Micky Finn: The Evildoer 1: A Sexy Times Crime Romance Thriller (The London Irish) (4 page)

“If you’ve hurt him…”

“You’ll what? What will you do? I’m your father!”

“I hate you!” Natasha shouted at him. Patrick grabbed her roughly. “Get off me!”

“You hate me do you? Well let’s see how well you do without me. You want to be the whore bitch of a Finn then good luck to you. You are no daughter of mine!”

Patrick dragged Natasha crying and screaming to the door and threw her out onto the step. “I never want to see you again! You are not my daughter! I wash my hands of you!” he yelled before slamming the door closed.

Maeve looked at him sobbing. “Please Patrick, that’s our little girl.”

“Look at my face! Look at what those animals did to my face!”

“That’s not her fault Pat!”

“She’s done it to herself. Let them bring up the bastard. Good riddance!”

Patrick stormed into the living room, poured a Scotch and drank it angrily.

Outside, Natasha stood staring at the door sobbing.

Maeve took out her purse and emptied all the money she had, she quietly opened the door and walked over to Natasha and put it in her hand.

“I’m sorry darling. You know what he’s like. He’ll calm down in a few days. I’m sure.”

Natasha took the money, crying, and looked at her mother in shock.

“Get back in here woman! Unless you want to leave with her!”

“Why don’t you ever stand up to him?” Natasha asking pleadingly.

“I love him…” Maeve said, and shrugged her shoulders. “One day you’ll understand.”

“But I’m your daughter!” she said and shook her head.

“I’ll talk to him.”

Natasha shook her head. “Don’t bother. I hate him! Tell him not to worry. I’m never coming back!” she said, before she stormed off running down the road.

“Natasha!” Maeve called, wiping the tears from her face.

NATASHA WALKED THROUGH the rain to Camden Square and sat on a bench in the gardens, afraid to knock on the door. She had nowhere else to go.

Caitlin returning home from the shops, saw the rain-soaked figure,
walked over to her and frowned. “It’s Natasha isn’t it?” she asked softly. Natasha nodded, tears mixed with the rain.

“What are you doing out here my love? You’ll catch your death of cold.” said Caitlin holding the umbrella over Natasha to shield her from the rain.

“My dad. He threw me out,” Natasha sobbed. She shrugged. “I’ve got nowhere to go,” she said wiping tears from her face.

“Well you can’t sit out here all night. Come on, let’s get you inside and get you dry. A nice warm cup of tea will make it all better,” Caitlin said holding out her hand, Natasha took it and got up. Caitlin put her arm around her and took her to the house.

“Daniel.” Caitlin called as they entered the hallway. “Daniel get your Fenian arse down here this minute!” Caitlin yelled angrily. “And bring a towel!” she added. Danny came down the stairs with a towel and stopped as he saw Natasha. “Daniel really! What are you doing leaving the poor girl to freeze outside, and in her condition!”

“I didn’t know she was out there,” Danny said, handing his mother the towel, Caitlin grabbed it off him and wrapped it round Natasha.

“Do something useful and put the bloody kettle on while I get her some dry clothes before she gets pneumonia,” Caitlin told him firmly.

Danny nodded and walked down the stairs. Natasha couldn’t look at him.

Caitlin took her upstairs to Sharky’s room. “We’ll put you in Seamus’s room, he’s not going to need it for a while,” she said drying Natasha’s hair, shaking her head. “I hope you have girls for your own sake, these boys will be the death of me to be sure,” she said smiling. Natasha started sobbing. “Now there there. Don’t upset yourself. Shhh. Come on. Nice cup of tea and you’ll feel right as rain,” Caitlin said rocking her in her arms. She took her face in her hands. “To tell you the truth it will be nice to have some female company in the house. All these men…it gets too much. Useless bastards the lot of them.”

Natasha laughed a little through her tears, Caitlin hugged her and smiled.

DANNY, MICKY, and Billy were sat at the dining table. Caitlin came down, lit a cigarette angrily and paced over to the table.

“And what have you got to say for yourself?” she asked Danny with a scowl. Danny shrugged. “Your brother on a murder charge, your young girlfriend with child and homeless. And as for you…” she said scowling at Micky.

“I didn’t do it!” Micky said, smiling with incredulity.

