One Dom at a Time (3 page)

Read One Dom at a Time Online

Authors: Holly Roberts

Tags: #alpha male, #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #dominance

I pulled on my favorite sweats hiding the evidence
of Mr. Control Freak. “Come on monster, I have a Beasty Burger to
work off and you need to do your business.”

We ran five miles, taking breaks
for Sam’s personal needs. It felt wonderful. I also used my cell to
call Raul. His mother had a dilapidated cabin she left him when she
died. It was over two hundred miles away and we had only gone to it
once to clean and make sure everything was locked up tight. There
was no electricity, no running water, and no way Mr. Delectable
Dessert would discover my location.

Raul was waiting for me in front
of my apartment with the cabin key when I jogged up to his

“That man is edible. The rumors do
him no justice.” Raul was in lust again.

He was also gay and I knew Mr. Hot
Pants would have that effect on him.

“I have no idea which way he swings so you might
have a chance.”

“Nope, I would have known if he
shot my way. You better watch yourself because your voice actually
goes dreamy when you
say his name.”


“Oh sweetie, I can see your blush.”

“Stop, or I’ll sick Sam on you and
you’ll drown in his slobber. I’m taking a quick shower, packing a
bag, and then I’m gone for forty-eight hours. Fifty thousand
dollars will get us started Raul. The club will be small but with
our savings and this money we can do it.”

“I know baby-girl. Good luck.”

I leaned my head into the car and kissed his

One hour later, I was on my way.
Normally I would be asleep so I cranked the Rolling Stones up high
and sang along. I wouldn’t win any singing competitions but I knew
every word to every Stone’s song ever recorded and when it came to
music I was a seventies wannabe. George Thorogood’s Bad To The Bone
played next and I managed to stay awake. As the night continued,
Samson whined in the back whenever I hit a high note. I kept an eye
over my shoulder to make sure no one followed me.

My headlights led the way through
the trees avoiding the thick brush trying to take over the narrow
dirt road. It hadn’t rained in several weeks and my old Subaru
Outback had no difficulty getting through the deep ruts. Over the
next bump my lights shined on the small cabin in the distance.
Samson would enjoy this. I had two gallons of water, dog food, some
canned food for me, and a six pack of Sterno fuel. My biggest
problem would be using the outhouse for the call of nature. Yuk,
but I could survive anything for two days.

Samson jumped out of the car as
soon as the door opened. He immediately started stiffing out his
territory and I grabbed my small overnight bag and made my way to
the cabin door. I left the headlights on so I could see to get it
unlocked. The lights shone into the bare living room. Thank god I
brought a book and candles to get me through my isolation. I
carried my bag to the single bedroom which at least had a bed. The
light barely made it around the curve of the door but I could see
enough to place my bag on the foot of the bed.

I turned and then let out a blood
curdling scream as large arms shut the bedroom door and grabbed me
in a steel grip, placing a hand over my mouth.

Samson hit the solid door with growls and

A seductive voice whispered warmly
in my ear, “I’ve won Mistress Lydia. Your flight takes off tomorrow
evening. Get some sleep and then get that delectable ass of yours
home. Pack a few personal items. I’ll provide everything else. The
plane tickets are waiting on your kitchen counter. Samson and Raul
are both provided for and will be going with you.” His hand

“You cheated.”

“You lost so take it like a Dom.
Carl will pick you up at the airport in Houston. Now, I’ll let you
walk me out so your dog doesn’t bite my legs off.”

I could hear what sounded like
helicopter blades in the distance. I was so completely

Chapter Five


“You gave me up.” My snarled words
spit at my ex-best friend.

“If you stop yelling long enough
to listen, I’ll explain.”

“There is no explanation. You knew
I had no desire to leave the MC. You knew I’d refused Mr. Cheating
Skunk’s offer several times and you knew we needed the fifty
thousand dollars.”

Raul’s hand came out of his pocket and he handed me
a white slip of paper. My eyes briefly passed over the deposit slip
and froze. There was one hundred and thirty six thousand dollars in
the balance total. I looked up.

“He offered me a hundred thousand
to give up your location. He might have found you anyway so I took
it. He told me he would take the money back if I alerted you. We
now have enough to fully start the club.”

I had no words and looked back
down at the total.

Strong arms came around my
shoulders and brought me into his hard male chest. Raul was like a
brother. How could I fault him for taking the money? Hell, I would
have taken the money. Our dream was now sitting in the

“You know I didn’t mean what I said?”

“Oh but I liked the gay fag stag comment. I might
use it sometime.”

“You bastard.” My arms tightened
and Sam began to whine. He hated when he wasn’t getting his share
of attention.

“We need to leave. I hope they
have a kennel large enough for Sam. I hear its cold in the cargo
hold. Should I put him in his sweater?”

“I’m sorry but if you put that
pussy sweater on him, I’m taking a different flight. Samson can
tough it out like a real man.”

“Says the gay man?”

“Oh honey, if dick size makes the
man there isn’t a
man than me.”

“Argh, you’re horrible. Use your
muscle for something other than comedy and grab my bag. I’ll get
the leash.”

The airport was crowded. We stood
in line though everyone gave us a wide berth with Sam sitting at
attention by my side. Finally we made it to the check in counter
and Mr. Mogul’s influence took over. A small electric cart appeared
out of nowhere and the attendant ushered us on. Apparently Sam was
flying first class and had his own seat. I just hoped he didn’t get
air-sick and barf all over me.

We bypassed the security checkpoint line and went
straight to the front. Sam passed through the metal detector with
me and we were off again. This time our destination was the
Admiral’s Lounge. I settled in with an imported high dollar beer
that I didn’t pay for. I could really get used to this.

