Mirrored 1 : In Spades (3 page)

Daxton didn’t even look to where I was pointing. “I don’t have a girl. Would you like to put in an application?” He ran his hand through his shaggy hair and smirked. I lost all train of coherent thoughts, my mouth suddenly going dry. He let out a deep, husky laugh. He was smooth. I had to give him that much.

“I’m Daxton.” He exclaimed with an outstretched hand. 

I knew who he was. I had been stalking his face book page for weeks. I wasn’t a huge social networking person and only had a couple of coworkers and faith on my list. But, I just couldn’t help myself. My mind was always drifting to other topics when I was around him. I was constantly tongue in cheek, couldn’t get a grasp on my voice.

A hard slap to my butt slapped me out of my reverie.

“You’ll have to excuse my friend Avalynn, she’s a lightweight!”

Faith just shook her head and smiled. She always knew exactly how to talk her way into or out of any situation. I extended my hand and literally felt a shock when our fingertips connected.

“Ouch!” l shouted. Shocked at my out loud reaction, I slammed a hand over my mouth.

A slow, rosy blush began to color my pale skin. Daxton laughed and I had never heard a more sensual sound.

“So, how about another shot, lightweight, you game?” He rose his eyebrows up at me in challenge. He slammed his hand on the bar. “Pour me another bartender and keep em comin.” He then placed his hands over his heart. I was instantly smitten by his charm.

I poured all three of us patron shots and grabbed some lime and salt from the cabinet. I was going to prove to this arrogant asshole just how enticing I could be. I lifted myself up onto the bar, trying hard to focus on the task at hand and not fall face first at his feet. I poured some salt on my wrist, clutching the lime in between my fingers. I tipped the shot back, feeling the warm liquid rush down my throat. I sucked the lime, tossing the remains at him and licked the salt off my wrist in the most seductive manner I could manage. I climbed back down and looked over at him with my eyebrow up in challenge to mimic his move from earlier. It didn’t even phase him. Daxton winked at me and the liquor almost came rushing back up. I was going to have to watch this one, he screamed danger. He raised his shot glass to me in salute and slammed it back. A small droplet dribbled down his chin and I wanted to reach up with my tongue and lick it off. I’d have to stand on a stool to get to him though. Daxton was tall, I’d say about six’ two. He rivaled my five’ four stature.

He was lean, but had extremely muscular arms and shoulders. I just knew there was a 6 pack underneath those clothes. Daxton wore a tight fitting grey V-neck and low rise jeans. Black converse completed the look and boy was he delicious. Daxton had dark eyes that almost looked black and messy thick bed hair colored a dark mocha shade. Bright, vibrant tattoos peeked out on his chest and upper arms, but I couldn’t quite get a grasp on what any of them were, I’d have to further investigate at a later point. We couldn’t have been more different as far as appearance went. I was the light and he was the shadow. My personality couldn’t be more different than my looks, though. I was not naïve to the workings of the world. I was not light.

I would be embarrassed to say half of what I was thinking of doing to that body out loud. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew where I wanted to end up by the end of this night and that was in this beautiful stranger’s bed. I wasn’t normally so daring, but I needed to live a little bit. I knew Abby was safe with Christina and that was my main concern. It had been far too long for me and my body was completely betraying my mind.

The music was pumping loudly in the bar and a few of the other bartenders and waitresses made their way out to the dance floor. Faith grabbed my hand and leads me to the middle. I threw my arms in the air and shook my head around. I threw all caution to the wind and just let myself feel the moment. Faith and I giggled and danced like we were the sexiest beings alive. I could only imagine what a drunken mess I looked, but I didn’t care.

