Kane Samantha - Brothers in arms 1 (24 page)

“Good Lord, are you ready to go again? You’re as randy as a goat.” Kate shimmied around, freeing her skirts from under her legs so she could tug it off.

Tony hissed and grabbed her hips, grinding against her. She just laughed, and pulled the dress off over her head, tossing it aside. Her hair came loose, and several strands fell loosely down her back and around her face.

“You look like an absolute wanton,” he told her, pumping his hips up into her.

“I am,” she agreed happily.

“Are goats that randy?” Jason suddenly asked, pulling back from Tony’s skin, which he had been licking like candy. “I thought that was rabbits, or stallions.”

“What?” Tony asked him incredulously.

“Goats,” Jason said matter-of-factly. “I was asking if they were randy.”

Kate laughed gaily and pulled her chemise over her head. She had foregone drawers in the hopes that there was some sex in her future. She
feeling rather wanton, and smart. She wiggled some more and stretched her leg out next to Tony to tug off her hose. He whimpered.

“Certainly no more than you two. Less, I would guess,” she said, grunting as her stocking came off, and she nearly fell, rolling over Tony’s hard cock once again.

“Jesus, Kate, are you trying to unman me?” he gasped.

“Gracious no, darling. Where’s the fun in that?” She and Jason both laughed. They were enjoying his discomfort mightily.

“Well, I’m not sure I like the goat reference,” Jason continued, as he reached for Kate’s other stocking to help her. “I prefer stallion.”


Samantha Kane

“You’re a fucking stallion,” Tony said irritably. “Kate, could you please stop doing acrobatics up there, and let’s get on with it.”

“Hmmm, getting rather testy, aren’t we?” Kate sounded much too pleased with herself.

Tony started to roll her off, but Jason held him back with surprising strength.

“Oh, no. Kate and I are having our way with you. Today, you do what we want.”

Tony’s skin flushed from the implications. “When is your turn?” he asked peevishly.

Jason just laughed. “Every time is my turn,” he said. His self-satisfied smirk, much to Tony’s amazement, actually made him burn hotter to be possessed by this arrogant stallion.

Jason saw the change in him, from teasing play to serious desire. His own face reflected the same change in response.

“Oh, my, we’re going to get down to business, now, aren’t we?” Kate whispered, bending low over Tony’s chest again to roll his hard nipples between her fingers. She rubbed her own aroused nipples against the rough hair on his abdomen, and he arched his neck with pleasure.

“Oh, yes, we’re going to get to it,” Jason said quietly. “Kate, fetch the cream from my drawer over there.”

Tony felt the muscles in his anus contract in anticipation at Jason’s command. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted this man; wanted him, while their woman watched.

Jason rubbed his hand down Tony’s chest, over his abdomen, and onto the inside of his thigh. “Spread your legs,” he ordered him roughly.

“Don’t you want me to roll over?” Tony asked a little breathlessly.

Jason glanced up at him, his look scorching. “No. I want you to watch me prepare you.”

Tony’s head fell back, and he closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure it was possible to survive a desire this intense.

Kate climbed back beside him. “Here, Jason, place some pillows beneath his hips, like you did me.”

Tony opened his eyes, and raised his hips as Jason shoved a couple of pillows under him. He surveyed the result between Tony’s legs, and Tony felt his sac grow heavy under Jason’s perusal.

“I should be able to fuck you with my fingers quite easily now.” Jason looked into Tony’s face as he said the words, as if he was trying to gage Tony’s reaction. Well, he’d give him one.



The Courage To Love

The simple one word answer seemed to electrify Jason. He grabbed the cream from Kate’s hand, and tore the lid off, throwing it uncaring across the room. He dipped in his fingers, and took a large dollop out of the jar, setting it beside him on the bed.

Tony could hear his own ragged breathing in the stillness of the room. Jason reached down between his legs, and Tony suddenly felt the cool cream being rubbed around the outer perimeter of his anus. He shivered at the sensation.

“Oh, Tony, it feels so wonderful, just wait,” Kate breathed, her gaze riveted on Jason’s fingers. “He’s so big, he makes every nerve sing for joy.” She glanced quickly at Tony, a little dismayed. “Not that you don’t too, darling. You’re longer than Jason. He’s wider. They’re two completely different feelings, both wonderful.”

