Micky Finn: The Evildoer 1: A Sexy Times Crime Romance Thriller (The London Irish) (3 page)

Natasha was his only child, his wife Maeve had been unable to conceive after Natasha’s birth. Patrick was a typical Irish father of his generation and had made his wife’s life a misery. He ruled his house with authority and was a strict Catholic.

For Natasha’s 15th birthday, he had lavished a party on her at their home, Natasha who went to a prestigious all-girls Catholic school had invited her friends, and her parents had agreed to go to a neighbours house on the strict understanding no boys were to be invited, and no alcohol, of course when Danny and Micky turned up they brought both to the girl’s collective delight.

They arrived just after eight, having sneaked in to avoid the watchful eyes of Patrick.

“Alright there Natasha,” said Micky with a smile. “Happy birthday to you,” he said handing her a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka.

She looked at it. “Did you pay for this?” she asked.

“What do you think?”

“of course not…”

“Now don’t be mean. You’ll hurt my feelings. Well give the birthday girl a kiss Danny boy. Don’t be shy.”

Danny smiled at Natasha and kissed her bashfully. “Happy birthday,” He said handing her the present he’d bought under Micky’s advice.

“Thank you. You better come in before my father sees you. Behave yourself Micky and no smoking in the house.”

“Would I do such a thing?”

“Yes you would.”

They made their way into the large living room which was full of Natasha’s teenage classmates dancing.

Micky smiled. “So many girls. So little time,” he said with a predatory smile.

Micky took the alcohol he brought over to the drinks table and poured out several glasses. The girls descended on him like children onto Father Christmas.

“Now don’t be shy ladies, there’s plenty to go around,” Micky said as he handed out vodka shots.

Being teenagers, it didn’t take the girls long to get drunk, or for Micky to select a suitable female victim for his sexual advances. As one of Natasha’s drunk friends led him away to find somewhere more quiet he stopped by Danny.

“Go on Danny. Your big night. Do you need a party hat?”

“No I don’t.”

“Well make sure you pull out.”

Micky slapped him on the back and departed.

Danny felt sick with nerves as Natasha, dancing, smiled at him. She was clearly slightly drunk from the vodka. Danny didn’t want to make his move but also didn’t want to leave and suffer the endless jibes from his brother.

Natasha approached him put her arms around her to steady herself and French kissed him. “Let’s go to my room,” she said as she took his hand and picked up the wrapped present Danny had brought her on the way.

It was the first time Danny had been in Natasha’s bedroom, it would be unthinkable for him to be there if her father was around.

He sat down on the bed nervously.

Natasha put her stereo on, walked over and sat on the bed and unwrapped her present. “So what did you get me?” she asked curious as she ripped the paper off.

“It’s nothing really.”

Having opened the present she removed the lace and silk matching lingerie set of bra and G-string. Her jaw dropped then she bit her lip. “Danny Finn what kind of girl do you take me for!”

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I thought girls like that sort of thing.”

She shook her head in amused disbelief. “My father would ground me for life if he caught me wearing these, and kill you for buying them,” she said holding the bra up to her. “How do you know my size?”

“The woman in the shop took a guess,” Danny said with a shrug.

Natasha smiled. She kissed him. He smiled at her. “They are lovely. I love you.”

He nodded. “I love you too,” he said.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled softly. “You’re just saying that because you want it.”

“No I’m not. You are right. We should wait. I don’t mind waiting,” he replied.

She looked at him then looked at the lingerie.
“Close your eyes.”

Natasha pushed Danny down to lie on the bed and pulled his shoes off. “Close your eyes,” she insisted. Danny closed his eyes. She quickly pulled off her dress and underwear and put the lingerie Danny had bought her. She went over to her mirror and did her hair and makeup quickly then sprayed some scent on before returning to the bed and lying down next to Danny. “Ok you can open them now.”

Danny opened his eyes and looked at Natasha with surprise, now dressed in the lingerie. He smiled.

“You like your present?” she asked nervously.

He nodded bashfully then kissed her, climbed on top of her quickly and started to undo his jeans, impatiently tugging at her bra.