I was happy and carefree and very rarely got a glimpse of these feelings. I felt strong hands grab my hips and pull me back into a rock hard chest. I knew who it was and didn’t even need to turn around and check. Nobody else in this bar would dance with me like this. Most of the men in here were regulars. Their wives would kick their asses if they did anything like this. Daxton and I danced in time to the music. I couldn’t resist bending over and grinding my butt into his now hard on. He lifted my hands above my head and turned me around to face him. God, he was a sight for sore eyes. I threw my arms around his neck and shimmied in his arms. His eyes burned a hole into mine and I was falling fast. He ran his hands all over my body. He was breathing deeply and repeatedly licking his lips like he was going to devour me at any moment. The music melted away and all I could hear was my heart beating up into my throat. It had been so long since I felt wanted by a man and I was addicted. The chemistry between us was liable to make a girl internally combust, so I had to excuse myself. I released his shoulder, which was currently being held hostage by my tight grip and fanned myself with my other hand. I turned around and headed back towards the bar. The music ended at the same moment that I walked away.

I expected Daxton to follow me, but instead he remained on the dance floor, letting any two bit within his grasp grind all over him. I was incredibly put out, but decided to ignore it. Every time I did happen to glance over, his brown eyes always instantly met mine. He looked conflicted, ready to bolt. But, he didn’t. Instead he threw me his megawatt smile and a wink and gripped the skinny, large breasted ginger around the waist, allowing her long red nails to trail down his chest. He ground his pelvis into hers and they may as well have had sex in the middle of the dance floor. I knew I had no rights to him, but I felt a strong sense of ownership. I was completely pissed off at this point. I had been somewhat of a lush and decided that alcohol only brought out my mean side when too much was consumed.

One shot faded into the next and by the end of the night, I was completely sloshed. I was currently in no condition to drive or even really think for that matter. I said my goodbyes to Faith and my other coworkers and walked outside to call a cab. Just as I was pulling my cell phone out of my pocket I heard loud footsteps fall in behind me. I slowly turned around, digging in my purse for my mace ready to spray some creep and run. I finally found it and placed my finger on the trigger, ready to go. Before I could react, Daxton’s deep voice sounded and shook me of my thoughts. It was him who walked up behind me.

“You scared me asshole!” I still gripped my mace, debating on how badly it would really hurt him. A small part of me wanted to teach him a lesson for leading me on.

“Put the mace down. You know you don’t want to hurt this pretty face.” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. He had me there. A part of me did want to punch him, but a stronger part would kiss it all better. This was just too much work in my drunken state. I ignored his comment and pulled my cell phone back out. His deep voice sounded and again shook me from my thoughts. He was really good about doing that.

“I already called them. Can we share?” he questioned me.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t stay mad at him. He was too damn cute. I nodded and sat on the curb to wait. Ignoring any hint of conversation he tried to spark up.

The cab pulled up in no time and I slid into the backseat. His hand now making permanent residence on my lower back. I didn’t try and correct him, but instead welcomed the warmth. I wanted to be wanted by him. I craved his touch. Daxton slid in next to me, gave the cabby his address and laid a firm hold on my upper thigh. I remained quiet even though my mind was running rampant, questioning why he would give them his address first. I was distracted, though. By the small, direct circles Daxton was making on my thigh with his thumb. Heat instantly pooled between my legs and I was happy that he wasn’t working with exposed skin as I’m sure I would have come in my panties. I reached up and grabbed his face, smashing his lips to mine in probably the most un-sexy, sloppy, drunk kiss that one could give. Daxton laughed his full, husky laugh that I had begun to fall in love. However, this time, I wasn’t so enthralled by it.

I instantly felt rejected and pulled back. I made it a point to stare out of the window with minimal eye contact for the rest of the trip. I dozed in and out of a day dream state. His hand had never left my thigh. The cab pulled up outside of a beautiful two story brick home.

“Your stop sir, that’ll be $22.50.” I turned to face the window in the opposite direction of his home and gave a small indirect wave.

“Aren’t you coming in?” Daxton asked.

I couldn’t resist looking up into his soulful dark eyes. I was so taken aback that a man so beautiful was inviting me, a plain Jane, into his home. The alcohol was still taking its course through me veins and my heart was definitely rioting on my brain, which was currently screaming “No, Go home! You don’t do this.”

“Uhmm…yeah, I’d love to.” I stated and climbed out of the cab.

My thoughts were going crazy at this time; my heart had definitely overshadowed my head.

”You win this battle heart.” I mumbled to myself.

