Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (23 page)

“Straddle my lap,” Jason ordered him in a rough voice.

He did as he was told, carefully lifting one leg over Jason’s, and perched on his lap.

“On your knees, closer,” he told Tony, reaching around him and cupping his buttocks to pull him in.

As soon as he slid down Jason’s legs and found himself straddling his hard cock, Tony tried to pull back.

“Jase,” he said apprehensively.

Jason wouldn’t let him go, holding him immobile, pressed tight against him. “I’m fine, and you’re not getting away that easily.” He leaned up and breathed in Tony’s scent deeply, his nose tucked into the soft spot behind his ear. “And if I remember correctly, you’ve a promise to keep.”

Tony’s heart raced. God, he wanted to fuck Jason, but it was too soon. What if it weakened him again?

“I want to fuck you, Tony, and I want to fuck you
.” Jason’s teeth nipped at his neck and he heard Tony’s breath hitch.

“Oh God, Jason, you know I want it, but—” Jason didn’t let him finish.

“Then I’m going to give it to you. Take off my shirt.”

Tony paused a moment too long and Jason slapped his ass through his tight buckskins. Tony moaned.

“Remember what I said about wanting to whip you, Tony. There’s nothing I’d like better than to see your sweet ass pink from the palm of my hand.” He felt Tony shiver.

“Mmmm, like that idea, do you?” he murmured, his tongue making lazy circles in the swirls of Tony’s ear. “In that case, I won’t whip you
you take off my shirt.”

Jason felt Tony’s fingers fumbling with the fastenings on his chest. He chuckled, a low self-satisfied rumble, and he liked the sound. He sounded content, and he was.

“Now I know how to control you, pretty boy. You’re mine for the taking.”

He waited until Tony pulled his shirt off over his head, then he cupped the back of his neck and pulled him down for an open-mouthed passionate kiss. He loved the way Tony kissed, so thoroughly, he made sure he explored every corner of Jason’s mouth, and when Jason sucked hard on his tongue, Tony whimpered.

They broke the kiss with a gasp, neither able to disguise their lust when their engorged cocks were pressed together in Jason’s lap.


The Courage To Love

Jason slid his hands under Tony’s jacket, gliding up his ribs and over his aroused nipples, and Tony rocked his hips against him.

“Take off your clothes,” Jason whispered to him, arrested by the hot look in Tony’s eyes. He knew Jason was going to fuck him, fuck him hard, and he wanted it.

Tony began to fumble with the buttons on his waistcoat. Suddenly the door to Jason’s room opened and Kate walked in, already talking.

“Jason, darling, if you’re up to it, I thought we might—” She stopped as soon as she registered the tableau before her. “Oh dear.” She began to back toward the still open door.

“Katherine Randall, stop right there,” Jason ordered her, his voice silky with determination. She stopped. “Close the door.” She closed it. He could see her chest rising and falling rapidly. Bloody hell, these two were as horny as he was, and they’d been keeping him on a short leash. That was going to end now.

“Come here.” He held his hand out to her much as he had done to Tony, and she came as bidden, mesmerized by the scene. When she took his hand, he slowly brought it to his lips, and kissed it with the finesse of a born courtier.

“I’ve a need to show just what I’m up to, Kate, my darling. I believe you and Tony need proof that my strength is back.” He looked at her through the fringe of his eyelashes, clearly flirting. “Don’t you?”

“Only if you feel up to it,” Kate whispered, her eyes on his lap, and his and Tony’s large erections. Jason didn’t think she’d meant the pun, as he had, but he smiled anyway.

“Clearly I am up to a great deal,” he told her devilishly, and she finally looked at his face, smiling tentatively. He took her hand and placed it over Tony’s, which had paused on his buttons.

“Tony’s having a little trouble undressing for me, Kate. Why don’t you help him?”

His tone was inquiring, almost nonchalant. “And then you can help me fuck him. You don’t mind if I fuck Tony this afternoon, do you?”

Kate’s pupils dilated and her fingers convulsed around Tony’s. Both of them were looking at Jason greedily.

He laughed, that same self-satisfied laugh. “No, I didn’t think you would.”

Tony climbed from Jason’s lap and stood there while Kate unveiled him for Jason, one article of clothing at a time. He had to sit in Jason’s lap while she pulled his boots off, and Jason took the opportunity to fondle his cock. Tony eagerly thrust into his hand.

