Micky Finn: The Evildoer 1: A Sexy Times Crime Romance Thriller (The London Irish) (6 page)

“It’s not like that I’m sure.”

“It fuckin’ is. I’ll show him! I’ll show everyone! By the time I’m done everyone will know if you fuck with Micky Finn then you are gonna get burnt.”

The tube arrived at Brixton, Micky stormed out with Billy trailing. He stopped a gang of youths outside the station. “I’m looking for Jules. Tyrone’s brother?”

“And what do you want white boy?”

“Business,” replied Micky.

One of the gang pointed at Jules, dressed in a smart suit, stood talking to a group of three girls.

Micky stormed over and wrenched Jules from the group and punched him in the face.

“Get the fuck off me brother!” Jules said as Micky slammed him into the wall behind, grabbing him by the lapels.

Micky had a psychotic look on his face. “Jules?” he asked.

“What’s it to you bitch?” Jules replied as he pushed back against Micky. “You’re in the wrong fuckin’ manor to be actin’ like a hard boy innit,” Jules said.

“Really?” said Micky then punched Jules, exploding his nose into a pool of crimson blood.

Jules scowled at him as he nursed his nose. “You’ve just signed your death warrant boy.”

“Do you know who I am?” Micky asked punching Jules in the stomach.

“Yeah I fuckin’ do. You are a dead man. That’s who you are…a dead corpse walking.”

“So if you don’t know who I am then what the fuck you doin’ up in Camden lookin’ for me?” Micky asked punching Jules again then grabbing him by the hair to lift him straight, he put his face inches from Jules. “Let me introduce myself,” Micky said as he took out a slim knife and stuck it into Jules abdomen. “I’m Micky Finn.”

Jules gasped for air as the shock of the stabbing started to turn his body to jelly.

“You are fuckin’ dead!” Jules said, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“Yeah? Well compared to what is gonna happen to your tribe that would be a blessing. Now where the fuck is Tyrone?”

“Fuck you!” Jules said, grabbing his knife wound, hand covered in blood.

“Wrong answer,” Micky said stabbing Jules again.

“Fuck you man!”

“Still wrong answer. You aren’t much good at this are ya?” Micky said stabbing him for a third time. Micky propped Jules up and slapped his face two or three times. “Don’t pass out on me. I know the lights are dimming but we’re not done yet,” Micky said.

“You have no idea what you’ve just done!”

“Really?” Micky said grabbing him by the throat. “Get his wallet Billy. Let’s find out where this cunt lives.”

Billy felt around in Jules’ jacket as a small crowd of onlookers started to gather. Micky smiled at Jules whilst Billy continued to search.

“Never a copper around when you need one is there eh? Like when you cunts were kicking the fuck out my Ma,” Micky seethed.

“Go fuck yourself bitch!” Jules retorted defiantly.

“Now that’s not the attitude at all,” Micky said, head-butting him. Billy pulled out his wallet. “you got it?”

“Yeah. Address is here.”

“Well Jules. It seems we have what we need. I’m gonna pay a visit to your family,” Micky pulled the photo out of the wallet. “And what a lovely family you have Jules. Who is this? Your sister? Pretty bird eh Billy?”

“You stay the fuck away from my house man!” Jules said.

“No…I’ve got a special invitation. I’m going to drop round and have a nice cup of tea. Then I’m going to rape your sister. And your mother. Your brothers I won’t bother with, I’m not an arse bandit like you boys. I’ll just cut their throats and let them bleed to death. Rochelle? Tyrone’s bird? I’ve got special plans for her. I’m not going to kill her, just leave her a lasting reminder for Tyrone.”

“I swear to god you go near my family and you are a fucking dead man.”

“I don’t think so Jules. Now I’ll ask you again. Where’s Tyrone?”

“Fuck you!”

“Well what the fuck use are you then….” said Micky. He produced his Glock and shot Jules through the head. The crowd screamed and scattered. Micky put his pistol away and marched off in the direction of the address followed by Billy.

The doorbell rang.

“Rochelle? Can you get that?” Tyrone’s mother asked.

“Alright,” Rochelle said and ran down the stairs in the Victorian terrace house in Brixton and answered it.

Micky flashed a smile at her. “Rochelle?”

“Who the fuck are you?” Rochelle asked.

