King (23 page)

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Authors: L J Dee

“It’s not a normal relationship, I’m his
submissive” I said, unable to help the giggle that burst from my lips as she
stared at me wide eyed and shocked. “Are you two taking the piss out of me?”
her face fell, staring first at Sasha, then right back at me. “No” I smiled
shaking my head “Sasha had a go at him last night because he chained me up and
blindfolded me and tormented me mercilessly with a very large knife” and her
jaw almost hit the table as I continued my tale. “Actually, I suspect it was a
butter knife, so a lot less dangerous than it sounds, but because I couldn’t
see, or move, the anticipation and fear was the same. Then he gave me multiple orgasms
by fucking me into oblivion” I smiled, much more matter of
than I ever thought I was capable of. Clearly hanging around with Sasha was a
positive thing.

couldn’t take it all in and began to giggle loudly as we all joined in. “We are
a real motley crew aren’t we?” and she was right. “Are you always in charge
Sasha?” she asked, eager to get an insight into what her relationship with
Robbie might consist of.
“Mostly, but not always.
barrister is a pretty powerful individual. Most of the time he likes to
that in the bedroom but sometimes he likes to
indulge it, and he lets me know in advance what he’s thinking. Take tonight for
example. He’s taking me to a law society dinner and I’m staying at his.
Ordinarily I’d take some of my kit in my overnight bag, but when I got this
earlier on, I knew I wouldn’t need it”. She pulled out her phone and passed it
first to Katie who gasped, and then to me.

You’ll be on your knees later begging
for my cock you little Bitch-slut

“Wow” I
gasped “That’s different Sash” I gazed at her, handing back the phone as she
looked at me smiling. “I know and it will be fun. A change is as good as a
holiday” she winked and I couldn’t help but laugh. “What about Jason?” said
Katie and without her being any more specific, I knew exactly what she meant,
shaking my head. “Unlikely to happen” I grinned as both her and Sasha nodded.
“I can’t see King ever getting on his knees and begging to anyone” she smiled
and I had to agree. The thought of a submissive King was a vision even I was
struggling with.

should call ourselves the Sub-committee” laughed Sasha, that way if we’ve ever
got a problem we can schedule a meeting in our diaries and Alison will be none
the wiser. I laughed loudly, as did Katie. “Great idea Sash, expect our first
committee meeting in the cake shop next week” I grinned. “I’m sure one of us
will have a burning issue about butt plugs or lubricant that we need to
discuss”. We were laughing wildly as the taco’s came, smelling utterly
delicious as we all tucked in, and I couldn’t help but feel grateful we had
found one another to help us forage our way through this surreal new
experience, pulling my beeping phone from my bag.

Where are you?

Jason. I
smiled at the screen and sent a text back as the other two grinned at me, no
doubt realising from the look on my face
had sent

La Bodega

I didn’t have
to wait long for the reply and swallowed hard as I read it, ignoring the
demanding stares from my friends. Some things were sacred between a sub and her
Dom and there was no way on earth I was sharing this.

Next to the sex shop, interesting.
Now go to the bathroom, take off your panties and masturbate until you are wet
for me. Do not come, do you understand?

Yes Sir

I fired back
immediately. “What does he want?” Katie grinned as I shook my head. For once
Sasha wasn’t pushing it and I guessed that this was a game she played with her
barrister as I flushed gently, her knowing look saying more than a thousand
words ever could, as I made my way to the bathroom, wondering what the hell I
was doing. Surely he would never know if I didn’t do it, but this was all part
of the game and I had agreed to play it, I smiled, locking myself in the
cubicle and doing as he asked. Unfortunately, I was distracted by the
surroundings and taking far too long about it.

the hell have you been?” quizzed Katie as I returned to the table, slightly
flushed and more than a little aroused. I said nothing, shaking my head and
tucking into the rest of my now cold soft shell crab taco and glugging my wine.

