Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (16 page)

He fell against him to hold him there, and then did what he’d wanted to do for days. He kissed him. Holding Jason’s shoulders to the wall, Tony pressed his mouth furiously against the other man’s. Jason’s lips were pushed open in the assault and Tony thrust his tongue inside his mouth, mad with grief over what they had come to.

Jason allowed the kiss, holding tight to Tony’s waist. When Tony pulled away, both men were breathing heavily. You could have heard a pin drop in the ensuing silence.

“So it’s that way, is it?” Jason asked quietly.

Tony lowered his head until his forehead rested against Jason’s. “Yes, yes, I suppose it is,” he whispered.

Suddenly Tony felt Jason’s hand grabbing his hair and pulling his head up, and he was spun around until his back was against the wall. Jason kept his grip on Tony’s hair, pressing hard against him. He leaned in and spoke quietly in his ear.

“Do you think I would risk losing this? You and Kate, and what we can have together? I want this, Tony, I want this life with you both so badly I can taste it. No, darling, I won’t die tomorrow. I won’t allow it. I’ll be here, and you’ll have to live up to this promise.”

He had dragged his mouth across Tony’s cheek so the last word was spoken against his lips. Then he kissed him, his lips soft against Tony’s. The kiss was more searing for its tenderness, and Tony’s mouth opened on a sigh. Jason licked into his mouth, rubbing against his tongue and encouraging Tony to do the same. The kiss quickly escalated, and Tony wrapped his arms around Jason, reveling in the hard feel of him, the taste of him, the sheer joy of having him like this. He tasted of coffee and the sweet marmalade he favored every morning, and Jason.

Jason broke the kiss slowly. He looked at Tony, his desire clearly written on his face. They stared at each other for a few moments, and Tony gradually became aware of the other men in the room, who had turned away to give them some privacy.

“Jason,” he murmured.

“Yes, Tony.” Jason’s reply was soft, but ardent. “Yes, Tony, I want this. And by God, I’m going to have it. Robertson isn’t going to stop me.”

Tony spent the next two hours pacing the confines of his bedchamber. He felt like a caged lion. His pent-up frustrations finally came to a boiling point, and he went in search of Kate.

He found her sitting quietly in a small, feminine drawing room, staring sightlessly out the window. When he cleared his throat, her head jerked around.

“Oh, Tony! I’m sorry, I was woolgathering, darling.” She smiled and held out her hand. Tony came and took it, surprising her by pulling her to her feet.

“Come, Kate. I need you to help me with Jason.”


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“Help you with Jason?” Kate laughed. “What on earth are you talking about?”

Without answering, Tony dragged her out and down the hall. He simply gave her a wicked grin when she questioned him again.

He walked into Jason’s study without knocking, pulling Kate behind him, and closed the door with a firm thump. Jason looked up at them, annoyance written clearly on his face.

“You see?” Tony said theatrically, waving his arm in Jason’s direction in a grand gesture. “He is far too serious. You must help me teach him to have fun, Kate.”

“I am nothing if not the soul of fun,” Kate said dryly, pulling her hand out of Tony’s to walk more sedately into the room. “Shall we have a game of spillikins?”

“Games?” Jason growled from behind his desk, a sheaf of papers in his hand, and more piled in front of him. “I have work to do, Tony. Play somewhere else.” He turned back to his papers deliberately.

Tony, however, was not one to be dismissed. He walked up behind Kate and wrapped his arms around her, barely breaking stride. She had to stumble to keep pace with him, and laughed as one hand came up to cup her breast possessively, as if to steady her.

“Tony!” she cried out laughingly as he walked her to the desk and spun her around to face him before backing her up to the edge of the desk.

At her laughter, Jason’s head came up again to glare at them, and he saw them leaning against the side of the desk to his left. Tony had pressed himself up against Kate, and she had spread her legs slightly to make room for him between them. Her arms were lightly resting on his shoulders, and Tony was looking down at her, smiling.

“What do you think, Kate? Shall we show him how to play?” His tone was light and flirtatious.

“Play what?” Kate asked coyly, toying with a lock of his hair, deliberately not looking at Jason, enjoying Tony’s frivolity. She didn’t care about Jason’s fun so much as her own. She hadn’t had enough laughter in the last year, and wanted to enjoy this new freedom that belonging to Jason and Tony gave her.

