King (21 page)

Read King Online

Authors: L J Dee

I whispered as he looked down at me. “Yes Charlotte” he said sipping his
scotch, raising his eyebrows and licking his lips deliciously. “If I make plans
for tomorrow will you need me to unmake them?” I smiled. I had not seen Katie
properly in ages, except for at work and Sunday afternoon was a bit of a
tradition which had been too absent lately. I also felt guilty that this whole
part of my life was a secret from her and thought that making it up with a
number of
would assuage my growing guilt at
keeping her in the dark. “No” he said simply and I was now more than curious
about what he was up to, a thought, I suspected, that was written all over my
face. I hoped it wasn’t a date with the supermodel.
He probably wouldn’t tell me, but it was
worth a shot. “What are you doing?” I smiled innocently at him as he ran a
smooth, gentle finger up and down my back. “It’s my parents wedding
anniversary, they’re having a party” he answered, the smooth tone of his voice
giving little away as to how he felt about that, and my heart leapt. He was
from a loving, together family and I only wished I could have been so lucky.
“That’s lovely Jason, how long have they been married?” “Thirty years” he
answered gently as my brain quickly tried to do the maths. “And how old are
you?” I giggled, already knowing the answer to that question. His smirk
betrayed the fact that our minds were on exactly the same track. “Shotgun
wedding” he grinned broadly “it worked out for them” and I couldn’t stifle my

“You’re a scandalous bunch you Kings aren’t
you” I gazed up at him, biting my lip against the growing giggles. “You have no
idea” he growled sexily as my giggles burst through and I snuggled in even
further. “What about you Smiths, what skeletons have you got lurking in your
closets?” he laughed. “I think you know them all Jason. Apparently I like being
tied up, blindfolded and tormented with a knife. That’s about as bad as it gets,
and it’s just me I’m afraid, I was raised in care”. The look on his face
knocked the breath from my lungs and he moved away as if I’d burnt him, anger
and uncertainty etched across his beautiful face as my giggling fit stopped

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” he almost
shouted, assessing my face as he grabbed my shoulders. I shook my head confused
and puzzled. “You never asked. What difference does it make?” My bewilderment
at his sudden change in demeanour was clearly evident in my expression.

face had softened, anger replaced by sadness and concern as he gazed at me
intently. “It’s just, I didn’t know Charlotte,
no idea”. “Why would you?” I smiled, trying to ease the tension that had
gripped his body. He didn’t answer, but the look on his face betrayed his
thoughts, I had seen it many times before. The best thing I could do was mock
his stereotypical views of care home kids. That usually did the trick. “Is it
because I’m not some council estate crack whore with twenty five kids?” I
laughed as he sighed deeply, clearly
by my
change of tact. “Were you abused?” The concern was genuine and he looked
totally and utterly lost, stunned by my admission and consumed with an angst
that was as touching as it was unnerving. I remembered him saying that he had
once introduced someone into this lifestyle and it hadn’t ended well. If this
was at the root of his unease, I needed to put his mind at rest and quickly,
the last thing I needed was a tormented, guilty Jason King deciding not to
continue our little arrangement. I looked deeply into his eyes, bringing my
hands up to his and clasping them gently. “No Jason, I was not abused. I longed
for a family when I was little, but unfortunately it didn’t happen for me. The
care system treated me well though. I know others were not so lucky, but it
provided me with stability and carers who were kind, and an inherent drive for
self preservation and development. People don’t expect much from kids in care
and I grew up with a fierce desire to prove the doubters wrong” I smiled as he
sighed deeply. “You’re incredible” he said for the second time tonight, pulling
me tightly into his chest as I smiled against him.

