Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (10 page)

Jason laughed with them, and moved to sit on the other side of Kate. He took her hand and the three of them settled back against the settee. Tony picked up her other 50

The Courage To Love

hand and they sat that way for a while, quietly, their heads resting on the settee’s low back. Finally Jason turned his head to look at Kate.

“So, does this change your decision?”

Kate looked back and forth between them, her head swimming. Did it change her decision? Their story didn’t really affect her reasons for saying no, but somehow, knowing that even if she were to say no, they would still be together, still needing her, made her hesitate.

“Possibly,” she held up a hand to stall their arguments, “but there are still impediments to this relationship. For one, who would I marry? I can’t marry both of you.”

“Me,” Jason said. “I need an heir, and Tony is comfortable with our marrying. It’s only a formality, anyway. In our home, you will be wife to both of us.”

Kate looked at Tony. “Is that true? It wouldn’t bother you?”

Tony smiled as he stroked her cheek with a calloused fingertip. “Oh my darling, no, not at all. In a strange way, by marrying Jason you are marrying me. We’re a matched pair, you see.”

Kate bit her lip in indecision. “What about society? Your families?”

“Society can go to the devil,” Jason said happily. “We’ve our own society of friends that will accept this relationship, and we don’t need anyone else.”

“What do you mean? What friends?” Kate squirmed on the settee, trying to get comfortable, and Tony turned sideways, pulling her in to lean back against his chest.

After a moment she relaxed there, and let Jason pull her feet up in to his lap. He pulled off her shoes and began to rub her feet, making Kate sigh with pleasure. Tony began to massage the nape of her neck, and she arched into his clever fingers.

“Well,” he drawled, rubbing his cheek against her hair, “we felt compelled to share our newfound knowledge with others who were experiencing the same effects of the war. In other words, we are not the only ones who have, for lack of a better term, paired up this way.”

Kate sat up, and turned to look at Tony in astonishment. “Really? Who else?”

Jason laughed, and tweaked her little toe, causing her to yelp. “Wouldn’t you like to know, puss? For starters, Phillip and Jonathan.”

Her jaw dropped in amazement. “The two gentlemen from Gunther’s today? With Miss Trueheart? Does she know?”

Tony pulled her back against him. “I don’t think so, although when next I see them, I’m going to suggest they tell her. It’s obvious they have marriage in mind there, but to be fair, she should know what she’s getting into.”

“Oh, I agree,” Kate told him, nodding her head.

“Is that a yes?” Tony whispered in her ear, licking the sensitive spot just below her lobe.


Samantha Kane

Kate shivered. “A yes?” she questioned breathlessly, arching her neck to the side to give him more room.

Suddenly Jason rose on his knees, and straddled Kate’s outstretched legs. He reached down and began to inch her dress up her legs. “A yes to our question?” he told her, stopping his hands when her garters were exposed. He began to pull one off slowly. “Will you marry us?”

“No,” Kate told him, “it’s not a yes.” Her voice was wavering, desire and fear fighting for control. “I’m scared. Scared of what will happen, scared for me, scared for Veronica. I guess you were right, Tony. I need more time.” She began to pull her legs away, but Jason stopped her, his grip firm but gentle.

“So it’s to be a proper wooing, then?” he asked with a devilish grin. “Flowers and poetry and love songs, dancing and dallying? I can do that.” He began to pull off her other garter. “What about you, Tony? Can you handle it?”

Tony slid one arm around her, and cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb over her hard nipple. Kate arched her back on a gasp. “I can handle it, if you can,” he told Jason roughly. “Particularly the dallying. I’m very good at dallying.” His mouth came down on Kate’s exposed shoulder, in a hot, wet open-mouthed kiss. She moaned as his tongue flicked her sensitive skin.

“Poetry?” Kate gasped. “No, no poetry.”

Jason laughed low in his throat, the sound vibrating straight through Kate to set her pussy clenching. “You don’t like poetry?” he asked teasingly. “I know some very good ones. ‘There once was a man from Budapest, who loved to nibble a woman’s breast—’”

he paused to glide his hands slowly up Kate’s thighs, pushing her dress higher. “‘When he saw a fair flower, he plucked it. When he saw a fair maid, he fucked it.’”

Kate would have laughed out loud if she wasn’t so breathless from Jason’s touch, and Tony’s mouth working magic on her neck and shoulders.