Micky and Danny Staggered back down towards Camden, Micky knocking back the bottle of vodka in his hand had a big grin on his face.


“So what?” said Danny with a smile.

“You fuckin’ did her didn’t you?”

“I’m not sayin’.”

“Oh you did. You did her.”

“What about you?” Danny asked.

“Yeah, loads…” Micky said smiling dismissively.

“How many times?”

“Loads,” Micky said.

“You fucking liar.”

“She fuckin’ threw up on me when I got my lad out and then passed out,” said Micky with a shrug. Danny shook his head. “So was she good?”

“I’m not saying anything.”

“ I bet she was.”

After the initial excitement had worn off, Danny felt guilty and ashamed for what he had done.

Natasha had been quite drunk. Despite his assurances, he hadn’t pulled out, inexperienced, it had been too much and he had quickly climaxed inside her.

Like all young men, he had been less than emotionally supportive of Natasha in the days and weeks after her party, doing his best to avoid her. She felt equally as guilty and ashamed of their actions; not least because of Danny’s avoidance making her feel slightly used and rejected.

Their brief minutes together, would however, have consequences for everyone long after the event.

NATASHA SAT IN the chair in her living room. Tears rolling down her cheeks. The morning sickness had been impossible to hide from her Mother who had been too fearful of the consequences not to hide it from her father. He paced furiously in front of the fire.

“I trust you enough to leave you alone for one night and this is how you repay me?” Patrick said annoyed. “One night Natasha.”

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly beneath her tears.

“You’re fifteen! Fifteen years old! I didn’t put you through your education so you can get yourself knocked up by some local yob. What were you thinking?”

“I love him.”

“Love? What the hell do you know about love at fifteen. You are a child. Love! I supposed there was drink involved.”

Natasha shrugged her shoulders, dabbing the tears from her face.

“15 years old with a child.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Is this how I brought you up? The local slapper?”

Natasha cried more. “It’s not like that! He was the only one.!”

“Well you still got pregnant so what does that matter! You know what everyone at church is going to think.” He was furious. “I’d give you a bloody good hiding if you weren’t with child.”

Natasha cried more.

“Accidents happen,” Natasha’s mother, Maeve, said.

“She’s fifteen!” Patrick said. “She shouldn’t even be having sex. She’s not even left school let alone got married.”

“I’m sorry,” Natasha sobbed.

“Well who is he?” asked Patrick. “And don’t you even think about protecting him. He’s answerable for this!”

“I can’t!”

“You remember who pays to keep the roof over your head young lady. I want to know who he is, or child or not you will feel the back of my hand.”

“We have to know darling, it’s for the best,” said Maeve.


“Danny who?”

“Danny Finn,” said Natasha reluctantly before bursting into tears.

Patrick exploded with rage. “You fucked one of the Finn boys?” he said with outraged shock. “I don’t believe I’m hearing this. It’s not bad enough you have to fornicate under my roof at your age but you have to do it with one of the Finn boys?”

“Did he force you? You can tell us darling. Did he make you do it?” Maeve asked.

“Don’t cover up for him! If he’s raped you I want him charged. It’s bloody rape anyway, she’s fifteen!”

Natasha looked at them in horror. As much as she was scared of her father’s reaction there was no way she was going to let them accuse Danny of raping her.

“No he didn’t rape me! I told you I love him! I wanted to!” She sobbed then looked at them. “I wanted him to do it. I started it!”

Her father was incensed. He shook his head. “How do you know what you want at your age? Well whatever you say the boy took advantage of you and he’s going to pay for it!”

Patrick stormed out.

“Daddy don’t! Please!” Natasha went out after him

“Go to your room Natasha!” he barked at her. He pointed at her and scowled at Maeve.

“She doesn’t leave the house. You understand me? You are grounded young lady!”

Patrick stormed out, got in his Jaguar and roared off down the road in a plume of tyre smoke.

THE FINN FAMILY were sat eating dinner when Patrick hammered on the door.

“Daniel Finn get out here now!” they heard Patrick shout.

Sharky frowned and looked at Danny then Micky.
He got up and went to answer the door. Patrick stood red faced with rage was banging on the door as a small crowd of neighbours gathered to see what the commotion was about.

