Read Love In Rewind Online

Authors: Tali Alexander

Tags: #Adult, #Love, #Romance

Love In Rewind (13 page)

"Lou, relax, put me down," Phillip, still cracking up, told my very angry boyfriend. "If you wanted under-aged girls, I'd have three on their knees sucking you off before this night was over. We pay them once and then they're gone. This little cock tease will milk you for everything you're worth. Let me call Julie, she's the one you really like. It's the Asian blond that likes your dick up her ass and my dick in her pussy. Ha-ha-ha … put me down bro. I'm doing you a fucking favor. Trust me."

Angry was too gentle of a word to describe Louis. His face was red and veins popped out of his neck. He looked as if his forehead might burst. I was scared. He looked capable of murder. I could feel myself start to faint. I needed air. I needed to go … I had that fight or flight feeling. I turned around to start walking, or maybe I was running, toward the door.

I heard Louis yell his answer to his so-called best friend, "We're done! You sick fuck. I told you how much I care about her. I told you I don't want this shit anymore and this is how you disrespect me, you worthless scum. You're only my friend for sharing pussy. I love this girl. If you ever want to see me again you'll apologize to Emily. Even then I still won't forgive you for what you just fucking said."

I heard a crashing sound. I assumed Louis must've either let go of Phillip or thrown him into something. Louis ran to catch up with me before I got to the door. Joe was seated by the exit looking flustered and confused. Louis took my shaking hand in his and walked us right out of that club, forever. Fresh cool air hit me and I took in some much-needed gulps. My tears, which I couldn't hold back any longer, rolled freely down my cheeks. Louis jerked my hand for me to stop walking. He swung me around into him for a silent embrace. My silent tears turned into loud sobs.

"Emily, I'm sorry, baby, that was so fucked up. I don't know what I was thinking. I should've never trusted Phillip to be anything but the animal that he is," he said on the verge of what sounded like tears himself.

I felt small and worthless, but mostly scared. I was out of my league with him and his friends. I looked up to meet his guilt-ridden eyes.

"Is that what you want, Louis? Have I been keeping you away from your friends and the hordes of sluts? This is what you really need? Then just go … leave me alone." I took a strangled breath. "Why are you doing this to me? I told you before; I won't survive you disposing of me once this gets boring for you. I'm not some gold digger who goes from guy to guy. I'm scared. I've never felt this way. I'm in love with you. I don't think I'll ever get over what we had together. For the rest of my life any man I will ever be with after this will have to compare to you … and I don't think anyone will … ever." I couldn't stop the well of tears my emotions had unleashed.

"Emily, listen to me. I love you, too. If you think I want to go back to being scum and waste my time with men who are not my friends then you have no idea how I feel about you. If I could, I would give up all the women I've ever known for you. Phillip is dead to me. The nameless women were all empty fucks. I just want this, I want you, and I want us. I need to know my words are getting to you. I have been alive for twenty-nine years and my life just started three weeks ago. I would do anything for you. Please trust that I'll never hurt you." He took a long drawn out breath and continued, "I'm dying inside watching you get hurt by this. I can't see you cry. Please, baby, stop crying."

It took me a few minutes to collect my ego and my heart off of the sidewalk. People passing us on the street were starting to stare at our lovers' quarrel playing out for them like one of Shakespeare's tragedies. We walked quietly to his car. He opened my door and lifted me, almost childlike, and placed me into the passenger seat of his very low sports car. Squatting down, he buckled me in with a serious expression on his face.

"Are you afraid I'll run away?" I asked playfully, trying to lighten the gloomy mood we were both in.

"I'm not taking any chances with you. I fucked up enough for one night." He bent to kiss my puffy cheek. He closed my door, got behind the wheel and took off in a flash.


Chapter 15

Making up is fun to do...


e spent that night in Louis' house lying on a plush white wool rug listening to some smooth music. I had my eyes closed, sprawled out on my stomach. Louis lay sideways facing me and soothingly ran his fingertips up and down my bare back. When we were like this, alone and together, nothing else mattered. Not his stupid friends. Not the thoughts of people judging my intentions or his. Right there on the floor with that man was all I ever needed.

