Redemption (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 4) (10 page)

“No, fucking leave him with Jonny’s guys. Let them fucking kill him. I couldn’t care less anymore. I’m done with him now. I warned him, Malc. Go get Emma from the penthouse and bring her home.”

I can tell by his tone that he’s had enough now. How much can anyone expect him to take? This has to be hard on him and Faith. I know she is going to rip him a new one when she finds out.

“Yes, boss,” is all I say before ending the call.

I start the engine and take one last look at the scene in front of me. I know he will be ok for now, it’s a warning beating. I know them when I see them. Hell knows I’ve done my fair share of them.

I leave the club and drive towards the penthouse. Parking the car, I get out. I don’t know whether to wrap her up in my arms knowing that she’s safe, or give her hell for fucking Alek. And no, it’s not a jealousy thing. I love my wife more than anything in the world. Emma is like a kid sister to me. All I want to do is protect her, to keep her safe.

I open the door softly, trying not to alarm Emma. I needn’t have bothered because she is up and sat on the couch. Her eyes meet mine and she just nods at me.

“What happened, Malc? Damien would have only sent you if it was something bad.”

Her words are full of concern. I look at her and see that her eyes are showing signs of tears that have already been shed.

“He’s been gambling again,” is all I need to say to her.

“Ok, Malc. I had a feeling anyway. Do I need to come with you now?” she asks me. She already knows what I’m going to say.

“I’m afraid so. Damien wants you home,” I tell her, not wanting to give any more details. I hope she doesn’t ask what’s happened as I really don’t think she is going to like the answer.

“Yeah, I figured as much. Just tell me he’s ok.”

I’m going to give her the most honest answer I can right now. “I hope so, for all our sakes,” I say as she walks closer to the door. I close the door behind us and we head back to Damien’s.

This is going to be a long day.


Chapter Ten


To say I am pissed is an understatement. I had a feeling he was slipping again. I just wish he would have talked to me about it instead of hiding it from me. Having to find out from Malc really hurt.

“Emma, did he let on to you about going to that bar, or that he was gambling again?” Damien asks me.

I don’t know what he thinks I know. In reality I may have been sleeping with him, but I know less than he does.

“Look, he never told me anything. He didn’t clue me in to anything he was doing. I’m just as shocked as you are.” I tell him the truth. What more can I say? I owe a lot to Damien and Faith. They nurtured me back to health, offered me a home and a job, and gave me everything I needed to get back on my feet. I feel shit right now because all I want to do is rush out the door and go and find Alek. I know I can’t. If I did I would risk hurting the only people who put me back together, piece by piece.

“I don’t want you anywhere near him, Emma. When and if he turns up here he will be told that he is no longer welcome. I can’t have his problems hurting my family. They are my main concern.” His words are harsh and cruel. 

“I don’t know if I can do that, Damien. I respect that you have done so much for me, but I’m not one of your skivvies that you can dictate to. You don’t have the right to tell me who I can and can’t see. You don’t want him here, that’s fine, but I will meet him if he asks me, Damien.” I stand my ground even though I’m shaking inside. I try to maintain eye contact with him but I fail. My eyes slip to the floor.

“You think I’m doing this because I want to?” he questions me. “I’m doing this because he is more dangerous than you think, Emma. He won’t hesitate to borrow without thinking about the consequences of his actions. Look what he caused before. His actions killed his mother. I won’t have them kill anyone else in my care.”

I sense the edge in his voice. I glance around the room hoping that someone will be on my side, but no one is helping me out. They are all devoted to Damien, and I get that. They all owe him their life.

“He is ill, Damien, and if he doesn’t get the help and support he needs, then he will just keep spiraling out of control. Do you want that on your conscience? Because I sure as hell don’t.” I don’t wait for his reply. I turn away, making my way outside into the garden.

I need time to think, to clear my thoughts, to figure out what the hell I’m going to do. I feel the need to stay and be here with Faith and Damien, but I also need to be with Alek. I
to be with Alek. I’m not sure where he is right now, or if he’s ok, but I need to get a message to him. He needs to know not to come back. I know if I ask Damien for Alek’s number, he’ll refuse to hand it over. I’m not sure anyone here will give it to me.

I wander further into the garden. I love this place. It feels so tranquil, like another world where you can escape to forget all the shit that’s going on.

