ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (66 page)


Sara wrapped her jacket around her shoulders and sighed, her breath turning to steam in the cold fall air. She looked around at the tall buildings she was walking passed, impressed by their size. No matter how long she lived in New York, she’d always be impressed by the size of the buildings. Even Nashville’s skyscrapers were puny compared to these monsters.

She was in a very affluent neighborhood and smiled at the well dressed women as they passed. She knew she looked tired and defeated but she couldn’t help it. It was how she felt. Tried, wasted and defeated. There were days when Sara didn’t even want to crawl out of bed.

Today was one of those days. She’d found out that she’d been practically sold for the grand sum of $10,000. It was enough to put her in a very bad headspace. She wandered through the streets, her mind somewhere else. When she dug herself into these holes she liked to think back to what life had been like before she met Henry. She liked to imagine herself on the stage with the lights on her. She liked to imagine being dressed in a sparkling gown as the crowd cheered for an encore. She wished she could go back to those days.

The building where she’d be doing her interview was an old dance hall that had been renovated. The signage outside reminded her of something from old Hollywood and when she entered through the huge swinging doors she was surprised by the amount of work that had gone into renovating the interior.

The carpet had been ripped up and replaced with expensive marble. Velvet couches lined the walls and some had tables, though others were simply couches with expensive throw pillows tossed onto them.

There was a bar to the far side of the room that had its booze on an old bookshelf, complete with a sliding ladder to get the true top shelf booze. It was all very impressive but the most interesting thing to Sara was the stage. Instead of being pushed up against a wall it was in the center of the room with all of the seating surrounding it. An arena theatre was hard to come by nowadays. Most people liked to give their audience the option of watching the entertainment.

Sara looked up, noticing the mirrors on the ceiling and smiled. They would provide perfect lighting. She was lost in thought when Armand and Jaeger entered the club. They lived in an apartment that sat just above the club and had come down the stairs that led to it.

Armand smiled and spoke first. “We’ve been waiting for you, darling.”

Sara jumped and turned around, eyes wide as she took the two men in. They were gorgeous...Too gorgeous. It was almost unnerving. She held a hand to her chest and looked the men up and down, clearing her throat.

“Are you the owners?”

“Yes. I am Jaeger and this is my business partner Armand.”

Sara smiled and stepped forward, offering her hand.

“I’m Sara Diovani.”

Armand took her hand and placed a gently kiss to it and Jaeger did the same. Jaeger was the more spontaneous of the two and couldn’t help the smile that came to his lips.

“Welcome, Sara.”

Sara blushed a deep red and pulled her hand away, holding it to her chest as she took the men in. It had been so long since she’d been treated properly that she’d forgotten how to react to men treating her so well.

Armand slipped his hands into the pockets of his expensive black trousers, cocking his head to the side.

“Are you alright? Do you need some water?”

“No...I’m just here for my interview. I need to be getting back as soon as possible.” She said softly, looking down at the ground.

It was always so sad to see such a beautiful woman lose her sense of self-worth. Armand smiled gently and nodded in understanding.

“Of course. We won’t keep you long.”

“Did you want to see me perform?”

Jaeger walked around her, leaning in close enough to take a whiff of her. She blinked and watched him walk around her, frowning a little. Armand grabbed his arm and pulled him back to stand beside him.

“We’ve already seen you perform. What we want is a few measurements and to know if you want to work for us?”

“Measurements?” She asked, frowning. “Why do you need measurements?”

“So we can have a dress made for you.”

“I...What? Don’t you want me topless?”

“Oh heavens no. Our client’s would be appalled. We just want you to sing.” He assured.

Sara felt her heart leap with joy and she stepped forward, tears filling her eyes. Sara threw her arms around Armand and let out a little sob. Her smell overwhelmed him and his lips pulled back in a silent snarl. He had to grit his teeth to keep himself under control.

"It's alright, Sara. You belong here now." Jaeger said, noticing that his partner was a bit out of sorts thanks to Sara's intoxicating aroma.

She pulled away and wiped her eyes, making sure that none of her makeup had smeared onto her face.

"Thank you both." She whispered, her bottom lip quivering.

Armand smiled and touched her cheek, beckoning her to lift her gaze. When their eyes met she felt her breath catch in her throat.

"Don't thank us, Bella. Now, we will see you tomorrow for your first show."


Working for Armand and Jaeger was a dream come true. Sara felt like she was worth something when she went on stage for them. People came from near and far to listen to her sing and she finally felt like a star again. It was enough to get her through the few hours that she spent performing for Henry.

She wasn’t surprised when Armand and Jaeger’s clientele didn’t go to Henry’s club after the show. There was no spike in attendance, as the two handsome men had promised. Henry’s worst fears came true as all of his clients left his club to go to Armand and Jaeger’s. When he asked them why, they simply told him it was a classier joint. Everything was cleaner and newer, plus they had better liquor!

