ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (70 page)


For the first time, Layla was able to see what the grand estate looked like when it was bathed in sunlight. She wasn’t in the room she had been in before, but instead she was lying in a large bed, plush and warm. It sat before a large window and the daylight filtered in beautifully.

To be a prisoner, this is the best treatment I’ve ever received…
She thought to herself with a smile.

She sat up and stretched, but then noticed something familiar sitting beside her. On the nightstand sat her phone. Dozens of missed calls made it vibrate angrily and she shook her head a bit. She knew they had given her the phone back because at this point she had no recourse. She belonged to Casimir, and in a way she was sure a part of her also belonged to Lance as well. Both events from the night before left her body hot, and she was near to touching herself thinking about it. These thoughts didn’t last long however as she realized the gravity of the situation…If Casimir had succeeded, she would be carrying his child.

Layla looked at the phone, somewhat intimidated by the missed calls. She knew her dad was no fool, and the honest truth was the only thing she could offer.

Hesitantly picking it up, she placed it to her ear as it rang. With only a couple of rings, she got her dad on the line.

“Layla! Where have you been?” he asked.

For a moment, she was quiet. “Dad…I don’t want you to worry. I’m fine.” She answered truthfully. She hadn’t thought this through very well, and she was concerned she might say some things she shouldn’t.

“You aren’t at home. You never went home last night.” He said.

Layla rose a brow. “You came out, didn’t you?” she asked him.

“I did, and after our conversation last night, I was positive something happened to you. I know you’re an adult, but that doesn’t change anything in my eyes when you live like we do. Where are you, and what happened?” he asked.

Layla sighed deeply and braced herself for what would inevitably be her damnation in his eyes. “I should have listened to you.” She said. “The dragons did come after me. I was taken by them and brought to their base.” She said.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Her father could be heard breaking what sounded like glass in the distance. When he finally composed himself and got back on the line, he didn’t hesitate to start getting the details so he could find her. “Exactly where are you? If you don’t know, a description is fine…Are they with you?” he asked backtracking a bit.

“No, I’m alone. They gave me my phone and I woke up with it this morning.” She said.

Her father was silent. “I’m sure someone is listening in. Surely they wouldn’t trust you alone with your cellphone to call me. Why did they take you?” he asked.

The dreaded questions were popping up now, and Layla felt herself becoming more anxious. “At first, I was taken to hopefully get you and the others to surrender the fight.” She said. “They want to be left alone to live peacefully.” She finished. She realized her tone of voice likely made it seem like she was on their side…In a way, she realized she was.

“Peacefully…If I’ve ever heard a lie, that’s the biggest one. You and I both know dragons are only out for one thing, and that’s to dominate this planet and overthrow humanity. We would all become their slaves and food.” He said.

Layla shook her head, “It’s not like that!” she said passionately.

Her dad grew silent with her outburst.

“It’s really not like that. They genuinely want peace. I’ve seen it. Ever since I’ve been here, they’ve only treated me with kindness. They haven’t hurt me at all!” she said.

“But you were being held there against your will!” her dad retorted.

“I was but…” she stopped very abruptly as she thought about what he had said. It was reminiscent of what she remembered Casimir saying to her last night about his own mother.

This is what he meant…I can’t even explain it myself, but I understand it…
She thought as she realized what was happening. Despite the fact that this hadn’t been planned, she felt something for both of the brothers, and so far Casimir seemed to be the one that was winning her heart. She knew that trying to explain how she felt to her father would only end the same way that it had with her the night before.

“But what?” her dad finally said after waiting patiently for her to speak.

“It’s nothing…I’m safe, I’m fed, I’m warm. There isn’t anything more I could ask for.” She said.

The door opened slowly to her room, and she turned to see Casimir walking inside. He smiled and sat next to her, pulling her firmly into him and kissing her forehead.

I’m sure he’s not happy, but are you?
She heard him speak into her mind.

She lowered her eyes in response. Though the confusion was beginning to fade, she was still worried.

“I’m coming for you, and I’m bringing everyone with me.” Her dad said darkly.

“No! Please don’t come…I’m okay. I really don’t want you to do anything to them!” she said.

“…Who has you? What are their names?” her dad asked suspiciously now as realization began to dawn on him.

“Casimir, Lance…” she said.

Though she had never heard of them before now, her dad was well aware of the dragon princes. “I’ve lost you to them, haven’t I?” he asked as his voice grew grave.

Layla didn’t speak right away. “I may be pregnant.” She said honestly. After her confession, she could feel her father’s grief and anger through the phone. She wasn’t sure what this meant for herself or the dragon clan.

“Layla, I love you with all my heart, but now I have to tell you I’m concerned for your safety…As my daughter, I would never want to lay a finger on you, but the others…I don’t know what I could do to stop them, and it’s my duty to tell them about this. A dragon hasn’t been born in centuries. I understand you didn’t know what you were getting into, and they are persuasive when they have their eyes set on a woman, but I don’t know if I can protect you.” He said, his voice strained.

Layla looked shocked. “Of course you can! Tell them not to come for us!” she said angrily. “Tell them to let us be!” she said.

“I can’t Layla…”

“Yes you can! You don’t have to do this! Why would you do this? Especially if the child born would be your grandchild?” she challenged.

Casimir looked down at her worriedly and pulled her closer to him to try and comfort her. Her form trembled lightly in her frustration.

“Our family has done this for a very long time. These are the rules Layla…” he said softly. “Maybe I can reason with them…We could abort the child and they would spare you. In fact, that is the best idea.” He said.

