Read Love In Rewind Online

Authors: Tali Alexander

Tags: #Adult, #Love, #Romance

Love In Rewind (18 page)

After we finished clearing away our dishes from lunch, I said to him jokingly, "Louis, can you show me your room? I'd like to see where my inamorato grew up."

"Little girl, do you want to take advantage of me in my own room? Have you no shame?" he asked mockingly before biting my earlobe.

"Definitely no hanky-panky while your mother is here," I answered, swatting him across his arm with a kitchen towel. He raised one eyebrow and smiled mischievously.

"Watch this," he said, walking over and opening the top freezer door of the refrigerator.

"Mom, I can't find my favorite ice cream. Emily really wanted some too."

My mouth dropped open. His mother came running into the kitchen inspecting the freezer contents.

"Louis, why don't you keep Emily entertained while I go around the corner and get some cookies and cream ice cream?"

I was shocked. I started to protest but Louis' mother was already out the door. I turned around to find my very mature boyfriend laughing uncontrollably.

"How old are you?" I asked, not finding this whole scenario amusing.

"Right now I wanna be sixteen years old and relive my wettest fantasy with you in the starring role."

He lifted me up, threw me over his shoulder like a rolled up carpet and swatted my ass for good measure. He walked us to the back of the house where his room still looked as if he were sixteen.

"Ah, home sweet home. My right hand got a lot of action in this room," he said, flipping me down on his twin-sized bed. Louis began fumbling with his stereo. "I know my friend Def Leppard's
Love Bites
will put you in the mood to jump my bones, little girl." He walked over to lock his door and then turned, coming my way with a look that liquefied my insides.

Since it was his wet dream we were reenacting, I got up off his bed and proceeded to take both his hands to guide him to sit down at the edge of his bed. I ran my fingertips over his hard chest, descending further down his rock hard abs, feeling every ripple beneath my extended fingers. I reached the bottom and with a swift upwards jerk pulled his red t-shirt off. Louis shirtless is one of my favorite sights.

I took my flowery silk top off, doing a little sensual striptease for him, followed by removing my bra. I was still in my jeans, but topless, as I started slowly and seductively to undulate my hips on his muscular thighs. I arched my back holding on to Louis' knees with both hands. I was presenting my full breasts for him to devour. He slid both hands up my back and brought me closer to him so he could nuzzle my breasts with his face.

Letting go of his knees, I cupped his face, feeling light stubble starting to form around his jaw. I could imagine the friction his beard would cause between my legs and closed my eyes in a state of bliss. Louis squeezed my breasts together with both hands, causing my semi-dormant nipples to wake up to full attention. He lifted his face to watch my slightly ajar lips await his next move. He then opened his lips and drew one nipple into his mouth, sucking and closing his eyes in pleasure. I could feel his cock harden and push against my butt. At the feel of his thickening cock, I shimmied off his lap and made my way to the floor kneeling by his parted legs.

"Since you're sixteen years old right now, that means I need to travel back in time. I made this trip to the past to see you for a reason. You need to be a good boy and take your pants off for me so I can suck your cock so hard that you'll wanna wait for me for the next thirteen years until you're twenty-nine and I'm eighteen and legal for you to play with."

He took his pants and briefs off so fast you'd think I had a gun to his head. I ran my tongue around the base of his saluting cock and then twirled my tongue up and around his length like a spiral lollipop, coming up all the way to the tip. When I got to the top I closed my mouth around the crown of his cock and moaned appreciatively. I was trying to take him in as far as he would go. I used both hands to pump him, squeezing him from the root upwards, meeting my lips. After fucking him with my mouth for a few minutes I loosened my lips from around his swelling cock. While still pumping him with both hands I brought my face down to inhale his titillating scent. His musty sex-infused aroma sent a surge of lust straight to my crotch. I was starting to have a Pavlovian response to his distinctive scent. I licked his scrotum and closed my mouth around one of his balls. Louis shut his eyes so hard I thought he was in pain. I was about to open my mouth and let go.

