Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (5 page)

“Yes, Kate, yes, come for us, darling, come. Hold us tight. Mark me, Kate, dig your nails into my back. I want a mark, especially from your climax with Jason. I love watching him fuck you. Come hard, Kate, come hard for us.”

His dark whispers into her mouth pushed Kate over the edge and she sobbed out and came hard for Tony, just like he asked. As she did she raked both men with her nails, marking them, branding them.

Tony’s mouth came down hard on hers as she came, swallowing her cries. He dimly remembered there was some reason they were supposed to be quiet. He heard Jason through the haze of Kate’s climax.

“Again, sweetheart. I want to make you come again. Once more, and then I’m going to explode inside your sweet pussy. Come on, come on,” he chanted low, pulling back roughly out of her arms, to kneel before her, grasping her hips and fucking her long and deep, in and out. He took one hand, and used his fingers to press and rub the sensitive peak, swollen and red, peeking through her lower lips. He stared at Kate’s pussy intently, watching his cock fuck her, his fingers play with her.

Kate was still moaning. God, it felt so good, better than it had ever felt before. No man had fucked her like this, ever—roughly, but with tenderness, so in tune with her pleasure. She looked over at Tony helplessly. He was watching both of them, but his 23

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eyes were drawn again and again to where Kate and Jason were joined, and she looked down to see what fascinated him.

The sight of Jason’s long hard cock pulling out of her pussy shining with her juices, his fingers just as wet as they rubbed her, made Kate come again, immediately. She instantly convulsed, crying out. Jason prolonged the pleasure with his fingers, while he buried his cock deeply inside her to ride out her orgasm.

“Oh, Christ, Kate, Tony,” Jason cried out, as he too started to come, his hips bucking, his hands pulling Kate even harder against him. She could feel his semen, hot, so hot, as it poured out of him, and then surrounded his cock inside her in its heat. As he filled her full he jerked spasmodically, pumping her again and again until he was empty.

Kate was writhing beneath him, fucking his still hard cock. When he rolled off her, and collapsed to the floor next to her, she cried “No,” and tried to pull him back.

Tony rolled over onto his back, his cock a hard spear jutting out of the nest of dark hair at his groin. “Come, Kate,” he whispered, trailing his fingers down her arm, “come and take more. Take what you want.”

Kate quickly rolled over and, straddling Tony, thrust down to impale herself on his cock in one hard move. Tony sucked in a breath as her incredibly wet, hot pussy surrounded his thick, equally hot phallus.

“Oh, Kate,” he breathed roughly, “so long, so long, I’ve dreamed of this, pleasured myself to this image; Kate on top of me, fucking me hard and deep, mindless with the need, the passion.”

“Tony,” she sobbed over and over, as she sat up straight, her hands resting on his hard abdomen. She looked down at him, her eyes glittering in her face. “So beautiful, beautiful Tony, mine, mine,” she said as she ground her pussy against him, pushing him repeatedly against the sweet spot deep inside.

Jason regained his breath, and had to go to them. It was more than need, it was a compulsion; he couldn’t not be part of their fucking. He crawled over and straddled Tony behind Kate. His hands came up to cup her breasts as she rode Tony hard in front of him.

“Yes, Kate, let me feel you fuck him. Show me how you fuck Tony,” he whispered, looking down over her shoulder to watch Tony’s cock disappear into her pussy over and over. He felt Tony’s thigh muscles tighten and release as he met Kate’s thrusts, and it was a wicked pleasure. Never had he done this with Tony and another woman, never had he felt almost as if Tony were fucking him. Yes, he’d fucked a woman with Tony in a similar position before, but he wasn’t fucking Kate now. He was letting Tony fuck them, and it was so damn erotic, he could barely breathe.

Tony met his eyes over Kate’s shoulder, and the communion nearly undid him.

Tony was fucking both of them, and he knew Jason knew it. A moment later, they realized Kate knew it too.


The Courage To Love

She leaned down over Tony and whispered, “Yes, Tony, fuck us. Fuck us hard.”

He nearly toppled Kate with the force of his next thrust, and she laughed in sheer joy. Jason smiled wickedly over her shoulder, leaned down and licked her skin, then bit her. When he saw Jason’s teeth sunk in her shoulder Tony visibly trembled with the force of his oncoming climax.

