Read Master of My Mind BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Master of My Mind BN (24 page)

,” Tony instructed
with a sympathetic smile. “This isn’t up for discussion. Besides, there’s no
place on the planet safer. Trust me.”

“Come on, sis, don’t fight him,” Trevor begged as he plopped
down next to me. His pale face seemed even whiter. “If Tony says you’ll be safe
there, you can bet your ass you will be. Please go to his folk’s house for me?”

“Evidently I don’t have another choice, do I?” I asked
glaring at Tony.

With a challenging smirk, Tony edged in closer. “No. You

“Trevor, help Tony,” Drake directed. “I need to get the
dungeon cleared.”

As soon as Drake left, Trevor laid out the clothing on the

“Come on. Let’s get these on you,” Trevor cajoled. Flashing
an impish grin, he winked. “I’ll finally get to make a man out of you, sister.”

His attempt at humor did nothing to erase the aura of
anxiety rolling off him. As my mind raced, Tony and Trevor stripped me down and
dressed me up. After pulling a dark hoodie over my head, they tucked my hair up
under a ball cap.

Every time I opened my mouth to speak, Tony shushed me with
a censuring glower. Sitting on the bed I watched Trevor run out the door to
find Drake. Determined to get some answers, I narrowed my eyes at Tony.

“Would you please explain to me
you think I’ll be safe at your parents?”

“Sweetheart, I don’t
you’ll be safe. I
you will.”

Tony’s vague answer only pissed me off more. “And how are
you so sure? Wait, the more important question is
would you put
your family in jeopardy because of me?”

A sly grin tugged one side of his mouth. “They’re not going
to be in any danger, and it’s quite obvious you
don’t trust me. Don’t go taking back your control now, just because things are
getting dicey.”

“Dicey? You call this dicey? You’re out of your mind. This
is life and death, Tony. Mine, yours, and your
I do trust you, and I’m not taking back my control. I just want some damn
answers.” The smile on his face grew wider. “I don’t find the least bit of humor
in any of this.”

I was shocked by his total lack of concern for the family I
knew he loved so much.

“You’re not listening to me, angel.” He frowned. “My family
is going to be perfectly safe. They have… connections. I can guarantee my dad
has the ability to find out faster than the cops if someone is truly trying to
kill you.”

“Your dad?
What? Is he in the mafia
or something?” I choked in alarm.

Tony’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, so since I’m Italian you
automatically jump to the conclusion that my family is in the mafia. Stereotype

“I didn’t mean it like that.” I pouted.

“You watch too many damn movies.”

“You just said your family had connections. What the hell am
I supposed to think?”

connections, but that doesn’t mean they’re involved in the mafia.”

“Oh god, Tony, would you please just spit out whatever it is
you’re trying to say? With all that’s going on around here, I’m not capable of
playing these mind games. I’m scared half to death. And every second I stay in
this room, I’m putting the people I love in danger.”

I dropped my head and cradled my forehead in my palm. Tears
began to swell. I closed my eyes. I was sick of crying, yet I couldn’t stop the
fat drops from spilling down my cheeks.

The bed dipped, and instantly Tony wrapped me in his arms.
His decadent heat seeped into my bones, while his intoxicating scent filled my
nostrils. The reassuring strength he provided called to the scared child
within, like a searchlight through heavy fog. Melting against him, I clutched
his rugged chest, holding on for dear life, and sobbed.

, don’t cry. I don’t want
you torturing yourself,” he softly laughed “That’s my job. Look, everything’s
going to be okay. I promise. ”

Oh, how I ached to believe him; ached for it more than
anything in the world.

“First things first.
I need you to
stay calm, so we can get you out of here. Okay?”

“Don’t make me go
with Drake. I want to stay with you,” I sniffed as I wiped the tears from my

“I’ll be five minutes behind you, sweetheart. I trust Drake
with my life, and I trust him with yours. Think of this as just another step on
the road of your submission. Let me take all the worry and fear out of your
hands. You know I’d never let anything happen to you.”