"Louis," I said with my eyes still closed.

"Yes, baby."

"You know I don't care about your money … right?"

"I know, Em," Louis choked out. "I never thought you did," he snorted and added, "I just realized you haven't once asked me for anything. I'm a stupid prick. This whole time we've been together, I've never gotten you one damn thing. A normal boyfriend would at least buy his girl some kind of gift. Let alone me with all my fucking money."

I opened my eyes. "I don't need anything. I have everything I need. I just want to be with you. All this stuff you have around is amazing. But please know that's not why I love you."

"It's not that I'm some cheap bastard. I'm not just using you, Em. I love you, and I should be spoiling you. Lord knows I can. I've never done this before. I never needed to buy a woman a gift. I would pay for whatever they wanted and that was it."

"Louis, you don't need to buy me anything and I don't care about what you did with other women," I said. Hating the pang I got in my chest every time he mentioned other women.

"Em, I'm sorry. I know I don't need to, but I want to. I want you to have everything. You're a beautiful young woman. I'm the man who's courting you. I should be showering you with flowers and jewelry. I've just been lost in you, in us."

I ran my fingers through his long hair and then placed my hand on his heart. I looked up at him. "I know I'm young and I don't have much to compare our relationship to, but when we're together I feel like you're mine and that's all the gift I need from you. I can't explain it. I know you don't really belong to me. But when I look at you, I know I'll never need anyone else. I don't need anything. I'm just happy knowing you're mine."

He smiled, kissed the tip of my nose, and pulled me up towards him. I was now almost fully resting on top of him. He kissed the top of my head, inhaling my hair. "You own every cell in my body, Emily Marcus." He ran his hand down my bare back until his fingers grazed my bare bottom. "Are you kidding me? You were naked all night under this dress?" Louis asked as he continued with his fingers spread out going down to cup my butt.

"Surprise," I said, smiling into his dark eyes.

He urged his middle finger down between my butt cheeks until he felt my wetness. He dipped his fingers into my crotch before bringing it back up to play with my other hole. He lightly pushed his finger against my rear hole and I cried out.

"Shhhh, relax … I promise to make it feel good … tell me you trust me."

I was lying with my upper body on top of him. My face was on his chest and I nodded.

"I want you to forget all of tonight's bullshit … it's just you and me … I wish I could be buried deep in you and make you forget everything but me. Not tonight, little girl. Tonight I'll be making you come with everything except my dick. Are you ready for me to make you forget the world?"

I was wet from his words and ready was the understatement of the year. "I'm always ready for you."

I opened a few buttons on his white shirt. I started kissing his bare chest, making my way down. I ran my tongue around his hard dark nipples. I knew he must've liked that when he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He caressed my butt cheeks under my dress with both hands. He lifted my torso off the floor and laid me flush on top of him. I was sprawled flat on him like a prized cat. He gathered all my hair with one hand. I think he wanted a better view of my tongue teasing and playing with his erect nipples. He let go of my hair to place his fingers at my swollen lips. Louis was outlining them hungrily. I looked up at him from under my lashes and slowly parted my lips. He smiled at me and inserted his probing finger into my mouth. I closed my lips around his long middle finger and drew it deep into my throat. Louis was watching me suck his finger in and out slowly.

"Baby, if you could see yourself. So fucking sexy. You're not even sucking my dick and I'm already done."

I was lying flush on top of him and could feel his erection build against my sex. He was working me with his other hand from the backside, dragging my wetness up towards my puckered hole. He unexpectedly and crudely pushed his wet thumb into that hole. I was sucking his finger and bit down from the unexpected invasion. He moaned from my reaction on his finger.

"I'm going to finger fuck you in both holes tonight," he said as he slipped his index finger inside my empty slit. He was simultaneously filling me at both holes. It should've felt wrong. I wanted to tell him to stop, but honestly, I couldn't. It felt too good. Louis was frantically moving his fingers in and out of both of my holes. I felt like a hand puppet in his masterful hands.