can’t have been easy to achieve everything you have Charlotte”. “No” I laughed
gently “It’s been a long road and bloody hard graft, but I love where I am and
what I do. People don’t see the kid from the care home anymore, they see
Charlotte Smith. Most people don’t even know. What I’ve realised over the years
is that everyone has to fight for what they want Jason, no matter how they were
raised. I’ve fought tooth and nail to get where I have at Grayson, despite the
fact that
like Ian Anderson, constantly try
to slam me down. It’s not because of my background, he doesn’t even know about
it. There are always people who will try to beat you, by fair means or foul,
it’s just the way it is”. I couldn’t resist pulling back and gazing at him,
raising my eyebrows as he looked at me in a way I could only describe as
sheepishly. It was a look I’d probably never see again and one that looked so
out of place running through his gorgeous features, I couldn’t help but smile.
“Jesus Charlotte, I’m not surprised you hated me” he said softly looking down
as I cupped his chin and brought his gaze to mine in a gesture I was so
familiar with, albeit the other way around. “I don’t hate you anymore though” I
smiled, biting my lip, feeling the familiar hardness growing against me before
he grabbed me tightly, pinning me down against the sheets, kissing me so deeply
and passionately I could only respond in kind, pulling his hard body against
mine with my fingers digging into his back, stroking the wonderful skin I had
been denied before. He cupped my breasts, tenderly stroking every inch of me,
gently entering me and fucking me long and hard, his touches and caresses
softer than I had ever known. If I was not mistaken, Jason King was making love
to me right now and the feeling was pure and utter bliss.

moaned in appreciation as he kissed my neck, tenderly running his firm skilled
hands over me as he pounded into me with long, smooth, skilled strokes of his
delicious cock, and before long the waves of pleasure were building and
engulfing my being. “Don’t come yet” he growled as I tried to hold back,
wondering if this was another lesson in learning to be patient. I held it,
teetering wonderfully on the edge, the pleasure intensifying and overwhelming
before I could find my release, suspended in a state of euphoria, concentrating
only on the merging of our bodies and waiting for his command. He was
beautiful, thrusting inside me, filling me physically and emotionally until he
couldn’t hold back any more. “Come for me Baby” he whispered, his instruction
all my body needed to obey, the power of my pent up pleasure rocketing through
every cell and nerve as I cried out. I was revelling in the slickness of our
bodies as I felt the pulsing of his cock, showering me inside with everything
he had, as he moaned my name against my ear. I held on to him tightly, utterly
satisfied, deliriously sated and overwhelmed by the emotional charge of our
night together. He had teased me with a knife, chained, blindfolded and on the
edge of terror, pounding into me mercilessly and carnally and then he had made
love to me in a powerfully sweet display of strong, tender virility which had
fried my senses. Both had been pure sexual paradise and I began to wonder if
there was anything this man could not do.

was silent for a while, gazing at me and I knew that something was bothering
him, tormenting him. Concern and anguish suddenly etched across his face,
glaringly out of place after what we’d just shared. I needed to know what it
was, and I knew instinctively that it would be to do with my past. For years it
had haunted me, like a huge weight tethered to me that I pulled along wherever
I went and it changed people’s opinion of me. I had released that when I came
to Grayson International and so I made sure almost no-one knew. Stupidly I had
just told Jason and I needed to put him straight, he already had issues about
doing this with me.



is a two way thing” I smiled as he looked at me nodding, his mouth set firm.
“Has anyone ever loved you Charlotte?” he whispered and I swallowed hard. The truth
wouldn’t go down well, it never did. He would assume that I’d be so desperate
for love that I couldn’t separate it from sex, and I’d fall head over heels
after the very first kiss. Every guy had assumed that over the years, when in
fact the opposite was true. I realised I would have to be very careful with my
answer. “No” I smiled. “Unless you count Katie, she’s probably the closest. I’m
pretty hard wired against the whole love thing now, I reckon it’s over rated
anyway” I laughed gently, but his face didn’t move. “Have you ever been in
love?” “Same answer” I smiled, hoping we could get off this awkward track of

looked pained and sad, no doubt thinking of the little girl growing up with no
love in her life. It was sad, it had been even sadder to live it. But I had,
and I’d come through it, and my life now was exactly what I wanted it to be. I
hoped to find love, like most people, but until now it had seemed to evade me
like some unobtainable holy grail that I’d never reach. I had never desired
anyone as much as Jason and I had never craved anything so hard, and it was
certainly possible if he continued to make me feel like this, that I may well
fall in love with him. I decided to omit that little detail for now, Christ, I
had freaked him out enough with my revelations.“Please don’t pity me Jason, I’m
good” I smiled again, his whole body seeming to relax against me finally, and I
hoped I’d said the right thing.