“Out the way Seamus. It’s Daniel I want words with.”

“Now why do you want to do that Mister Doyle?” Seamus asked politely, blocking the door.

“I’ll tell him when I see him!” Patrick replied angrily.

“Calm down,” Seamus said. “Danny!” he called. “Visitor for you.”

Danny came to the door. As he came near, Patrick tried to barge past Sharky and lunged at Danny.

“I’ll fucking kill you! You little bastard! What have you done to my little girl!” he shouted as he grabbed for Danny.

Sharky grabbed him and restrained him. “Behave yourself Pat or you will get hurt!” Sharky said as he pushed him back out. “What the fuck is this about?”

Patrick was incandescent with rage. He pointed an accusingly finger at the shocked Danny. “Your brother has gone my Natasha pregnant!” Patrick yelled. Sharky frowned and looked at Danny. Micky came to see what the fuss was about. “He bloody raped her!”

“I didn’t fucking rape her!” Danny protested.

“Is this true?” Sharky asked Micky.

Micky shook his head.

“He didn’t rape her. Your man there can’t cope with the fact his little princess is a big girl and likes a bit of cock now can he?” Micky said, infuriating Patrick even further. ‘She loves it Pat. Isn’t that right Danny boy. Likes it right up her. Good and hard.”

“Shut up you idiot,” said Sharky. “Now calm down Pat. We’ll work things out in a civilised way. There’s no need for all this excitement.”

“No need for this excitement? She’s fifteen! Fifteen! He’s an animal!”

“Don’t be like that Pat. The boy is in love. She’s in love with him. Everyone knows that.”

“They’re kids! And she’s pregnant! Get out the way Seamus, my argument is not with you, bring the boy out and we’ll settle this.”

“Now you know I can’t do that Patrick. He’s my brother. He’s blood. You need to calm down.”

“You bring him out or I’m coming in. He needs seeing to for what he’s done to my little girl.”

“Go home Pat.” Sharky said, he went to close the door, Pat barged through and hit Danny. Sharky grabbed Patrick to stop him. “I told you to leave it!” he warned Patrick, Patrick swung at Sharky and clipped him on the chin. Sharky’s temper broke immediately and he punched Patrick, knocking him over before dragging him onto the street, kicking and punching him until he stopped moving, the police arriving as he finished. They ran across and grabbed Sharky, pinning him to the ground and handcuffing him.

Caitlin came out to see what the fuss was about “What the hell is going on here!”

Micky looked sheepish as Danny tended to his bloodied nose.

“Danny got Natasha pregnant. Her old man wasn’t too happy. Sharky had a word with him,” Micky said.

Caitlin looked at Danny shocked. “Is this true? Did you do this thing Daniel Finn? And don’t lie to me!”

Danny nodded, tending to his nose.

Caitlin slapped him across the face. “God help me for having such a bunch of idiot boys!”

Patrick got up and tended to his bloody face. The policeman walked over to assist him. “Are you alright Sir?” he asked Patrick.

“I’m fine get your hands off me!”

“Who started it?” the police officer asked.

Sharky gave Patrick a look that he knew well enough, whatever their differences, if he incriminated Sharky to the police then there would be consequences.

“Nobody started it. Just a difference of opinion,” Patrick said, spitting blood out.

“Do you want to press charges?”

Patrick gave Danny a cold look. “No. I don’t. It’s a family matter,” Patrick said nursing his broken nose.

The second policeman returned to the first and spoke to him before walking over to Sharky. “Seamus Finn I’m arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Ismael Ozbek,” the policeman said before picking Sharky up from the floor and putting him in the back of the patrol car.

Sharky looked at Danny and Micky, smiled softly and nodded.

NATASHA HEARD THE door slam as her father returned home, then her mother crying. She sat on her bed cuddling her teddy bear as she heard his heavy footsteps thump up the stairs before her door unlocked and he came in. Her jaw dropped with shock when she saw his badly beaten face.

“My god! What have you done to him!” she shouted.

“Him? What have I done to him?” said Patrick infuriated. “Look at my face Natasha! This is what you’ve done getting involved in that bloody family!”

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