My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) (24 page)

Read My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #contemporary romance

I told him everything.

“All this time…” He hesitated. His expression looked hurt by the vast part of my life that I had kept a secret from him. He seemed as though he was struggling for words. “And…I never knew. I mean, I guessed you had experienced some sort of loss.” He shook his head sadly. “But not like that…not to that magnitude.”

I was not sure if he’d said the last part to himself or to me.

“I’m sorry I never told you. Until recently, I wasn’t ready. I’m still not ready most of the time,” I admitted. “But I’m trying to move forward with my life.” I took a deep breath and let it out.

“I understand. In other ways, you let me in, and I’m grateful for that.” His eyes turned serious with confusion. “So, my parents…you’re telling me they’ve seen the light, huh?”

“They are both so scared and worried for you. They’ve been here day and night, praying for you to wake up. They love you so much.”

Luke considered my words carefully. “I’ll talk to them…for you.” He inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I can’t make any promises though.”

“Fair enough. I should really go tell them you’re awake. They’ve been beside themselves. Oh, I’ll get the nurse, too.”

I got up and turned to see Kyle leaning casually against the door frame. He stood straight as we made eye contact. I let out a long sigh, feeling relieved to see that he was back. It had been a long, emotional day, and I missed him.

Kyle turned his gaze to Luke. “Glad to see you’re awake,” Kyle said.

“Thanks, man. It would take more than a big wave to take me out.” Luke laughed and then winced slightly as he grabbed his rib cage.

“Careful, Luke,” I said while standing to my feet. “Well, we should be on our way now. I’m sure Jim and Caroline are anxious to see you.”

“Thank you for coming, Lily.” Luke smiled. “And you can send my parents in.”

“You’re welcome.” I leaned forward to hug Luke before turning to face Kyle.

“Get some rest. We’ll be back in the morning,” Kyle assured Luke, then took my hand.

“Thanks. See you guys tomorrow,” Luke said.

Kyle and I made our way back to the waiting room. We passed the nurse on our way, and I told her that Luke had woken up. Jim and Caroline were just returning from their dinner, so I didn’t feel guilty for talking to Luke for a bit before I came to get them.

At hearing the good news, they both exhaled audibly. Intense emotions flitted across each of their faces. Caroline and Jim looked as though they couldn’t run to the room fast enough. I quickly told them I would visit in the morning, and then we said our good-byes.

My neck and shoulders were filled with the day’s tension. Waiting and waiting, I’d found out, was as stressful as running a marathon. The unknown was emotionally draining, but in the end, the outcome could also be very rewarding.


The short drive to our hotel seemed endless. I wanted to know what new information Kyle had dug up on this Aaron character, but I was mentally exhausted. I was just someone who had a cap on how much I could take in one day. I felt myself shutting down, and I wanted to sleep and turn off my mind.

Some would feel uncomfortable with silence, but to Kyle and me, it was natural and comforting when appropriate. We didn’t need constant conversation to enjoy each other’s company. We could just be. I loved the easiness of my relationship with Kyle because every other aspect in my life was complete chaos.

As soon as we closed the door of our hotel room, Kyle seemed to share my thoughts as we silently removed our clothes to get ready for bed. I dug through Kyle’s suitcase for one of his simple white cotton T-shirts. I loved them more than my own. There was just something intimate and sexy about wearing my man’s clothes. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught him watching me. A soft smile tugged the corner of his lips. We both walked into the bathroom to brush our teeth.

I thought about how we must look in this moment—undressing together and brushing our teeth side by side. We seemed to have the routine of a couple well beyond our years.

My heart skipped a beat as we climbed into bed together.

“Good night, beautiful.” Kyle kissed me gently.

He tucked me into his side, and I rested my head on his chest. I draped my leg over his body, feeling the need to be closer. He tightened his arms around me in understanding my need for closeness, making me feel secure. My eyes felt heavy and tired as sleep began to pull me under.

Wet kisses started on my collarbone, causing my breasts to tighten as heat ignited in my belly. A warm tongue ran a rhythmic circle around my nipple before closing over it. The resulting suction created an even more intense pull in my body. Each sensation felt carefully connected to the rest. My moan of pleasure echoed in my ears, making me open my eyes.

The darkness surprised me, and I instantly wondered what time it was. When those warm, delicious lips closed over my other nipple, time was instantly forgotten. Unable to stop my back from arching up into his mouth, I groaned again, wanting and yearning for more.

My favorite intoxicating scent assaulted my senses. Powerful, strong hands caressed my body. I could feel his need and desire for me in every touch.

I didn’t have to see him. I could

On a growl, he suddenly pulled his head out from under my T-shirt, and then he had me entirely undressed in seconds. I reached for the bare skin of his shoulders, longing for the contact as much as him.

His demands were raw and intense. He took my lips roughly until they were plump and swollen from his kisses. I raked my fingers through his hair, desperate to take everything he offered.

Suddenly, I knew something was wrong. I didn’t know what, but I could
it. Kyle’s body was tense yet still loving. His hands gripped my waist, drawing me closer. His lips took mine desperately, and I felt an overwhelming amount of passion behind them.

He seemed plagued with restlessness and stress. His emotions kept bouncing all over the place.

My chest constricted at the many thoughts trying to fill my mind at once. I pushed back and closed them off, knowing that Kyle needed me first.

With each touch, I tried to comfort and soothe the heavy tension pouring out of him. Making his way down my body, he spread my thighs wide. His tongue made wicked strokes along my sex, around and around, until I was aching for release. On a soft cry, I dug my fingers into his shoulders.