When he was fully naked, standing before Jason for his pleasure, Jason licked his lips. He looked good enough to eat. Then he saw Kate kneeling on the floor at his feet, where she had helped him step out of his breeches.

“Suck him for me, Kate. I love to watch you.”


Samantha Kane

He didn’t have to tell her twice. She leaned in gracefully and grasped Tony’s cock with her hand, bringing it to her lips.

“Turn sideways, you two, so I can see it better,” Jason told them, leaning his chin on his fist as he settled deeper into the chair. His cock was aching for Tony, and he knew if he fucked him now, he wouldn’t last. He needed to get control of his desire.

They did as he ordered, and he watched Kate delicately kiss the head of Tony’s penis, her lips caressing, her tongue coming out to lick around it, as if she were kissing his mouth. It was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen. Tony grabbed the back of her head to try to force her mouth farther on him, but she resisted.

“No, Tony,” Jason told him quietly. “Let Kate do it her way. I like the way she tortures you.”

Tony reluctantly let go of Kate and simply stood there, his arms at his sides, watching her lick and nibble his cock like a treat.

“Yes, you love the way it tastes, don’t you, baby?” Jason purred at her. He couldn’t resist, he slid out of the chair to his knees next to her. He stopped inches away and watched her take Tony’s length halfway into her mouth, making him moan.

“Should we suck him until he comes, Kate? Before I fuck him? Then you could watch us. Or would you like him to fuck you while I’m fucking him? Whatever you want, darling.” He whispered the question in her ear, staying there to kiss and nibble her ear and neck.

Tony heard the question, and his hips thrust forward, his cock fucking into Kate’s eager, open mouth. Jason gently fisted his hand in her hair and pulled her head back, Tony’s cock slowly easing out. “Tell me what you want, Kate.”

Kate turned eyes flashing with desire to him. “I want to watch you suck him, Jason, with my help. I want to watch him come in your mouth. Then I want to watch you fuck him, while he licks my pussy.”

Jason laughed out loud. “Well, you’ve certainly gotten over your shyness, haven’t you, kitten?”

Kate leaned toward him, and he let her take his mouth in a volatile kiss, all teeth and tongue. When she pulled back, she sucked on his lower lip until it released with a pop. “You told me there would be no embarrassment between us, Jason, and there isn’t, not anymore. You’re my husbands, and I love you both, and want to do everything with you.”

Jason and Tony were both breathing heavily. Delicately Jason rested his forehead on Kate’s, then rolled his head to rub his cheek along Tony’s cock. Both Tony and Kate moaned.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you two, but I thank God every day that you are mine,” Jason whispered. Then he smoothed his hand down Kate’s back, and leaning over, took Tony’s cock into his mouth from Kate’s hand.


The Courage To Love

“Jason,” Tony groaned, “yes, lover, yes.”

Kate leaned in and licked along Tony’s cock as it emerged from Jason’s mouth.

Tentatively she reached in with a hand, and lightly grasped his balls, rolling them with her fingers. He thrust hard into Jason’s mouth, making him gag slightly.

“Sorry, sorry,” Tony panted.

Kate laughed. “Not so easy to take a cock deep in your throat, is it, darling?” she purred in his ear. “Relax your muscles, and swallow around him.”

She watched closely as Jason followed her instructions. The sight of Tony’s cock fucking in and out of Jason’s mouth was the most wonderful thing Kate had ever seen.

To think they’d almost lost him. She suddenly felt tears in her eyes, and looked away quickly to hide them. She needn’t have bothered. Tony only had eyes for his first male lover, the first man to suck his cock. And Jason’s eyes were closed as he savored the cock in his mouth.

“It’s good, isn’t it, Jason?” Tony whispered. “Your cock was so good. I loved sucking it. Suck me, Jase.” He fucked smoothly in and out of Jason’s mouth, and Kate saw Jason’s cheeks sink with each powerful pull.

Suddenly Jason’s hand was on the back of her head again, and he pulled it in close.

She understood he wanted her to help again. She began to lick and nibble Tony’s cock as it glided out of his mouth and back in. Jason’s hand on her head was replaced by Tony’s as he grasped both her and Jason.

“Yes, darlings, God, yes, love it, like that,” Tony gasped. His strokes were still smooth, but his rhythm increased. Kate had to pull back, collapsing against Tony’s leg, wrapping an arm around it while she watched Jason suck him to climax.