Tony arched his back slightly as he felt the rough tip of Jason’s finger dip in. “Yes, Kate, I’m a fucking stallion, too. I understand,” he said breathlessly. “Trust me, I have no worries about my own performance.”

“Oh, good,” she sighed, obviously relieved, “because you shouldn’t. You’re really quite incredible, especially when you lick my pussy. You’re exceptionally good at that.”

She cast a dismayed glance at Jason. “Not that you aren’t, too, Jason dear. I come just as hard when you do it.” She closed her eyes in distress. “Perhaps I should just stop talking now.”

“Yes, I’d much rather hear you moan,” Jason said, reaching his fingers into the cream. “Climb on top of Tony, and let him lick your pussy, my dear. I love to listen to you both when he does that.”

Kate’s eyes flew open. “Oh, all right.” She clambered up, straddling his face.

Tony wasn’t sure he could do it. The feel of Jason’s finger tunneling into him was so raw, so incredible, he could barely think about anything else. Jason pushed in farther, and he gasped, inhaling Kate’s scent. His mouth began to water, and he realized he always wanted to lick her pussy, no matter what else was happening.

He was nearly wild with pent-up passion, and he reached between Kate’s legs with both hands, grasped her ass and pulled her down to his mouth. He immediately shoved his tongue deep inside her, fucking it in and out to the same rhythm Jason was using on his ass. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever done, although he seemed to be saying that a lot lately since they’d found Kate again.

She immediately creamed thickly and Tony concentrated on lapping up her juice, ending each lick with the flip of his tongue that drove her wild. He soon realized that his hips had begun to thrust down on Jason’s finger without conscious thought. It was the same rhythm Kate was using to thrust against his tongue. What an incredible dance they had discovered.

Jason suddenly thrust another finger into him, and he sucked hard on Kate’s sex until the sting became a pleasurable ache. Kate groaned in response, and reached for the headboard to support her while she fucked up and down on his tongue. Jason slowly pushed the double digits deeper in his anus, and Tony began to tremble.


Samantha Kane

“Relax, Tony,” Jason told him quietly. “I’ll never get my cock in there if you don’t relax, and let me work you.” Tony felt Jason’s mouth back on his penis, kissing along its length. He squeezed down on Jason’s fingers, and then opened up to the pleasure. Jason pulled back, his breath still hot on his erection. “Yes, that’s right, baby, relax into the pleasure. It’s all pleasure, Tony. Concentrate on Kate’s sweet pussy, and just let yourself feel.”

Tony lost himself in the feelings. The taste, texture and scent of Kate, the thrust of Jason’s fingers, the heat of his own erection, the sting in his ass—it all blurred into one shimmering dream of pleasure.

Kate came once, twice, crying out his name, sobbing her pleasure, and still he ate her, ravenously. He could feel her juices running down his chin to his neck, and he gloried in it, in her. He lapped and sucked, making as much noise as possible, because he knew Jason loved the wet sounds.

He moaned with Kate, at the pleasure of Jason’s fingers in him. Jason added another, and the sting was minimal, the pleasure astounding. He brought Kate one more time, and then could do nothing but gasp his own pleasure as he thrust down again and again on the fingers scissoring inside him.

Kate fell to the bed beside him, laying her head next to his as she panted. He turned his head, and she looked dazed, boneless, satiated. He grinned even as a wave of pleasure shot from his ass, causing his back to bow, his breath to stop.

“Oh, Jason, I do believe he’s ready,” Kate said breathlessly.

Jason slowly pulled his fingers from Tony, and the motion made him whimper helplessly.

“I’m going to roll you over, now, lover, so I can fuck you. Let’s keep the pillows under you, so you’re high and open for me.” Jason’s voice was low, and sweet, and positively throbbing with desire, and Tony couldn’t speak. He shakily pushed up onto his elbows, and rolled over, Jason guiding his hips, Kate his shoulders.

“I know, baby, I know, I’m wearing you out. But I’ve been waiting a long time for this,” Jason told him, kneeling between his spread thighs.

He felt Jason’s lips on his cheeks, kissing and biting. He felt his anus open wide under the caresses, felt it prepare to be plundered, and he could barely breathe for the anticipation.

Kate leaned close, nuzzling his ear. “Deep breath, darling,” she whispered.

Then he felt it, Jason’s cock at his entrance, pushing in. He took a deep breath and relaxed, and it slid inside him.

