Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (4 page)

He leaned into her and flicked his tongue across a dark rose nipple, already hard with desire. Kate moaned and Tony sank back down onto the arm of the chair, and leaning down, he sucked her other nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue 18

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around the nub savoring it in his mouth greedily. Jason watched him a moment, then rested a hand on Tony’s shoulder while he, too, captured a nipple in his mouth and devoured it.

Kate knew a brief moment of panic as her arms were imprisoned by her clothing.

Her murmur of distress caused both men to stop and look at her. Understanding her distress immediately, Jason pulled her dress completely off her arms, freeing her. Tony joined Jason on the floor at Kate’s feet, and as soon as she was free he leaned in and began to lick and suck her breasts and nipples again. His touch became gentle, as if he were savoring each tender taste, and Kate floated on the softly building cloud of desire, feeling her blood begin to thrum in her veins, moisture leaking out and coating her nether lips, preparing her for their possession.

As Tony adored her breasts, Jason began massaging her calves, his hands running up and down from her ankle to her knee, under her dress. It felt wonderful, and before she realized what he was doing, he had pulled off her shoes and was rubbing her feet.

A deep moan escaped at the soothing sensation. Before long the touch of his hands had gone from soothing to inflammatory. It was as if flames of heat and desire were traveling directly from her feet to her pussy. Jason stopped rubbing her feet and began to push her dress up.

Kate gasped as she felt the cool air on her exposed lower legs. Tony stopped loving her breasts and pulled away to watch as Jason pushed her dress up onto her thighs.

Jason leaned back on his knees, giving both himself and Tony a better view of Kate’s legs spread apart, the shadows between her thighs just barely hiding her scorching center from their sight. As one they both picked up a foot and pulled her garters off, then began rolling her stockings down her legs.

Kate’s breathing was ragged. The sight of these two gorgeous men at her feet, their rampant erections obvious, all for her, nearly drove her over the edge. She had dreamed many times of one or the other, but never, in her wildest dreams, even with the rumors about them abounding, had she dreamed of having them together. As their hands returned to smooth over the bare skin of her legs, tears came to her eyes from the almost painful need that clutched her womb.

“Kate,” Tony whispered, as he looked up at her face. He slowly stood and held out his hand to her. Jason kissed the arch of the foot he held, then set it back on the floor. As she stood, holding Tony’s hand, Jason turned and pushed the table several feet, creating a space on the floor between the settee and the chair. He grabbed the throw from the back of the other chair and tossed it on the carpet to create a bed of sorts.

Jason was still on his knees in front of her. As Tony held her lightly by the waist from behind, Jason helped her step out of the dress and pulled her chemise over her hips and off. She reached down and held on to his shoulders as she lifted one foot then the other. Before straightening up she pushed Jason’s coat off his shoulders.

Understanding what she wanted, he ripped the coat off and threw it to the side without looking where it landed.


Samantha Kane

“More,” Kate whispered. Behind her, Tony wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing her intimately against his front, his hard cock riding the upper crease of her bottom. She wore nothing but her drawers, a thin shield again his heat and hardness.

He reached one hand up to cup her breast as the other held her hips tightly back against that cock, now rubbing slowly back and forth. He rested his chin on her shoulder and watched Jason as he undressed for Kate.

Jason undressed slowly, unveiling his splendid body one inch at a time. The flickering flames of the lamps created shadows against the ridges of his muscles, making his movements even more mesmerizing and erotic. When his shirt was undone, he deliberately parted it and ran his fingers down his bare chest to the tops of his breeches. His legs were parted wide as he kneeled, and his trailing fingers drew their eyes to his erection, hard and insistent against the tight front of his pants. He shrugged off his shirt and tossed it after his coat, never taking his eyes from Kate’s.

Kate was panting now, lust rushing through her veins, making her skin ache for the touch of hands and mouths, her pussy burn for the feel of a hard cock.
Yes, yes
, she thought.
This is what I want. I must remember this; this is all I will have of them. For tonight,
they are mine.
Tony moved sensuously against her and she leaned back into him as she licked her lips and told Jason, “More.” She covered Tony’s hand at her breast with her own, squeezing to show him just how she wanted to be touched.

