Micky Finn: The Evildoer 1: A Sexy Times Crime Romance Thriller (The London Irish) (7 page)

Micky struggled to catch breath and put his hands on his cut throat. “Yeah Sharky. By the time you get out you’ll have a free bus pass to come see me. I’ll be waitin’ for ya.”

Micky smiled as they dragged Sharky out.

“Wheres the money eh Sharky?” he called after him. “Where is it? I looked everywhere.”
Micky sat down and straightened his collar.

MICKY ARRIVED AT the hospital with a large bunch of flowers.

Natasha gave him an angry disdainful look the minute he walked in.

“Natasha.” He said and smiled as he sat down.

“What you doing here? she asked.

“Now don’t be like that. From what I’ve heard you don’t get many visitors,” he replied putting the flowers down. “On the mend then?”

“I’ve nothing to say to you,” Natasha said.

“I can understand you are upset with what you’ve been through. Family has to stick together in these times of crisis.”

“Stick together? Is that what you call fitting Danny up?”

Micky shrugged his shoulders. “The boy went berserk. Quite understandable. Bit of luck they will have him on temporary insanity. It would have to be what with the things he did. Shocking.”

“We both know Danny didn’t do it. It was you. You’re sick Micky.”

Micky smiled. “Hard to prove these things. No witnesses and I had an alibi. It’s not what you know Natasha, it’s what you can prove. And you can’t prove anything.”

“I know. That’s enough.”

“But who would listen to you?” Micky said. “There is no need for us to fall out over it. You need someone to take care of you after all. Danny is going to be away for quite a while. You can rely on me.”

“I can’t stand the sight of you.”

“Don’t be hasty. Best not to make emotional decisions you’ll regret.”

“I swear to God Micky, I will pay you back for this!”

“Now now Natasha. You don’t want to be making an enemy of me. Didn’t turn out well for Tyrone’s tribe now did it?”

Natasha turned away from him. “Just go Micky.”

“Did Danny talk to you before he went postal? About the money?”

“What money?”

“He did did he? Sharky’s stash. The family inheritance. Where is it Natasha?”

“I don’t know, even if I did know I wouldn’t tell you.”

“I think you would. I wouldn’t want to have to be unreasonable about it. Come on Natasha. I’ll make sure you are sorted. I need that money. With Sharky and Danny behind bars I need to take care of business.”

“I don’t know anything about it. Speak to your brothers. Oh I forgot. You can’t.”

Micky nodded. “Think about it Natasha. Don’t be a silly girl now.”

Micky got up and straightened his jacket and took a deep breath.

“Just fuck off Micky. The mental ward is on the next floor. They might be able to help you.”

Micky smiled. “I’ll be seeing you when you get out Natasha.”

“Not if I can help it.”

NATASHA GOT OUT the hospital one week later, knowing Micky would be waiting for her if she didn’t she discharged herself in the middle of the night and left via the back service entrance. She took a night-bus out to the allotments and followed the directions Danny had written down to find the money.

She opened the chest and found her passport, the cash and Danny’s pistol. She picked up the gun and looked at it, checked it was loaded and was about to put it down when she heard footsteps behind her.

“What have you found then eh Natasha?” she heard Micky say. Natasha didn’t move and carefully knocked the safety off the pistol. “Creeping about in the allotment sheds this time of night. Why would you be doing that? Spot of midnight gardening?”

“What do you want Micky?”

“I’m offended you didn’t wait for me to pick you up at the hospital,” Micky replied. “You weren’t thinking about running off with that were you? doesn’t belong to you Natasha.

“It doesn’t belong to you either,” said Natasha. “Sharky gave it to Danny.”

“Well he shouldn’t of. Besides, Danny doesn’t need it now.” he said. “Behave yourself and I promise I won’t hurt you.”

Natasha nodded. “Everyone is afraid of you aren’t they Micky? Like you are some sort of untouchable monster.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“I would. You’re a monster. You think you are this hard man but we both know the truth. You are just a silly little boy. You think scaring people makes you special? I’m not afraid of you.”

“Well you should be Natasha. Danny isn’t here to save you now.”

“No he isn’t. and whose fault is that? Your own brother! What sort of person gets their own brother sent down for something they did?”

“You have to look after yourself in this world. It’s you versus everyone else. Family included.”

“You are right Micky. That’s why I don’t need you, Danny, my dad, or anyone else to take care of me. I can do that myself.”

“You’re a little girl Natasha. You can’t, believe me.”

Natassha spun round and squeezed the trigger, the pistol fired with a violent kick. She focused on Micky’s face, which now had a look of shock. He drew two short breaths then put his hand down onto his white shirt where a small patch of crimson blood was starting to emerge. He looked at his hand. Natasha kept the gun pointed at him.

“You fuckin’ shot me…why did you fuckin’ shoot me?” he said frowning with shocked confusion, staring at the blood.

Natasha stood up and kept the gun pointed at him, gestured him to sit down on the chair which he did. She walked over, picked up an old rag and then pulled his gun out with it and dropped it in a potting bag.

“Is this it? This the gun you killed them people with?” she asked. Micky nodded trying to control his breathing and panic. Micky started sobbing gently. “Well I’m going to keep this. However long it takes, I’m gonna get you for this Micky.”

“Please don’t kill me!” he pleaded sobbing.

Natasha shook her head. “I’m not going to kill you Micky. I need you alive so I can get Danny out.”

Natasha took her large backpack and filled it with the money.

“Where are you goin’?” Micky asked.

“As far away from you as I can get. But don’t worry Micky. I’ll be back. When I’m ready I’ll be coming back for you.”

“Look…let’s just talk about this….”

Natasha dropped Micky’s pistol into her backpack, zipped it up and put it on her back.

“There’s nothing to talk about Micky. I’ll be seeing you. Don’t bleed to death.”

Natasha departed.

“Help!” Micky cried, trying to stop the blood leaking from his chest. “Natasha! Please don’t leave! I don’t want to die here!”
he cried, but Natasha didn’t respond. Micky crawled out of the shed on his stomach, struggled to his feet and staggered to the road before collapsing on the pavement.

Natasha used the money to get Danny the best lawyer she could, but the case against him, and the Finn’s reputation, meant the jury had decided he was guilty before he even stood in the dock, and he got sent down for life.

Since he was now seventeen he was sent straight to adult prison, but luckily was put in the same cell as his brother. Such was the Finn’s reputation for violence, and their Irish nationality, they were housed in a maximum-security wing alongside provisional IRA members.

Sharky and Danny made the best of it. Both serving life sentences they had little hope of early release and just made the best of the situation they were in.

The early years in prison were hardest on Danny, deprived of his freedom at such a young age - he had barely even begun his life.

Sharky had accepted the crime he had committed and at least knew justice was fairly punishing him, but Danny was innocent of the crimes he was charged with, the knowledge he would spend such a large part of his life behind bars whilst Micky was free to do as he willed would remove any sense of loyalty or feeling he had for his brother. But he didn’t need to concern himself with Revenge, Natasha having had everything taken away from that she cared about devoted her existence to bringing down Micky Finn, and revenge was a dish best served cold.

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