“You are always in trouble Micky. And when you aren’t in trouble you are getting your brothers in trouble. You’re a wrong un, just like your father.” Caitlin sat down. “She’ll have Sharky’s room. God knows when he’ll be home. You are going to do the right thing by her Danny I promise you that. You lay another finger on her before she’s eighteen and I’ll cut your lad off and put it in a box for you.”


You aren’t going to ruin that girl’s life! As soon as she’s eighteen you’ll do the right thing and you’ll marry her. If you don’t I’ll kill you myself.”

“Yes Ma,” Danny said reluctantly.

“Now take her a cup of tea.” she said. “Poor girl will get pneumonia leaving her sat out there like that.”

“Yes Ma.”

Danny got up with a cup of tea poured from the pot.

“And Daniel….”

“Yes Ma?”

“Be nice to her. It’s the least you can do after what you’ve done to her. Ya useless shagging bastard ya.”

“Yes Ma…” he said quietly.

Caitlin shook her head smoking her cigarette angrily.

Danny knocked the door quietly. Natasha was curled up on the bed.

“Cup of tea?” he said and brought it over to her. He sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m sorry.” he said quietly.

“Why wouldn’t you see me? After…”

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know,” he said, then drew breath and looked thoughtful. “I felt bad about it. I shouldn’t have. I didn’t want to really.”

‘Then why did you?” she asked confused.

“Micky just kept going on about it,” he said and shrugged his shoulders.

“Micky? You did it because Micky told you to?”

“You know what he is like…”

“You ruined my life so you didn’t lose face with your idiot brother?”

“It wasn’t like that.” Danny wiped the tears from his cheek. “I didn’t want this to happen. Like this. I’m sorry for your troubles.”

“What am I supposed to do Danny?”

“Ma says you can have Sharky’s room. He’s probably going down for life. We can get married, when you’re eighteen and that.”

“Did Micky tell you to do that as well?”

Danny shook his head. “No that was Ma.”

“Do you ever actually do anything you want to do Danny?”

Danny shook his head. “Not really, I just try and keep people happy and that.”

“And what do you want?”

“I love ya. Honest,” he said quietly. “I just want to be with you and that.”

“Do you mean it?” Natasha asked. Danny wiped the tear from his cheeks. He nodded. Natasha got up and wiped another tear off his cheek and rested her head against him. “Well you’re going to be a dad.”

“Aye. Well I hope the little bugger has better luck than me eh?”

He nodded and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’ve brought you some biscuits,” said Caitlin then stopped as she saw them hugging each other. She smiled, put the plate down and left quietly.

MICKY WAS WALKING down the High Street towards Camden Lock when Tommy caught up with him. “What about you Micky?” Tommy asked.

Tommy was a local small-time dealer who Micky supplied, a chronic heroin addict he had a edgy nervous disposition. Micky shot him a cold glare.

“Aye Tommy. What do you want then?”

“Nothin’ Micky. Maybe a score like but I thought I’d help ya out.”

“And how would you do that Tommy…” Micky said with disinterest.

“Bit of information like,” Tommy replied.

“What information?” asked Micky.

“Come on Micky. Help a brother out.”

Micky lost his temper. He grabbed Tommy and pushed him against the metal shutters of the adjacent shop and slammed him into them.

“Say what you’ve got to say and be on your way before I do somethin’ nasty to ya,” Micky told Tommy with a sinister tone.

“Alright Micky! Calm down! No need to get excited!”

Micky scowled at him. “What do you want Tommy?”

“Tyrone. He’s in the manor. Askin’ about ya like.”

“And why would he be doin’ that?” Micky asked.

Tommy shrugged his shoulders. Micky punched him in the stomach.

“Alright! Alright, no need to get untoward. That kid you shot last week. In the Lock. He was Tyrone’s cousin.”

“What was he doin’ in Camden then?”

Tommy shrugged his shoulders.

“Business like. Word is Tyrone wants to expand out of Brixton.”

“And what did you tell him?”

“Nothin’ like. Honest Micky I didn’t tell him nothin! But everyone knows. Witnesses and that. He’s got his whole crew up here. He said he’s gonna take you and your brothers out.”

“Is he now?”

“He’s tooled up Micky. Proper like.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know. Honest Micky. He was down at the Lock asking for you and that.”

Micky nodded. “Sort us out Micky eh? Help a brother.”

