip inquired teasingly, reaching out and tugging on a curl that had escaped Veronica’s bonnet.

She frowned at him in mock severity. “You mustn’t tug on my curls like a child, Mr.

Neville. I am nearly a grown woman.” She sniffed disdainfully, her pert little nose in the air. Phillip barely managed to hide a smile at the setdown.

“I do beg your pardon, Miss Thomas. I was merely trying to torture your secrets out.”

At his mock serious reply, Veronica’s good humor returned, as hers was not a personality that could linger in the depths for long. “Well you shan’t get them out of me, sirrah, for the only ones I know involve my aunt, and I’m sworn to secrecy, family loyalty and all that.”

Kate gave up, and merely lowered her head into her hands, wondering if it were possible for a face to get any redder than hers.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m afraid there are no tables left, Mr. Neville. Shall we go?” Miss Trueheart had approached the table, and now stood a little behind Phillip and Jonathan, her curiosity evident. Her question was asked in a light, teasing tone, and Kate’s head came up. “Why, Mrs. Collier! Hello, it’s pleasant to see you again. It has been a long time, though I have looked for you at Hatchard’s.” Her smile was warm and genuine, and Kate couldn’t help but smile back.

“Hello, Miss Trueheart, how are you? May I present Lord Randall and Mr.

Richards? And this is my niece, Miss Thomas.”

Jason and Tony stood and bowed over Miss Trueheart’s hand, as she stammered a hello, blushing furiously. Her awkwardness was endearing, and Kate remembered why she had liked the young lady so much.

“Oh, then you must join us, Miss Trueheart,” Veronica chirruped, already scooting her chair closer to Jason’s. “We’ve plenty of room here, haven’t we, Aunt Kate?”

Kate’s reply was guarded, as she had just noticed Mrs. Trueheart bearing down on the table. “I’m not sure that Miss Trueheart and her escorts would want to squeeze in at such a small table, Veronica. Perhaps another time.”

She had barely finished speaking when Mrs. Trueheart arrived at their table, glaring at Kate. “Margaret Trueheart! What are you doing?” She turned to Phillip. “Mr.

Neville,” she said coldly, ignoring Kate, “there are no tables available, and this being a rather unfashionable hour, the less desirable elements of society are patronizing this establishment. We must leave at once.” She kept her back to the table, thus denying any association with the undesirable elements there.

Mr. Overton’s eyes had turned dark and hard, but he kept his silence, and placed his hand surreptitiously on Miss Trueheart’s arm when she started to speak in Kate’s defense. Kate smiled sadly at him, glad he understood that she wished to avoid a scene, particularly with Veronica there.


Samantha Kane

Veronica had gone rigid in the seat across from Kate, glaring daggers at Mrs.

Trueheart’s back. She started to speak, but stopped when Jason quietly said her name in a voice ringing with authority. In any other circumstance, Kate would have been amazed at his ability to control the young woman, but she was too mortified by the scene unfolding.

Mr. Neville’s face was a mask of cold indifference when he responded. “May I present some gentlemen that served with Mr. Overton and me on the peninsula, madame? Lord Randall, and Mr. Richards.” He made a slight gesture to the table behind her as she spoke.

If at all possible, her back became more rigid. Jason’s title and wealth made it almost impossible for her not to acknowledge the introduction, but to do so would leave her open to a forced acknowledgement of Kate. She turned slowly, her face a study in frustration and condemnation. “How do you do, Lord Randall?” she finally said, allowing Jason to bow over her hand, which he barely managed. She and Tony were able to complete the polite exchange without actually touching, to the relief of both. She immediately turned back to Mr. Neville.

“I was not aware you had connections with the Randalls, Mr. Neville. I am well acquainted with Lord Randall’s mother. I shall have to inform her that we saw him this afternoon.” She barely glanced back at the table. “Good afternoon, Lord Randall, Mr.


“Ah, but Mrs. Trueheart, you must let me present my companion,” Jason

interrupted her dramatic exit in a slow, menacing drawl. “Mrs. Katherine Collier, may I present Mrs. Trueheart?”

Kate’s heart was hammering in her chest. This was exactly the situation she had wanted to avoid, the reason she had said no to Jason and Tony last night, and had tried to say no to Gunther’s today. After Mrs. Trueheart gave her the cut direct, gossip would spread like wildfire through the ton, tarnishing Jason and Tony with its ugly consequences. She was hurting them, being here, and Mrs. Trueheart’s clear distaste for her was chipping away large pieces of her newly won self-confidence. And what of Veronica? How she must hate being associated with someone of Kate’s reputation!

Would she come to hate Kate for it?

Kate was captured by Mrs. Trueheart’s angry glare. The older woman ignored the introduction, instead addressing Jason directly. “I’m aware that you have been out of the country a great deal in the last few years, Lord Randall. I will have to let your mother know you are in need of catching up on what has gone on here in your absence.”

Jason slowly stood again, his very calmness suggesting just the opposite, as anger blazed from his bright eyes, and the rigid lines of his face. “I am well aware of what has gone on in my absence, Mrs. Trueheart. Perhaps you did not hear me introduce Mrs.



The Courage To Love

“Lord Randall,” Kate murmured wretchedly, wishing Jason would let it be, not wanting an ugly scene. He turned to look at her, and nodded his head curtly in acknowledgment of her wishes. He then quite deliberately sat down with his back to Mrs. Trueheart, effectively cutting her off. He heard her gasp of disbelief.

“Come, Margaret,” she said angrily, stalking away from the table.

Miss Trueheart looked miserable. “Oh, Mrs. Collier,” she began wretchedly, only to have her mother call her name impatiently again.