“What’d you say babe?” Daxton grabbed my hand and looked over at me.

“Oh nothing. You have a beautiful home.” I didn’t even recognize the sexy growl that was coming from my petite mouth.

Daxton lead me up to the front door with his arm lightly thrown around my shoulder.

“I’m glad you’re here Gorgeous.” Daxton grabbed his keys from his pocket and opened the door. Wow, his house was immaculate.

“You want a drink?” He asked, as he began roaming around the house flipping the lights on as he went.

“Sure, whatever you have.”
Daxton rummaged through his refrigerator, eventually settling on Merlot, pulled out two wine glasses and poured us each a hearty glass.

I sipped it, tasting the bitter sweet, but refreshing liquid as it soothed my throat. “mmmm.” Had passed my lips before I realized I had moaned out loud.

I glanced up at Daxton, feeling the heat creep up my cheeks. I was shocked to see the immense look of hunger, which was very evident in his now glazed over eyes.

Daxton furiously stalked towards me, retrieving the wine glass from my hands and setting it down on the table with a loud bang. I could feel the spark instantaneously, the delicious tingle sensation, yet again overwhelming my senses. My current drunken stupor had me more brazen than ever before and I wanted nothing more than to be writhing beneath this beautiful man. I threw my arms around Daxton's neck and pressed my lips to against his with force. We toppled over onto the floor and our garments went flying. We were a giant tangle of clothes and limbs, struggling to be as close to each other as possible. I sure hoped I would remember this in the morning. He pushed me down and centered his self above me. Pinning my arms up above my head and looking down into my eyes.
I felt his cock throbbing at my aching, wet center.

“Pleaseee, I need this.” I heard myself moan and didn’t care how desperate I sounded.

I needed him to be inside of me. My pussy was dripping in anticipation. When he finally thrusted into me, pure bliss illuminated my entire being and I felt overcome with emotions. Oh, the delicious mix of pain and pleasure as he pushed in and out of me, getting in as deep as he could go. The noises coming from him were driving me wild and I couldn’t control screaming out his name. The room was spinning and my mind was foggy, it was hard for me to chalk up the feeling as immense chemistry for this exquisite being taking complete control over my body or the amount of alcohol coursing through my veins. Daxton was above me, my legs wrapped firmly around his back, pumping in and out of my body with such vigor that I couldn’t even completely form words to describe the sensation. He kissed my lips and explored my body with his hands. He trailed his mouth and tongue down my neck, paying special attention to my taut nipples. My beautiful stranger was doing things to my body that would rival the best of them.

Daxton looked into my eyes; as if he was soul searching and I caught slight hints of tenderness.

”Harder please..I need it.” I yelled out to him and dug my nails into his back.

I needed to keep this completely unattached. I didn’t want to see the more sweet side of Daxton. I wanted the bad boy, the man whore. I needed to be used by him. Daxton was bad for me and I knew it, but I didn’t care. I needed to be wild for a change. I was completely stuck in a rut. On Monday morning I‘d go back to my mediocre life but now, I wanted to live.

“You’re so wet for me baby, god, so fucking hot.” His dirty words finally sent me over the edge and I cried out and fell apart all over his living room floor. At the same time he moaned and bit down on my collarbone, hard.

My body released all of the pent up aggression and tension that I had been holding over the years. What was once sloppy and broken had in this moment melded together. My legs began to shake uncontrollably. He placed his mouth in the nape of my neck and I could feel him smirk. He knew that he did this to me, he made me feel complete happiness in the aftershock of amazing sex. We lay on the floor for what seemed like hours, tangled in each other’s arms. I could feel his breathing slow down and I knew he had fallen asleep. His strong arms held me firmly to his chest in protection. I chanced a look up at him, admiring how extremely peaceful he looked, softly snoring. Unfortunately, I couldn’t say the same. My head was still spinning and I couldn’t get control over the butterflies in my stomach. The sudden urge to throw up gripped me fast, so I rolled over quietly and darted to the bathroom. I passed out hugging the porcelain goddess. Yet again hating alcohols day of birth.

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