Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (15 page)

“Veronica, stop!” Lord Kensington ordered her. She struggled against his arm.

“That’s Doctor Peters, for God’s sake, you little bloodthirsty heathen! He’s obviously seeing to your friend’s injury.”

Veronica stopped struggling and glared at the assembled throng. “Which one of you did this? Tell me now, or I’ll take on each one of you!”

“None of us! I swear!” Doctor Peters told her, a little pale after his brush with violence.

A very handsome gentleman, small but stylishly dressed, exclaimed, “Good God!

Who is this termagant?”

Jason strode forward and took Veronica’s arm, causing Kensington to release her.

“This is Veronica Thomas, Kate’s niece. Beware, gentlemen, she strikes first and asks questions later.” To Veronica he said, “Very, you have got to stop trying to bash every gentleman you see on the head.”

Veronica summoned as much dignity as she could. “From my limited experience so far, my lord, I’ve haven’t done nearly enough bashing.”

Several gentlemen laughed, and Jason released Veronica, allowing her to sit down at Kitty’s side. “Oh, Kitty, dear, what happened? Who did this?” She took the cool cloth the doctor held out to her, and placed it gently against Kitty’s cheek.

“Robertson,” Kitty mumbled, closing her eyes.

Veronica felt the blood rush from her head. Kitty might as well have said the devil, for the two were synonymous to Very. She leapt to her feet and frantically looked around. “Where is Aunt Kate? Where is she?” She knew she sounded frightened, like a child, but she couldn’t help it. Oh God, had he hurt Aunt Kate again? Now she understood, after tonight, oh, Lord, she understood what had happened to her aunt.

Tony put an arm around her shoulders, stopping her frantic movements. “It’s all right, dear heart, Kate is fine. She’s resting.”

No sooner had he spoken than Very heard the voice she was searching for. “Very?”

She looked to the doorway, and saw her aunt looking rather sleepy and dazed, wrapped in a voluminous red dressing gown.


Samantha Kane

Jason rushed to her side. “Kate, darling, you’re supposed to be resting.”

He guided her to the settee next to Kitty, who seemed to have fallen asleep on the doctor’s shoulder, and Veronica realized they both must have been given some laudanum. In spite of what everyone was saying, Very’s heart raced. Something very bad must have occurred for Aunt Kate to take laudanum.

Kate held out her hand to Veronica, and she nearly fell on the settee next to her in her rush to reach her. “Oh, Aunt Kate, darling, are you all right?” She didn’t care how many people were watching, she wrapped her arms around Kate’s neck and buried her head in her shoulder. “I was so worried! Don’t ever scare me like that again! What would I do if you were harmed, Aunt Kate? I love you, I can’t stand it.” She sobbed, and only then realized she was crying. Tonight had been trying indeed.

Kate ran her hand down Veronica’s hair and kissed the top of her head. “I thought I heard you, sweetheart. Now you mustn’t worry, I’m fine. Don’t fret so, darling. I’m afraid seeing Lord Robertson just upset me is all. I didn’t think the nightmares would come back, but he did.” Kate’s voice was dreamy, and Veronica pulled back to see her head fall back with her eyes closed and a gentle smile on her face. “But Jason and Tony were there, and I knew I’d be safe this time, even though they were all there. They wouldn’t let them rape me again. Don’t worry, darling, we’re safe here.”

Kate’s ramblings were low and disjointed, but several gentlemen near them heard, and they started in horror and outrage. Veronica realized Kate didn’t understand what she was saying, or where she was. Tony’s hands were resting on the sofa back next to Kate’s head, and Veronica saw his knuckles go white, he gripped the cushion so hard.

She looked over her shoulder at Jason, and he was standing stone still, his eyes closed, his face as white as Tony’s knuckles. Veronica pulled herself together, for all of them.

She pulled out of Kate’s limp embrace, speaking gently. “Of course we’re safe here, Aunt Kate, and we shall never leave, will we? The nightmares are gone now, my love.

Come, and let Jason and Tony put you to bed.”

Jason immediately came over and gently lifted Kate into his arms, her head lolling on his shoulder. Tony walked ahead of them through the door. As soon as they left, Veronica turned to Doctor Peters.