At Jason’s last line, Tony had to pull his mouth from Kate’s neck to laugh. “Good lord, that was hilarious in Salamanca, but leaves something to be desired here.”

Jason pushed Kate’s dress the last few inches up, exposing her hot center, just visible through the slit in her drawers. “Oh, there is definitely something to be desired here.”

His comment was made in a voice rough with laughter and lust, and Kate felt her bones melt at the sound. She gave them this—this laughter, this desire, this happiness.

And suddenly she understood. She helped keep the wolves at bay for both of them, as well.

Kate grabbed Jason’s hand as he reached out to touch her. He uncurled his fingers and without moving his hand, managed to brush the coarse, glistening curls wet with her juices. He inhaled the tangy, warm scent of her as his eyes narrowed with satisfaction at her gasp of pleasure.

In a voice trembling and breathless she asked, “Are there wolves here?”


The Courage To Love

Jason’s eyes widened, and then turned dark with need. “No, Kate, never with you.”

The deep rumble of his voice revealed the depth of his desire.

At Kate’s question, Tony raised his head for a moment, as if startled, and then rested his forehead against her hair, already coming out of its businesslike chignon.

“Sweet Kate,” he murmured, “you are the tamer of wolves.” With one gentle hand, he turned Kate’s head until her lips met his, and his kiss was tender enough to bring tears to her eyes. He pulled back and lightly kissed each eyelid, then followed the tracks of the two tears that fell with his lips.

“These tears are magic, my love,” he whispered. “You have shed them for love of us, and in so doing you have bound us to you for all eternity.”

He returned to her mouth, and his kiss was as scorching as the last had been tender.

Kate could not catch her breath as he devoured her with his lips and teeth and tongue.

His hand kneaded her breast roughly, in time to the thrust of his tongue, and Kate’s mind was lost. All she could think of was what she was feeling, experiencing, right now, right here. Tony’s mouth, and Jason’s hands running up and down her legs, from ankle to thigh.

Suddenly Kate gasped as Jason’s tongue licked a path along the deep crease of her pussy. As Tony had been kissing her, Jason had removed her drawers.

“Oh, Jesus, Kate, you taste so incredible,” Jason murmured against the hot flesh beneath his lips. “So sweet, and spicy, too. And so hot, so damn hot, as if you warmed your cream in an open fire before letting me taste it.” He pressed his face tightly to her, shoving his tongue deeply into her pussy, fucking it in and out in a rapid movement, with a hard flick at the end.

Kate moaned loudly, she couldn’t stop herself. God, how she had missed this, a man devouring her pussy as if it were the most delectable thing he ever ate. She pushed her fingers through Jason’s hair and held his face to her, thrusting her pussy at his mouth.

Jason pulled back hard, fighting Kate’s grip. He pulled free and sat back, and his laugh was wicked as she moaned in protest.

“Like that, do you?” he asked in the rough voice she seemed to love. “Want more?”

Kate didn’t respond to him, but arched her back, thrusting her breast into Tony’s hand, which he had tunneled under the bodice of her dress and chemise to capture her bare flesh. Jason could see him pinch the nipple hard between his fingers, and Kate thrust her pussy toward Jason, whimpering.

Without warning, Jason rose and yanked Kate’s legs, pulling her off Tony until her head rested on the settee, between Tony’s legs. Kate cried out softly at his roughness.

“I asked if you wanted more,” Jason growled, gripping her thighs. “Answer me.”

To Jason’s delight, Kate’s breath was ragged in her excitement. “Yes,” she panted,

“yes, Jason, more.”


Samantha Kane

“Now you’ll have to earn it,” Jason told her sternly.

He looked up at Tony and cocked an eyebrow. Tony smiled slowly in response, and Jason looked back to Kate. He pushed his hands high on her thighs, and his thumbs met as he firmly pushed their tips into her weeping, grasping pussy. Kate bit her lower lip as she tried to hold back a sob of pleasure, and Jason knew a thrill more exciting than anything he’d felt before. Kate loved the torture, the waiting, the wanting. He knew in that moment that she would let them do anything to her, that she trusted them to bring her pleasure, and would give pleasure in return.

“Tony,” he said, his voice still firm, but rough and low, “open your breeches.” His eyes were locked with Kate’s, and he saw them widen as understanding dawned. Then she licked her lips, and Jason actually felt his cock jump in excitement.

