Read Love In Rewind Online

Authors: Tali Alexander

Tags: #Adult, #Love, #Romance

Love In Rewind (16 page)

"Yes Eddie, we're cool. I may have overreacted last weekend. I tend to get very possessive with the things I love. I may have channeled my macho emotions on the wrong person. I can't wait to do some dancing with my girl."

Hallelujah … I thought I'd diffused that situation nicely if I do say so myself. Louis and Eddie might still be friends or even work together. That lunch went better than expected. I would definitely be attending Eddie's birthday party after all. Go me.


Chapter 18

Louis Bruel meet my friend Pinky...


hat weekend we were heading to Cheetah Club in midtown to celebrate Eddie's twenty-sixth
birthday and graduation from law school. Eddie didn't know yet, but tonight Louis was going to offer him the position of a lifetime with Bruel Industries. Louis showed up early to pick me up. My parents were out of town at a medical convention for the whole weekend. It was just me at home when I answered the door. He was a good hour early. I'd just gotten out of the shower and wasn't dressed yet. I was wearing my black silk robe and nothing else. Louis looked delicious, as always. He was wearing black jeans with a black V-neck t-shirt and a gray blazer.

"Are we alone?"

"Well, hello to you, too," I said mockingly.

We hadn't seen each other all day. He had important meetings that he couldn't delegate to someone else to attend in his place. I had plans, too; I was helping Jenna and Mike set up for a posh baby shower on the West Side. Now I knew why he was here early. Louis needed a private dose of me before we went out in public. He did seem a little on edge and was looking around to make sure it was just the two of us before he pushed me to the entrance floor.

"I need you to do something to me … maybe you could ride me. I haven't come since Thursday night and I'm about to explode. I'll be in my boxers; I just need to feel your naked body on top of me."

"How could I say no to such a romantic request? Come on, it's time for you to see where I do most of my Louis dreaming."

He followed me up the stairs like an obedient puppy. We got to my room and I locked my door just in case someone unexpected decided to show up. I had a pretty good idea how we would be spending the next hour and it wasn't appropriate for an audience.

"Emily, how did you manage to enslave an almost thirty-year-old grown man, self-sufficient in all aspects who up until four weeks ago never had to ask a woman for anything? I will do anything you tell me. I will take whatever scraps you offer me and I've never been happier in my entire life."

"Louis, I don't know. I ask myself that every minute—"

"Shhhh … Em, this is not about me telling you I don't think you're good enough for me. This is about me telling you that you have me completely enchanted. I am yours. I never want to stop being under your spell. I've never been happier just to have a woman agree to dry rub me. Even if you only let me hold your hand, I'll take it."

"I'm yours, Louis. You have this all wrong. If you want my body I'll give it to you. I love you. I will do anything for you."

If he'd asked me to sleep with him right then and there and take my virginity, I would gladly have given it to him. But I knew he loved me too much to ask or push this topic. I loved him wholeheartedly but I wasn't ready to have sex with him, yet, and he knew it. I was still worried that tomorrow he would wake up from my bewitchment and— abracadabra—all this between us would go away. Louis might finally realize he didn't need me in his life. That he had willing, beautiful participants for sex lining up by the busloads. If that day came, I would still have a part of me that I didn't give to him. I would know that he didn't take with him all of me: heart, body, and soul. My chastity wasn't so much of a physical entity, but more of a spiritual virtue I was holding on to.

"I want you to feel secure enough in our relationship and my love for you to want to make love to me. I don't want us having sex because you think I need it. All I need is you close to me."

I walked over and backed him into a chair. He looked like a giant sitting on a baby chair. Come to think of it, Louis in my room looked out of sorts and funny. He was too much for such a feminine small space. He was watching me intently. I hadn't realized until that moment that the ball really was in my court. I was the puppet master for once. That feeling was empowering. I untied my robe, dropping it to the floor. His pupils dilated and his caramel colored eyes turned black. He ran his hand through his hair. I could sense his need to touch me. I took both his hands and brazenly placed them on my aching breasts. He smiled, exposing that delicious dimple and started to take over. His long fingers spread and squeezed my tits hard. It was almost too painful. He pulled me closer and sucked on one nipple while pinching the other. He quickly got up to remove his blazer, shoes, t-shirt, and unzip his jeans. He sat back down only in his boxers.