Kate spared a wobbly smile for the girl. “Don’t worry, my dear. Your mother is right, you had better follow her. It’s for the best, you know.” She made a shooing motion with her hand, and the young lady trailed after her mother looking for all the world like a whipped puppy. She stopped suddenly and turned back. “Mr. Neville? Mr.

Overton?” Her voice quavered. “Are you coming?” There was such hope and longing in her voice that Kate felt something in her own chest go tight.

“Yes, please, Mr. Neville, Mr. Overton,” Kate begged them. “You must see Miss Trueheart home, please. None of this is her doing.”

Mr. Neville smiled at Kate, his anger still evident. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Collier. We intend to rescue her directly, as soon as possible, as a matter of fact.” He bowed stiffly, and walked toward Miss Trueheart.

Mr. Overton bowed as well. “May we call on you, my lord, Richards, perhaps later this week?” he inquired politely, his emotions firmly under control.

“Yes, Jonathan, we should like that,” Tony replied. Before the young man walked away, he surprised everyone by reaching out and tugging Veronica’s wayward curl.

“Good day, brat,” he said lightly, and walked off laughing at Veronica’s outraged look.

His parting had the desired effect of lightening everyone’s mood. Veronica exaggeratedly pouted over the imagined offense until Jason gave her some money to go and buy a treat at the counter. She skipped off gaily, forgetting for a moment to act like a nearly grown woman.

“I’m sorry,” Kate whispered as soon as Veronica was gone, her spirits still low.

Jason’s face suffused with anger. “What the bloody hell are you sorry for? That woman was unconscionably rude, and should be begging your forgiveness.”

“Oh, don’t you see,” Kate cried out quietly. “This is what I meant last night. In society I am…am a leper!” she finished dramatically. “You cannot be seen with me in public. This is ruining your reputations, and I won’t be responsible for that. Oh, Jason, she’s going to tell your mother!”

Tony couldn’t help it, he laughed. Both Jason and Kate looked at him in astonishment. “Yes, Jason,” Tony said between chuckles. “She’s going to tell your mama. Whatever are you going to do?” At his comment Jason began to laugh as well.

“Oh, you two,” Kate said in exasperation. “You may laugh, but we all know that to be repudiated by your family will ruin any chances of an advantageous marriage. Then where will you be?”


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She was surprised at the anger that once again blazed from Jason’s eyes at her remark.

“By God, Kate, when I told you I loved you and wanted to marry you last night, I meant it. I don’t want an advantageous marriage, I want you.” He stopped at Tony’s snort of disbelief. “Oh, hell, that didn’t come out right, but you know what I mean. And if you don’t say yes, I shall spend the rest of my life hounding and pursuing you until you do. That should give the ton something to talk about, eh?”

Kate blinked slowly at his vehemence. She turned to Tony. “Can you not talk some sense into him?” she pleaded.

“Who, me?” Tony grinned at her. “Absolutely not, for I share his madness, just as I plan to share you, once you say yes. Share you a lot, several times a day, in even more delicious ways than we shared you last night. Oh, Kate, what a glorious marriage the three of us will have.” He sighed contentedly, and rested his chin in his hand as he gazed worshipfully at her.

Kate was so frustrated, she clenched her hands into fists. “Why can you not see reason? Society shuns me now because of my past liaisons, and they will shun you, Jason, for your association with me. Even more when Tony’s involvement is made clear.

Do you think we can conceal our arrangement forever? I simply cannot allow you to throw your life away like this.”

Jason started to speak, his demeanor as angry and frustrated as Kate’s. Tony placed a hand over Jason’s arm, stopping him. He turned to Kate.

“My darling Kate, you don’t understand. Jason and I are together, and will be whether you are with us or not. We are inseparable, for reasons I guess we need to discuss with you. How foolish of us not to before this. But more than that, we are in love with you. Last night as we both held you and loved you, shared you, you completed us in a way we have only dreamed of. We need you, desperately, I’m afraid, even more now that we know what it is to be with you.” He took both her hands in his, his expression solemn. “Can you condemn us to a life lived incomplete, an empty space between us? I hope not. I hope you care for us more than that.” He leaned in closer to her. “We have shared women before, Kate, but we will never share another that is not you. We will never lie with another, now that we know what it is to touch the soul of the one we love.”

Tears gathered in Kate’s eyes, and she looked away, pulling her hands from Tony’s.

“You put me in an untenable position. If I succumb to your pleas, I ruin your lives. If I deny you, I condemn you to a life of celibacy and loneliness. How am I to choose?”

“Is it our lives that will be ruined, Kate, or yours?” Jason asked quietly. He watched her dash her tears away with a gloved hand. “Is the scrutiny, and yes, perhaps condemnation of society for the relationship we’re offering more than you can bear?

You have suffered enough. It is not right that we ask you to suffer more for our sakes.”

He looked away and took a shaky breath.


The Courage To Love

“If you cannot bear the thought of what society will say about our marriage, I understand, darling. But please, don’t shut us out. Let us be a part of your life, if only as, I don’t know, friends, preferably lovers.” The look he gave her cut directly to her heart. “I cannot bear to be parted from you again, love. The memory of your sweet body welcoming mine, the vision of your face in the throes of climax, will be with me always.

I had hoped to make more such memories, but if it is not to be, then please, at least don’t deny us the sight of you, the pleasure of your company, the sound of your sweet voice. Please, Kate, please.”

“Oh, you scoundrels, to tell me these things now, here, at Gunther’s of all places!

Have you no shame? I cannot think here, cannot make a decision now.” She looked up, and quickly wiped away the last vestiges of her tears. “Veronica returns. We will discuss this later.”

“We will?” Tony asked, his face wreathed in smiles, his tone delighted. “When?

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