pulled back after what felt like an eternity, removing himself gently and running
a soft finger down my face. “Come on, we’ve got a party to go to” he grinned as
I looked at him stunned. With all that had happened I had almost forgotten
there were lots of people downstairs and I flushed, nodding gently. “What is
it?” he grinned deliciously. “I think I’m a bit overwhelmed, I’d forgotten
where we were” I laughed as he kissed me deeply, rising from the bed and
dressing his beautifully cut body in his equally beautifully cut suit.

didn’t take me nearly as long on account of having only a dress to put on. I
made my way through to the en suite bathroom, horrified to see what a state I
looked and gasped loudly. Jesus Christ, that perfect specimen of a man had just
made love to me looking like this. My face was streaked with mascara, no doubt
from the silent tears of emotional overload that had fallen after the knife
play and I was flushed pink across my face, neck and chest, hair matted at the
back where I’d been pounded into the mattress. I wandered sheepishly back into
the bedroom to retrieve my bag to sort out the damage as he chuckled deeply,
smirking at me. “I’m a fucking mess” I sighed, frowning at him as he smiled,
pulling me against him. “Don’t swear” he growled, chastising me firmly and I
smiled to myself. If I thought making love and our open and honest exchanges
had changed anything, I could think again. Jason King was my dominant and was
letting me know it in no uncertain terms, although I was sure the smirk was
still playing on his mouth as I picked up my bag and strode back to the
bathroom, closing the door behind me and laughing gently.

ten minutes of rubbing, retouching, brushing and sighing, I was about as good
as it would get, as Jason grabbed my hand, opening the door and leading me down
to the party. Something had changed, a small thing, but the clasp of his hand
was tighter than before and he had pulled me closer to him. As I looked around
at the envying glances of the other
the drawing room, I soon realised that this was probably not the norm and the
thought warmed me enormously. I had once thought this man was an arrogant prick
and it made me smile. He was definitely still erring on the smug side, with an
unshakable confidence that brimmed from every pore, but he was protective and
tender and a whole load of other things I had never given him credit for. I
smiled up at him adoringly as he caught my gaze, tipping his head and looking
back at me, a slightly bemused look on his face. It was fair to say in the last
two months any outward show of adoration to Jason King had been the last thing
on my mind, and the baffled glance suggested it was not something he was
familiar with. If he kept treating me like this, he better get used to it, I
smiled to myself, walking on air and smiling broadly at Sasha who made her way

look different” she smiled, trying not to laugh as she clocked my appearance,
still slightly dishevelled despite my best efforts. “What have you been up to?”
she grinned as Jason struck up a conversation with a tall dark, Italian looking
man on his left. “Jason’s been playing with knives” I giggled as her face
dropped, her sharp narrowed eyes darting straight to him before laying a
horrified glance on me. “Are you OK?” she said as I smiled and nodded, thinking
that maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. “Really Charlotte?” she asked
firmly as I nodded and Jason turned, handing me a glass of champagne from a
circulating waiter, still half in conversation as he noticed the look on
Sasha’s face. “I want a word with you” she spat coldly. He raised a finger as
if to gesture ‘wait a minute’ before turning to resume his conversation with
the handsome European.

Sasha” I pleaded, realising I could have just landed myself in the shit, but
she was shaking her head firmly as I noticed the barrister looking on from the
corner of the room. “You are new to this and that is just plain irresponsible”
she said firmly as Jason’s head spun around at the harshness of her words.
“Excuse me” he smiled at the foreign gentleman, turning to Sasha, his mouth set
in a firm grim line, towering over her, tension and anger radiating from every
bone in his body. I visibly shrunk under the presence but Sasha seemed to grow
in response, straightening her posture, doing her best to bring herself up to
face him and in the eight inch heels, she almost succeeded. “Outside now” she
said firmly as he released my hand and strode out of the room, followed by a
seething Sasha and I sighed, knowing immediately that I’d fucked up royally.

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