“I’m sorry, Doctor. I’m afraid I’ve had a trying day.” She smiled tremulously. “I tend to be rather protective, you see. Let’s find a footman, shall we, and you can put Kitty to bed as well, poor thing.” She looked around, and a very distinguished older gentleman in black suddenly materialized at her elbow.

“Jenkins, miss, Lord Randall’s butler. I’ll show the doctor and his patient to a bedchamber.” He bowed to Veronica and motioned the doctor, now carrying Kitty much as Jason had held Kate, out of the room.

Once they left, Veronica became rather nervous alone in a room full of men. As if sensing her discomfort, Lord Kensington immediately came to her side.

“Veronica, perhaps you should retire, as well. I’ll stay and speak with Jason and Tony.”


The Courage To Love

Veronica’s attention was suddenly focused on him. “What do you mean, ‘speak with Jason and Tony’? About what?” She could hardly credit her suspicions, but he had been obviously distressed and guilt-ridden in the carriage on the way over.

Lord Kensington turned his back to the room and spoke in low tones. “You know what I have to speak with them about. About us, tonight.” His face actually turned red with shame and embarrassment as he said it, as well it should, thought Veronica.

“You’ll do no such thing,” she said clearly, not trying to hide her aggravation.

Lord Kensington clenched his teeth. “Yes, I will. You are a young, innocent girl who was under my protection, and I took advantage of you. As your closest male relations,”

he held up his hand as Veronica tried to interrupt, “or soon-to-be relations, they have a right to know, and to treat me accordingly.” He looked at her beseechingly. “I have to own up to it, Very, can’t you see?”

All Veronica could see was the regret in his eyes and the shame on his face. All her pent-up rage turned on him. As seemed to happen in his company, she completely forgot the others around them.

“As if I was some schoolboy prank? Shall they paddle you and send you to bed with no supper?” She backed two steps away from him, and put her hands on her hips in a classically aggressive pose. “Or no, wait, I know what your punishment will be.

You’ll have to marry me. Well, thank you, but no thank you, my lord, as I stated unequivocally earlier this evening, I have no intention of marrying you!” Her voice had risen until she was practically shouting at the end.

“Considering what I saved you from this evening,” he replied in an equally loud voice, “I’d think you’d be down on your knees begging me to marry you!”

“Ohhh, you swine,” Very growled, swinging at him. He caught her hand and hauled her against him, her struggles hardly causing him pause. “I wish now it had been Mr. Beedle! At least he was honest about his intentions, however nefarious they were, and I wouldn’t have had to deal with your bloody sanctimonious guilt!”

“What the hell is going on here?” Jason growled from the doorway. “We could hear you yelling clear upstairs. Kensington, unhand her this instant or I shall have to hurt you.”

“Ha!” Very childishly shouted at him as he reluctantly let her go.

Jason’s voice was deceptively quiet as he stopped her in her tracks. “You had better explain immediately, Veronica, exactly what Kensington saved you from, and why he should feel guilty.”

Very spun quickly around and blanched at the fury on Jason’s face. She closed her eyes in desperation after she glanced behind him and saw Tony’s glower as well. Before she could answer, Michael spoke behind her.

“Please don’t be angry at Veronica, my lord. It was all my fault.” At the forlorn, ashamed tone of his voice, Very’s temper skyrocketed again. She was getting dizzy from all the highs and lows and spinning about.


Samantha Kane

“Excuse me, Lord Kensington, but if I recall, I was there as well.” She used her frostiest tones on him, reserving the heat for her glare.

Michael glared back at her, and they were once again squared off. “Veronica, shut up. I’m trying to do the right thing.”

“The right thing for whom, you self-righteous prig?” She was positively seething.

“You certainly weren’t trying to hard to ‘do the right thing’ earlier this evening. Just the opposite in fact. Suddenly you’re bloody saint Kensington.”

“What the hell was he trying to do earlier?” Jason’s tone was rising as well.

“Trying to prevent this stupid little chit from paying the greengrocer’s bill with her virginity!” Michael practically yelled at her.

“Oh you…you traitor!” Veronica gasped. “I cannot believe you told him! How could you?” Her voice was trembling with anger. She spun about to face Jason and Tony, who wore twin thunderous expressions.

“Veronica Thomas, what have you been up to? My God, girl, is what Kensington says true?” She had never heard Tony raise his voice before and she cringed.

