Marlborough (90 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

Thomas Lediard
The Life of the Duke of Marlborough
(London 1736)

A. Legrelle
La Diplomatie Française et la Succession d’Espagne
(6 vols, Paris 1892)

Sir Tresham Lever
Godolphin, His Life and Times
(London 1952)

Thomas Babington Macaulay
History of England
(8 vols, London 1858)

Derek McKay
Prince Eugène of Savoy
(London 1977)

Catharine MacLeod and Julia Marciari (eds)
Painted Ladies: Women at the Court of King Charles II
(London 2001)

Peter McPhee
A Social History of France 1780–1880
(London 1993)

M. de la R. Manley
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of both sexes from the New Atlantis, an Island in the Mediterranean
(London 1741)

Sarah Duchess of Marlborough
An Account of the Conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough from her first coming to court to the year 1710
(London 1742)

Letters … from the originals at Madresfield Court
(London 1875)

William Matthews (ed.)
The Diary of Dudley Ryder 1715–1716
(London 1939)

Brian Miller
James II: A Study in Kingship
(London 1978)

Sergeant John Millner
A Compendious Journal
(London 1733)

B.R. Mitchell
Abstract of British Historical Statistics
(Cambridge 1962)

Michael Orr
Dettingen 1743
(London 1972)

John Paget
The New ‘Examen’
(London 1934)

Liza Picard
Restoration London
(London 1997)

Diane W. Ressinger (ed.)
Memoirs of Isaac Dumont de Bostaquet, a Gentleman of Normandy
(London 2005)

Captain J. Revol
Turenne: Essai de Psychologie militaire
(Paris 1910)

Philip Roberts (ed.)
The Diary of Sir David Hamilton 1709–14
(Oxford 1975)

N.A.M. Rodger
The Command of the Ocean
(London 2004)

A.L. Rowse
The Early Churchills
(London 1956)

Jules Roy
Turenne, sa vie, les institutions militaires de son temps
(Paris 1884)

K.W. von Schöning (ed.)
Das General-Feldmarschalls Dubislaw Gneomar von Natzmer: Leben und Kriegshaten
(Berlin 1938)

Major R.E. Scouller
The Armies of Queen Anne
(Oxford 1966)

Philip W. Sergeant
My Lady Castlemaine
(London 1912)

Frederick Shobel (ed.)
Memoirs of Prince Eugène of Savoy Written by Himself
(London 1811)

S.W. Singer (ed.)
The Correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon
(2 vols, London 1828)

Anne Somerset
The Affair of the Poisons
(London 2003)

Charles Spencer
Blenheim: Battle for Europe
(London 2004)

Graham Stewart
Friendship and Betrayal: Ambition and the Limits of Loyalty
(London 2007)

C. Sturgill
Marshal Villars and the War of Spanish Succession
(London 1965)

Arthur Symonds (ed.)
Sir Roger de Coverly and other essays from The Spectator
(London 1905)

J.W. Sypesteyn
Het leven van Menno baron van Coehoorn
(Leeuwarden 1860)

John Tincey
Sedgemoor 1685: Marlborough’s First Victory
(Barnsley 2005)

G.M. Trevelyan
England Under Queen Anne:

Ramillies and the Union with Scotland

The Peace and the Protestant Succession
(London 1946)

English Social History
(London 1948)

Norman Tucker (ed.) ‘The Military Memoirs of John Gwyn’ in
Military Memoirs: The Civil War
(London 1967)

Walter C.T. Utt and Bryan E. Straymer
The Bellicose Dove: Claude Broussan and Protestant Resistance to Louis XIV 1647–1698
(Brighton 2002)

John Van Der Kiste
William and Mary
(Stroud 2003)

A.J. Veenendaal
Het Engels – Nederlands Condominium in Zuidelike Nederlanden …
(Utrecht 1945)

Maureen Waller
1700: Scenes from London Life
(London 2000)

J.N.P. Watson
Marlborough’s Shadow: The Life of the First Earl Cadogan
(London 2003)

Stephen Saunders Webb
Lord Churchill’s Coup
(New York 1995)

Margaret Whinney and Oliver Millar
English Art 1625–1714
(Oxford 1957)

Major General Barney White-Spunner
Horse Guards
(London 2007)

John B. Wolf
Louis XIV
(New York 1968)

Field Marshal Viscount Wolseley
The Life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough …
(2 vols, London 1894)

Alan Wykes
The Royal Hampshire Regiment
(London 1968)

Peter Young (ed.) ‘The Vindication of Richard Atkyns’ in
Military Memoirs: The Civil War
(London 1967)

Articles and Pamphlets

C.T. Atkinson ‘Queen Anne’s Army’ in
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
No. 36 1958

—‘A Royal Dragoon in the Spanish Succession War’
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
No. 60 1938

Colonel Hugh Boscawen ‘Over the Hills and Far Away: Marlborough: Blenheim and Ramillies – A Reconnaissance’ in
British Army Review
No. 42 2007

Lieutenant General the Hon Sir James Campbell of Lawes ‘A Scots Fusilier and Dragoon under Marlborough’ in
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
No. 58 1936

H.H.E. Craster (ed.) ‘Letters of the First Lord Orkney’ in
English Historical Review
XIX 1904

H.G. Farrer ‘Kettledrums as Trophies’ in
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
Vol. 26 1948

Sir John Fortescue ‘A Junior Officer of Marlborough’s Staff’ in
Historical and Military Essays
(London 1928)