left after the meal to get ready for her submissive evening with the barrister
admitting that being a dominatrix was much easier as she didn’t have to be
certain she’d shaved her legs when she was kitted out in a PVC cat suit. I
laughed at the thought. “I can’t believe you are a submissive” Katie gasped as
we bar hopped around Soho, revelling in the eclectic sights and consuming more
than a couple of
. “I know. That’s why he
wouldn’t take things forward with
he flat refused
to introduce anyone new to the scene. He said it had gone wrong before” I
whispered quietly. “What changed his mind?” she asked, smiling at me. “I don’t
know really. I told him that I’d be going to one of his special parties anyway
and he caved” I laughed. “He couldn’t stay away Charlotte. This chemistry
between you and King goes way back. He wasn’t just making sure he pitched
against you because you’re our best exec. He did it to get to close to you” she
smiled and my heart warmed as I wondered if she was right.

parties anyway?” she quizzed, narrowing her eyes and assessing me speculatively
as I filled her in on the details of the scene I had recently discovered and
promising to ask Jason if he’d sponsor her and Robbie. We settled down in the
corner of a wine bar, assessing the amazing array of costumes and outfits being
brazenly displayed on a Sunday afternoon.

“Do you mind
if Robbie comes to join us, he just text me to say he’s in Soho?” “No” I
smiled, retrieving my own text.

Go and masturbate until you are right
on the edge and then stop. I will know if you come and I will not be happy.

There was no
mistaking the tone of that text as I imagined Jason tall, brooding and
magnificent relaying the orders to me in person and it was the only spur I
needed. “Won’t be long” I smiled at Katie who looked at me puzzled. I was
pleased I’d been able to share my secret but she didn’t need every detail.
Thankfully there was no queue and no one in the ladies as I followed Jason’s
wishes, almost unable to stop when the time came, but forcing myself to do it
anyway as the bleeping in my bag forced me from my haze, and I picked up my

How do you feel?

I suspected
he would know exactly how I felt. More than a little frustrated was the truth.

Horny as hell and desperate for you
inside me x

I could
imagine the low chuckle reverberating through him as he received my reply,
which almost sent me over the edge without me even needing to touch myself. God
this was agitating and I couldn’t help but fire off another text.

I need to see you Sir

I knew he was
at his parents wedding anniversary and couldn’t stifle my giggles as I pictured
him demanding I masturbate by text while sat at the dinner table with his
family, or mingling around the garden making small talk with their friends and
neighbours whilst ordering me not to come.

Not possible. Text me when you get

That was
nailed on and I prayed that Jason King was planning on red hot phone sex. There
was no way I could take this fierce arousal into tomorrow before I saw him
again. I was already squirming, waiting for my intense flushing to calm down
before rejoining Katie. I smiled when I saw that Robbie was with her and
greeted him warmly. “Hi Robbie, how are the finals going?” I smiled as Katie
looked up at him adoringly. “Nearly there” he grinned, pulling her tightly
against him as we chatted happily for another hour and a half about
architecture, the campaigns he’d been signed up for and the state of the Western
economy. The last discussion didn’t last long and I said my goodbyes, eager to
speak to Jason and let them have some alone time, noting the envious glances
Katie was getting from the males and females in the Soho bar as I made my way

fresh air hit me immediately and I wobbled on my heels, infinitely more tipsy
than I’d realised and decided a cab would be much safer than the escalators of
the tube in my current condition. I paid the taxi driver what seemed like half
my annual salary and sat back on my couch, fidgeting restlessly and texting

I’m home x

It was gone
six and I wondered if the party would be over or whether he was still there
celebrating with his family and for a second I was envious of his position. I
rarely thought about it these days, but a family was all I’d ever really craved
deep down. I realised by the age of eight, with two failed adoptions under my
belt that it probably wouldn’t happen for me, and forced myself to be content
with the home, the care I received, and the friendships I’d built there. I
always believed that one day I’d have a family of my own, I had never doubted
it, as thoughts of Jason carrying our cute, dark haired, blue eyed little boy
on his broad shoulders through the park, flashed into my brain. “Christ, don’t
get carried away” I laughed to myself out loud, but the image was a nice one
and I stored it anyway, pulled from my musings by my ringing phone.