Sara watched Henry fall apart and it was worth taking the brunt of his anger to see his life collapsing around him the way hers had when he entered her life. She finally felt like she was getting the payback she deserved. When the club finally closed it’s doors and Henry declared bankruptcy, it felt like a victory. She’d never have to step foot in that hovel again.

Armand and Jaeger watched from afar as their plan was set into action. They had known that the club would shut down. There was no partnership between nightclubs, just ruthless business. When Howl opened it’s doors and Henry signed Sara over, his fate was sealed. He’d made his own bed and now the shrewd businessmen were going to watch on as he wallowed in it. There was nothing they liked better than watching a drowning man who deserved every ounce of suffering he was getting.

They were worried for Sara, however. Both of them had suspected that she might be with child. Their keen sense of smell granted them many such talents, and when she confirmed those worries, they knew they had to do something. If they let her stay with Henry they feared he would eventually end up hurting her to the point of causing a miscarriage. Sara was a strong woman, but the human body could only take so much.

Over the past few months, Armand, Jaeger and Sara had become good friends. After her shows, they would sit around and talk about life and the two men even offered her flowers regularly. They brought her sweets and surrounded her with the warmth and attention she’d always craved from men. They were nothing like Henry.

They were strong, handsome and kind. The more time she spent with them, the more she found herself falling for their exotic charm and genuine kindness. She still feared Henry’s retaliation if she were to leave him. That fear wasn’t just for herself anymore, either. She had another life to worry about now. The child growing inside of her needed her love and protection and the only way she knew how to keep it safe was by keeping Henry appeased, for now.

Another successful show had just ended and the club was starting to empty out. Henry was back home, most likely passed out drunk on the couch. Sara couldn’t bring herself to care about that, however. She was having too much fun with Armand and Jaeger. They all flirted together and Sara enjoyed the idea that these beautiful men wanted her the same way she wanted them.

Jaeger slid another non alcoholic Shirley Temple Sara’s way and downed his own whiskey, grunting happily as it slid down his throat, burning in the most delightful way.

“Sara, we need to talk to you.” Armand admitted, after the conversation had died to a lull.

She blinked and looked between them. “Is everything okay? Am I doing something wrong?”

“No, no, dear. You are an absolute delight.” Armand assured.

Jaeger took over, leaning over the bar and watching her closely. “We’re worried about Henry.”

“Henry is fine. He’s just drinking a little more than usual…” She whispered, rubbing her arms nervously.

“That's all?” Armand asked, nodding towards a bruise that was forming on her wrist.

She wrapped her arms around herself, hiding her face with her thick, dark hair. “We’re fine.” She insisted.

“You aren’t fine!” Jaeger said firmly.

Armand turned towards her and sighed. “I’m afraid he’s right, darling. You aren’t fine.”

Tears burned behind her eyes and she looked around at them, a desperate look coming to her face. “What do you expect me to do, exactly? I can’t...I don’t have anywhere to go! I don’t want to go back to Tennessee and if I stay here he’ll kill me and my baby!”

“No he won’t.” Jaeger said flatly,

“We are going to protect you, Sara. We have an extra room in our apartment. You would be with us all the time and nothing would hurt you.” He assured, patting her hand gently.

Sara looked up at them with eyes as big as silver dollars. “You’d do that for me?” She whispered.

“Of course! We care about you, Sara. Haven’t you figured that out yet?” Jaeger asked, leaning forward and putting his chin in his hands

She smiled sadly and looked between, reaching out and touching their faces. “I’m sorry it took me this long to realize…”

“No more apologies, Sara. You’ve been saying sorry for no reason for far too long.” Armand said, hopping off his stool and offering a hand to her.

Jaeger came around the bar and smiled as well, opening a second hand to her. She took both their hands and allowed them to lead her upstairs. Was this really happening? Had her two incredibly handsome bosses just talked her into leaving her boyfriend? Not only that, but they had claimed to do it because the cared for her.

Her stomach fluttered wildly as Armand pushed the heavy oak door open and led her inside.

“Welcome home, Sara.”


Armand had called this place her new home and it truly felt like a home. It wasn’t the dirty apartment she had shared with her ‘boyfriend’ for the past few years. This was a place of warmth and love. They always kept the fire place burning and Jaeger turned out to be an amazing cook. He made the best bratwursts Sara had ever had.

There was something light hearted about their time together. There was no fighting or yelling and neither of the men drank to excess. It finally felt like Sara had found some kind of safety and stability. When she was with them, she wasn’t afraid of Henry or her future.

She stayed in their guest room but had no intention of making that her permanent bedroom. The second night she stayed with them, Sara felt lonely and convinced Armand and Jaeger to come to bed with her. They’d crawled in with her happily and curled around her in a protective way. Armand was against her back, his soft, warm breath tickling her neck and Jaeger was pressed against her chest, his chin resting atop her head and his long legs tangled with hers. They had both wrapped their arms around her and it was the best sleep Sara had ever gotten.

