Marlborough (93 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

on Prince George of Denmark, 106

death, 108–9

deathbed Catholic reconciliation, 109

on Marlborough’s indolence, 481

Charles II, King of Spain, 192

Charles III, King of Spain (
Holy Roman Emperor):

and rebellion in Hungary, 250

as claimant to Spanish throne, 322

accession in Spain, 348

campaign in Aragon, 350

unpopularity in Spanish Netherlands, 361

and Emperor’s offer of governorship of Spanish Netherlands to Marlborough, 421

agreement with Dutch (1710), 435

succeeds as Emperor, 452, 458

renounces claim to Spanish throne, 458

Charles XII, King of Sweden, 306, 357–8, 440, 479

Charles, Archduke of Austria, 192, 209

Charles Edward Stuart, Prince (‘the Young Pretender’), 15

Charlotte Mary, Princess:

birth and death, 99

Cheldon, marquis de, 421

Chelmsford, Lord, 176

Royal Hospitals

Chémerault, Major General, 372

Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of, 58

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of, 64

Chesterton, G.K., 3, 152

Chetwynd, John, 2nd Viscount, 360

Chiffinch, William, 25–6

Childs, John, 50, 153, 158

Cholmley, Sir Hugh, 60

Chudleigh, Captain, 416

Church of England:

proposed reforms, 35

Tory support for, 37

and Hanoverian Succession, 192

and Occasional Conformity, 239

Churchill, Lady Anne (Marlborough’s daughter)
Sunderland, Countess of

Churchill, Arabella (

as mother of Duke of Berwick, 8, 27

career, 42

as James II’s mistress, 47–8

as maid of honour to Duchess of York, 47

marriage and children, 108, 136, 188, 313

death and burial, 313–14

friendship with Henrietta Godolphin (Marlborough), 476

Churchill, General Charles (Marlborough’s brother):

career, 42

in Cockpit circle, 107

opposes Monmouth’s rebellion, 114

deserts James II, 151

leads infantry on march to Danube, 166, 262, 264

at siege of Cork, 170

at battle of Blenheim, 291, 296

challenges Slangenburg, 324

as Constable of Tower and Governor of Guernsey, 327

at battle of Ramillies, 338, 444

enters Brussels, 348

Marlborough promotes, 446

Churchill, Charles (Marlborough’s son):

birth and death, 102, 179

Churchill, Clementine, Lady (
Hozier), 476

Churchill, Elizabeth, Lady (Marlborough’s mother), 39, 86

Churchill, Lady Elizabeth (Marlborough’s daughter)
Bridgewater, Countess of

Churchill, George (Marlborough’s brother):

career, 42, 365–6

in Cockpit circle, 107

on Fenwick plot, 188

death and burial in St Paul’s, 314, 366

differences with Marlborough, 314

influence on Anne, 365

Churchill, Harriet (Marlborough’s daughter):

birth and death, 93

Churchill, John (Marlborough’s grandfather), 39–41

Churchill, John (Marlborough’s son)
Blandford, Marquess of

Churchill, Lady Mary (Marlborough’s daughter)
Montagu, Duchess of

Churchill, Sarah (
Winston; Marlborough’s grandmother), 40

Churchill, Sir Winston (Marlborough’s father):

background and career, 39–44, 46

knighted, 46

payment for work in Ireland, 60

on Marlborough’s disfavour with Charles II, 69

opposes then accepts Marlborough’s marriage to Sarah, 86, 88

and Monmouth rebellion, 111, 114

on Marlborough’s success at Sedgemoor, 127

values importance of intelligence, 161

on Eugène of Savoy’s praise for Marlborough, 267

on parade of captured French colours, 299

Divi Britannici
, 45

Churchill, Sir Winston Spencer:

biography of Marlborough, 1, 6

on Marlborough’s schooling, 46

on Barbara Villiers and Marlborough, 58, 64

on Courtin’s letters, 86

on sinking of
, 99

on Marlborough’s part in plot against James II, 138

on campaign in Ireland, 169

on William’s rewards to Dutch officers, 172

dismisses Camaret Bay letter, 184

on Marlborough’s friendship with Cadogan, 211

on Dutch interference with Marlborough’s plans, 230

on campaign of 1703, 241

on the Schellenberg, 276

on Marlborough’s toleration of war in Iberian Peninsula, 330

on report of Wynendaele battle, 400

on Marlborough’s plan to take Bruges and Ghent, 404

on Marlborough’s red coat, 453

on Marlborough’s loyalty to allies, 459

on British attacks on Marlborough, 463

on Marlborough’s relations with Jacobites, 467

on Marlborough’s return from continent (1713), 469

on Sarah’s retrieving investments in South Sea Bubble, 473

on Sarah’s quarrels with daughters, 474

descent from 7th Duke of Marlborough, 476

Civil War (English, 1641–7), 40–2

Clare, Charles O’Brien, 5th Viscount, 346–7

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of:

loses position, 26, 51

political activities, 47

and standing army, 49

Barbara Cleveland opposes, 63

as lord lieutenant of Ireland, 108

letter from Marlborough on Monmouth rebellion, 119

on James II’s fears of kidnap, 150

History of the Great Rebellion
, 234

Clarendon, Frances, Countess of (
Aylesbury), 105, 108

Clarke, Solomon, 32

Clausewitz, Carl von, 479

Clérembault, Lieutenant General Philippe, marquis de, 293, 295

Clerk, Sir John, of Penicuick, 353

Cleveland, Barbara Villiers, Duchess of (
Countess of Castlemaine):

supports Marlborough, 5

portrait, 14

Bab Mays and, 26

as Charles II’s mistress, 57–8, 62

affair and child with Marlborough, 58–9, 61, 63–5, 86

bigamous marriage with Fielding, 61–3

children with Charles II, 62, 77

as lady of bedchamber to Catherine of Braganza, 62

lovers, 62–3

created duchess, 63

death, 63

money gift to Marlborough, 64, 88

Marlborough ends relationship, 87

grave, 219

Clostermann, Johann Baptiste, 12, 16

Cockpit, the, London:

Anne’s circle, 107–8, 110, 136, 140–2, 165, 181, 185

settled on Anne, 163

and Marlborough’s disgrace, 176–7

Prince George moves into, 180

Coehoorn, Menno van:

as fortifications specialist, 70

and siege of Ostend, 219, 242

on yacht with Marlborough during attack by Farewell, 242–4

differences with Slangenburg, 246, 318

death, 255

Coigny, Robert Jean Antoine de Franquetot, comte de, 259


reformed, 189–90

Coke, Thomas, 268

Colchester, Lord
Rivers, 4th Earl

Colonie, Colonel François de la:

escapes from the Schellenberg, 8

fights duels, 20

makes night attack against hussars, 220

actions at the Schellenberg, 269, 272–4

and Marlborough’s harrowing of Bavaria, 277

in battle of Ramillies, 334, 336–8, 339, 341–2

in battle of Malplaquet, 424, 426–7, 430, 432

Colyear, Lieutenant General Walter, 451

commissions (army):

bought and sold, 54–5

Commons, House of:

election to, 31–2

strength and composition, 31, 33

military members, 36

rump, 39

see also

Compton, Colonel Sir Francis, 122, 123, 127, 148

Compton, Henry, Bishop of London:

invites William to England, 137, 140

in Cockpit circle, 140

helps Sarah escape, 154

Congreve, William, 448, 476

Coningsby, Thomas, Earl, 475

Convention Parliament

Conway, Cornet, 21

Copley, Lionel, 137


siege and surrender (1690), 169–71

Cornbury, Edward Hyde, Viscount (
3rd Earl of Clarendon), 102, 124–5, 148, 178

Cornwallis, Mary, 105

Corporation Act (1671), 77


North African, 60–1

Court, Colonel, 21

Courtin, Honoré, 86–7

Courtrai, 214, 402

Covenanters (Scottish), 93–4

Cowper, William, Baron, 444, 449

Cox, Captain Sir John, 68

Coxe, Archdeacon William:

praises Marlborough, 2

on birth of Marlborough, 42

on Marlborough’s service with Duke of York, 59

on destruction of Palatinate, 81

and Marlborough – Godolphin correspondence, 101

praises Blandford, 235

on Marlborough’s favouring advance to Danube, 255

on Slangenburg’s intransigence, 320

on Emperor’s promise to create new principality of Mellenburg, 466

Coy, Colonel John, 120–1, 158

Craggs, James, the elder, 444–5, 469, 473

Craggs, James, junior, 473–4, 476

Cranstoun, Lieutenant Colonel William, 5th Baron, 316, 343, 433

Craven, William, Earl of, 135

Croissy, Louis-François-Henri Colbert, marquis de, 367–8

Cromwell, Oliver, 43–4

Cromwell, Richard, 44

Culloden, battle of (1746), 471

Cumberland, Duke of
George, Prince of Denmark

Curragh, Ireland, 134

Cutts of Gowran, John, Baron (‘Salamander’):

Irish barony, 28

nickname, 28

as ‘Tangerine’, 136

in assault on Brest, 183, 185

Marlborough requests insignia from, 196

at siege of Venlo, 228

at Wesel strategy meeting, 241

Cadogan destroys letters in privateer attack, 254

at Blenheim, 291–2

on Occasional Conformity Bill, 299

and Marlborough’s imperial princedom, 303

qualities, 477

Dalhousie, William Ramsey, 6th Earl of, 326

Dalrymple, Sir John
Stair, 1st Earl of

Danby, Thomas Osborne, 1st Earl of:

aligns England with Dutch against France, 52

as Charles II’s chief minister, 78

achievements, 90

fall and imprisonment, 91

invites William to England, 137

and Anne’s flight from London, 154

Marlborough quarrels with, 169, 173

and Marlborough’s imprisonment in Tower, 180

Danube, river, 249–50, 255, 261, 269, 271, 274, 279, 295

Danvers, Belle, 436, 442

Dare, Thomas, 111

Dartmouth, George Legge, 1st Baron, 10, 59, 82, 95, 97

Dartmouth, William Legge, 1st Earl of, 145–6, 176, 442, 449–50

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