Just then he wailed, "Oh fuck, baby, that feels so good. Don't stop … please keep sucking my balls. Fuck, just like that."

That comment was all I needed. I went to work on him like a gluttonous beast. I was giving both balls the same royal treatment. Louis was now breathing strenuously; he put both hands in my loose hair and cupped my skull.

"Em, suck hard. I'm going to come in your mouth."

I came up and lowered my mouth over his thick throbbing cock. I angled his big thick rod into my mouth pushing him deeper than ever before. His heavy breathing encouraged me to push my limits and take more and more of him in. He was lodged in my throat so deep that I started making gagging sounds. They must've sent him over the edge because he yelled out my name and pulled his cock back a little and then started jerking and spouting hot semen into my mouth. He was still gripping my head and milking himself into my mouth, when we both heard his mother call out our names.

"Mom, we'll be right out; just showing Emily my signed balls.
, I mean my signed baseballs."

He looked down at me with my mouth still full to the brim with his cock and said, "We need to get the fuck out of here."


Ice cream was perfect and just what I needed for my sore throat, thanks to the enormous cock that was lodged down my esophagus less than ten minutes ago.

"Louis, I keep forgetting to mention that Robert Harris keeps calling me. He has a serious buyer for your dad's house across the street."

Louis paled and without looking at his mom, said monotonously, "How many times do I have to tell you, that house isn't on the market, Mom? Tell Robert I'm not interested in selling it … EVER!"

Elizabeth continued, clearly unperturbed by Louis' apparent discomfort. "Emily, maybe you can talk some sense into my stubborn son. Why spend money on the upkeep of a house you have no intentions of ever using? He needs to just sell it."

I looked over to see my typically vivacious boyfriend start to visibly withdraw.

"Louis, it's getting really late. We should start heading back; it's at least a two-hour drive to the city. You promised my parents we'd join them for dinner, remember?" I said, trying to change the course of conversation. Louis nodded in solidarity and started to bid his mom adieu. I thanked Elizabeth for graciously welcoming me to her home and gave her a warm hug goodbye.


The first forty minutes of our car ride back to the city was spent in utter silence. I knew his mother had touched a soft spot. Him holding on to his father's empty house after so many years was unusual. I just didn't want to push him to open up to me. He needed to be ready and willing to talk about this on his own. I glanced over at him, sensing his mind being somewhere far away. Without warning, Louis finally broke the silence and started talking.

"My dad and I used to always try to come up with a plan to get him and Mom back together. I spent most of my childhood fabricating romantic schemes with him. Every night when he'd come to tuck me in he would say, 'Maybe tonight's the night I get my family under one roof.
He died and we failed. Our plans to get Mom back didn't happen. Em, I can't sell that house. That was where my parents were meant to come together and become a real family. He loved her so much. He could've lived anywhere. God knows he had the means. He could've found another woman, had more kids, but he just wanted her and me. Growing up I didn't understand him … I get it now. I would wait for you for thirteen years. I'd wait till kingdom come, no questions asked, even if I only had a glimpse of what we have. I would wait for you my whole life, Emily."

It wasn't possible at that moment for anybody to love another person as much as I loved Louis. I knew then that everything I'd ever need for the rest of my life was in that car.


Chapter 21

Not on or in a car...


ara, London sounds amazing! I wish I could go with you. My parents would never in a million years let me go away for that long alone to a different country. Your parents are awesome."

I was beyond ecstatic for my best friend. Her graduation gift from her parents before starting Brown University was a three-week organized trip to England in August. It was a very expensive sleep-away camp in Europe for young adults. I would've loved to experience that with Sara and see where some of my favorite authors came from. But who was I kidding? I couldn't be away from Louis for more than a few hours without going crazy. That man had become my addiction.

I hung up with Sara and was about to call Louis and ask what time he was planning to pick me up that night. It was only three o'clock and he'd just dropped me off at home a few hours ago, after our morning breakfast ritual. I called his private office line. The phone rang five times before going to his answering service. I hung up. He must be busy.

