Read Love In Rewind Online

Authors: Tali Alexander

Tags: #Adult, #Love, #Romance

Love In Rewind (15 page)

I couldn't wait to have him all to myself after that long day. I squeezed his hand and that was all the affirmation he needed.


Chapter 17

Let there be peace...


y Louis and Eddie drama needed to stop. I arranged for all of us to have lunch before Eddie's birthday party, which was in a few days. I wasn't going to let Louis talk me out of attending a good friend's party. I also had no desire to go to a party without my boyfriend. I wanted Louis to get along with Eddie. There was no reason for them not to be at least civil, if not friendly, towards one another. I did everything I could to make sure Louis was in a good mood before our rendezvous that afternoon.

It was summertime and Louis assured me it was perfectly normal for him to go into work every day in the late afternoon, since it was slow for them during the summer months. He was really spending every second of his free time with me. I loved that he came to pick me up every morning and we'd have breakfast together. That day he brought us back to his house for croissants and coffee. We had breakfast on the glass-enclosed balcony on the fourth floor off the kitchen. It was like our very own mini greenhouse on that balcony overlooking SoHo.

"What do you have planned for us for today … boyfriend?" Louis loved it when I called him
out loud. We were sitting across from each other admiring the view. He grabbed my foot under the table and placed it in his lap. He removed my flip-flops and started expertly massaging my feet.

"I was thinking we could fly over to Rhode Island for lunch and relax on the beach. I can have you back home before midnight."

"We can't leave the city. I made us reservations at I Tre Merli for lunch with Eddie and Michelle. Did you conveniently forget?"

"Baby, I don't forget anything. Let's not go and fly over to Rhode Island instead. Call him and tell him something came up," he said with a mischievous smile, placing my foot against his straining, growing erection. I was not going to let him sidetrack my plans with his seductive innuendos.

"How about we go to Rhode Island another day, and today instead of going to the beach, we take a relaxing bath together before lunch. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Nice? You and me naked in water is going to be way better than nice and definitely not relaxing. I'll have to do all kinds of meditation techniques to restrain my dick from attacking your wet pussy."

"Lead the way; I'm ready for a not so nice tense bath with my sexy Zen boyfriend."

We were both in a great mood heading to the sixth floor master bath. Louis' bathroom was just as sexy as the man himself. The room was huge with a cylindrical glass shower that could easily hold ten people in its center. My favorite part was the sunken bathtub by the window with a fountain like faucet cascading from the ceiling. Every inch of the room was covered in black granite slabs with little reflective blue specks. Louis once told me the granite was called blue eyes and every time he went to the bathroom he thought of me, and my eyes.

I told him I wasn't sure how I felt about him thinking of me while he's taking care of business. He assured me that the only business the thought of me helped him take care of was some much needed relief for his underworked penis. He described to me how he woke up with
morning wood
from dirty dreams of me, and that he stood in the shower imagining me staring back at him and very quickly the business of dick relief took care of itself.

"I'll fill the tub … you strip. I'm washing your hair today. I've never done that to anyone before and the thought of washing your hair, little girl, is very intriguing to me. I have this unexplained need to tend to you."

"I want to wash your hair, too … I once read that cutting a man's hair will ensure he's yours forever. So I may give you a haircut after I wash your hair."

"You want me to be yours forever, baby?"

"Forever to infinity. I will never want anyone else. You have become my whole life in such a short time that I don't even remember my life without you. That scares me, Louis."

"Emily, I'm never going to leave you. You have me. Until I met you last month I wasn't really living my life … I was just existing. You are my life now. I can't wait for us to be together all the time."

"Louis, thank you for saying such nice things to me. But the truth is we've spent every day together since we first met. We haven't been apart for more than twelve hours. I'm sure I'll get old for you soon."

"I don't even want us to be apart for twelve hours if I can help it." He kissed me softly and pulled my yellow knit dress over my head. I was just wearing underwear; the dress had built-in bra cups. He got on his knees in front of me and started sucking at my aching nipples one at a time. He was twirling his tongue around and around and then flicking it at my sensitive buds. Watching Louis latch on and suck my boobs was hot. He had his eyes closed and I ran my fingers through his thick wavy hair. He looked up at me with those incredible soul-piercing eyes and said, "I love you … but I have a special kind of love for these tits."