Tony moaned at her actions and leaned down to kiss her neck in the curve where it met her shoulder. He licked the spot he kissed, and after blowing on it, he sank his teeth lightly into her flesh. Kate jerked in response, her hips pressing her lush bottom against his hard cock. Tony drew a deep breath in through his nose, his control clearly threatened. He pulled his teeth away, and licked the spot again, soothing the fire.

At Tony’s groan, Jason sat on the floor and quickly removed his boots. He stood and divested himself of the rest of his clothes just as rapidly. His cock hurt, he wanted to fuck Kate so badly. In his mind he knew they needed to go slow, but the throbbing message from his body drowned out any rational thought. All he could think was fuck her, fuck her, fuck her.

As soon as he was naked, Jason reached for Kate, pulling her out of Tony’s arms and pressing her length against him. The feel of her bare skin on his made him burn and pushed him beyond all restraint. He kissed her roughly, his mouth and tongue devouring her, his teeth nipping at her lips.

Kate was as lost to restraint as Jason. She growled in her throat as she fisted her hands in his hair and held on as he devoured her mouth. She wrapped one leg around his and ground her pussy against his massive erection, already leaking seed, dampening her drawers. They both moaned and ground against one another until Jason’s legs gave out and he sank to the floor, pulling Kate down with him. He broke the kiss and lay her down on the blanket he had spread there, pulling off her drawers with shaking hands. When she was completely naked, Jason spread her legs and 20

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kneeled between them, simply staring at her pussy, the lips red and swollen with desire, the short, curly dark blonde hair glistening with moisture in the lamplight.

“Tony,” he rasped. “I can’t wait, I’ve got to have her.” He looked up at Tony, his eyes nearly black, the pupils dilated with desire.

Tony had been standing, watching them, his own passion nearly at the breaking point. He was unsure of their next move. This first time, they shouldn’t both take her.

She needed to be prepared before he could fuck her behind, and he had no cream and, he knew, not enough patience to work her until she could take him, not tonight. So, Jason would fuck her first, while Tony watched and petted her, and then Tony would fuck her. Later, they could indulge themselves—eat her until she moaned and screamed, put their cocks in her sweet mouth. But for now, they needed to fuck.

“Fuck her then,” Tony ground out, reaching up and ripping his cravat off. “Fuck her, and then I will.”

Kate cried out at Tony’s words. She reached over her head to Tony, her hands and face greedy with desire. “No, Tony, I want you both. Please.”

She was begging for him, and Tony nearly gave in. He lowered himself onto his haunches, and looked tenderly into Kate’s face. “No, Kate,” he told her gently. “You’re not ready, and I won’t hurt you, not ever, no matter how much I want you. Later we’ll fuck you together, but tonight it has to be separate. I’m sorry, darling, but we have our whole lives ahead to fuck you the way you want.”

Kate’s head was thrashing back and forth on the carpet. “No, no, Tony, just tonight.

Just this once, and then I have to let you go.” She was crying, and her body arched off the floor as if seeking a hard cock to ease its painful emptiness.

Tony reached out and smoothed his hand down the fall of her white-blonde hair spread out on the blanket. “Forever, Kate. Now that we have you, we won’t let you go.

Now let Jason fuck you, darling, and you won’t hurt anymore. You’ll never hurt again, Kate, I promise.”

Jason leaned down over Kate, resting his weight on his hands. At Tony’s words, he fit his cock against her tight, wet entrance. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to keep from thrusting into her wildly. When he was in control again, he opened his eyes to see Kate looking at him, panting, her eyes fiery in her lust. She drew her knees up and gripped Jason’s forearms.

“Fuck me, wonderful Jason. Make me remember this night always.” There were tears in her eyes as she arched her hips, forcing the tip of his cock into her. She cried out at the sensation and her neck arched, throwing her head back.

Jason held back, his desire warring with anger. “Damn it, Kate, look at me.” He reached one hand up and gripped her chin, forcing her head back down until her eyes met his. The tears slowly leaking from the corners of her eyes only served to make him more desperate to possess her. “This is not the end, Kate, this is the beginning.” He 21

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filled her in one long slow thrust, forcing his way through her tight, swollen flesh.