Our flight was uneventful, if you
didn’t count the fact Samson wanted to sleep but couldn’t get
comfortable in his oversized seat. Finally he was able to lie in
the aisle and then he embarrassed me by snoring. Raul pretended he
didn’t know us.

Another cart picked us up at the
gate and we sped along to the waiting limo.

Carl took my bag.

“How was your flight Ms.

“Fine, thank you. What should I call you?”

“Carl will do. It’s a thirty-minute drive to El
Diablo and Mr. Collins wants you there as soon as possible.”

“I was hoping I could go straight to my room.”

“Your suite is at The El Diablo.
It’s a luxury hotel and has everything you’ll need. Mr. Collins
wants to meet with you but I don’t think you’ll be working

We got in and Sam tried to sit on
my lap but I shoved him over. He never figured out that he wasn’t a
lap dog and he always managed to finagle at least half his body
onto mine when I sat on the couch at home. The limo was no

Luxury hotel was an
understatement. The fountains looked like they came directly from
the Bellagio in Vegas.

Carl drove away and we followed
another man inside; same build, same good looks, and same demeanor.
Why did the wealthy surround themselves with such extraordinary
beauty? Normal people needed jobs too.

The inside was just as riveting as
the outside. For thirty days this would be my life. I inhaled the
smell of money.

“Damian is eligible. He’s hot and
he’s rich. You could do much worse.” Raul’s words whispered from
under his breath while we walked to the elevator.

“Shh, behave smart ass.”

We watched through the glass
enclosure as we went up to the top floor.

“We’re at the top?” I asked our

“Almost. There is one more floor
but the only way to get there is to use one of Mr. Collin’s private

Noticing the plural use of the
word “elevator,” I again realized how far out of my depth I

My escort placed a folded piece of
expensive parchment paper in my hand. Five numbers boldly stared
back at me.

“The access code for your rooms.”

I punched in the number and
entered a large foyer. Wow, it was incredible. Samson began to
sniff out his new surroundings and I realized he needed a walk to
take care of his business and I said so.

Follow me please. We followed him
through the cavernous rooms to a set of French doors. Stepping
outside, sparkling lights showed off an amazing outdoor oasis. It
wrapped around the building and was about twelve feet wide. A four
foot wall separated the garden from the Houston skyline. Real grass
was under my feet, I could smell it.

“Mr. Collins assigned me and my
co-worker to take Samson to the park when you are not available.
Hotel staff will see to the dog waste left out here. Mr. Collins
has been notified of your arrival and he’ll be here in a few
minutes. Mr. Garcia I need to show you to your suite.”

My eyes met Raul’s. I knew he
wouldn’t leave if I wanted him here. I was hoping he would be
sharing rooms with me but apparently that wasn’t an

“I’ll be fine. Get settled and call me in an

He kissed my cheek and walked
away. I knew my eyes were larger than his. We were so
in Kansas

Once I was alone, I traveled down
a large hallway and peered into several rooms before I located the
master suite. There was another set of French doors and Sam whined
to be let out again. He needed to mark his territory. I followed
him and walked to the wall looking out over the city of

“I knew you would love the view.”

I jumped and turned
simultaneously. His dimples flashed and I inhaled sharply. The man
whose memory made my panties moist stood in front of me. He was
wearing black sweatpants, running shoes, and nothing else. His hand
was holding a bottle of water and a fine sheen of sweat coated his
incredible chest. He did this to me on purpose. I hadn’t packed my
vibrator damn it.

“Is the club here at the hotel?”

“So eager to begin

“Yes, the sooner I start, the
sooner I can leave.”

“How you wound me Mistress Lydia.”

“Do you want me for your Mistress?
I would love to use a bullwhip on your damp skin?”

His laugh was low, sexy, and had
my panties drenched before he finished. This man played havoc with
my libido.

“No, my fantasy is you tied to my
bed, your legs spread, and your screams filling the room while my
cock slides in and out of your delectable pussy.”

“And that will remain your fantasy. For a hundred
thousand dollars you might have been able to talk me into whoring

“Tsk, tsk, Lydia. It wasn’t the
money, it was the bet. I don’t want to pay. I want you willing or
at least working off a wager.”

I let the working comment pass.
“Most Doms respect a Domme and don’t feel the need to control
anyone but their submissive.”

“Is that what you think? I
guarantee every man who watches you wield a whip wants you chained
and screaming. The difference is I’m not afraid of you and I go
after what I want.”

“My body is not part of the deal.”

He took a step closer and I took a step back.

“You know if you use your little flip trick again
I’ll go over the wall.”

“That really got to you didn’t it?”

“So much more than you know and I
still owe you a punishment, but not yet. I’ll let you worry about
it for a while longer. The anticipation should make you

I wasn’t going to lie. He knew every woman creamed
when he flashed his dimples. “When do I start work?”

“Tomorrow night.”

“Then I need my sleep.”

“A late night snack will be here in a minute.”

Samson heard the word snack and
came running. He walked up to Mr. Wet Panty Advertisement and
sniffed the hand placed out. He licked it and then licked

“He likes the salt on your skin.”

“I’d like you to lick the salt from my skin but it’s
not my hand that’s the saltiest.”

“Does that line work for your other Dommes?”

“I don’t want to fuck the other
Dommes and I’m afraid I never mix work with pleasure. With you I’m
making an exception.”

“Poor me.”

“I don’t usually care for ball
gags but I might make an exception.”

“Is that a threat?”

He laughed again. There was a soft
bell chime and he turned and walked back the way he came. I
followed and Samson followed us around the outside of the apartment
as we entered the doors I’d originally gone through when I first

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