Even sucking the cock of another man, a position that usually denoted

subservience, Jason was clearly dominant. He feasted on Tony as if he were a delicacy prepared just for him. He forced Tony to his pace, pulling back when Tony tried to take the lead. One hand went between Tony’s legs, forcing them wider, and Kate saw Jason toying with his sac. Then one long finger slid back between the well-muscled cheeks of his buttocks, rubbing.

“Oh God, Jason,” Tony cried out, and he thrust deep into Jason’s mouth. Jason sucked him hard, holding him still with one hand on his hip. Kate saw his finger thrust into Tony’s ass to the first knuckle, and Tony exploded.

“Jason,” he ground out, doubling over, wrapping both hands around the other man’s head to hold him there, close. Tony’s body shook, and Kate thought perhaps he was trying not to thrust too deeply for fear of hurting Jason. Jason swallowed repeatedly, and Kate knew he was savoring Tony’s taste as she had. Finally, Tony threw his head back and groaned, and Kate saw Jason pull his hand away from his buttocks.

Jason slowly moved back, Tony’s long, shining phallus emerging from his mouth, still hard. When it fell free, Jason leaned over and kissed it gently where it lay.

“Yes, I can see why you two love it,” he said with a grin.


Samantha Kane

Chapter Eighteen

Without rising from his knees, still lightly caressing Tony’s thigh, as if gentling a horse, Jason asked, “Are you ready?”

Tony wasn’t sure who he was speaking to, but he answered anyway. “Yes, as long as I can get off my legs for a minute. After that orgasm, they’re about to collapse on me.” He was a little surprised by how breathless he sounded.

Kate and Jason both laughed and got to their feet. Each one took a hand and led Tony over to the bed. He collapsed back on it, spread eagled, closing his eyes as he tried to recoup his strength. He felt the bed dip as Kate got on. He could tell it was her because it didn’t dip that much, she was just a slip of a thing.

“If you mean to ravish me, I still need a couple of minutes, sweeting,” he told her with a wry grin, not opening his eyes.

“Oh you delicious thing, I mean to savor you. You can just lie there.” Kate followed her words with a series of light kisses across his collarbone, her hands rubbing soothingly along his ribs.

He laughed weakly. “Good.”

Kate was laving his nipple enthusiastically and he felt himself responding in spite of his avowed fatigue. Then he heard a rustling, and the bed dipped again, under Jason’s weight.

“If it’s all right with you, darling, I do have ravishment plans,” Jason told him, falling down next to him.

He was suddenly a little nervous, a little self-conscious. Then Jason leaned over and bit the nipple Kate was not administering to, and Tony nearly leapt off the bed with the rush of desire that flashed through his body.

Jason’s laugh rumbled along Tony’s nerves when he saw his reaction. “Oh, this is going to be good. I don’t remember you being this responsive before. It almost seems whenever Kate or I touch you, you come alive with a spark.”

Tony finally looked at him. Jason was observing him through his long eyelashes, his melting brown eyes flirtatious. Tony’s heart stumbled. God, he was gorgeous. “That’s what it feels like, too.”

“Mmmm, I want some of it. I want to ride that lightning.” Jason leaned down and kissed his neck in the tender spot where it joined his shoulder.

Kate climbed on top of him, and her silk skirt brushed against his penis, the contact causing it to jump.

“Why isn’t Kate naked? Shouldn’t she have to be naked, too?”


The Courage To Love

Jason took Tony’s arm and lifted it, then lay down pressed against his side and let his arm fall across his back. Tony’s skin burned where Jason’s touched him, and he had to bite his lip to keep from groaning out loud when Jason flexed his hips, bumping his extremely hard, thick penis into Tony’s thigh.

Jason’s voice was laced with amusement when he answered. “Absolutely. Kate, get naked immediately.”

Kate slid low, laying her head on Tony’s shoulder. “I need someone to undo the tapes on my dress, or I assure you I would be enthusiastically naked right now.”

Reluctantly Tony removed his arm from around Jason, and fumbled blindly behind Kate’s back. He heard something tear. “Damn it, sorry Kate.”

“Tear the whole bloody thing off if it means I can be naked sooner,” she told him, her mouth burrowing into his neck and sucking gently.

Jason was nibbling on his other shoulder, his teeth sharp, the little sting arousing, so Tony tore through her tapes. This caused Jason to laugh out loud, and Kate to gasp.

“Tony! I didn’t think you’d really do it! I’ll never be able to fix it.” Her indignation caused her to sit up astride him, and he moaned as she pressed into his cock, erect once again.

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