Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (19 page)

His face was like an open book, and Kate realized he was deliberately dropping his dominant façade, so she could see the loving, tender man underneath. She smiled at him, and he smiled back, a smile of pure happiness.

“Yes, Kate. If we ever do anything that doesn’t please you, all you have to do is tell us, and we’ll stop. But I don’t think you’ll ever have to.” His smile turned playful.

“Remember, we’ve had years to dream of ways to give you pleasure. Let us pleasure you, Kate, and in return you will give us the greatest pleasure.”

“Yes, yes, Jason, love me,” she told him with complete trust, wiggling her bottom to get comfortable on the pillows, and adjusting her shoulders. “I’m ready.”


The Courage To Love

Chapter Fifteen

Kate’s trust, given so willingly, and her anticipation at what they planned was nearly Jason’s undoing. He wanted to fall on her, wanted to claim her, love her, make her love him so much she would never forget him. He had to close his eyes for a moment and take several deep breaths to get himself under control. He blocked out the coming duel and focused on the moment, on he and Tony finally, after all these years, fucking Kate together. It was his dream come true, and the new closeness, no desire, he shared with Tony only heightened his joy in this joining.

He opened his eyes to see Kate and Tony looking at him.

“Jason,” Kate whispered as she reached for him, her love shining her eyes.

Tony just nodded at him, as if understanding.

Jason gave himself a mental shake and smiled at them both. “Oh, Kate, now we come to the good part.” He slid down beside her, lying on his side with one arm bent, his head resting in his hand as he looked at her. He raised the other and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she laughed a little breathlessly.

“Good heavens, was what we’ve done so far the bad part?”

Tony laughed out loud at her comment, and then crawled between her legs to kiss her stomach. “Don’t be silly, there are no bad parts. There’s only good, better, and best.

I think Jason meant the best part is coming.”

Kate cleared her throat a little shakily as Tony continued to kiss and nip her stomach. “I’m not sure I’ll survive it.”

Jason leaned in and kissed the soft spot behind her ear. “Oh, you’ll survive it and beg for more.”

Kate closed her eyes as her breath sighed softly between her parted lips. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Jason reached down and ran his fingers through Tony’s hair, causing the other man to lift his head. He moved back slightly as Jason’s hand slid down Kate’s stomach into her pubic hair. She gasped, and her hands fisted in the sheets. Jason pulled his hand back, and his fingers were wet with Kate’s cream. He circled one damp finger around her nipple, then leaned in and licked it off. Kate’s breathing became erratic.

“So wet,” he murmured over her breast, then lifted his head to gaze inquiringly at Tony. “Tony, didn’t you say you wanted to feast on Kate?”

“Why, I believe I did, Jason,” Tony said with a grin. He slid down the sheets until he was lying prone between her legs, his face even with her open pussy, and leaned in, licking deeply along her crease. His hands grasped her thighs when she started to buck, controlling her. He began to lick voraciously, and Jason could see his teeth take little 101

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nips of her pussy lips. Kate was making small passionate cries as she gripped the sheets tighter. Soon Tony’s mouth was encircled by a ring of Kate’s cream, gleaming in the candlelight.

Jason knew Kate was ready. “So wet, Tony, enough to coat your fingers until they’re slick, don’t you think?” The softly voiced question was asked as his mouth traveled a mere fraction over the skin of Kate’s shoulder, raising goose bumps.

Kate didn’t understand the meaning of his question, but Tony did. He pulled back from her pussy, licking his gleaming red, red lips, and Jason’s cock trembled with need.

He wasn’t even sure for whom anymore, Kate, Tony, both, it didn’t matter.

“Yes, Jason, God, yes,” Tony murmured, and Jason saw him slide the fingers of one hand along her crease, and then he thrust two of them inside her, fucking in and out, coating his fingers thickly.

Jason sat up slightly, and Kate’s hand let go of the sheet and gripped his arm tightly. When he looked at her, her eyes were closed, her small mouth open and panting. He leaned over and watched as Tony pulled his fingers from her pussy and ran them down into the crease of her ass. He pushed her legs open wider, and Jason saw him circle her anus with his slick finger.

Kate gasped and her eyes flew open as she jerked partially up. “Tony,” she gasped.

Jason lay back down beside her, trying to control his own excitement. He’d dreamed of seeing Kate’s ass penetrated by a hard cock. The sight of Tony’s fingers preparing her pushed him to his limits.