The plants and trees surround me. I let my hand brush against them as I explore. I see the rock face in the distance, the morning dew still present against the surface, cleansing them. If only everything was that simple, you could just wash the day away along with all of its problems.

I sit under a cherry tree. With it being so early, the grass is still wet, but in this moment I don’t care. I simply listen to the birds tweeting their morning song.

I don’t know how much time passes. I’ve been thinking about how my life has changed so much over the past year, about who I used to be and who I am now.

The crunch of the gravel alerts me that someone is coming towards me. I don’t think I can handle another run-in with Damien. I peer out of the corner of my eye and see it’s Vlad. I let out the little breath I was holding. I look at him fully now. I owe a lot to him as well, and he knows it. He walked through a house with me in his arms while risking his own life, but he got me out and kept me safe all the way to Damien’s. Not once did he let go of me. I think of him as the big brother I never had. He’s the one who keeps me safe, but at the same time is the only one who is allowed to tease me, the only one who would kill anyone else if they so much as looked at me wrong. I need that in my life right now. I’m just hoping that he is on my side and not sent by Damien to talk some sense into me. 

“Hey, what are you doing all the way out here by yourself, Em?” His voice is soothing; it always has been.

He was hard to understand with his thick Russian accent, but as the months have gone by I understand him perfectly now.

“Just thinking, Vlad. Thinking about what I should do,” I tell him. I don’t need to hide anything from Vlad. I know he cares too much to turn his back on me, no matter what I say to him.

“I think I know who you’re thinking about as well. Damien has just brought me up to speed on Alek. Did you know, Em? Did you know that he was gambling again?” he asks me. And it’s a fair question to ask. Most people would know if the people they are fucking are hiding something, but no, not me. He either hid it well or I was just to blind to see.

“No, I didn’t fucking know, Vlad. That either makes me stupid or naïve,” I shout at him. I’m fucking sick of everyone thinking I knew about it.

“OK … I get it, you didn’t know, but it doesn’t mean you’re stupid or naïve. It just means he got better at hiding it,” he says. See, this is what I mean. He never raises his voice to me, or treats me wrong. He always has my back no matter what.

“Do you have Alek’s number, Vlad? I need to get hold of him. I have to warn him not to come back here,” I beg him, my eyes pleading with his to make him see that I’m doing this for Alek’s sake, not mine.

“I’m not sure Damien will be ok with me giving you his number, Em.” The tone of his voice tells me he is sorry, but it’s not enough. Why can’t he just help me out? I’m trying to help, that’s all.

“Vlad, please, I just want to warn him. I thought you vowed that you would let nothing hurt me. Well what you’re doing now is hurting me.” I look across to him and watch his eyes blaze. Fuck, I think I’ve said something to really piss him off. Note to self — don’t upset Russian mafia, they don’t seem to like it. He grips the back of my neck, pulling me closer. Before I have a chance to react, his lips are on mine, demanding entrance. This feels wrong, but I can’t resist opening my mouth for him. It’s the conditioning that’s buried deep inside; when a man wants something from me, I have to obey. I feel his tongue forcing entry. It feels foreign. I try to shove at his chest to push him away, but instead I moan. His lips feel nothing like Alek’s and I don’t like it. I wrench myself away, shoving him hard in the process. He stumbles backwards and a look of guilt fills the hard lines of his face.

“What the hell was that for?” I demand.

“I’m sorry, Em. You know how much you mean to me,” he declares. “I’m in love with you.”

I think my jaw just dropped to the floor. Why after all this time is he doing this now? He knows I’m with Alek.

“Look, Vlad, I’m grateful for everything you have done for me, I really am, but I don’t think of you like that. You’re like a big brother to me. I care about you a lot and I do love you, but I’m not in love with you.”

My earlier shock has faded a little and I’m able to get across what I want to say without making a total balls up of it. I need him to understand.

“You’re right, you know. I thought I was in love with you, but that kiss just proved I’m not. It felt like I was kissing my sister. As I tried to push harder or demand more, that feeling wouldn’t go away.” His voice is sombre, like everything he has been counting on happening hasn’t. He looks like a little kid at Christmas who didn’t get the present he wanted from Santa. It makes me feel bad that I’m the cause of all this. Why can’t anything in life ever be easy? When I think one thing is sorted, something else goes wrong.