“Lily,” Kyle moaned. His voice was edged with frustration and desire, which made his tone low and husky and rough.

He was fighting himself. His movements were measured. He was dragging out my pleasure, and I was bursting with need.

Unashamedly, I pushed my sex against his wet lips. His teeth carefully took my clit into his mouth, and he sucked it gently as he pulled my tender pink flesh back. I cried out as he pushed me over the brink. My orgasm pulsated as it rocketed outward from the center of my core. My legs shook uncontrollably with rippling waves, each one stronger than the last.

I blinked up at him. His posture was rigid. I could see his chest expanding on each deep breath he took.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands grasped my hips as he rolled us over until he was flat on his back. He let out a deep sigh, and I took his lips with gentleness. Letting me take the lead, I wanted to erase all the anxiety from his body with a soft caress. I wanted to be there for him the way he was for me—always and unconditionally.

I made love to each and every surface of his body. Giving him my heart and my strength, I tried to soothe whatever it was that he needed from me, hoping that it was enough. His low, deep rumbles of appreciation vibrated his chest. The energy in the room was palpable. We were like magnets, two opposites pulling together forcefully, desperate to connect.

“I can feel your love for me.” His voice was full of awe while raw and throaty.

I kissed his throat and breathed in his familiar scent. Slowly, I made my way up to the curve of his jaw. The ache between my thighs was almost painful. Only he could make me feel this way. I kissed my way across to just below his ear. I could feel his pulse beating fiercely against my lips.

“It overwhelms me sometimes,” I whispered. My breaths were irregular. My eyes met his. “It’s so intense and irrepressible.”

“Good, because I ache for you,” he growled before taking my mouth against his.

As we made love in the darkness, we each felt the need to be closer, always closer as we soothed away one another’s worries. Our low moans of pleasure, deep shudders, and tender touches were extremely erotic as we both found our releases together while in each other’s arms.

It was still dark as I snuggled up to Kyle’s side, draping my leg over one of his. I laid my hand on his chest, drawing small circles over his heart with my fingertips.

Again, I wondered what had bothered Kyle so much to wake him in the middle of the night. It was time for him to open up to me.

“Talk to me,” I repeated the words that he had said to me many times.

I needed him to let me in. I couldn’t handle secrets between us. I knew he had been honest about his reasons for waiting to tell me about Aaron’s physical descriptions, but I didn’t want Kyle to willingly leave me in the dark, especially about something that caused him enough stress to make him restless at night.

Kyle took a deep breath. “This Aaron character is like a ghost. He keeps himself far enough in the distance that I can’t get a decent lead on him. The hotel security surveillance showed a teenager dropping off the note. The young kid didn’t even stop to ask questions about which room we were in, and I couldn’t make out his face in the video. The kind of determination used to set this up doesn’t come from someone who is harmless, Lily.” His voice was so strained. “It comes from someone who is lethal and obsessed, and that’s the worst kind of criminal in my books.”

My hand stopped moving. I took a moment to take it all in.
Lethal, obsessed, worst kind of criminal
—all those words kept dancing in my head, repeating themselves over and over.
Who would want to do this to me? Who did I make that angry? What did he want from me?
If only I could figure out the
myself, we could catch him faster.

“His messages are personal,” Kyle said after my silence continued.

I thought I could almost hear fear in his

“It’s someone you know,” he added quietly.

“But who?” I tilted my head up to look at him even though the room was still pitch-black. “You know my friends and my family. I know few people, and I’m very private. That doesn’t leave many options.”

He let out a deep sigh. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” he said gently.

After pulling me up his chest, his hands wrapped around my lower back, each traveling outward until reaching either side of my waist.

I pondered, feeling my quickened pulse beat in my chest. “Would you tell me if you thought you knew who it was?”

Kyle hesitated as his grip on my waist tightened fractionally. “Yes, but understand this. Protecting someone I love will always come first, Lily. No matter what else happens, my main goal is to keep you safe
I’m protecting you from will have no significance to me.”

I held my breath as I absorbed his words. I knew I wouldn’t want it any other way. I gathered my hands around his neck, feeling his soft skin beneath my fingers. The intensity of his words held strong, front and center in my mind. His strength and courage were two of the many things that I loved about him.

“I know,” I replied with understanding. “Your love for those you care about and the profound lengths you’d go for them to shield them from harm’s way are a couple of the many reasons why I love you,” I confessed softly.

His love was so intense that it consumed me and took over. But it was real. Kyle loved with his whole heart and without reservation.

His mouth was extremely close to mine, so I could feel when his lips parted as his breath caught.

“A couple of the many?” he asked.

“Yes.” I laughed quietly.

“What are the others?” he asked with amusement in his voice.

I could tell by his tone that he was grinning. Those grins of his were so sexy. And I was missing out on the sight of it because it was still pitch-black at this ungodly hour.

“Hmm…let me see…” I sighed playfully, stroking a path down the center of his chest and back up again, pretending to be in deep thought. “Well, definitely not your bossiness…or curtness…or grumpiness, which makes you frown—”

I yelped in surprise when Kyle flipped me onto my back. He lowered his head until his teeth clamped over my left nipple, and desire shot straight to my groin.

He barely lifted his head. “Reasons why you
me,” he demanded while taking my right nipple between his fingertips, and gently rolling it.

I pretended to ponder again. “Shit…I can’t think of any.” I turned my head from side to side. “You know what they say—negative thoughts always come before positive ones,” I teased.

“Think harder,” he threatened. He dropped his head and carefully bit my nipple.

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