He turned me around away from him and then pulled me down to sit on him. I could feel how hard I made him. I started rocking back and forth on his lap. We both needed the sexual relief we offered one another. He was cupping and kneading both my breasts. There was a silent rhythm we both moved to. I wanted to be so much closer to him. To think that only six weeks ago I'd had my first orgasm and now I couldn't survive without at least a few of them a day.

I brought my hand behind me and reached into his boxers to free the beast. I positioned his cock between my legs and squeezed both thighs and started to milk him. I was already leaking wet and my juices were lubricating his long shaft lodged between my legs. He was so quiet. I turned my head to see what kind of expression he had on his beautiful face. His eyes were downcast and I could see him watching his dick rub against my butt cheeks and disappear towards my sex. I felt the need and the yearning in his silence. I just couldn't give him all of me, yet.

"Where should I come? I'm almost there."

"Come anywhere you want. Should I suck your dick? Are you asking me because you want me to swallow your cum?"

I didn't get a response. He pushed me off him briskly, lowering me to the floor on all fours. He ejaculated all over my back.

"Shit, baby, I'm sorry. I'll clean you up"

Sorry? There was nothing for him to be sorry about. Knowing that I could make him lose control in a matter of minutes was a very potent aphrodisiac. He ran to my bathroom and came back with tissues and a small wet towel. He cleaned his cum off my back and picked me up off the carpet and carried me to my bed.

"Now we need to take care of you … how do you want me to make you come?"

I had an idea I just hoped he wouldn't be against it or think less of me.

"I bought a vibrator a month ago. Will you use it on me to make me orgasm?"

What would he think if I told him that he was the reason I went with Sara to buy the stupid thing?

"Did I tell you that every time you open your mouth to speak I want to fuck you for the rest of my life?"

"You've mentioned that a few times … should I stop talking until we're ready to start fucking?"

"Yes, stop talking and go get your vibrator. I want to see what I'm up against."

We were laughing. I ran into my closet and took my pink silicone dildo out of an inconspicuous shoebox. The vibrator was about half the size of Louis' cock now that I looked at it in my hands. When he saw my battery-operated companion he almost fell off the bed laughing. It was kind of hysterical having my real boyfriend meet my rubber boyfriend.

"Louis Bruel, I'd like you to meet my friend, Pinky."

He took the toy out of my hands and placed it against his semi-erect penis. It was much thinner and smaller than his. I'd bought it a few days after I had my first orgasm. It was after that night I first saw him. The night he didn't say a single word to me and left. I needed that vibrator to get me through my Louis Bruel obsession. When I saw it in the store it looked huge. Sara called it a good start. Now looking at it compared to the real thing was comical.

"Pinky, it's a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for making me look good … your days are numbered. Once our girl over here gets a taste of the real thing … you'll be history my friend. Enjoy her while you can."

Louis Bruel having a serious conversation with Pinky the pink vibrator was priceless. He powered up Pinky and proceeded to take care of me. I lay back on my queen-sized bed surrounded by pillows. He spread my legs out and started teasing the oscillating tool between my folds. He was spreading my moisture all over the pink dick. The act was so sensuous.

"Are you dripping for me or Pinky?"

"I bought that thing so I could pretend it was you … oh … and now here you are in my room using it on me. Louis this is so much better than any fantasy. I'm wet for you 24/7."

"What did we say about you talking? I'm hanging on by a very thin thread around you, little girl. Have some mercy on me and stop talking."