I smiled while enjoying those words washing over me, and wishing I could give myself to him. Not just with my words but wholly with my body. It was getting harder and harder to abstain from sex with Mr. Drop Dead Beautiful every day. Louis lowered his head further down to suck my belly ring. He removed my underwear and got up to undress himself. We were both naked and about to get into the overfilled tub when Louis walked away from me to go lay down naked on the plush gray rug by the tub.

"Come here. I want you to sit on my face and let me taste you before we get into the tub."

I was a little shocked at his bluntness. He was usually very gentle with me, but when Louis used his no nonsense, command voice it really was a major turn on. He really didn't need to say anything to turn me on; just a glance at him was enough to send me for a change of underwear. But him describing what he wanted to do to me or telling me what to do to him was enthralling.

"Em, stop looking at me like that. I'm not going to be ashamed at how much I want and need you. That pussy is mine and I want to feast on it … NOW!"

I walked over to where he was sprawled out and got on my knees next to him. I placed each knee at the side of his head and lowered myself shamelessly on his face.

"Come on baby, don't be shy with me. I want you riding my face with that sweet pussy. Sit all the way down. I want to suffocate my senses with all of you."

I was excited and couldn't wait to be sucked, bitten, and probed by the most beautiful man in the world. I still couldn't believe he found me as attractive as I found him. He urged me further down onto his mouth and started tongue fucking me with no mercy. In, out, in, out. He was moving his tongue so fast you'd think he was battery operated. He would occasionally lift me up a little off his lips to blow air across my over sensitized slit. I couldn't just sit there; I had to taste him too. My mouth was salivating just looking at his massive erection. I needed to be filled somewhere by him.

"Louis, can I suck your dick?"

"Ohhhhhh … baby, you can do whatever you want to my dick. You're the boss; it's your dick. It only works for you."

I lowered my body to ingest Louis' cock. The angle I was in helped his long, hard dick fit into my mouth and down my throat perfectly. As soon as I encompassed his girth with my wet lips he let out a cry that rippled through my depths. I closed my lips and hollowed my cheeks around his shaft. I opened my eyes to catch a glimpse of our reflection through the shower glass door. The site was hard-core X-rated. Me straddling his face with my ass swaying up and down in the air and stretched out over his hard body while sucking his cock. Seeing Louis pumping himself into my hungry mouth and kneading my swinging breasts was the most visual sexual feast my eyes had ever seen. I started coming as soon as I saw our pornographic, vulgar image. Louis followed shortly after, ejaculating all over my mouth. I was covered in his semen and lying flat on his stomach still arranged in the infamous 69 position.

"Em … baby … if you don't get off my face I'll start eating you out again. Your scent after you come should be bottled. Let's get into that tub before the water overflows."


"Em, I gave you fair warning."

Louis started flickering his tongue at my exposed entrance. I needed to find the strength to get off him. I couldn't handle another orgasm from this fiend. My legs were already shaking. I reluctantly rose a bit and crawled on all fours towards the tub. The sunken stone tub was already filled to the brim. I slowly submerged myself completely, head included, into the hot water. Louis got into the tub and sat facing me, sighing contently at the feel of the hot water lapping all around him. I came up for air and moved towards him for a kiss. I arranged myself on top of him and placed my head on his chest before closing my eyes. I wanted to enjoy and feel this moment. This man under me had to be my other half. There was no way anyone else on the planet could make me feel this way. I don't remember any hair washing that morning.

After spending another hour in the bathtub and Louis bringing me to another screaming orgasm, I was content I'd done all I could to ensure he was in a good mood. After the things I let him do to me I couldn't imagine him having any insecurities about my feelings towards him.


I was excited for Louis to meet Eddie's long time on-again, off-again girlfriend from law school. Eddie and Michelle walked into I Tre Merli restaurant in SoHo a few minutes after Louis and I were seated. I waved them over to our table.