“Yes! You left us! You left us, and I had to take care of us! I’ve done it up to now, and there’s no guarantee you won’t be off again. Don’t lecture me about my methods.

I’d do anything for Aunt Kate, anything.” She held on to her anger with all the strength she had.

Jason and Tony’s anger deflated immediately. “Veronica, oh my dear, I told you, you will never be alone again. Jason and I will always be here to protect you from now on. You could have come to us. You should have come to us.”

Veronica couldn’t stand the hurt looks on their faces and turned away. Her reply was shaky at best. “Yes, well, Kensington rescued me, didn’t he? Isn’t that why you sent him?”

Michael cleared his throat. “Not exactly.” His quiet words fell in the silence like heavy rocks. All eyes turned to him, including Veronica’s.

“Bloody hell,” she muttered.

Jason sighed. “Language, Veronica.” He turned to Michael. “What does ‘not exactly’ mean?”

“What he means,” Veronica said caustically marching over to stand defensively in front of the hearth, “is that he made some unwelcome advances to me.” She rolled her eyes. “Oh who are we kidding? They were welcomed with open arms.” She crossed those same arms and glared at Michael. “But they never will be again!”

“They won’t be offered again,” he snarled at her.



“Go!” Veronica punctuated the order with a pointed finger at the open drawing room door.


The Courage To Love

“I’m leaving,” Michael yelled as he turned to march out the door. “And I’m not coming back.”



They all heard the front door slam, and after a second of stunned silence, Veronica burst into tears and ran from the room.

Jason fell into an exhausted heap on the settee. He looked around bewilderingly. “I assumed we’d find Kate, get married, and settle down to a happy, peaceful life.”

“With a seventeen-year-old girl in the house? Are you mad?” Brett Haversham asked with a grin.

“Oh, I say, I’m definitely going to be spending more time here. Better than the theater, for sure,” Daniel Steinberg murmured to Simon Gantry, where they both leaned against the bookcase at the back of the room. They grinned at one another as Simon nodded his agreement.


Samantha Kane

Chapter Thirteen

The following morning found Jason and Tony in the study, continuing their argument from the night before. Several friends were there again, including Brett and Freddie, Phillip and Jonathan, and Daniel.

“Goddamn it, Jason, it should be me,” Tony said for what seemed the thousandth time.

“I do not see it that way, Tony,” Jason calmly replied.

“I haven’t a title to pass on, for starters,” Tony explained with depleting patience.

“Nor have I a family that cares one whit about me.”

Jason turned and gave him a long look. “They’ll come around, Tony. Just give them time.”

Tony’s answering look was sardonic. “They will never accept our relationship, or the fact that I will never legally marry. They made that abundantly clear when they disowned me. I have no family.”

Jason gave Tony an admonishing look. “That’s not true and you know it. Kate and I care very much.”

“Damn it, that’s how I feel! I can’t stand by and watch you duel Robertson.”

“As Kate’s future husband, it is my responsibility to see he pays for his crimes against her.” Jason just shook his head as Tony started to speak. “No, Tony, I’m right and you know it. In the eyes of the ton, to have you duel over her would only cause more talk, and you know Kate abhors that.”

Jason smiled sardonically at Tony. “And as for my mother, I’m not exactly in her good graces either. I received a note from her this morning that blistered my eyes. She heard about the scene last night at the theater and has threatened never to darken my door again unless I send ‘that shameless woman’ away and end my ‘ill-begotten’

friendship with you, since you are clearly leading me astray.”

Jason’s words only increased Tony’s agitation. Yet another calamity that could be placed at his door, he thought irrationally. He paced back and forth in front of the fire, running his hands through his hair in frustration; its disheveled appearance revealed that it was not the first time.

“Damn it,” he began only to be interrupted by Jason’s sigh.

“Please, Tony, enough. My decision is final. We’ve already met with his seconds, in any case, I can’t back out now.” He walked over to where Tony was standing and laid a hand on his shoulder. “I’ve a great deal to settle today, you know that. I can’t leave loose ends tomorrow morning.” He patted Tony’s shoulder companionably. “There, now that’s settled. Go and keep Kate company while I take care of business.”


The Courage To Love

He turned to walk away, and Tony’s frustration got the better of him. “It is not settled,” he growled, and grabbing Jason, spun him and shoved him against the wall.

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