The more he spoke the more aroused I got, too. He still hadn't penetrated me with the vibrator. He was just leisurely teasing me. Louis was on his side facing me with his arm bent and head resting in his hand. He lowered his lips to mine to absorb my whimpering moans. Those full lips and that talented tongue engulfed my whole mouth. I forgot all about the sex toy he was using on me and closed my eyes, succumbing to our deep passionate kiss. The fake dick was definitely smaller than Louis' cock but longer and wider than his finger. He unexpectedly inserted the artificial penis all the way inside me, in one crude thrust. I opened my eyes in shock. He was watching me to see my response to his vulgar manipulation with a huge smile. The vibrator was fully lodged inside my sex. It was vibrating at a persistent speed. I had never actually inserted it all the way. It felt so deep. Louis lowered his head to make sure my clit wasn't feeling left out. He was flirtingly poking his tongue lightly at my peak.

"I think I just lost my virginity to Pinky."

"No way, baby. When you have me inside you, you'll know who your virginity belongs to."

"Oh yeah, that feels so good. I'm close … I can feel it … don't stop…"

"Don't come! When I start sucking your clit then I give you permission to let go…"

"Louis, I can't hold it, I want to come."

What did he think I was, a trained porn star? I can't come on command or not come on command for that matter.

"Not yet, it will feel even better if you don't let your body climax … I promise."

He was licking at my clit. I was waiting for him to suck it like he promised. I needed to come more than I needed to breathe. I could feel the flush and the tremor start to spread over my body. He pulled the dildo all the way out and then he aligned it back at my entrance and started pumping it in and out of me as if he was screwing me. Every time he pulled it out I thought I would come. But my mind was obedient to its master. I was holding on and not coming like a good little girl. He placed the round base of the vibrator in his mouth holding it between his teeth and continued to plunge it in and out of me touching his lips to my slit with every thrust. He brought his hand up to my mouth. He let go of his mouth around Pinky while it pounded inside me. He needed to give me orders to make sure I knew whose boss.

"Suck my fingers and then spit. I need them wet."

I would do anything he asked of me as long as he would let me have some relief. I licked his index and middle finger and then closed my mouth over them sucking them in. He withdrew and I slowly spit on them as instructed. He gave me a sexy mischievous smile. He moved his wet saliva covered fingers from my lips down to my butt. He rubbed my spit over my puckered hole and started to slowly insert his index finger.

"Oh yeah … baby, relax and just enjoy what I'm doing. Don't think about anything except how good I make you feel. This will feel so good baby. Don't fight it, just breathe into it. I want you to come harder then you ever have in your life."

I don't know how deep he got that finger in my rear canal. He was trying to distract me by telling me what to do to myself.

"I'm out of hands Em. Squeeze those beautiful tits the way I would."

I was concentrating hard on not coming. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I had the vibrator pulsating inside me. I had Louis' finger halfway up my ass. I was rubbing my nipples and then he closed his lips around my clitoris and sucked. My brain got the green light and sent a signal to my body to start exploding into a violent orgasm. One spasm turned into another and then a few moments later I was climaxing again. Rapture is the only word that I could use to explain how I was feeling. During the whole raunchy scene my boyfriend kept pumping and sucking me vigilantly. I thought Louis Bruel needed to do this professionally if real estate didn't work out for him. That was the orgasm that we have been trying to replicate for the past ten years. Still trying…


Chapter 19

I promise you...


e needed to leave and pick up Sara for the party. We were already half an hour late. As far as I knew Louis only had one car: his two seater red Ferrari. When I told him that we would need to give Sara a ride to Eddie's party earlier that week he apparently got another car for the occasion. Not just any car, he got the sexiest car I'd ever seen. When I came out of my house and saw this black beast waiting at the curb, I almost had another orgasm. I'm not into cars at all; I didn't even know what kind of car it was. All I knew was that it was the equivalent of sex on wheels. If Louis Bruel were a car this would be it. Dark and dangerous and oozing sex appeal. I was shocked at how much I loved the look and attitude of this car. I was hoping Louis didn't just buy this car, but rented or borrowed it for the night. I should've known better.

"Did you get this car because I asked you to drive my friend tonight?" He just shook his head. "Louis, we could've just taken a taxi."

"I don't take taxis and neither will you. Do you like it?"

"Like it … I love it. It's so sexy. The black and the red interior make such a hot combination. What kind of car is this?" I asked as I ran my finger along the smooth curvature of the car. He was so excited that I liked his choice of transportation.

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