Edward Gregg ‘Marlborough in Exile, 1712–1714’ in
Historical Journal
No. 15 1972

Frances Harris ‘The Authorship of the Manuscript Blenheim Journal’ in
Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
LV 1982

Geoffrey Holmes and William Speck ‘The Fall of Harley in 1708 Reconsidered’ in
English Historical Review
LXVI 1965

‘The Letters of Samuel Noyes, Chaplain of the Royal Scots 1703–4’ in
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
No. 37 1959

London Gazette
Assorted reports and announcements

Ian A. Morrison ‘Survival Skills: An Enterprising Highlander in the Low Countries with Marlborough’ in Grant G. Simpson (ed.)
The Scottish Soldier Abroad
(Edinburgh 1992)

‘Review of a late Treatise entitled an Account of the Conduct of the Dowager D______ of M________’ (London 1742)

Henry L. Snyder ‘The Duke of Marlborough’s Request of his Captain-Generalcy for Life: A Re-examination’ in
Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
Vol. 45 1967

H. Fitzmaurice Stacke, ‘Cavalry in Marlborough’s Day’ in
Cavalry Journal
October 1934

A.J. Veenendaal ‘The Opening Phase of Marlborough’s Campaign of 1708 in the Netherlands’ in
February 1950

S. Wynne ‘The Mistresses of Charles II and Restoration Court Politics, 1660–1685’ unpublished PhD thesis, University of Cambridge


The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader’s search tools.

NOTE: Titles and ranks are generally the highest mentioned in the text

Aachen, 464–5

Abbeville, 394, 396

Abel, John, 208

Acadia, 459

Addison, Joseph, 15

Ailesbury, Elizabeth, Countess of, 178

Ailesbury, Thomas Bruce, 2nd Earl of (
3rd Earl of Elgin):

relations with Marlborough, 11

seeks favours from Charles II, 24–5

on Dutch peers, 27

and Marlborough constituency, 31

praises Charles II’s judgement, 91

on James II’s weaknesses, 96

on James II in loss of
, 97

and Charles II’s death, 109

on Catholic troop of Life Guards, 132

and conspiracy against James II, 136

on desertions to William at 1688 invasion, 148

and James II’s flight to France, 156

on William’s coolness towards Marlborough, 157

denied army commission by Schomberg, 158

accuses Marlboroughs of rapaciousness, 159

on wife’s birth in Tower, 178

imprisoned in Tower, 179

and plots against William, 187

on Captain Farewell, 231

and death of Marlborough’s son, 236

on Marlborough’s soft-heartedness, 266

in exile, 300

on condominium in Spanish Netherlands, 371

Aire-sur-la-Lys, 451

Aix la Chapelle, Treaty of (1668), 66

Alba, Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of, 196

Albemarle, Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke of, 111, 113–15, 124

Albemarle, George Monck, 1st Duke of, 44, 48, 50

Albemarle, Henry FitzJames, Duke of, 48

Albemarle, Joost van Keppel, 1st Earl of, 191, 377, 455

Albergotti, Lieutenant General, 424, 431, 457

Alberoni, Giulio, 438

Algiers, 60–1

Alington, Colonel Hildebrand, Baron, 76

Allègre, Lieutenant General Yves, marquis d’, 315, 318–19

Allen, Sir Thomas, 60–1

Almanza, battle of (1707), 28, 209, 356–8

prisoners of war, 368

Ampthill (constituency), 31

Anderlecht, 373

Anhalt-Dessau, Leopold, Prince of, 452–3

Anjou, Philippe, duc d’
Philip V, King of Spain

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I, 67

Anne, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland (

Trevelyan’s writings on, 4

close relations with Sarah Marlborough, 7, 13, 103–7, 110, 141, 165, 181, 190, 237

honours Marlborough, 11

succeeds to throne, 26

creates peers, 28–9

and spoils system, 38

birth, 47

and father’s exile in Low Countries, 92

accompanies father from Scotland to England, 96

differences and breach with sister Mary, 103, 176–8, 180

relations with Mulgrave, 103

Sarah meets, 103

letter to Frances Apsley, 104

marriage to Prince George, 104, 106–7

developing relations with Abigail Hill (Masham), 105, 304, 354, 409, 414, 442, 445

and husband’s health decline and death, 107, 407–9

pregnancies and death
of children, 107, 141, 157, 164, 176, 178, 180, 191

commitment to Anglicanism, 140

correspondence with sister Mary, 141

and father’s intransigence, 141

hatred of Mary of Modena, 141

supports conspiracy against father, 142, 149

and William’s invasion, 149

flees on father’s return to London, 154–5

in succession to William and Mary, 156, 158

favours regency during father’s exile, 157

accommodation and properties, 163

claims to throne, 163, 186

taciturnity, 163

claims parliamentary grant, 164

called ‘Mrs Morley’ by Sarah, 165

grants pension to Sarah, 165

letter asking pardon of father, 166

depends on Marlboroughs’ support, 174

warned of Lady Fitzharding’s indiscretion, 176

moves to Syon House, 177

on Marlborough’s imprisonment in Tower, 180

and Mary’s death, 186

death of son Gloucester and succession question, 191–2, 327–9

favours Marlborough’s daughters on marriage, 191

accession, 194

offers dukedom and pension to Marlborough, 232–3

Tory sympathies, 233

and death of Sarah’s son John (Blandford), 236–7

deteriorating relations with Sarah, 238, 299, 304, 329, 351, 353–4, 365, 407–8, 414, 436

ennobles Tories, 238

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