In response Tony pressed his mouth back to her pussy, and Kate moaned, falling back.

“Let him in, Kate,” Jason told her softly. “He’s preparing you. If we’re both to fuck you tonight, he needs to get you ready for his cock.”

At his words Kate licked her lips and her head turned toward him on the pillows.

“What do I do, Jason?” she asked in a tight voice. “Tell me what to do.”

“That’s my girl,” he told her, and rewarded her with a kiss. It was tender yet passionate. He made love to her mouth, telling her without words how much he loved her, how much he wanted her and what they were going to do. Her eager response thrilled and steadied him. She wasn’t afraid. There had been a small corner of his heart that had worried she would be. He was glad to set that unease aside.

He slowly pulled back from the kiss with a long lick of her lower lip. Kate sighed, her breath hot and moist as Jason breathed it in with almost giddy wonder.
Mine, mine,
, his heart chanted. He looked down at Tony, eating Kate like the delicacy she was, and the word repeated itself,

As he watched, Tony’s drenched finger returned to the sweet rosebud he was gently persuading to bloom. Kate’s breath hitched, and she clutched Jason’s arm again.

When he looked at her, he could tell her reaction was one of desire, and his anticipation leaped like a fire in his chest.


The Courage To Love

“You have to relax, Kate. As he pushes his fingers in, relax and gently push against him.”

She nodded stiffly, closing her eyes. Then she tensed for only a moment, and Jason looked down to see Tony’s hand moving slowly, and he knew he’d penetrated her.

When Tony looked up, his pupils were dilated and his breathing irregular.

“Yes, darling, like that. I’ve only put just the tip in, Kate. You’re so tight, my sweet, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Kate’s breath was harsh with desire when she answered him, opening her eyes and looking down at him. “Don’t stop, Tony. It feels strange, but good, too.” She laid her head back, saying, “I want this, you know I do.” She paused a moment, biting her lip as Tony pushed his finger just a little bit more inside her. “Could you please kiss me again, Tony, down there? I liked that very much,” she asked in a small voice.

“Oh, yes, my darling, I plan to. I need more of the sweet cream you’re feeding me to ease your passage.” Tony’s voice was amused as he lowered his head to fulfill her demand.

Jason deemed the time was right to occupy Kate with something else, while Tony worked her anus and pussy. He came to his knees and straddled Kate, startling her. As he leaned down to adjust the pillows behind her head, she asked what he was doing.

“It’s time for you to pay for that little session in my study this afternoon, Kate.” His tone and his actions were businesslike, distracting Kate.

“What, what do you mean?” she asked breathlessly, briefly closing her eyes, and Jason could tell Tony was pushing deeper into her.

“Tony made his apologies when he sucked my cock,” Jason growled, making Kate gasp and blush, and Tony chuckle. “Now, darling Kate, you can do the same.” He moved closer to her, and made one more adjustment to the pillows. “Perfect. Open up, sweeting,” Jason said as he bumped his erection against her lips.

Kate pulled slightly away with a smile. “Ahh, the pillows,” she said with laughter in her voice, cracking slightly at the end as she arched her neck. Once again, Tony was in her.

She lowered her chin and opened her mouth over the head of Jason’s cock, just rubbing back and forth gently, her lips and tongue caressing him with the barest of touches. Her hands glided around his hips to cup his buttocks.

Jason hissed and arched his back, pressing his cock against her mouth forcefully. He looked down at her, desire raging in him. “No gentle play, Kate. I want you to suck it, and suck it hard. Take it as deep as you can. Fuck it with your mouth.” He leaned over her menacingly, and thrust his cock into to her mouth as she opened wide. She made a small sound of distress as he pressed deep, clutching his behind.

He pulled back slightly. “I know you can take me deeper, Kate. Relax your throat, and swallow against me.” He pulled out, the air cool on his cock, wet with her saliva, and felt a shiver, from the cold or the sheer eroticism of fucking Kate’s mouth while Tony prepared her for anal sex, he wasn’t sure which.


Samantha Kane

When he thrust slowly back in, Kate relaxed her throat muscles and took him deeper. He rested there a moment, giving her time to get accustomed to the width of his large cock buried in her throat. He pulled back again with praise.