I was considering finding something else to do when I heard cars honking outside. New York City gets crazy in the summer with all the tourists and taxis everywhere. Living so close to one of the world's greatest museums had some drawbacks. The honking outside didn't subside.

I walked downstairs to head for the library, thinking I might read Jane Austen's
Ha, no way,
I thought. I needed me some Mr. Darcy until a Mr. Bruel decided to grace me with his voice or presence. It's either
Pride and Prejudice
or me and Pinky.

I heard those damn car horns again and walked over to the window to see what all the commotion outside was about. Double parked outside my house and virtually making it impossible for anyone other than a motorcycle to pass was my Mr. Darcy. Louis was sitting inside a vintage two-seater convertible, hair all messy from the wind and aviators covering those sexy eyes. He looked like a ‘50s Hollywood actor. He seemed too big for that car, but the effect was nonetheless shattering. I ran to the door to see what was going on. Why was he here? We had dinner plans for later tonight, it was only a little after three o'clock. I locked my front door and sprinted towards him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your street is impossible! I've been trying to park this fucking car for the last half hour."

"Where did you get this car? It's gorgeous." God, I hoped he hadn't bought me another car. One car for a person who doesn't drive is more than enough.

"Thank you baby. I love this car, too. It was my dad's. Get in, let's go for a ride."

I climbed in without having to open the door and was giddy with excitement. I was just wishing I could be with him again and here he was. I was so pathetic; I couldn't even be away from Louis for a few hours.

"This is a 1952 Jaguar XK120 Roadster. I just had it delivered this afternoon after its new paint job. Do you like the color?"

"I've never seen this color on a car in my life. It's stunning. It's amazing, Louis. You have incredible taste."

"I'm glad you approve. You were the inspiration for this color. Well, your nipples, to be exact, were the muses for this shade."

I was speechless. He had to be kidding, right? There was no way Louis would paint a priceless vintage car the color of my areolas.

"Did you think I was kidding when I told you that the lovely shade of your nipples is my new favorite color? I meant it. I was going to paint the Ferrari this color, too, but I know how much you like the red so I wanted to make sure it was okay with you first."

"You want to know if it's okay to paint your exotic red Ferrari the color of my nipples?"

"That, or turquoise to match your eyes. Your choice."

"Are you insane? Please tell me I didn't fall madly in love with a crazy person. Louis, don't you dare paint anything else to match any of my body parts."

"I love your body parts. If I can't have you with me all the time, then I need a reminded of all your delicious body parts."

"I can remind you if we go somewhere less public."

"Fuck yeah, now we're talking."

I must've been just as insane as that wild man. That car could drive. It took Louis less than twenty minutes before he had me spread-eagled on the roof of the nude colored Jaguar. We were devouring each other inside his underground car garage in SoHo. Well, I was the one being consumed. Louis did most of the eating. My breasts were a weakness for that man. He just couldn't seem to get enough.

"Let me come all over your tits."

"You can come anywhere you want."

"Don't say that to me when all the blood in my brain went south to my dick. Baby, you know where I really want to come."

"So stop wanting and do it!"

He stopped stroking his hard cock over my sprawled body and grabbed my face harshly to bring my eyes to his. He was breathing hard, pupils dilated, veins bulging in his neck. He looked furious.

"The first time I make love to you, little girl, will not be on the hood of a car or in a car! GOT IT? Don't you dare belittle what you are to me."

That was so crass and so beautiful at the same time. Just like the man himself. Rough and smooth all in the same breath. I got up off the car and pushed him on the hood of the car in my place. I took hold of his magnificent, thick, throbbing shaft and lowered my mouth onto him to finish what he'd started one lick at a time. I was becoming accustomed to having his big, beautiful penis down my throat on a daily basis. I craved the look on his face right before he detonated in my mouth. Louis got that vulnerable look that I knew nobody else got to see but me. The look that told me that I owned this powerful man. Just before Louis came violently in my mouth holding my head in place and pumping himself into me like a jackhammer, he looked down at me and muttered, "I love you so fucking much, Emily. So fucking much … fucccck." That is just how I loved him—scummy and sweet wrapped up neatly in one beautiful package.

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