“We are going to play, hmmm,” Tony paused as if trying to think of a game. His eyes lit with humor as if he’d had a sudden idea. “I know! Let’s play Everybody Wins.”

Kate’s brow furrowed in confusion, and Tony saw Jason’s puzzlement out of the corner of his eye, although Jason was trying to pretend he was too busy to pay attention.

“What’s Everybody Wins?” she asked.

“Well,” Tony said earnestly, reaching behind her to loosen her dress, “I fuck you in front of Jason, and he gets to watch us come. Everybody wins.”


The Courage To Love

Kate laughed delightedly as Tony pulled the neckline of her bodice down enough for one breast to spring free. “I should have known this was all about getting a good fuck.”

Tony looked up at her just as he was about to suck her nipple into his mouth. He waggled his eyebrows at her as he said, “Of course.” Then his mouth was on her breast and Kate’s answering laughter became breathless.

“Right here?” she squealed, as Tony began to pull her skirts up.

Tony hoisted her up onto the desk, right on top of some of Jason’s papers. “Oh, yes, right here. We want to make sure Jason gets to see exactly how it’s played.” He pushed her skirts up, and she wiggled her bottom so he could get them out from under her, up around her waist.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” Jason muttered, trying to grab some of his papers as they went flying. “Couldn’t you do this upstairs?” He refused to dwell on the tingle of anticipation he felt along his spine, the rapid tattoo of his pulse.

Tony was busily pulling Kate’s drawers off as she leaned back on her elbows to keep her balance, laughing. Jason was arrested by the sheer happiness he saw in her face. Tony was practically ravishing her, and she loved it. He hadn’t seen her happy like this often enough since they’d returned, and after tomorrow she might not be this happy again. He stopped complaining, but let Tony continue to play.

“Upstairs? Where’s the fun in that, old man?” Tony said with a lusty grin at Kate spread out before him. “Besides, you’ll never learn anything if we play up there, because you’re closeted in here.” Tony unbuttoned his coat and shrugged it off, then reached up and pulled his cravat off. His waistcoat followed, and he opened his shirt down to the middle of his chest, but then left off to unbutton his breeches.

Jason had leaned back, his arms resting on the arms of the chair, one bent at the elbow, his chin in his hand as he continued to glare, acting outraged. In reality the sight of the two people he loved most in the world half naked in front of him, getting ready to fuck for his enjoyment, had him hot and hard and ready.

He watched as Tony, still smiling, bent over and kissed Kate. She had raised her face to him and met him with a smiling, open mouth. Jason could see their tongues dancing around one another, heard Kate moan in pleasure.

Tony pulled back from Kate’s mouth and bent further to kiss her neck, working his way down to her collarbone, his tongue licking along the sharp angle there. Jason watched that mouth, that tongue, with fascination. He had done the same to Kate before, and she had done as much to him. How would it feel when Tony did it? The thought brought him up short, as he felt his cock quiver. He looked at Kate and saw her laughter turning to desire.

“How do you win this game?” Kate murmured, her voice husky, her eyes closed as she savored Tony’s mouth on her.

“Well, darling Kate, that’s the beauty of it,” Tony said softly, his fingers trailing over her exposed breast, as his mouth hovered over it. “We win, no matter what. A 87

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good fuck is a good fuck.” The last was said with a grin at Jason. “But Jason only wins if he gives in, and plays.”

Jason snorted. He could keep his hands off, no matter how delicious the two of them looked there. He did have some self-control, God knew.

Then Tony pulled away and, without warning, pressed two fingers into Kate’s pussy. He made sure that Jason could see what he was doing. Kate cried out and arched her back at the invasion, then spread her legs wider in open invitation. Tony fucked his fingers in and out several times, then pulled them out completely, and slowly raised them to his mouth. He looked up at Jason, who could feel his pupils dilate and his nostrils flare at the sight of the two glistening fingers. His eyes never left them as Tony put one, then the other, in his mouth and sucked them clean.

“Mmmm,” Kate breathed. “More, Tony.”

“More Tony?” Tony laughed seductively. “Oh, I’ve got more, Kate.” He pushed his breeches down just enough to give his cock room, and then pressed his hips against Kate. “Is this what you want?” He rocked against her, the length of his erection rubbing into and along the crease of her wet lips, lubricating it.