“Yes, sweet, darling Kate. You’ve a mouth made to fuck a hard man. You’ll suck cock as well as Tony, soon.” He grinned over the last comment, and Kate grinned back, then she opened her mouth eagerly seeking his cock again.

“Jesus, you love to suck it,” Jason breathed, fucking in a little more forcefully than before. Kate took it without missing a beat. When he was deep she swallowed around his shaft, and it was his turn to moan. Then her neck arched, and she sucked hard in reaction to what Tony was doing. Jason’s eyes nearly crossed with the pleasure.

“I’ve got one finger all the way in, darling. I’m going to fuck it in and out now, Kate, to loosen your muscles so you can take a cock there. After a few minutes of that, I’ll add more fingers. Jason, do we have some cream?”

Jason was panting. His cock rested in Kate’s mouth, and she was breathing deeply around it, their eyes locked on one another. An image of what Tony was describing flashed through his mind and he couldn’t control a shiver of pure pleasure. Kate’s eyes flashed, and he knew she knew exactly what he was thinking. He gently pulled his cock free.

“Yes,” he answered Tony, leaning farther over Kate to reach into the side table drawer. He withdrew the cream and held it out behind him without looking. If he saw Tony’s finger buried in Kate’s ass, he might not be able to maintain control, and that would never do.

He moved even closer to Kate, nearly on top of her face now, and grabbed the headboard. He began to fuck her mouth in a steady rhythm, and was soon oblivious to all but the hot, wet urgency of her mouth on him. He turned it into a test of endurance, pushing himself close to the edge and then pulling back, to start over again. Through it all Kate licked and sucked and swallowed, devouring his cock, clutching his hard ass.

Finally Jason had to pull out or come, and he didn’t want to come in her mouth. He wanted to come in her pussy, with the feel of Tony’s cock in her ass rubbing against his inside Kate. He was so close, he had to grit his teeth at just the thought, and count slowly until he was completely in control again, his orgasm suppressed for the moment.

He gradually became aware of Kate moaning and thrashing, and Tony’s labored breathing. He looked down and saw Kate thrusting, thrusting onto Tony’s hand, ecstasy written on her face. He quickly moved off Kate and looked down at Tony between her legs. He was still eating her, the wet sounds of her pussy filling the air.

Jason’s nostrils flared as he smelled the sweet scent of her sex. He saw Tony’s arm sawing in the air, all he could see of his fingers fucking her ass. Kate was riding them hard, loving it.

“Enough,” he growled. “She’s ready.”

Tony immediately stopped licking her pussy. When he pulled back, his chin was literally dripping. Jason couldn’t resist and crawled down to him. On all fours, he 104

The Courage To Love

leaned in and began to lick Tony’s face clean. The taste of Kate on Tony’s beard-roughened face set his blood sizzling. Tony’s tongue licked out to clean his lips and encountered Jason’s. Jason’s actions changed, turned into a hot, demanding kiss as he came to his knees, spreading his legs wide so he could cup Tony’s face with his hands while he kissed him. He nipped and licked and sucked his mouth, his tongue, his chin, rubbing Kate’s come all over both their faces. Finally he pulled back.

“Let’s fuck her, Tony, now, finally,” he whispered, then gently kissed and released him. He looked down, and watched Tony slowly pull his fingers from inside her. The sound was wet and erotic, and Kate groaned.

Jason turned to look at her, rubbing his hand along her damp thigh. “You’ll be filled again, Kate, soon.” She partially rolled off the pillows, onto her side, her eyes glassy as she looked at them.

“My whole body feels so strange, strung tight like a bow. It’s as if I can feel the air moving along my skin.” Her speech was slightly slurred.

“That’s pleasure, Kate, like you’ve never known. Having a man in your ass makes every nerve come alive,” he told her reaching for the cream. “And it will only get better.”

She moaned as she slowly lowered her head to rest it on her arm against the mattress. Jason just laughed.

He opened the jar of cream and dipped a large portion onto his fingers. He turned to Tony as he rubbed his hands together, spreading his palms with it. Then he reached out, his eyes locked on the other man’s. Tony’s breathing became labored as he realized what Jason was going to do.

“Let me help,” Jason told him quietly, as he wrapped both hands around Tony’s long cock, jutting up against his stomach. Tony threw his head back and moaned as Jason began pulling first one fist then the other down his penis, lubricating and stimulating it.

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