One Dom at a Time (6 page)

Read One Dom at a Time Online

Authors: Holly Roberts

Tags: #alpha male, #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #dominance

“I don’t quite understand why you won’t use Raul as
your sub?” Anna asked when Raul took a side trip to the men’s

“I don’t know. It just doesn’t
feel right but at the same time he’s wonderful. What he really
needs is a male Dom who turns him on and won’t let him get away
with any shit. Watch it or he’ll be topping you.”

She laughed. “I have a trick or two for naughty

We both laughed.

“So give me the low down on you
and Master D.”

I could tell curiosity was eating
her up.

“There is no low down. I want him,
he wants me, but we’re not playing. Two Doms don’t make a

She chuckled at my play on words.
“Last night he was intense, almost volatile when he enacted his
scene. He wants you bad and I’ve never seen him go after a Domme.
There isn’t a sub at El Diablo that doesn’t want his collar. Every
once in a while he’ll spend a private weekend with a sub but after
that it’s business as usual. Right now he’s behaving odd and we all
feel the tension.”

“I’m only here for three more weeks and I can’t see
Damian with stripes across his ass. If he wants me, that’s what it
will take.”

“Oh girlfriend, that will never
happen. What brought you into the scene?”

“When I was eighteen I fell for an
older man. He was a Dom and I spent a very eye opening weekend
learning it was hard for me to be submissive. I was quite chubby
back then and embarrassed about my body. I began working out,
jogging, and then I ordered a bull whip online. I watched videos
and practiced for hours every day. I worked as a secretary but
little by little I began exploring the lifestyle at

I looked away. I had left out so
much. So much hurt and pain but I only shared those memories with
Raul and Sam.

Saturday arrived and I was looking
forward to working with Angela. Damian didn’t escort me, he sent
Carl. I refused to ask about Mr. Succulent Semen.

My scene was set up like I asked.
This was role play and I wanted to have some fun.

I tied a silk scarf around Angel’s eyes and
whispered in her ear. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Okay, remember your safe word. I won’t take you
farther than I think you can go but tonight I’m pushing.” I kissed
her forehead.

“I want you on your knees in

When I was ready I placed her on
the St. Andrews Cross and using gel, I shaved her pussy while I
massaged her rounded bottom. I never touched her cunt with my

Angela groaned.

“Shh, no sounds, we’ve only just started.”

“Ahhh, please

“Angela my sweet sub, your
punishment will be the delay of your first orgasm.” I planned on
giving the crowd a real show but now I would withhold her first

I used a flogger and concentrated on her breasts and
upper thighs. I avoided her freshly shaved pussy knowing it was
begging for pain and pleasure.

She began whimpering. I had no
mercy. I didn’t use any vaginal or anal toys. I wanted her
screaming from the feel of the leather strands striking her body. I
stopped for a moment and approached her. I took one hard nipple
into my mouth, sucked, and then moved to the other.

I used the flogger again and she
began moaning loudly. Without stopping, I looked to the side of the
station at Kyle who placed a condom on his erect penis when I gave
the signal. I stopped and he walked to Angela and straddled her
hips. I squeezed in between Kyle’s outer thighs and Angel’s upper
body. She couldn’t see what we were doing or who was doing it to
her. I took a nipple between my lips and Kyle plunged inside her
pussy in one smooth thrust.

Angela screamed, Kyle moaned, and I watched Angela
jerk against the restraints. My pussy clenched and I wondered if I
could resist Damian much longer.

My head turned and there he was.
His hand was on his cock. It was free of his pants and he stroked
up and down. He turned to the sub at his feet and her mouth took
over where his hands had been. I needed an ice cold shower for me
and a baseball bat to knock out the little subs teeth.

I snapped myself out of my less than pleasant
thoughts. I owed the crowd a few more of Angela’s orgasms. It was
time for my first toy.

After the scene and my time alone
with Angela, Anna walked over and invited me to a private party in
one of the suites after work. We quit work at two a.m. but first I
went back to my room, changed, let Samson out, and then found my
way to the party. It wasn’t a D/s party, it was a good old
fashioned let’s get drunk and celebrate Saturday night party. I
wore what Damian referred to as my hippie clothes. He had my closet
stocked full of them. It actually made me smile.

I was getting tipsy and taking my
first sip of my third margarita when the devil himself walked in.
He was a flaming beacon in a room full of dazzling people but I
slid my gaze away and spoke with one of the El Diablo male

Unforgiving steel hands landed on
my shoulders and hot breath passed over my bare neck then traveled
to my ear. “I want you.”

I turned on the stool and placed
my thighs on the outside of his hips. My skirt pulled tight and his
hands came up moving the skirt up past my knees so he could move in
closer. My lips traveled past his neck but I didn’t touch. I gently
bit his earlobe and then whispered, “No.”

His hands moved under my bottom
and brought the center of my thighs even with his hard erection.
His mouth went back to my ear. “I have a bet for you.”

Our voices were low but I’m sure
everyone in the room was watching our sexual play.

“Two subs, blindfolded. Whips
only, no toys, they won’t know who’s working who. First one to
bring their sub to orgasm wins.”

“And what is the

“One night of being the other’s private sub.”

I pulled back and looked into his shadowed sensual
eyes. I was a little beyond tipsy but I knew what I heard.”

“You would sub for me?”

“I have no intention of losing.”