“Micky Finn,” he replied and punched her in the face knocking her out, he walked over her body, grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the house. “Lock the door behind you Billy. Wouldn’t want any of these fuckers escapin’ now would we?”

Billy locked and bolted the door, took the key out and put it in his pocket. Micky dragged Rochelle by her hair into the living room. Tyrone’s mother got up with shock. Micky smiled.

“And you must be Tyrone’s mother?”

“Who the hell are you? What the hell do you think you are doin’ in ma house! What you done to Rochelle?”

“Sorry. I’m being rude,” Micky said holding out his arm to shake Tyrone’s mother’s hand. “I’m Micky Finn.”

“What you doin’ here?”

“Well I’m here to rape you, your daughter, cut your sons throats. Rochelle here, well I won’t go into what I’m going to do to her as I don’t want you to have nightmares. Then I’m going to kill the fucking lot of you. Except Rochelle. She can live with it. You need someone for Crimewatch to speak to otherwise they don’t get the reconstruction right you see?”

Tyrone’s mother looked horrified. “Who the hell are you?!?”

“Me? I’m your worst fucking nightmare.”

“What you want with us?”


“He’s not here.”

“I don’t really care. You see he came to Camden and he killed my Ma. Nobody asked him to do that. He just took it upon himself to kick her to death then shoot her. Are you religious?”

“Yes I am.”

“Good. Then you understand an eye for an eye. Well this is inflation-matched vengeance so I’m going to take two eyes, two ears and whatever else I can cut off before the police arrive.”

Tyrone’s mother started crying. Micky took out his gun and pointed it at her. “Now where the fuck is Tyrone? Jules. He didn’t get this first time round so he’s fuckin’ dead now. I advise you to think very carefully before you answer.”

Tyrone’s mother started crying. “The police have him. They arrested him! He’s in custody.”

Micky nodded. “That’s a shame. Unfortunately I’m an impatient fucker so there isn’t much chance I’m going to wait for him to do life to have my bit of vengeance, so you lot will have to do.”

“Please! We haven’t done anything to you! Just leave!”

“My Ma didn’t do anything to Tyrone. Didn’t stop him did it? He kicked her to death then shot her three times. My brother’s bird, well he didn’t get time to kill her so he just kicked the fuck out of her until she lost her baby. And now my brother blames me. So all said and done the shit Tyrone has done to my family means I am well within my rights to return the favour with interest.”

“I’m begging you!”

“I’m sure you are. You are still going to get fucked up though. Save your prayers for someone who will listen. Where is your lovely daughter?” Micky asked pointing at the photograph.
Tyrone’s mother shook her head. “She’s upstairs isn’t she?”

“Leave her alone!”

“I tell you what. Billy here is going to go with you to the kitchen. You can make us all a nice cup of tea while I go and introduce myself to your daughter while Billy here entertains himself with Rochelle.”

“You’re a fucking animal!” Rochelle spat venomously.

“Now don’t be like that. Animals don’t know what they are doing or why. I know exactly what I am doing.”

“What are you doing?”

“You see I don’t want to kill Tyrone. That would be too easy. Nice quick exit. I want to torture him. Mentally. I want him to live with so much pain, and sufferin’ that every day he lives, he is gripped by the knowledge of what I did to him. He will never be happy again.”

“You’re evil.”

“You’re probably right. But in my line of business that’s a good marketing strategy. Now get on with the tea.”

“Go to hell!” Tyrone’s mother said, sobbing.

Micky smiled. “That’s just not polite,” Micky said and slapped her across the face with the back of his gun. “Billy. Help the old dear make a nice pot of tea.”

“What about her?” Billy asked gesturing at Rochelle.

Micky looked at him and smiled. “Give her a taste of your lucky charms,” Micky replied.

Billy smiled and started to undo his belt as Micky went upstairs.

The crimes Micky and Billy perpetrated against Tyrone’s family would be later described by the judge as
acts of wanton cruelty, depravity and unmitigated evil.

The circumstances, and aftermath, shocked the entire Brixton community to its roots. Micky cut Tyrone’s two younger brothers throats, sexually assaulted before stabbing his mother 37 times, raped then murdered his sister whilst both Micky and Billy repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped Rochelle over a period of more than 4 hours, before finally Micky cut a scar across her face from one side to the other.

