One Dom at a Time (8 page)

Read One Dom at a Time Online

Authors: Holly Roberts

Tags: #alpha male, #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #dominance

I know the look on my face must have been priceless.
He had to be kidding. I was about to open my mouth and use a few
choice words when his hand hit a button on the black box beside the
laptop and the vibrator inside my cunt began humming.

My neck strained back as the
pleasure centered deep inside my pussy where mind shattering bliss
existed. My orgasm built, I gasped for air, and he shut off the
power. My entire body sagged against the bench in overwhelming

When I could control myself, I looked across the

“How does it feel?” He leaned back
in the chair. “My cock has been hard for you since day one but you
remain unruffled and that tight little ass of yours keeps walking

“You basta…aweg.” He turned the
switch higher this time. My hips pumped against the bench. I
couldn’t think past the vibration in my pussy. I was panting and my
release so close.

The vibration stopped.

I would kill him.

“What, nothing to say?”

My body was on fire. I wanted the
son of a bitch and I needed his cock deep inside my pussy. I no
longer wanted to play his dominance game but I wouldn’t mind
playing a few of my own. I closed my eyes and pictured him naked,
tied to a bed, his long thick cock at attention waiting for my
mouth. Slowly my tongue would run along the long veins on his cock
ending at the mushroom head, circling, nibbling, and sucking. He
wouldn’t be able to touch me or control my movements and I would
sit up, raise my body above him, and then I would impale

The vibrations in my pussy started
again and I went over the edge, screaming my release into the room.
The orgasm went on and on. I received a hard slap to my already
sore derriere.

“Shame on you. Bad little sub.
What were you thinking about?”

It took a moment but then I was
able to control myself enough to speak, “You. I was thinking of
your neck between my fingers and pressure. Your face turning blue
and your eyes rolling back in your head, then I would let go and
bury my knee deep in your groin. This time you wouldn’t get up to
chase me at least not for a while.”

His laughter was deep and full. His hand came up and
touched my cheek in a caress. “You know you’re mine don’t you?”

His words; hot, sexy, and
commanding quivered through my body into my brain. It couldn’t
happen but oh I wanted it. Silence was the best answer at this

The vibrator turned back on.

“God, I’m going to kill you.”

“You are such a bloodthirsty little sub but this
time I won’t make you wait. Come for me.”

His fingers rubbed my clit and he
slowly pulled out the butt plug and then plunged it back in. My
body was beyond sensitive. His lips touched my back and moist soft
kisses followed by gentle nips traveled up to my neck. Suddenly my
braid pulled and my head went to the side. His kiss took me over
and I groaned into his mouth. He continued to play my body like a
musical instrument and jolts passed from my cunt to my toes. It
went on and on.

I didn’t realize he released my
leg restraints or that he removed the toys until Damian’s strong
arms picked me up and carried me from the room. He took me out of
the dungeon and placed me gently on a large bed. My eyes were
barely open but I watched while he undressed and then those same
strong arms brought me close to his chest. His fingers undid my
braid and spread the damp strands around us.

He massaged my shoulders and back
then softly ran his hands over my red ass and thighs. His voice was
low, “My father started Pleas-her toys. He was rarely around when I
was a child and he never married my mother. He had a different
woman in almost every state. I still have no idea how many half
brothers and sisters I have. He showed up once or twice a year. I
would hear my mom’s cries of pleasure coming from her bedroom. The
few times my dad took me anywhere he would tell me all women were
whores. He never used my mom’s name but it was implied. I decked
him when I was fifteen. I took over the company five years after I
graduated from college. He died two years later. My mother still
loves him.”

The room was quiet with only our gentle

I was entirely out of my league.
Damian was doing what I loved. This was the soothing time with a
sub. My heart was a puddle at his feet.

“Why are you doing this Damian? You and I won’t
work. I’m leaving at the end of the month.”

“You are so stubborn. Now it’s your turn. Tell me
something I don’t know about you.”

I giggled and looked at his face
as his grin formed and his beautiful dimples appeared. He rolled
our bodies until I was lying on top of him, our legs intertwined.
His arms rose and then his hands grasped the brass rails of the

“This time is for you. I won’t let go so do your

How did he know my fantasy? “Can I tie you?”

“No baby but I won’t let go.”

It was enough. I sat up on his
lower thighs and then moved back spreading his legs out on either
side of me. Every muscle in his body was defined, the contours
rippled and his hard abs begged for my lips. His erection was huge
and beautiful. I wanted it inside me but I had a fantasy to play
out first.

“If you need one there are condoms in the nightstand

“Oh, I’ll eventually need one or two.”

His cock jumped and I smiled.
Looking up, his dark wicked eyes gazed back.

I fulfilled my fantasy and
worshiped every inch of his body, every millimeter of his cock. He
kept his hands tight on the rails but sweat dampened his skin. I
licked my way up and then reached into the drawer to remove a
condom. I slid it slowly down his cock and then straddled his
waist. His eyes were barely open and I knew mine were just as
filled with need. I leaned forward and kissed him while my body
sank down and my pussy surrounded his heat.

His body strained. I could feel
his muscles bunch beneath my naked flesh but he held onto the bars.
I stopped kissing him, placed my hands flat against his chest, and
threw my head back finding my rhythm. It didn’t take long and my
body needed exactly the same thing as his. He went first, his
groans filling the room. Hot semen filled the condom and I felt it
deep inside my pussy. That was all it took. My muscles tightened
and his groans became louder but my cries finally drowned out

Seconds, minutes, I don’t know but
his arms came around me, holding me tight. My body was limp and
satisfied. I didn’t think I had ever felt this way. But, I was
exhausted. His body disengaged with mine, he disposed of the
condom, and then pulled a blanket over us but kept his arms around

I slept through the night. Early
morning sunlight shown through the sheer window coverings woke me
up. I was alone. There was a bathrobe at the foot of the bed. It
wasn’t the skimpy silk one from the night before. This one was soft
plush terry cloth and when I put it on, it ended at my

I went in search of my Dom.

Sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee and
reading the paper was the last person I expected to see. Carl
looked up when I approached.

“Good morning, I’ve brought some
clothes for you and then I’m to escort you back to your rooms.
Samson has been walked and fed this morning and I was told to let
you sleep and that you will not be working tonight.”

“Where is he?”

“He left on a business trip and should be back in a
few days.”

My world collapsed. Carl didn’t
look at me just stood and carried his coffee cup into the kitchen.
I glanced around and spotted my bag. Picking it up, I went in
search of a bathroom. I wasn’t going back into the bedroom. I

The mirror showed my sleep tousled
hair. The eyes reflecting back at me were devastated. Why didn’t he
tell me he was leaving? He could have left me a note, anything. The
more I thought about it the less hurt I felt and the more anger
took over. I jerked on my clothes and went out to Carl. We went
through the front door and walked to a different set of elevator
doors. We walked inside and Carl entered a code. The doors opened
and we were in a bedroom. It looked familiar and then I heard Sam
whine on the other side of the closed bedroom door. We were in one
of the rooms of my apartment.

I looked at Carl. “Will my code work on this
elevator and take me to Damian’s suite?”

Carl glanced away. “I don’t know.
Damian would need to set the access code with your room

“I see, thank you for your escort, I’ll see you

“Damian gave you the night off.”

“When the rats away the mice will play. I’ll see you

Carl left. I tried the elevator
but my room code didn’t work.



I opened the bedroom door and Sam
gave me exuberant kisses. He missed me. I lay down on the floor and
let him cuddle while I ran my hand through his short back fur. Then
I cried.

I’m not sure how much time passed but a quiet knock
sounded at my front door. I pulled myself off the floor and opened
the door to find Raul. His arms came around me and I cried

“Oh baby.”

I felt myself lifted and my strong
submissive friend carried me to the couch and sat down holding me
on his lap. I felt gentle kisses on my head. I let everything out;
our night, Damian’s words, my hurt, and most of all my love. I
loved the damn hell spawn.

Raul listened while offering
comfort. “He loves you too. I don’t know why he left without a word
but he’ll be back and you’ll see. The man only has eyes for you.
Even with his subs, his awareness is only for my red head blue eyed
girl. The man’s crazy for you.”

I didn’t believe him because I was
too fucked up. I fought anorexia just like Damian accused me of. I
feared my body returning to what it had been. And then there was
part of me that loved the way my body used to be. I wanted a man to
love me and every ounce of fat or muscle I possessed. I wanted to
be cherished for the woman who screamed to get out of a world where
perfection ruled. The little fat girl wanted to know she was

Raul fed me then put me to bed and
I slept for the better part of the day. I finally showered and
dressed for work. The club was the same but I was not. I needed to
finish my contract and get back home to my small apartment and the
rest of my life.

I asked Luke to sub for me. He
liked extreme pain. His type of need wasn’t usually for me but
tonight I tried. Halfway through the scene I felt my tears build
and my arm dropped. I looked around and found Kyle standing to the
side like he had when he joined me for a scene. I tossed the whip
toward him and walked away. I knew Kyle would finish.

Raul approached before I was out
of the club but I shook my head no. I went back to my room. Sam and
I needed to run. After I changed into sweats, I walked him out the
front lobby and we took off. I found my pace and lost myself in my
world of breathing, straining leg muscles, and feet pounding the

When I finally looked around we
were lost. I had no idea where I was. Headlights pulled up slowly
next to us and my breath caught but then relaxed. The window slid
down. It was Carl. “Get in.”

“I’m walking but I need help with

“You’re not in the best area of
town and Damian will kill me if something happens to you. Get

“I think you have me confused with a sub. I’m not. I
can take care of myself and if not, Sam will protect me.”

His sigh sounded loud and frustration showed on his
face. “Okay but I’m armed and I won’t hesitate to use my weapon if
you get yourself into a bind. The death will be on you.”

He wasn’t joking but I was willing
to accept the consequences for my actions. I still needed time to
process what was going on in my head.

I was lucky and no one stopped us
or bothered me. I got some strange looks. A woman with a Rottweiler
being followed by a limo, could not be normal but the walk home was
uneventful. I went back to my room and fell into a deep sleep. I
woke up and ate a light meal. My cell had multiple messages from
Raul. I sent him a text telling him I would be back at the club
that evening.

I felt bad about Luke because I
failed to finish our scene the night before but he wasn’t at the
club. I worked with a new submissive, promising to be gentle as she
explored the world of BDSM. I used a deer flogger. They were the
softest made but had a good pop. I focused on her pussy and breasts
knowing I wasn’t causing pain. I wanted her to feel pleasure. I was
back in control and had my feelings buried deep inside where they
needed to stay for the next few weeks.

I wasn’t watching the crowd only
focusing on my sweet new sub. Hands came around me and a hard body
pressed against my back. I couldn’t move but I would know his smell
and the feel of his arms anywhere. My body stiffened.

“Mistress Anna is taking over for you. I want you to
come with me and not cause a scene.”

He let me turn. “I don’t want
this. Please let me get back to work.”

“No, this can be easy for you or hard.”

Anna took the flogger from my hand. She grinned
slightly but didn’t say anything.

“Place your arms around my neck and then wrap your
legs around my waist.”

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