Micky let Tommy go. He took out a wrap of drugs and threw them at Tommy then continued walking as Tommy scrabbled on the floor to retrieve his precious score.

Micky continued down to the Lock and cut across to the opposite side of the canal. He spotted Tyrone straight away sat in Micky’s usual haunt with his entire crew of 6 or 7 well built thugs. Micky dived behind cover before making his way through a back exit into an alley.

NATASHA AND CAITLIN had spent the afternoon shopping on Camden Market before stopping at Caitlin’s favourite café for afternoon tea. Natasha didn’t talk much, having been suddenly ejected from her comfortable life in Primrose Hill adjusting to the harsher realities of working class life in Camden was something of a culture shock. It was early evening as they began the long walk back up the hill to Camden Square.

A black Mercedes pimped out with a bodykit and blacked out windows went past, then slowed and pulled around stopping alongside them. Tyrone got out followed by 3 of his gang and Rochelle his girlfriend. They stood in a line blocking Caitlin and Natasha’s path.

“I’m lookin’ for your boy. Micky. And his brothers.” Tyrone said. Caitlin looked at him annoyed at his arrogance and blocking her path. She took Natasha’s arm to try and go around them but Tyrone’s gang moved to prevent them leaving.

“Well I can’t help you there. The boys get about. You know how boy’s are. You are better off asking their friends.”

“I already did.”

“Then why are asking me. Now get out of my way and be on with your business.”

“You are my business.” Tyrone said menacingly.

“Oh really. And stopping old ladies and young girls makes you a proper man does it. A fine business to be in, your mother must be so proud of you.”

“Your boy shot my cousin.”

“Well I don’t know anything about that. I’m sure you tell your mother about all the trouble you get up to. You are all as bad as each other. Like children.”

Tyrone became impatient.

“I’m not gonna ask you again. Where is he?”

“And I told you I don’t know where they are. And if I did I wouldn’t tell you.”

Caitlin said annoyed. Tyrone nodded. He looked at Natasha.

“You’re Danny Finn’s bird innit?” he said. Natasha didn’t respond.

“Leave the girl alone.”

“Well I want you to give your boys a message.” Tyrone said.

“And what would that be.”

Tyrone without warning punched Caitlin in the stomach then in the face knocking her out.

“Leave her alone!” Natasha said rushing to Caitlin’s aid.

“No I don’t think I will.” Tyrone said and started kicking Caitlin on the floor. Natasha did her best to protect Caitlin but was no match for the gang, 2 of Tyrones men pulled her away and restrained her as Tyrone continued to kick Caitlin on the floor. Rochelle lit a cigarette and put her arms across her chest.

“That’s enough. Ty, enough!” Rochelle said.

He stared at her with wild eyes.

“Shut up bitch. I’ll tell you when shes had enough.” He said delivering a final hefty kick into Caitlin’s ribs. Natasha cried and struggled as Tyrone took out a glock and pointed it sideways at Caitlin his face psychotic with rage, he pulled the trigger and fired three times into her. Natasha stopped crying and stared with shock.

“Ty! For fucks sake you’ll get us all banged up.” Rochelle said.

Ty pushed her out of the way and turned his attention to Natasha.

“So you’re Danny’s bitch then?”

“He’ll fucking kill you for this!” Natasha spat at him angrily.

“Yeah? Well maybe I better give him another reason to come and find me then.”

He punched Natasha as hard as he could in the stomach, she doubled up in pain and gasped for breath before he slapped her across the face with the back of the pistol her men letting her fall to the floor. Tyrone aimed the pistol down at her.

“Ty! For fucks sake!” Rochelle said.

“I told you to shut it!” tyrone said.

The sirens grew louder as 4 police cars approached from the bottom of the hill.

“For fucks sake Tyrone. I’m out of here” said the leader of his gang and raced back to the Mercedes. Tyrone stared at the approaching police cars who were now in full view of the scene. He yelled angrily and ran back after the others and dived into the back of the Mercedes. They pulled away wheelspinning pursued by 2 of the armed police response units as the remaining two stopped and exited the vehicle running over to Caitlin and Natasha.

“Are you alright love?” she asked Natasha, Natasha coughed up blood and passed out.

DANNY STARED THROUGH the glass at Natasha lying motionless, wired to life support systems in the intensive care unit.

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