Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (17 page)

Suddenly he pulled back from Jason’s cock with a gasp. He slammed into Kate once, twice, and then he was racked by shudders, coming and coming, and Kate followed. He felt his seed hot and sharp as it entered her, and she blew apart, crying out his name. The two of them ground their pelvises together, as they trembled with the force of their orgasms.

When they were done, Tony lowered his head to rest it on Kate’s chest for a moment. He was actually seeing stars he’d come so hard. He was breathless and dizzy, and Kate looked just as shaken beneath him. When he regained his breath, he looked over at Jason, and, unbelievably, felt a new stirring of passion.

Jason stood beside the desk, his breathing deep and controlled. His cock was an angry purple, rampant, rising from the bed of dark curls between his firmly muscled thighs. It was still wet from Tony’s mouth, shining in the light, and as he watched, the drop of semen on the end rolled off, and down its length.

Tony raised his eyes to Jason’s, questioning.

Jason reached out and roughly grabbed Tony’s arm, pulling him up to face him. His cock slipped out of Kate, its end dripping on the carpet.

“You started this,” Jason growled, “now finish it.”

He reached out and jerked Tony’s shirt open, yanking it down just enough to expose his shoulders. Looking into Tony’s face the entire time, Jason ran his hands up Tony’s firmly muscled abdomen to his chest, and then rested them on his shoulders.

Exerting firm pressure, no hesitation, he forced Tony to his knees in front of him.

“Suck it,” he ordered him roughly, pushing his cock against Tony’s lips.

Tony opened his mouth gratefully, and took the full length as deeply into his throat as possible, sucking hard. Jason groaned his name, and fisted his hand in the hair on the side of Tony’s head, angling his head slightly before he pulled his hips back and then fucked into the recesses of his mouth again.

“Christ, Tony,” Jason grated out between clenched teeth, as Tony sucked hard on his cock, devouring him, his tongue and teeth raking along the sensitive organ. Jason bent slightly at the waist, overcome with the pleasure, and placed his other hand back on Tony’s shoulder, squeezing.

Kate watched Tony sucking Jason, and she reached down and slid a finger into her drenched pussy, her moan revealing she was already unbelievably close to orgasm at the sight.


The Courage To Love

Tony wrapped one arm around Jason’s waist pulling his hips as close as possible to him as he grabbed the base of Jason’s cock and pumped his hand in time to the movement of his mouth up and down. Jason’s fist opened and closed repeatedly in his hair, his fingers bruising Tony’s shoulder as he clutched him.

“Tony,” he whispered brokenly, “God, yes, Tony.” He glanced over at Kate, and watched her back arch as she climaxed, her mouth open in ecstasy as she watched them.

Even when the orgasm was over, she continued to fuck her finger in and out of her wet pussy in time to Tony’s mouth on his cock. The sight of her pleasuring herself as she watched them made Jason’s gut clench, and his balls tingle as he felt his own climax coming on.

He looked down at Tony’s head, buried in his crotch, his cock so far in Tony’s mouth it was invisible. As he watched, Tony sucked almost painfully hard, and he felt the explosion rising in his cock.

“Tony,” he gasped, grabbing his head with both hands, and pushing his cock deep as he emptied himself down Tony’s throat.

Tony drank him down like he was water to a man wandering the desert. When the last drop was swallowed he pulled back from Jason with a gasp. He looked up at him, and saw the look of astonishment, of wonder on his face, and laughed weakly. He rose up on his knees again to press his face against Jason’s hard stomach, to kiss the softly furred skin there. Jason’s hand caressed the back of his head.

Kate slid to the floor and joined Tony, kneeling at Jason’s feet. She put her arm around him, and kissed his exposed hip, and Jason placed a hand on her head, pressing her warm cheek to him.

“I win,” he said with a grin, and both Kate and Tony laughed breathlessly in response.


Samantha Kane

Chapter Fourteen

After dinner that evening, Kate, Veronica, Tony and Jason played a few hands of whist in the drawing room. Veronica played so badly, and got so out of temper, they spent most of the time laughing until their sides hurt.