“Oh God, Kate, I can’t,” he gasped, trying to hold her still, trying to avert disaster.

Jason reached down and ran two fingers down the soft crease of her pussy lips until he touched the root of Tony’s cock, buried in her. The touch of his hand there made both Kate and Tony cry out, and their hips jerked. Jason closed his eyes at the pure heaven of feeling Tony’s cock pump in and out of Kate’s pussy. He made himself pull his hand back, and used two fingers, now wet with cream, to grasp her hard, swollen bud and rub it between them, pulling gently in the motion she had liked before. She cried out and pressed down deeply on Tony’s cock, and they both came hard, moaning and grinding against one another.


Samantha Kane

Chapter Four

Kate collapsed against Tony’s chest, boneless after the stunning orgasm brought on by Tony’s hard cock and Jason’s sweet, magic fingers. Both of them touching her, loving her, at the same time, Jason behind her while Tony fucked them both was beyond her wildest dreams, her most forbidden fantasies. She listened to the thunder of Tony’s heartbeat and felt Jason’s hand gently stroking her back, soothing.

Tony’s hands softly caressed her thighs, still straddling him. For a few minutes they rested thus, as Kate’s pulse and breathing returned to normal, as Tony’s cock slowly slid from her. Jason lay down beside Tony, and ran his fingers through Kate’s hair, then kissed the top of her head.

“Kate, darling,” Jason whispered. “How I love you. How I’ve longed to fuck you, since we first met.” He laughed quietly, breathlessly. “How many more times can we do that tonight?”

His softly spoken words froze Kate where she lay. Tony felt her stiffen, and grabbed her upper arms, trying to hold her, but she pulled away, and rolled off him. The movement was sudden and graceless, and she scrambled to her feet as both men watched her, alarmed.

Jason rose to lean on his elbows, looking at her with concern. “What’s wrong, darling?”

“Kate, no,” Tony said, still lying there, gazing at her with love and longing.

Kate turned away, her body clumsy as she fought back the languor of sexual satisfaction and forced it to move purposefully. She began frantically searching for her shift, but couldn’t find it in the tangle of clothes on the floor. Frustrated she grabbed a shirt from the midst of the chaos and pulled it on, jerking it roughly up her arms.

Covered, she turned back to them, holding the shirt closed with a tight fist.

“You have to leave,” she said, her voice an octave higher than normal, her panic barely held at bay.

Jason’s mouth dropped open in wounded astonishment. “Excuse me?”

Tony raised his hands to scrub them over his face in frustration, as he continued to lie on the floor, oblivious to his and Jason’s nudity.

“You have to leave, now,” Kate repeated, enunciating each word separately, sharply.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Jason demanded, rising to his feet in one fluid, angry motion.


The Courage To Love

Kate stepped back, more out of instinct than real fear. Jason saw the movement and backed down, turning away from Kate for a moment to calm down, running his hands through his hair.

While Jason calmed down, Tony sat up on the floor, bending one knee and resting his arm upon it. “Let’s back up, Kate. I’m still at the point where we’re all lying here in stupendous sexual satisfaction, warm and happy after fucking ourselves senseless.

Where are you?”

“You have to leave.” Kate was clearly getting desperate, her voice rising.

“Fine.” Jason’s voice was sharp enough to cut. He bent down and began tossing aside clothes, searching for his own. “But this is not over. We will be back in the morning, and we will make plans for the wedding.”

“No!” Kate’s tone bordered on hysteria. “There will be no wedding! I told you, just tonight, just this once. I can’t marry either of you, I can’t.” She had backed up and was now standing behind one of the tall chairs, partially hidden from them.

Tony stood, his movement smooth and easy, his calmness easing some of the tension. “Kate, please, we don’t understand.” He looked at her, his eyes showing his confusion, and his hurt at her abrupt dismissal after what had been one of the most moving sexual experiences of his life. “We love you, we want to marry you. It’s clear you have feelings, deep feelings, for us. Why can’t we be together?”

Kate’s own eyes filled with tears at the pain she saw in Tony’s. She lifted one hand to cover her mouth, to stifle sobs that threatened to erupt. She was frantically, unconsciously, shaking her head over and over.