Layla was horrified. Her mind couldn’t process what had been said by her own father. “They were right about us…” she said as her voice cracked. She hung up the phone and tossed it. Turning into Casimir’s embrace, she cried.

He held her and moved his fingers through her hair gently. “Layla…I tried to tell you.” He said. “I’m sorry.”

“He wouldn’t do something like that. H-he’s not that kind of man…!” she said trying to make sense of what had just happened.

“He would, because he is a hunter first and foremost. Our genocide is the most important goal, no matter who they hurt in the process.” He said.

Layla looked up at him as though she wanted to speak, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Instead, she could only continue to cry.

For the first time, Layla was allowed free roam of the home. She found the kitchen, library, and garden, and as she walked she passed by Abel who offered her a smile and a polite hello, though she wasn’t in the mood for talking at the moment. Casimir had business to attend to, and so he left her in the care of the others.

Eventually, she came to a room that had weapons mounted on the wall of all sorts. She looked around in awe at them. Some seemed very old and valuable. In a corner sat large chests that were filled with gems, gold, and silver of all sorts. A stack of silks rested in bundles on the floor as well.

A treasure room?
She thought to herself as she examined one of the weapons.

“I hope you’re not here to tarnish another valuable.” A voice said behind her.

She turned around to find Lance standing there with his arms crossed. “No, just looking…” she said quietly.

“It’s not a problem.” He said, “Though the mace you used to hit one of my brothers was an old war spoil that I’m sure would have been worth thousands by now. It’s worth was diminished when you used it.” He said smirking.

She sighed. “I was trying to escape. I didn’t care.” She said and looked away from him.

He walked up behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer into him. His chin settled on her shoulder. “I hear you are with my brother now…He wants you to bear his child.” Lance said in a cruel whisper near her ear. “You should have seen him this morning. He was quite proud of himself, and I’ve never seen him so taken with a woman.” He said.

Lance was definitely the flipside of the coin. He was completely unlike Casimir, and yet both of their personalities were enthralling.

“If you know this, then what do you think you’re doing?” she asked him quietly. Her folds were beginning to ache just thinking about what Lance might feel like, and yet she knew something was beginning with Casimir that she didn’t want to ruin.

“You know what I’m doing. I’m a little sad you know. I thought we had something. I didn’t kiss you for nothing Layla.” He said as a hand trailed inside of her shirt and began to fondle a large and supple breast.

She let out a slight moan in response. “Lance, please…I-I don’t know if I can…” she said, though her inhibitions were weak.

“It hasn’t been long enough for you to feel too attached to him. I can change your mind quick and you can be mine instead. Only one of us can be king you know, and should it be me, you would find yourself disappointed. Perhaps I might even take you for myself anyway.” He said with a smirk as he began to pinch a nipple somewhat roughly.

Layla felt her knees buckle and her panties grew even more saturated than before. “Lance!” she cried out.

“So easy to tease. I love this.” He said as a hand reached into her shorts and began to fondle her folds gently, a finger sliding down to play with her clit and quivering entrance.

She could feel his cock hardening as it was pressed firmly against her back. Just as soon as she felt like she might explode from all the sensations, he bent her firmly over a small table and pushed her legs aside as a hand stayed planted on her back. The other hand worked her shorts down to expose plump folds framed by her full-figured ass.

“Look at how sopping wet you are. You want this just as bad as I do.” Lance said. With a quickness, he shoved his cock deep inside her and let out a deep, guttural groan of pleasure. “God, you feel great!” he said as his thrusts quickly picked up the pace.

Layla could now say both brothers were quite gifted, and the new position she found herself in made the penetration even more agonizing, yet satisfying. She cried out wildly, not even realizing that the door to the room was open. Anyone that passed by would get an eyeful of her domination.

“Lance…! Oh god Lance!” she cried out as he gripped both of her hips firmly and continued to pound her against the table.

She could feel herself growing close to an orgasm as his arm suddenly wrapped around her form and hoisted her up until she was practically standing. His hand snaked up to fondle a breast as he continued to push into her more roughly now. “How would you like to carry my child instead…?” he asked her as he suddenly began to nip an ear.

Layla’s mind was nearly like mush at this point. She was lost in a sea of feeling and was sure she’d never see the shore again. She tried to answer him, but not only was she unsure about what to say, but she also couldn’t form any words.

Suddenly, his pace slowed and Layla was left falling off the edge of a powerful orgasm that had been building. She grew agitated by the loss of feeling. Just as she was about to protest, she heard a low growl behind them. Her eyes widened as she realized just who it was.

Casimir walked into the room rather quickly, and Lance withdrew from Layla as he turned to face him. “She’s fair game. You haven’t claimed her like you need to yet if she is yours.” Lance growled back.

“But you knew I planned to.” Casimir answered back angrily.

“But you didn’t…” Lance retorted.

The two stood their ground and even began to shift slightly as their eyes changed and their bodies dawned scales in their own hues.

Layla could only look between the two as they challenged each other. The worry that another conflict would enter the picture prompted her to intervene. Dragons with humans and vice versa, and now brother against brother would be too much.

“Wait!” she spoke up.

Both of the brothers turned to her, their aggressive behaviors quelled for a moment because of her.

“Please don’t fight over me. You two are brothers!.” She pleaded.

“Well then how do you suppose we resolve this? I’m not standing down. You’re mine. I told you that last night.” Casimir said looking at her puzzled.

Lance also looked at her with confusion spread across his face, but suddenly he began to realize what she was saying and he let out a deep chuckle. “You are absolutely perfect. From hating dragons and cursing our existence, to sleeping with two of them at the same time…” he said.

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