Kate was so happy she scarcely recognized herself. Where had the other Kate gone, the scared, defensive Kate, the Kate who refused to love or to trust? She didn’t miss her, not really. After the evening at the theater, she realized that she could be weak with Jason and Tony, and they would still respect her, still love her. Their love play this afternoon showed her how much more they had to explore together, and how much she was looking forward to it.

Neither of them had said anything about her getting rid of the shop, and she didn’t think they would. It was a decision that was totally hers to make. It was amazing how they respected that she had a life before they came back, and that she was making room for them in it, not throwing it away for them. She still hadn’t made up her mind what she would do with the shop, but she wasn’t worried about. She’d make that decision when it was necessary. She supposed when she had a baby, she would stay at home.

Just the thought made her heart race with joy. A baby, and a family, with Jason and Tony. It hardly seemed possible that all her dreams were coming true. They had even accepted Veronica, treating her as if she were in truth their niece, to love and protect.

The girl was blossoming under their attention.

She hadn’t yet told Jason and Tony that she would marry them. She was enjoying her little game, keeping them in suspense. And she wanted more wooing. She hadn’t had enough of that in her life. Maybe even poetry. Yes, she would make Tony write her a poem, preferably without the word fuck in it. Or even better, Jason; he wrote awful poetry. She would laugh and laugh.

“Hello, Kate? Are you still with us?” Tony waved his hand in front of her face.

She started and laughed self-consciously. “Oh, dear. Woolgathering again, I’m afraid.”

Jason threw down his cards. “Well, it must have been pleasant because you had a smile on your face. Care to share?” His smile was indulgent and tender, and Kate felt her heart squeeze.

“Yes,” she whispered, saying no more.

Jason’s expression became serious. “Veronica, go to bed.” The command was issued without warning, and it was Very’s turn to be startled, as she hadn’t been paying attention either.


The Courage To Love

“What? Why? What have I done this evening? I’ve been a veritable saint, I swear!”

Her protestations stopped when she got a good look at the three faces around her.

“Oh good Lord, I’m going. Don’t start the circus until I’m well away.” She snorted with amusement as she threw down her own cards and stood. She bent down to kiss Kate on the cheek. “
well, auntie,” she said, her sarcasm noted and ignored by the others.

When she left the room, the three of them were silent for several long moments.

Kate looked from Jason to Tony.

“I want you,” she simply said, standing.

Tony stood, reaching for her as Jason swept the cards from the table. Kate laughed and stepped out of reach.

“Oh, no.” Her laughing protest was accompanied by a wagging finger as she backed up. “I want you
in a bed
. For all I know, you two have no idea how to perform in one. I don’t care whose. I’m going up to change, and when you’ve decided, you may come and get me.” She had backed all the way to the door, and as Jason lunged for her she laughed with delight, throwing open the door and racing out into the hall.

“Kate!” Jason yelled after her. She just laughed and kept running.

“You heard me,” she called back, and ran lightly up the stairs.

Jason barely glanced at Tony as he started after Kate.

“Get undressed and meet us in my room, Tony.” The terse command was thrown over his shoulder as he raced off. He knew Tony would obey. Tony wanted this tonight as much as he did. This afternoon had only whetted all their appetites. Jason would see they were all satisfied. Tonight, they would both take Kate. It was time.

He didn’t run after her, this was his house after all, and it wouldn’t do for the servants to see him chasing her like the cowherd and the milkmaid. But his long legs ate up the distance to her room faster than he’d ever walked it before.

When he went to open her door, he found it locked. His temper began to spike until he heard Kate’s laughter. He smiled ruefully, mentally vowing to make her pay. Out loud, however, he said, “Kate, open the door.”

“Is that the proper way to speak to a lady when seeking her favors?” she purred through the door.

From the sound of her voice he could tell she was close, perhaps even leaning against it. He leaned against it on his side and lowered his voice, not even trying to hide his mounting desire.

“Please, my lady, open the door.”

“Whatever for, my lord?” she whispered through it.

He could almost feel her hot breath on his face, and he felt his pulse throb.


Samantha Kane

“Why, to fuck you, my lady,” he whispered. “To fuck you all night, in so many ways.”

The door opened, and because he’d been leaning so close, when Jason looked up Kate was mere inches away.