Eddie really was a very attractive man. I don't remember ever thinking he was a man until that moment. He was close to six feet, lean, with jet-black short hair. He had that preppy look going for him. I could definitely see his appeal. He just wasn't my type; he wasn't Louis Bruel. I saw his warm pale blue eyes take in the sight of Louis sitting beside me and become instantly cold.

"Hello, my beautiful Emma … you remember Michelle?" Eddie said, just to get a reaction out of Louis. I never knew how catty men could be.

"Michelle, it's nice to see you again. Let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Louis. Eddie, you and Louis already know each other."

Louis extended his hand to Michelle and gave Eddie a raised eyebrow greeting. The
my beautiful Emma
comment didn't go unnoticed by my possessive beau. Michelle was very sexy in her own way. She was about the same height as Eddie with a toned lean body. Eddie once told us she swam every morning. Her brown, wavy hair was long and she wore it lose. Her feline shaped, dark green eyes gave her a very exotic look. She and Eddie made a striking couple. Michelle was holding on to Louis' hand and looking into his eyes waiting for acknowledgment from the demigod. I guess every woman unanimously agrees on the appeal of Mr. Louis Bruel. Louis finally landed on Michelle's face and nodded his hello. He let go of her hand, pulled me close to him, and almost urged me to sit on his lap rather than the chair I was occupying. He was trying to position me between Michelle and him, away from Eddie.

"This place makes great pizzas and the best penne alla vodka. Louis and I eat here at least twice a week."

I wanted this lunch to flow smoothly and be fun for all parties. My boyfriend clearly wasn't enjoying himself. He had a serious constipated look going on that even started to make me feel uncomfortable. I needed to make him understand that there was zero sexual chemistry between Eddie and myself.

"Eddie, do you remember when Sara and I were twelve years old and you were like nineteen? Our parents took us on that fancy European cruise to Italy where you and Michelle first met. Sara and I kept trying to sneak up on the two of you making out. You threatened to throw us overboard and we believed you and cried. Wasn't that when the two of you decided to go to law school together after college?"

"Yeah, that was when I fell for Michelle. I can't believe it was that long ago—over six years. I remember it like it was yesterday. I've been trying to make this stubborn girl mine practically my whole adult life. I told our parents on that trip that I fell in love with a girl and our mothers were destroyed. Our parents always thought Jenna and I would end up together but we couldn't stand each other. Adele kept asking me to tutor Jen with the hopes of sparking our romance. I mean, don't get me wrong, Jenna is gorgeous but I couldn't imagine dating a Marcus girl. That's borderline incest. The two of you were like extra annoying sisters I never wanted. I wished you had a brother so at least I'd have someone without PMS to hang out with during our holiday vacations."

We were all cracking up, including my now less constipated looking boyfriend. Michelle and Eddie shared a sweet kiss after that cute story. Maybe Louis could finally drop this
everybody wants to fuck you
bit and actually get to know Eddie. I didn't think Eddie would fuck me if I were the last female on earth.

"Louis, why don't you tell Eddie about the hotel you're building in Chelsea."

"Em, I'm sure Eddie isn't interested in my business."

Eddie looked up at Louis and passed him the hypothetical olive branch. "Louis, I'd like to hear about that hotel. Chelsea is an up and coming area. My dad's law firm does lots of real estate business there lately. I've recently heard him talking about closing on a few condo sales in that area."

"Eddie, I actually know your dad well. Richard Klein was the buyer's attorney for the last two apartments my company sold. We are currently in the process of creating a new legal department within Bruel Industries to handle our growing business at Chelsea. Besides the hotel, we're also breaking ground on a new residential one-hundred-unit condominium building. If you're as good as your dad and Em keep raving then maybe you should send over your CV and perhaps come work for me, if that sounds like something you'd like to pursue."

"Yeah man, that's definitely something for me to think about. Thank you for the opportunity. So we're cool? I hope to see you both at my party this weekend, right?"

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