“You make it sound like it should be easy,” I protested.

“It is. If you let it be.” Tony eased back, tilting my chin
up with his fingertips. His gaze suffused with understanding, he feathered a
kiss over my lips. “It’s foreign and scary, and you feel like you’re
freefalling without a net. But don’t think for one second that I’ll ever let
you fall. I’ll always be there to catch you,
. I

The surety reflecting in his eyes made it impossible for me
not to believe him.


“I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all I’ll ever ask of you, sweetheart.”

Once again, Tony pressed his lips to mine. I could taste his
promise, and it filled me with a sense of determination. Fear closed in on me
from every angle, yet Tony’s kiss granted a shield fortifying me against the

“Ah-hem,” Drake interrupted loudly.

Startled, I jerked away from Tony and stared up at the burly
Dom filling my doorway.

“I wasn’t done yet, sweetheart. Get back here,” Tony growled
as he gripped my hair and pulled me in to finish the kiss.

“You two will have to get a room later. Right now, we’ve got
to get out of here,” Drake grinned, tossing a roll of black duct tape at Tony.

Blinking at the shiny black adhesive as it sailed through
the air, I darted a worried glance between the two Dom’s.

“What’s that for?”

“Christ, girl.
Do you have to
question everything?” Drake growled with a teasing grin as he swaggered toward
the bed and lifted me into the air with one beefy arm. “We know what we’re

Um, exactly what
we doing?” Tony arched a brow at the
tattooed Dom.

“Taping her ankle to mine of course.”
Drake shot him a wide grin. Tony still looked confused. “Here’s how it’s going
to work.”

After a quick explanation, the two men taped my casted ankle
to Drake’s sock, before hiding the evidence beneath the cuffs of our pants.
With my casted arm wrapped around the big Dom’s waist, he slipped on a trench
coat concealing my bulky arm. Drake slipped his arm around my waist and lifted
me a fraction of an inch off the floor. With my useless leg attached to his, he
took a couple of steps. Our legs moved in tandem. Although we were joined
together as if ready for a three legged race, to the casual observer, it
appeared that our steps were simply in sync.

We strolled down the hall to the back door. “I’ll see you
soon,” Tony whispered in my ear before he cast an uneasy glance toward Drake.
“Take care of her, bro.”

“You can count on it, man. We’ll meet you back at my place.
I’ve got Dylan, Nick and Savannah lined up to drive Trevor home.”

Drake gave me a nod then pulled the heavy metal door open.

Stepping onto the landing, the back of the club looked like
a carnival. The only thing missing were rides and cotton candy. Police cars and
an armored vehicle choked the parking lot as strobes of red and blue danced
over the brick buildings. Onlookers gathered in clusters.

“Keep your head down,” Drake murmured.

Casting my eyes to the ground as members exiting the club
pressed around us, Drake inched off the top step.

“When we get to the car I’m going to drop my keys. When I
bend to pick them up I’m going to cut the tape on our ankles. Hold onto the
car; I don’t want you to fall. Okay?” Drake whispered as he seamlessly hauled
me down the rest of the stairs.

I nodded. Focused on the ground in front of me, I tried my
best to shield my face beneath the dark hood of the jacket.

“Don’t look up. There’s a guy way too interested in who is
coming out of the club,” Drake whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
“Don’t say a word. Just nod your head and play along.”

I had no idea what he’d planned, but I’d gladly do anything
he wanted as long as it kept me alive. Just the fact that someone was watching
us made my heart jackhammer in my chest.

“It’s a goddamn circus back here. Fuckin’ assholes have to
go and ruin our night, Trevor. What the fuck,” Drake ranted in a loud angry
tone. “When we get home,
, I’m going
to put that sweet mouth of yours to work. Understand?”

A part of me wanted to laugh at Drake’s charade, but I was
too damn scared to do anything more than issue a silent nod.

“That’s my good boy,” Drake praised in a deep booming voice
as he clutched me tight against his burly frame.