Chapter Nine


Our bet made the rounds like
wildfire. It took place on Monday, usually the slowest night for
the club. The place was packed. Damian picked the subs. They were
best girlfriends and enjoyed working together and partnering with
one Dom. The rules made them smile. Neither would know who wielded
their whip. No skin could be broken or the bet was forfeit. Damian
had another St. Andrew’s Cross moved into the largest station area.
We blindfolded the women and then Damian gave me choice of Subs. I
took the blonde.

My hand trembled slightly while I
rotated my wrist. I inhaled deeply. I could win this. I refused to
watch Damian prepare. I focused on my sub and finally controlled my

The wager started.

I worked her slow with little pain
allowing her to become accustomed to the feeling of the whip going
around her arms and legs. Every four or five lashes and I would
wrap the whip around her breasts or strike her pussy. The response
was instantaneous and I backed off. I would then go back to the
arms, legs, belly, and upper thighs. All my focus was on my sub and
her pending release.

It took twenty minutes but she was
so close. I cast my first glance at Damian. He wasn’t working his
whip, he was staring at me. I looked at his sub. She hung limp in
her restraints. With purposeful strides he walked over, removed the
whip from my hand, and handed it to another Dom. I didn’t even see
who it was. My eyes were glued to the devil’s gaze.

I was hot, sweaty, and

He won.

Could I do it?

Looking around for an escape route
was stupid but I did it anyway. My world tilted and I was over his
shoulder like his promise from the first night we met. A round of
applause broke out and I knew my ass was on display for everyone.
It didn’t matter, I lost the bet.

The blinking lights went by as he
walked through the club straight to his office. His fingers punched
in the access code for his private elevator. He was taking me to
the penthouse.

“You can put me down now I’m not going

A hard slap landed on my

“You do not have permission to speak. You know the

Another hard slap landed for
emphasis but besides my quick suction of air I remained

He carried me into the elevator
and my stomach sank as we traveled upward. All I could see was the
plush black carpeting.

Using quick strides he carried me
into his apartment. I tried to take in the surroundings but a
moment later I found myself upended again and my butt hit a hard
wooden chair. He left me there and walked away.

I expected the opulence but damn
the room was beautiful and it was only a breakfast table for four.
The walls displayed incredible artwork.

He came back carrying a yellow
folder, two wine glasses, and a bottle, Borgogno something. I knew
it was expensive because he would provide nothing less.

I kept my mouth shut giving him no
reason to punish me again. For one night I would play his sub and
live out my nighttime fantasies. He would never know I wanted more
than one night.

His eyebrow arched. Apparently he
was expecting a comment. I looked down and away like the good
little submissive he wanted.

His fingers tilted my chin up.

“If you can keep a civil tongue,
you may speak. Your insolent mouth will only get you punished so be
careful.” He poured two glasses of wine.

“You know it’s not a good idea to drink in this
situation and I’d rather keep my wits about me.”

“You only get one glass and you
need to relax. We’re going through your soft and hard limits and
then you’re signing the agreement.”

“The deal was carte blanche. Why
do you care what my limits are?”

“Good question but I’m not a
sadist and I’d like you to get something out of this evening. It’s
not up for discussion; the wine, or the contract. If you come away
with bruises I don’t want the cops at my door.”

Embarrassingly enough, my hand shook as I reached
for my glass. His eyes missed nothing but he didn’t comment. He
opened the folder and took out a contract. It was the same one used
in the club. I could feel my face reddening which caused his
dimples to show, damn him.

“Do you wish to go through this
one by one or would you rather just tell me what I need to know.
Understand I will counter your demands with some of my own and we
will also compromise on a few. Both our needs are being met

I wanted to scream but held it in.
My screams would be ringing out soon enough.

“First hard limit; anal

He didn’t blink. “Okay but I will use anal

“It’s the same thing.”

“No it isn’t. My cock up your ass is anal sex. The
toys are anal play. There’s a big difference. Next item.” His long
fingers wrote in bold script across the white paper.

I swallowed the rest of my wine in one unladylike
gulp. I hope it cost a thousand dollars.

He bit his lip fighting his
goddamn smile. This night was never going to end.

We went through it all, no
animals, no fire play. He got hot wax, ouch but he promised no
blisters if he decided to use it. It took the better part of an
hour and by the end I knew I was in deep trouble.

“I’ll show you the bathroom. I
want you showered, your hair washed, body shaved, and ready in
twenty minutes. Everything you need is on the counter. There is a
robe on the back of the door, and you will come out with nothing
else on and the robe untied. Don’t comb your hair only wrap it in a
towel. When you approach me you will kneel at my feet facing me in
the sub position. Is there anything you are unclear


He stood and led me through several rooms to the
bathroom. It was magnificent; gray marble with black accents. He
left the room leaving the door open a crack. I looked at the door
but knew it wasn’t worth the fight. I peed first and then got in
the oversized shower. There were two showerheads and a bench seat
on both sides.

I quickly washed and shaved. My
cunt, legs, and arms were silky smooth when I finished. I couldn’t
help myself and ran my fingers through my hair getting out a few of
the tangles. My time was up.

He was standing by the bed when I came out. His tie
was gone and his shirt unbuttoned and hanging loose. His belt was
still on but he had removed his shoes and his feet were bare. I
didn’t look him in the eye. I went into sub position while trying
to control my breathing.

“Spread your knees further.”

I obeyed.

The towel gently fell from my hair
and the strands cascaded down in front of my eyes obscuring my
face. His body folded in front of me and I could see his smooth
chest without looking up. He ran a comb through the tangles. He
never tugged just took his time. My pussy was growing damp.
Suddenly I realized what this night would mean and tears began to
well in my eyes.

One finger tilted my chin up. I didn’t know the tear
tracked down my face until he bent forward and licked it.

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