“Good God!” he cried out as he sheathed his cock to the hilt, pumping his hips slightly at the end to make sure he was as deep as possible. He fell forward onto his forearms, forcing himself to stay up slightly so as not to crush her with his weight.

“Jason,” Kate sobbed out, halfway between laughing and crying. She placed her fingers against his lips, and he kissed them, then opened his mouth and sucked her middle finger into its wet depths. “Shhh,” Kate said, laughing softly, then moaning as Jason’s hips ground against her. “Veronica is asleep upstairs.”

“What?” Tony burst out behind her. Kate tipped her head back and looked at him, and laughed. Jason barely registered the sight of Tony nearly naked, standing there with nothing but his unbuttoned breeches on, the head of his large, hard cock poking out of the opening.

“I can’t stop,” Jason ground out, trying to hold himself still inside her.

“No, no,” Kate cried out, arching her hips again and again, forcing Jason’s cock to move deeper in her. “Don’t stop, darling, don’t.”

She looked back over her shoulder and Jason’s eyes followed the same path. They saw Tony’s hands literally shaking with lust as he pulled his breeches off. “Yes, yes, Tony,” Kate panted, reaching for him again.

Tony lay down on the floor alongside Kate and Jason. He ran his fingers lightly up Jason’s arm, where he braced himself over Kate. Now Jason felt complete. Fucking Kate at long last was sheer heaven, she felt so hot and wet and tight, his dreams come true.

But it wasn’t until he felt Tony’s touch that he let himself go. Tony always touched him while he fucked a woman, it was how it was. Ever since the first time with him, during the war, he’d needed Tony’s touch to make a fuck right. Even with Kate, the woman he loved, he needed Tony, not to do it, but to make it good for him. With Kate and Tony, now, it was perfect.

When Tony touched Jason’s arm, the skin was hot and damp with sweat. Jason looked over at Tony, his eyes smoldering. As he stared at Tony, he pulled out of Kate and then thrust into her hard, making her cry out. Tony’s breathing became labored, watching him. God, he loved to watch Jason fuck a woman, loved to touch him while he fucked. Leaving his hand on Jason’s arm, caressing the bulging muscles there, Tony leaned down and kissed Kate’s shoulder. She looked over at him with dazed eyes, shuddering with each thrust of Jason’s hard cock inside her.

“Kiss me, Kate, kiss me while Jason fucks you,” Tony breathed in her ear.

Kate immediately reached for Tony with her mouth. There was no hesitation, no worry over wrong or right. Tony was pleased with her acceptance of the two of them.

Apparently it felt right to her, just as it did to him and Jason. It was as if suddenly all the pieces of a puzzle fit together.

He met her halfway for the kiss, and kissed her long and tenderly. His mouth sipped at hers, his tongue dipped in to taste, invited her to taste him, his teeth nibbled 22

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at her lips. It was a deliberate contrast to the hard, rough fucking that Jason was giving her. Her whole body shook with each of his thrusts. He had forced her legs up around his waist, and was holding her hips tight to him with one hand, while still bracing himself up with the other.

Tony watched him out of the corner of his eye while he kissed Kate. Jason fucking was a vision of brute strength, dominance, sheer physical beauty. It made Tony hot and hard to watch him, to touch him and feel the harsh strength of his thrusts. When they were fucking together, Tony could feel Jason inside a woman, his cock slamming up against his own in there, and it drove him wild. When they watched one another, Tony preferred to go second, so he could watch Jason. Watching him first made Tony a better lover.

Kate began to moan, her mouth open wide under Tony’s, gasping in air as the deep vibrating sounds escaped and trembled onto his lips. Jason’s thrusts were so deep and hard, his cock so big, Tony could almost see the pleasure radiating through her entire body. Suddenly she grabbed Tony, her arm wrapping under his, so her hand could clutch his back. Her other arm was around Jason’s neck, and she dug her fingers into his shoulder. Tony knew she was about to come. Jason lowered himself so most of his weight was pressing down on her. It changed the angle of his cock inside her, and she began a low, keening wail as the tremors started. Tony envisioned her pussy clenching convulsively around the enormous, hard cock pounding her. Jason’s face was buried in her neck and he was kissing her, saying “Yes, baby, yes,” over and over, and Tony whispered into her mouth.

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