Sara was surprised that two days had passed and Henry hadn’t come looking for her. He knew where she’d be. She couldn’t say that she was upset that he hadn’t come looking for her; she was just surprised. He was such a possessive man with such a heated temper that she’d expected him to be trying to break the door down by now.

When she woke up the next morning, she was thrilled to find that both men were still curled up in the bed with her. They were both awake and stroking her hair as she slept. Jaeger smiled and kissed her forehead with a soft sigh.

“Good morning, angel.” He murmured, as Armand ran his long fingers over her still smooth belly.

She was soft in the middle but her baby bump hadn’t started to show yet. According to the doctor she was only a few months along. The touch to her belly still felt nice and she sighed happily as Armand’s fingers danced over her skin. Their fingers sent shivers down her spine and she couldn’t help but smile at them.

“You two are up early.”

“We wanted to be up before you.” Armand explained.


“So we could wake you up like this.” Jaeger purred, leaning forward and pressing his lips to her neck in wet, eager kisses.

Sara gasped and bit her lip, letting her head fall back as his lips explored the soft, creamy skin. It felt so damn good to have someone lavishing attention on her like this. She chewed her lip and let her head fall to one side, panting softly.

Armand joined his friend, kissing up her neck and jaw, turning her head just slightly so he could catch her lips. She whimpered into the kiss, turning and tangling her fingers in Armand’s dark, curly locks so that she could pull him just a little closer.

Jaeger pressed closer to her, his hand coming up to cup one ample breast as he began pressing kisses to her chest, encouraging her to offer more to him. It seemed so sudden but Sara didn’t want to hold back. These men never left her feeling pressured and she knew that she wanted this. It was a dream come true. She had spent months pining after them and now the time had finally come.

She parted from Armand, lips shaking as they curled into a smile. He cupped her cheek as she stripped from her night gown, revealing all of her olive toned skin to them.

“You’re shaking, Bella.” Armand whispered, his voice full of concern for her.

She laughed and shook her head, wrapping her arm around his neck. Jaeger was kissing her shoulder and pulled away just a moment, eyeing her with the same concern. His partner was far more intuitive than him and if Armand was concerned then Jaeger was concerned.

“I’m just excited.” She whispered, offering them both a placating kiss.

Jaeger grinned at her words and put two strong hands on her shoulders, pushing her back against Armand. She gasped as her silky nightgown fell away from her body. Both men were in their boxer briefs and their perfectly sculpted bodies had been revealed to her the night before. In the morning light they were somehow even more stunning.

Armand wrapped his arms around her, his hands resting on her breasts so that he could toy with her nipples and bury his head in her neck, moaning softly as he nipped at the soft skin. She smelled so damn good.

Sara was already moaning, her legs quivering as Jaeger began to kiss down her body, leaving a trail of fire behind. Her stomach rolled with anticipation and she could feel a burning desire between her legs that she hadn’t felt in years. Her eyes widened as Jaeger settled between her legs, grinning and ducking his head to taste her sweet petals.

Her back arched sharply but she spread her legs for him, cheeks flushing with heat as she turned her head to the side. Armand chuckled and ran his thumb over her erect nipple, leaning into her ear and kissing her jaw.

“Don’t worry, Bella. He is very good at what he does. You won’t be disappointed.”

She didn’t doubt for a second that he was going to make her see heaven. A breathy laugh erupted from her as she arched her back, trying to get more of that velvety mouth.

“You two...Aren’t human, are you?” She whispered playfully.

Armand chuckled, his fingers dancing across her soft body and tangling in her hair. “You have no idea, darling.”

She wasn’t really sure what he meant but she wasn’t about to comment on it. It had been so long so long since a man had touched her with such kindness and eroticism. Sara didn’t want to ruin what was shaping up to be such a wonderful morning.

There was a familiar heat building in her belly and she felt herself standing at the brink of her orgasm, looking down into the dark waters of passion. She wanted to be engulfed by them and it wasn’t going to take much. No one had loved her like this in such a long time. She stepped forward, in her mind, as Jaeger found a particularly sensitive spot.

She felt safe in Armand’s arms and as Jaeger curled his arms around her thighs to drag her closer she tumbled off the cliff and into the warm waters, letting them crash over her and engulf her.

Sara cried their names, her fingers tangling in Jaeger’s hair as her eyes widened and her back arched sharply. She repeated their names over and over again in a desperate, hushed tone, pleading for more even as Jaeger was crawling up her body to grace her with a tender kiss. He smiled against her lips and she moaned, tasting herself on him. It was sticky and sweet and oh so erotic. She wanted more of it.

Jaeger chuckled against her lips and pulled away enough to speak, pressing their foreheads together.

“There will be so much more, my love.” He whispered.

Sara laughed shakily and nodded, still trying to regain her composure. She was about to respond to his comment but a loud, crashing sound made her jump, her eyes wide as she turned her head to look towards the bedroom door. A familiar voice floated in from the living room and it made Sara’s blood run cold.

! Where are you?!” It was Henry and he was raging drunk.

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