“Tony,” Jason groaned. He was barely inside him, and he could feel his control slipping. He stopped and took several deep breaths, biting his lip. When the need to come passed, he laughed weakly.


The Courage To Love

“Bloody hell, this is good.” His voice was trembling. Tony hadn’t uttered a sound.

“Tony?” He swore that if Tony told him to stop, he would, no matter if it killed him.

“Jason,” Tony ground out, “if you don’t fuck me deeper than that, I’m going to have to thrash you.” He arched his back, forcing Jason in another inch. “Christ that feels so fucking good.”

Kate laughed, delighted. “See? I told you.” She leaned over, and Jason could see she and Tony kissing, their mouths open, their tongues tangling.

He pushed deeper, and then pulled back. Tony broke the kiss, and gasped, “No.”

Jason was panting with the effort not to fuck deep and hard into him. “I’m not going anywhere, you know that. You know how to fuck someone anally, Tony. You’ve got to work your cock in slowly.”

Tony was shaking his head, his forehead resting on his arms. “Sorry, sorry, I forgot.

I just, God, it feels good.”

Kate sat up and rubbed Tony’s back as she watched Jason. He pulled out slowly then sank in another inch, over and over, until he was nearly sheathed to the root.

Tony was panting. He’d tried to thrust back against Jason, forcing him deeper again, but Jason wouldn’t allow it. He wanted it to be so good for Tony. He wanted him mindless and whimpering with the pleasure, and he knew one way to do that was to control him, to force his passion to fit Jason’s desires. The harder he held him down, forced him to take his cock at his pace, the more Tony enjoyed it.

When he was buried to the hilt he stopped for a moment to let Tony adjust. “I’m so fucking deep in you, Tony, I can’t go any farther,” he ground out. He looked at Kate, and she was on her knees beside them, so aroused she was cupping and squeezing her own breasts, her legs spread wide.

“Climb on, Kate,” he told her harshly. “Feel Tony and me fucking.” He reached for her and helped her climb on Tony’s back, where she straddled him facing Jason. She spread her legs so that each thrust of Tony’s hips would press him against her, but she wasn’t resting on him.

“I want to watch, Jason. Fuck Tony for me.” Her voice was thick and heavy, and Tony shivered at her words.

Without replying, Jason pulled almost all the way out of Tony, then thrust fully back in. Tony gasped, his hips rising to meet the thrust. Jason couldn’t believe how good it felt. Fucking Tony was as good as fucking Kate. He slid out and in again, the fit tight and hot, but smooth.

“You were made to be fucked by me, Tony,” he told him, gently caressing one hand over the cheeks of his buttocks, and then down between his legs, to rub his balls softly.

“Oh God, Jase, yes,” Tony groaned, thrusting back, driving him just a little deeper.

“Are you trying to push me over the edge, Tony?” he asked, pulling his hand away.

“Do you want me to come?”


Samantha Kane

“Yes, damn it,” Tony cried out. “I can’t last, Jason, it feels too good. Fuck me hard and fast, I want to come together.”

“Yes, Jason, yes,” Kate whispered, cupping his face in her hands. She kissed him gently. “Give him what he wants, what he needs. You can fuck him whenever you like, this first time doesn’t have to last forever.”

Jason reached up and placed his hands over hers. “Kiss me, Kate, kiss me while we come. I want to feel both of you.”

She leaned forward and placed her mouth on his, opening her lips and gliding her tongue into his mouth. He began to move in Tony, fucking him hard and deep, and he heard Tony sobbing out his name, felt him pushing back hard against each thrust of his cock.

He had to grab hold of Tony’s hips to anchor him as he began to savagely pound into him. The kiss with Kate became hotter, wilder. She let go of his face and held on to his shoulders, breathy little moans escaping her each time Tony’s thrusts brought him into contact with her pussy.

He heard her come. She moaned long and loud, her fingers clutching him, her nails biting into him. He raised Tony’s hips higher and fucked him hard, two, three, four times. Then he felt Tony’s muscles contract, felt his orgasm sweep through him, and he let himself go. He buried himself deeply in Tony’s anus, and let the hot wash of his orgasm rush through him. The feel of his semen surrounding his cock in Tony’s ass caused deep shudders to rack his body, and he cried out.

“Yes, Jason, yes,” Tony cried, riding his cock, pushing him deeper, trembling with the force of his own orgasm. They stayed locked that way for what seemed an eternity, the tremors finally slowing.

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