"Oh baby, yeah, I knew you'd like that … don't even think of telling me to stop … I won't," he said with a strained voice. His hand was jerking me up and down the length of his erection. He was rubbing me into himself and grinding me hard against his cock. It was so desperate, so rough. He withdrew his finger from my mouth abruptly. He strained his neck towards me to give my lips a hard kiss before he put both his middle and index fingers into my mouth. "Suck," he said bluntly.

I was beyond turned on at his commanding tone. I was inflamed from his rough talk and his rough deeds. I was giving his fingers a thorough blowjob. His raunchy double holed finger job was driving me crazy. I felt the panic start to build and spread. I knew I was moments away from detonating. I needed the release. I was so close. Louis then stilled his fingers inside me.

"Don't stop, please," I cried out with my mouth still full of him.

"Baby, you begging me is so hot. Tell me what to do to make you explode on top of me."

"Louis, I'm so close. Please, just don't stop."

"I won't stop, I'll never stop. I'm going to make you come like you've never come before."

"Yes, don't stop … please, harder Louis. I need to come," I begged the puppet master.

"God, you're so tight everywhere. I don't think my dick will ever fit inside your ass." He pressed his submerged fingers even deeper. He was moving his hips up and down pounding my clit with his hard rod. I could feel my climax begin to build again.

"Ohhhhhh," I started moaning with his fingers still rammed deep in my throat.

"I can't wait for your little pussy to feel my big dick. I'm going to fill every inch of you." He started thrusting his cock in upward motions. He removed his wet fingers from my mouth and added them to my already overfilled crotch. I was on sensory overload. I felt like I was high. I couldn't control my panting and screaming. I was yelling loud.

"That's right, fucking come, baby. Come hard. I can feel it; you're so close. Don't hold back, I want it all, every drop."

I was there. I was falling. I was his! "Louis … yes … Louis, I'm coming!"

He didn't stop; he kept driving his fingers hard into me. He pushed my orgasm on and on. I was still clenching around him while he rubbed his cock shamelessly against me. I was convulsing with him gyrating my body on top of his cock. He was using me like a rag to polish his dick. When I started to reemerge, I heard him yell out my name.

"Emily, oh God, Em … baby … FUCCCCKKK!"

I then felt hot liquid spread between us. Louis was coming hard with his pants still on. He came all over himself and my dress. The realization that I just made this sex god come did wonderful things to my wounded ego. That night was also the first time Louis and I did laundry together.


I called Sara as soon as I got home that night. I couldn't tell her what had really happened at the club because I'd break down again and deep down I kind of agreed with Phillip's assessment of me. I was going to give her a brief overview with our secret code, which required few words and even fewer explanations.

"I had sex with Jeff again," was the first thing Sara said to me as soon as she picked up the phone.

"What? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"No, he doesn't have a girlfriend. He has a fiancée, silly. I was horny; he came by to hang out with Eddie. Eddie wasn't home; he was with Michelle … blah, blah, blah … bang … bang … bang … everybody is happy."

She could make all the jokes she wanted; I knew she had feelings for Jeffery, the asshole. I just couldn't understand why she was selling herself short and fucking around with someone who obviously had no respect for her or the woman he was supposedly marrying.

"You happy, Sara?" She didn't need to answer that. It was a rhetorical question. We both knew there couldn't be anything resembling happiness after doing something so fucked up.

"Let's not rehash my affairs and let's discuss your evening with Mr. Too Good to be True."

Sara still hadn't met Louis and I couldn't blame her for sometimes doubting his existence. All she knew of him came from our Internet research and the stories I'd been telling her.

"Sara, I had one crazy night. It started with
Careless Whispers
by Wham and ended with
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
by Starship … I'm not elaborating … your turn."

"Well, my evening started with
You Keep Me Hanging On
by Kim Wilde morphing into AC/DC's
You Shook Me All Night Long
and now I'm at
I Want To Know What Love Is
by Foreigner … I think I win the crazy night contest."

We were just silent, contemplating one another's emotions through song lyrics. I knew she was really hurting about Jeff and hiding behind jokes.

"I love you," I said to my slightly damaged and wounded best friend.

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