“Look, let’s not let this bother us, please. I like how we are with each other, Vlad. You’re one of my best friends. I still need you in my life. You have to help me get Alek sorted out. He needs somewhere to go. I can’t see him on the street with nothing.”

“I know you’re right, Em, but it’s hard for me to get involved because of Damien. He’s got stuff on me that I don’t want brought to the light of day.”

I look at him, puzzled. What on earth could Vlad have to hide? He is one of the most caring and genuine people I know. “I need you to give me his number, Vlad. I would be exactly the same if it was you. This is just something you do for the people you care about … I really care about him.”

I watch as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. He unlocks the screen and holds it out towards me. “I think I’ve dropped my phone somewhere today,” he says whilst passing it to me. He kisses the top of my head and turns towards the house, leaving me under the cherry tree holding his phone. My heart rate picks up. This is the only chance I’m going to get, so I need to act fast.

I quickly pull up the contacts, retrieving my phone at the same time so I can enter his details. I’m not sure if I should text him or ring. At least if I ring him I can hear his voice, make sure he’s ok. Texting him would be quicker, then I can get back to the house before someone else comes out to look for me.

I scroll through the contacts, find his number and swiftly add it to my phone. I put Vlad’s phone in my pocket, reminding myself to put it somewhere in the house where people will see it.

It rings … and rings. I’m about to give up and text him when I hear the distinct voice that belongs to Alek. He sounds in pain and it tears me up inside to hear it. His breathing is heavy and laboured. My eyes sting and burn as I try to hold back the tears.

“Hello … who is this?” His voice is pained and every word sounds like it’s a battle just to get it out.

“It’s me … Emma,” I reply. I’m not quite sure why I said my name; he would recognise my voice, surely, but they say people always sound different on the phone.

“Baby, where are you?” he asks. “Are you ok? Look, I’m so sorry, Em. I didn’t mean to drag you into this, but I will come and find you. I will kill Jonny Haynes if he has so much as hurt a single hair on your head.”

Now I just feel confused. What the hell does he think has happened to me? Who the hell is Jonny Haynes and why would he have me? All these questions whirl around inside my mind. I just want answers, but I know I’m not going to get them right now. I don’t have time to get them all. I must tell him what he needs to know so that he can be prepared.

“I’m not with Jonny, Alek. I’m back in Surrey. Damien sent Malc to follow you last night. He saw what he needed to see then came for me at the penthouse. I came back under Damien’s orders. He has said I can’t see you anymore, that you’re not allowed back at the house, and if you do come back you’re going to be in shit. I’m just telling you to be on your guard. You need to go somewhere and get sorted, Alek.” I tell him as quickly as I can. My eyes dart around the garden like a child caught with their hands in the cookie jar, looking for anyone coming towards me. I don’t see anyone so I exhale the breath I’ve been holding.

“What the fuck! Why can’t I come home or see you?” he asks me. Like he hasn’t got an idea why. Is he really that blind to think Damien wouldn’t find out? Maybe he just needs me to confirm it for him.

“He knows you’re gambling again, Alekzander.” I hear his breathing hitch over the phone. Like he knows now that his whole world has just come crashing down around him.

“FUCK!” he screams, then I hear him wince in pain and my concern for him takes over.

“Are you ok?” I ask him. When I get no response it irks me, so I try a different approach.

“So are you going to tell me what happened? Or do I just wait for the news that you turned up in an alley somewhere? You promised me no more secrets or lies, Alek.” I know this isn’t the time but I can’t help it.

“I snuck out last night. I left you in bed to go to a Poker game that I had to win. I thought I would win, make easy money, and pay back what I owe to Jonny Haynes, then it would all be done with. But the game was fixed. He was playing at the table with me. Then when I lost, his goons took me into the alley and gave me a beat down and told me I had until today to get the money to him or else it would come back on my family. I fucked up so bad, Emma. I just wanted to get enough money so that I could get out from the shadow of my brother and try to make something of myself.”

I feel for him, I really do. How the hell did I not see it?

“Well now it all makes a little more sense, what Malc was saying. You need to get help, Alek. Look, I have to go. I will keep you updated on what I find out this end. What are you going to do about the money, Alek?” I just want to know he’s got it sorted. The last thing I want is him having a visit from those guys again.

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