“Kate,” Tony whispered, dismayed at her distress. He started to move toward her, and she backed up farther.

With visible effort, she pulled her hand away from her mouth, and forced her body to be still. “Get dressed, please.” Her voice was weak, but steady.

Tony started to say something, but Kate interrupted. “No, just get dressed, please.

Then we’ll talk.” She turned her back to them both, as if embarrassed by their nudity in spite of the passion they had so recently shared. She crossed her arms, holding her sides as if to hold herself together.

Jason was getting dressed quickly, with sharp, angry movements. “I don’t care what you have to say, Kate, I know you love us, or you never would have responded to our lovemaking the way you did.” He stopped dressing and pinned her with a hot, angry stare. “It’s never been like that for you, has it?”

Kate bit her lip to keep from telling him the truth, it
never been like that for her.

In a small corner of her soul, a place she refused to acknowledge tonight, she did love them, still, forever. But she couldn’t be with them. She wouldn’t lose herself that way again.

Her silence confirmed Jason’s assertion as certainly as a truthful response would have. His look turned triumphant, and he started to walk toward Kate.


Samantha Kane

“No!” Kate turned away, and hurried over to stand near the doors. She spoke quickly as she walked. “It doesn’t matter if it has or not, I cannot be with you. I will not lose myself to men again.”

When she looked over her shoulder, Jason had stopped, his boots in his hand, his face puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

Kate looked desperately at Tony, hoping he would understand, but Tony was silent, his look confused.

Kate looked away, breathed deeply, and began speaking, slowly at first, her pace increasing as the words began to tumble out. “Not long after you left for, well, wherever you were going that time,
informed me he wanted to have a party at my townhouse, a gaming party for his friends. Just cards and dice, but he didn’t want to have it at his house because of his neighbors, if they happened to get too loud. Being new as his mistress, I said yes, not wanting to offend him. I planned on putting in a brief appearance, then retreating to my rooms. It wasn’t until I entered the drawing room, and the door closed behind me, that I realized I was to be the big game of the night.”

Kate closed her eyes, shuddering and swallowing convulsively. Tony felt his rage simmering, threatening to erupt, and he tamped it down, not wanting to frighten her.

He looked at Jason, and the other man’s rage was written on his face. He looked positively murderous. Yes, that would come. But for now, they needed to let Kate finish.

“Robertson?” he asked softly.

She nodded, then opened her eyes and stared into the distance, unable to meet either of their eyes.

“It started out innocently enough, with the winner of a dice game winning a kiss from me. But I could tell by the looks I was receiving that they all expected more. And when the winner claimed his prize, it was more than a kiss. He grabbed me and—” Kate had to stop to take several deep breaths. “He grabbed me as I tried to push him away and tore the bodice of my dress open. Then hands were all over me, throwing me onto the card table and holding me down, and,” she sobbed softly, then squared her shoulders. “They held me down while he raped me. Then someone appeared with a rope, and they tied me down while they all took turns throughout the night, playing cards and dice, and then taking a break to rape me.”

The last few words were little more than a whisper, and Kate was clutching her hands together so tightly they could see her nails cutting the flesh. They didn’t make a sound.

She continued after a few seconds of deep breathing. “
just laughed the entire time, and kept reminding them all to make sure they had a ‘taste’ of me before they left.

When they had all gone, he sauntered up to me, and he looked at me with complete 28

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detachment. ‘My friends enjoyed you very much, whore,’ he said to me. ‘I got my money’s worth this night.’ Then he paused and roughly grabbed my chin to turn my head and look at me this way and that. Then he took in my torn gown, and used body, and that’s when he said, ‘Let’s see if they want you now.’”

And suddenly Tony knew what he’d meant. Robertson had been talking about them, about him and Jason. God, it had been such a minor thing he’d forgotten it, but obviously Robertson hadn’t. Two years ago, they’d been at a party. A drunken orgy, more like, and Jason had beaten Robertson at cards, rather badly. Robertson had to give Jason his marker, which Jason had accepted amiably enough, but Robertson was furious. In his anger he’d tried to drag one of the women upstairs, and Tony had been afraid he would take out his anger on her with violence. Tony had stepped in, told Robertson he was too drunk to think straight, that he should go home and sober up.

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