As we made our way into the chaos, Drake’s cell phone rang.
Cursing under his breath, he picked up the pace all but dragging me to his car.
When he plucked out his phone his keys dropped to the ground. While it wasn’t
exactly how we’d planned it, I leaned against his vehicle as he bent down.
Within seconds, the duct tape gave way, and Drake hooked his arm around my
waist to open the passenger door.

“Hello,” he barked into the phone as he lowered me onto the
leather seat. “We’ll be pulling out of the lot in a second. Hang on.”

Forcing my stare to the zipper of my hoodie, Drake closed
the door before quickly climbing into the driver’s seat. With the phone wedged
between his shoulder and his ear, he didn’t say a word, simply started the
engine and wound his way through the congested parking lot.

As we pulled onto Myers Street, I glanced up to see more
members spilling out from the front door. Gawkers clogged the sidewalks on both
sides of the street. Peeking over at Drake, his face was lined with worry, and
he quickly glanced in the rear view mirror.

“Nothing so far.
If that changes,
I’ll call you back. Give me the address again. North on Taylor Street and take
a left on...
Got it.
I’ll meet you there.”

Drake hung up. I watched his gaze dart back and forth from
the road to the mirror, over and again. I kept my mouth shut so he could focus.

“That was Tony on the phone. James called him as we were
leaving the club,” Drake began, his attention nervously bouncing from the road
to the mirror. “When he and the detectives started to pull into George’s
driveway, the damn house blew up.”

“Blew up? Oh my god! How? What the hell happened?” I gasped.

“No clue. The fire department is on their way, but Tony
wants you at his parent’s house.

“Okay,” I whispered, watching Drake cast his eyes back to
the mirror. “Is someone following us?”

“No. I’m just making sure it stays that way,” he replied.
Tension rolled off his big frame like lava. “Listen,
You need to start trusting him. Tony’s been in love with you for a long time. I
know I probably shouldn’t tell you that, but it’s the truth. He’d lay down his
life before he’d let anything happen to you, girl.”

Drake glanced my way. Compassion and concern glimmered in
his gray eyes. It surprised me. From the first time I’d met the big scary Dom,
I’d shied away from him. Even after Trevor and I became friends, I kept my
distance. Julianna swore the man was nothing but a big teddy-bear, but I never
believed her. Drake always looked like he was ready to rip off the head and
shit down the neck of anyone who crossed him. Hearing such poignant words from
his lips, I understood what Julianna had meant.

“I don’t know that I deserve him, Sir.”

He flashed me a crooked smile. “Bullshit. You’re exactly
what he needs, girl. You’re all sass and attitude. I’ve watched Tony for years.
Watched him grow bored whipping the same asses night after
Ever since he started taking care of you, hell, he’s back to how
he used to be…happy and full of life. You’ve done that for him, just like you
did it for George. Problem is you can’t see it.”

I didn’t see it. Didn’t understand how I could possibly have
given anything to Tony. Nothing close to all the ways he’d supported me.

“Why are you telling me all this?”
I asked.

Drake let out a heavy sigh. “Look, I made a lot of mistakes
when I had Julianna under my care. But I learned a big lesson. Never keep your
mouth shut if a sub needs help.”

“I appreciate your candidness, but Tony and I… we’re so—”

“Opposite?” Drake interrupted.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Haven’t you ever heard the old saying, opposites attract?”

“Well yeah, but…” I scoffed. “When it comes to the
lifestyle, we’re not just from different planets… we’re from different solar

“That doesn’t mean you can’t make it work. Give him a
. You’re not meant to be alone.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I couldn’t mask my

Drake shot me a scowl. “It means you need a strong Master.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not criticizing George, so don’t take this the wrong
way. But you spiral up and fly out of control like a damn top. You need someone
with enough backbone to keep you in line.”

“I do not. I just don’t—”

“Please. I’ve watched you for years, too.” Drake pondered
for a long moment. “Don’t buy into all that gossip that floats around at the
club about you, girl.”

“Easy for you to say,” I groused.

“Shit. People have been talking trash about me for years.
I’m the evil Dom. Or haven’t you heard?”

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