“God, Kate,” Tony said, his own laughter breathless, “you’re so damned wet already. I love how you love to fuck.”

“Mmmmm,” she said again, moving her hips languorously, the friction of pussy and cock causing her to shiver deliciously. “Me, too.”

Her eyes were closed as she savored the feelings, but Tony watched her, and Jason.

Jason’s gaze was riveted on his cock as the dark head pushed through Kate’s pubic hair to emerge from between the tops of her pussy lips, then slide back down. Between Kate’s wet heat and Jason’s intense gaze, Tony felt his pulse quicken, felt the teasing atmosphere fade, and pure lust replace it.

“Answer the question, Kate,” he demanded, suddenly harsh. “Is this what you want?”

Kate’s eyes flew open, and Tony saw the answering lust there. “Yes, Tony, yes, give it to me,” she whispered thickly.

Tony pulled his hips back, and then drove his cock into her in one long hard stroke.

Kate’s back arched, her head falling back, and her legs came up to wrap around his waist. Tony leaned forward and rested his hands on the desk on either side of Kate as he began to fuck her, fast and hard. She fell back onto the desk, and Jason rose from his chair to catch her head and gently lower it, so she didn’t hurt herself.

When he stood, Jason’s erection became obvious. He was hard and ready, and both Kate and Tony saw it. Kate reached out to him, her fingers clumsily trying to unbutton his breeches. Jason’s fingers closed around hers, stopping her.

“Please, Jason,” she begged, imploring him with her eyes. “Let me taste you.”

Jason’s eyes slashed to Tony.


The Courage To Love

“Everybody wins, Jason,” he said with a wicked grin, as he bent low and slammed his cock into Kate, causing her to moan. Her free arm came up around his shoulders, the hand clutching him trying to hold on as his cock assaulted her.

Jason finished unbuttoning his breeches himself. He breathed a sigh of relief as his cock sprang free. Kate turned her head and reached for it, her fingers closing around it and guiding it to her mouth. She was too far away, so Jason grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer to the edge of the desk, and Tony stumbled to stay in her, laughing at Jason’s eagerness. Jason let him laugh, as Kate’s lips closed over the head of his cock in a sweet, hot, wet kiss.

For several minutes, Jason slowly fucked his cock in and out of Kate’s mouth, enjoying the feel of her. Each time Tony thrust into her, he felt it as her head moved. It was wild, erotic. He had to bend over and grab the edge of the desk.

He opened his eyes, and looked down to see Tony bent further over Kate, his mouth next to hers as he watched her suck Jason’s cock. Tony licked his lips, and Jason’s stomach muscles clenched. He must have made a noise, because Tony looked up at him. He froze at the naked hunger in Tony’s gaze, the hot need directed at him.

Tony held his gaze for a long minute, then deliberately looked back at Jason’s cock, now unmoving. Kate’s eyes opened and she pulled her mouth away, not quite understanding the undercurrents at first. When she did she smiled seductively.

“Taste him, Tony,” she whispered in wicked invitation.

Tony’s tongue eased out of his mouth and he tentatively licked at Jason’s cock.

Jason groaned and his grip tightened on the desk. At Jason’s reaction Tony licked his cock firmly from the sensitive indentation right beneath the hood to his root, and Jason’s knees nearly buckled. He was panting as if he’d run a race, his face drawn taut with desire.

Kate watched these two men she loved, as they learned to love one another physically. Now she knew where that nagging sense of something missing came from.

Watching Tony lick and love Jason’s cock fulfilled her in ways she didn’t know she’d needed.

“That is possibly the most thrilling, erotic thing I’ve ever seen,” she whispered, as Tony continued to lick Jason’s cock like a savory treat, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

In response, Tony began thrusting into her again, one arm braced on the desk. He opened his mouth wide and sucked Jason’s cock deep into his mouth, and all three of them groaned.

“I was wrong,” Kate choked out in a strangled voice, “that was.” She arched her back as Tony began fucking her furiously, ravenously sucking Jason’s cock right over her face.


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Tony was in ecstasy. My God! To satisfy both of them at the same time, it was thrilling. He was flying on it. Now he knew how Kate felt when she was bringing both of her men to climax, why she had that enraptured look on her face as she watched them come for her. Tony felt that feeling, was so alive with it, he was giddy. He knew he wouldn’t last long, he couldn’t, not with the euphoria coursing through his veins.

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