Tony slowly began to undo his buttons, still resting back against the side of the settee. When Jason looked up at him, Tony could see the pleasure that his obedience gave him, and a shocking thrill coursed through his veins. He felt his cock harden at Jason’s pleasure, at the thought of how much he knew Jason would enjoy watching Kate suck his cock.

Tony was amazed at this new aspect of their lovemaking. Jason had never taken control like this before, and Tony was unprepared for how excited he was by it. He found himself breathlessly waiting for Jason’s next command, and loved the anticipation. He glanced down at Kate and saw she, too, was watching Jason hotly, trembling with the need to please him. He looked back at Jason as he slowly pulled his engorged cock out, and felt his tip leak when he saw Jason watching him.

“Get up, Tony, and help Kate lean back against the side arm, as you were.” Jason sat back on his haunches, pulling his hands away from Kate, and Tony heard her sharp intake of breath as his thumbs left her pussy empty again.

He rose from the settee, and pulled Kate back so her head and shoulders were resting on the low arm. Then he stood up and looked at Jason, his hand unconsciously going to his cock to rub it as he waited for Jason’s next command.

“Very good, Tony,” Jason purred, and his blood began to throb, in his neck, in his head, in his cock, as if Jason’s voice had heated it to boiling. He tried to observe his reaction logically, but couldn’t distance himself from the excitement.

“Now straddle her, gently, and place your cock in her mouth.”

Tony actually felt himself panting with excitement at Jason’s command. He had dreamed of Kate sucking his cock for years, the vision of her beautiful face as she opened her mouth and wrapped her ripe lips around it, her hot, wet tongue gliding against it, had caused many a wonderful climax. The reality outshone every fantasy.

He carefully straddled her, and she wrapped her arms up between his legs to grasp his buttocks, pulling him toward her. Suddenly he felt Jason move behind him, and pull Kate’s hands away.


The Courage To Love

“No hands, my dear, just mouth,” Jason told her, his breath stirring the hair on Tony’s nape, he was so close.

Tony closed his eyes for a moment to control his excitement. When he opened them and looked down, he saw Kate waiting for his attention. Then she opened her mouth, and he moved his hips, guiding his cock in. As he felt the wet warmth surround him, and her lips close over him, he carefully leaned forward to grip the arm of the settee on either side of her. He clenched his hands into the fabric until his knuckles were white, fighting for control.

“You’re such a good girl, Kate,” Jason crooned softly behind him. “Your mouth is so sweet, just being in there is nearly enough to make Tony come.”

Tony felt Jason’s hand lightly smooth over the back of his head, and he shuddered with the raging lust lashing through him. He desperately wanted to prolong this, for his own pleasure, but also for Jason’s. He could hear the excitement in the deep, hot throb of Jason’s voice as he praised Kate, felt Jason’s hand tremble as it touched his hair.

“Now, Kate, if you want me to eat your pussy, you’ll suck Tony’s cock hard and deep, until he comes down your delectable throat, darling. And you’ll drink every wonderful drop.”

Tony could feel Kate’s breath hot and ragged around his cock, felt the vibrations of her moan at Jason’s words, and his own corresponding moan took him by surprise. He enjoyed having a woman suck his cock, but not this much, never this much.

“Yes, Tony,” Jason whispered behind him, and then snuggled up close, until his cock was lightly rubbing against Tony’s ass. “You don’t mind do you? I want to share this with you, you fucking Kate’s mouth.”

Jason nudged Tony’s hips with his, and a fire swept through his genitals, from his balls to the tip of his cock buried in Kate’s mouth.

“Move, Tony, slowly. Kate, open your mouth wider, darling, take him deeper. Yes, yes, sweet, just like that. Oh, you’re definitely earning your reward, my love.”

Jason’s words made Tony’s hips buck slightly, and Kate moaned in protest as his cock went deeper into her mouth.

“Careful, Tony, don’t hurt her. She’s our beautiful girl now, and we’ve got to take care of her.”

Jason’s hand reached around Tony, pressing his cock more firmly against his ass, and Tony tried to control the shiver of pleasure that rocked him. Jason lay his hand against Kate’s cheek, his thumb curving around her chin, under Tony’s cock, and Tony found himself thinking,
Just a little more, move your hand just a little more and touch me

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