he said sexily, his velvet voice like music to my ears, sending my arousal into
orbit and I craved his proximity. “Hi” I said sweetly, giggling down the line.
“Are you drunk?” he said firmly as I giggled again. “A little bit” I grinned as
I heard the low chuckle deep in his throat that did delicious things to my
already heightened nerve cells. “Did you do as I asked?” he said, his voice
quiet, low and deep. “Yes I did Jason”. “And how do you feel?” “Frustrated and
horny and desperate to see you” I said,
back on
the couch as he sighed. “I can’t see you tonight. Go upstairs, strip naked and
lie on your bed. Do not touch yourself and wait for me to call back” he said
firmly as the line went dead. Well that was infuriating, and arousing and sexy
as hell and I practically bolted upstairs, eager to have him back on the line
and putting me out of my misery. I needn’t have rushed, it was another hour and
a half until he called back, by which time I was a squirming, frustrated and
fidgety mess, my drunken head filled with visions of the glorious Jason King
bringing me to orgasm which was just about all I could focus on.

I quipped sarcastically as I picked up the phone. “Be careful Charlotte” he
growled as I suddenly remembered my place, the last thing I needed now was a
telephone punishment. The masturbation, waiting and anticipation already had me
on high alert, and very on edge. “Sorry” I pouted “I want you Jason and I can’t
have you and I’m a frustrated, fidgety mess”. The alcohol was helping my tongue
to run away with me before my brain was engaged. The low chuckle was back and
this time I wasn’t laughing.

back and close your eyes Charlotte” and I melted into the sound of his amazing
voice. “I want you to think about me fucking you up against the dresser in my
room, your hands clinging on to the surface of the wood, your knuckles white as
you watch me moving behind you”. “
” I managed,
lost in the sound of his voice and the world he was luring me into with his
smooth tone and my memories, and my thighs rubbed together involuntarily trying
to stave off the deep pulsing ache in my core. “I want you to picture my cock
pounding into you, how tight you are and how big it feels as I fill every inch
of you, fucking you harder and harder. Imagine my face as I watch you moaning
and panting in the reflection of the mirror. Now stroke your breasts and pinch
your nipples hard, imagine it’s me”.

did as I was told, moaning loudly down the line, listening to his breathing
grow heavy and I wondered if he was pleasuring himself on the other end of the
phone. The thought was almost enough to make me come, as my thighs grew slick
with my own juices and I
my breasts over and
over again. “I’m running my hands down the sides of your body and I’m thrusting
into you and stroking your clit gently, running the wetness over you and you’re
shuddering. Now stroke yourself Charlotte but do not come. If you feel yourself
getting too close you need to stop and “
” was
all I could manage again.

me how I feel inside you”. I was lost, captured in a fantasy so vivid it could
almost be real, as the sweet pleasure grew in slow waves radiating from my
core. “You feel so big Jason, so hard, I can feel every gorgeous solid inch of
you, every vein that I love to trace with my tongue and I’m watching every
muscle flexing in your beautiful body in the mirror, like a fucking God, so
strong and powerful. I get lost in your body, the feel of you, the smell of
you, your face,
incredible blue eyes” and he was
moaning now, breathing heavily down the line. Images of Jason King stroking his
cock, mixing with the perfect vision of him fucking me against the dresser and
I was gone, spiralling out of control and there was nothing I could do. “Jason”
I gasped, teetering on the edge and trying to stop the pleasure that was
threatening to surge through me like a blissful freight train, igniting and
touching every cell in its wake as I closed my eyes, listening to his
breathing. “Open your fucking eyes” he demanded and that was all it took as my
body shuddered violently in response. He’d said it before when I was coming and
it acted like a trigger that was impossible to control. He was breathing
heavily, but otherwise silent as wave after wave of pleasure shot through me
and even in my groggy euphoric haze, I knew I was in trouble.

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