“Why didn’t you say so?” she whispered with a wicked look on her face.

Jason could hardly speak. Kate had let her hair down, and it was brushed into a gleaming waterfall about her shoulders, so silky and fine it looked like spun silk. She had changed into a beautiful, diaphanous white negligee and matching wrapper. He let his gaze roam down her body, watching the way the light behind her outlined her subtle curves and long legs. It was the sight of her bare feet, toes curled against the cold floor, that finally made him move.

He bent down and swept her off her feet with an arm behind her knees, and the other wrapped tightly around her shoulders.

“Oh, Jason,” she sighed with a smile, leaning in to press her nose against his neck and inhale deeply. As he walked down the corridor, she let her nose and lips travel upward until they rested against his ear. “Where are you taking me?” Her quiet voice was husky and seductive.

“To my room.” He stopped and she pulled her head back to look at him. When she did he spoke again. “It should be there, in my bed.” He swooped down and kissed her roughly, thrusting his tongue almost immediately into her mouth and filling the space there, imagining it was his cock in her pussy, hoping she made the connection as well.

She did, if her moan was any indication. Jason pulled back as abruptly as he’d kissed her, and started walking again.

“Where’s Tony?” she asked, her voice rough with need.

“If he’s smart, already in my bed, where he belongs.”

“God, yes, Jason,” she said, leaning into his neck again, and placing little kisses on the pulse there, licking sharply with her quick tongue.

He stopped and Kate raised her head to see why. She realized they were at the door to his bedchamber.

“Open the door,” he told her, his voice a low growl of need. She leaned down and turned the handle. As soon as the catch released she let go and Jason kicked the door open.

Once in the room, Jason closed the door the same way. It made a loud slam, startling Kate after their soft purrs of passion.

Jason strode farther into the room, and Kate saw Tony in the light of several tapers that had been lit. He was lounging against the headboard of the large bed that dominated the chamber, totally naked. He had one leg bent, and his wrist rested on his knee, reminiscent of Michelangelo’s
, in what seemed a languorous pose. His jutting cock, stiff and angled up along his stomach, belied the pose.


The Courage To Love

God he was beautiful. Kate still couldn’t believe he was hers. Hers to kiss, lick, suck, and fuck, whenever she chose. The thought sent a giddy thrill of pleasure coursing through her to throb in her pussy, already swollen and wet with desire. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, nor he her.

The look he gave her was possessive and greedy, as if she were an offering brought for his pleasure. And she was. The thrill had become an empty ache deep inside. Kate knew what she needed, wanted, to assuage that ache—their cocks inside her, together, finally. Without being told, Kate knew tonight they would give her what she wanted.

As she watched Tony, Kate’s mind flashed an image of him as he’d been this afternoon, pressed over her, fucking her, sucking Jason’s cock with feverish intensity.

The thought made her aware again of Jason’s strong arms around her, and she turned to him.

He stared at Tony with the same arrested expression she was sure had suffused her face but moments before. Desire flashed in his eyes, and his nostrils flared as a hunter who scents prey.

“Good boy, Tony,” he said in a soft, menacing voice. Kate shivered. “Although I was rather looking forward to the punishment if you hadn’t heeded my command.”

Kate saw Tony’s eyes narrow as he slid his hand over his knee and down his thigh, slowly, as if he knew he was the object of desire in the room at the moment.

“Your every wish is, of course, my command, Jason, darling,” he purred, with just enough sarcasm to cause Jason to lift an eyebrow.

“Careful, Tony,” he said with a feral smile, “I’ve been waiting a very long time for the pleasure of whipping you.”

Kate gasped and spun her head to see Tony’s reaction. He merely smiled, a baring of teeth that accepted Jason’s challenge.

Jason strode to the bed and dumped Kate unceremoniously upon it. She fell back with a startled shriek, and then laughed as Jason grinned at her.

“Undress,” he told her, ripping his cravat in his eagerness to get naked, “unless you want me to rip that negligee off.”

Kate sat up. “You wouldn’t dare! I love this gown, you brute.” She pouted at him, but immediately shrugged the wrapper off her shoulders.

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