He left Rochelle alive. Micky wanted to ensure Tyrone, and the wider community, knew exactly what he had done.

Leaving Rochelle alive was a constant reminder to everyone, as if they could forget, the evil he perpetrated that afternoon.

Despite his very public execution of Jules on Brixton High Street neither Micky or Billy would ever be charged with the crime. So shocking was the brutality of the attack no witnesses dared step forward and be forced to testify against Micky Finn, who would forever be known as ‘The Butcher of Brixton’

The crime would not go unpunished however, despite the fact the Met had no love for Tyrone or his criminal gang, the potential riots, civil unrest, and accusations of racism for failing to fully investigate and bring a perpetrator to justice, would be too much.

As it happens they had at least one easy target to pin the crime on.

DANNY WOKE WITH a start as the armed police kicked the front door in and flooded into the house. He had barely got up when the first officer burst throught he door and trained a MP5 on him.

“Armed police! Don’t move!” they yelled at him.

Danny carefully put his arms behind his head as the police surrounded him.

DCI Don Black burst in as the armed officers handcuffed him.

“Daniel Finn I’m arresting you on suspicion of the murder of
Stella Vincent, Aliyah Vincent, Andre Vincent and Kai Vincent. You do not have to say anything but anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law. Take him away.”

Danny stared at them in shock. “What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t do anything. I was here!”

Don stopped and stared at him. “Where’s your brother?”

“Sharky? He’s banged up.”


“He’s not my brother.”

“Yeah? Well. I don’t really care if you did it or not son. One Finn is a good as another as far as I’m concerned.”

Danny shook his head.

Black smiled at him. “Don’t worry son. We’ll bang you up with your big brother. They have a special cell reserved just for your family.”

“You’ll never get away with this,” Danny said. “ I want my lawyer.”

“Of course we’ll get away with it. They fuckin’ hate you lot down in Brixton. They don’t care which of you we nick for this.”

Danny was taken down to the police station. Despite having no evidence against him, Black had managed to get at least four of his Brixton snouts to place Danny at the scene of the crime. With some forensics manipulation they got enough evidence against him for the CPS to make a secure case. Danny didn’t have an alibi, he had been hiding out at home when Micky and Billy had gone on the rampage.

Micky, who was hiding out down in Rotherhithe, found out about his brother’s arrest through the grapevine but concluded it was actually convenient to let Danny take the rap for it.

Given the animosity between the brothers having him locked up was best all round for Micky.

With Danny safely on the hook for the crime, and nobody willing to testify against Micky, he was free to do as he pleased. His first stop was to visit Sharky in prison.

Sharky gave Micky an evil glare as he entered the visitors room. “You’ve got some nerve,” Sharky told him as he sat down.

Micky smiled. “Word travels fast.”

“You fitted him up you no good bastard,” Sharky spat at Micky.

Micky shrugged his shoulders.“I did the boy’s job for him.”

“By butchering Tyrone’s family?”

“The punishment fitted the crime. She was your mother too. You should thank me really.”

“For what?”

“Taking care of things. People think we are going soft. Taking liberties. After these little events they will think twice now.”

Sharky shook his head. “And Danny? He’s going to get life.”

“Well, he should have thought about that. He’s gone soft. He’s no use to the business. Best place for him. Might toughen him up a bit.”

“And what’s Natasha supposed to do now?”

“I’ll take good care of her,” Micky said with a knowing smile and wink.

Sharky’s temper broke. “If you go near her or lay one finger on that girl I will cut your heart out Micky Finn and serve it to you for dinner. You understand me?”

“Relax big brother. You are hardly in a position to threaten me.”

“Don’t be so sure you arrogant little prick.”

Micky smiled. “So that’s how it is then is it?”

“Yes that’s how it is,” said sharky firmly.

“Right you are then. Well. I’ll see you in about thirty-fucking years. Don’t drop the soap.”

Micky got up, Sharky lunged across and grabbed him, using his handcuffs he got behind him and strangled Micky as the alarms sounded.

“You tell them you did it, you let Danny go down for this and I will put you in a hole Micky Finn I swear on your dead mother’s grave,” Sharky said, before the prison officers jumped on him and pulled him off.

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