ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (69 page)

Layla smiled in a friendly manner as she thought about her plan.  “That’s okay. I’m not very fancy anyway. This is just for work.” She said pointing to her clothes.

The young man seemed to be wary of her, but he smiled nonetheless. “Well that’s good. I’m just going to step out and let you be for a moment then.” He said as he proceeded back towards the door.

Layla walked up to him quickly. “Wait a minute. I was rained on and I honestly would like to get more cleaned up. Do you think you could escort me to an area where I could do that?” she asked him.

He scratched his head a bit. “I wasn’t authorized to do that.” He said. “So I can’t give you that permission. But if you want to wait a moment, I could ask.” He said grinning.

She dawned a smirk and then walked towards him. He was visibly startled by her actions and backed up against a wall where she came closer to him. “You don’t want to do that…It will take so long, and honestly I’d like to get more comfortable…”she said quietly as she stroked his chest.

The guy’s face grew flushed as he was tempted by her. He easily fell into her trap, and when her voluptuous form pressed against his, she could feel the desire pouring off of him. She had him right where she wanted him.

“Sure…I don’t think it’s actually that big of a problem…” he said with a smile. “But do you think maybe you could pay me back for this?” he asked slyly.

Internally, Layla rolled her eyes. Men were men she supposed, no matter if they were dragon or human.

“Let’s not jump too far ahead now.” She said as she backed away from him, sliding her hand down his chest for effect.

He stood more upright and straightened his clothes. “Fine, but I won’t forget it.” He said. He led her out of the door, and as she walked by with him, the guards rose their brows. “Did they say she could leave Abel?” one asked.

The poor sucker, now known as Abel, nodded his head. “Yeah. She won’t be gone long.” He said as he led her off. The guards didn’t say another word, though it seemed they were suspicious.

Layla knew she didn’t have much time. They would probably contact Casimir or Lance just to be sure, and if they did that, she would be caught. She needed to make her escape quickly. She waited until they got around the corner before she began to make her move. There was a small, decorative mace mounted on the wall and held by small hooks which made it easy to remove. As she walked past it, she grabbed it quickly.

Abel noticed the noise and turned around quickly to find Layla wielding the weapon. “Stay back…” she said, taking a step backwards. Abel looked at her and put his hands up in front of him. “If you run now, you’re going to get caught. It’s not a guess, it’s a guarantee.” He said.

Layla ignored his words and backed up quickly before turning to run from him. She sped down the hall, and towards the safest way to a lower floor. It was a secondary set of stairs that probably saw little usage. She knew she needed to get down at least a couple of levels before she could use a window as an exit. The most important thing was getting out, but once she was in the open, she would be an easy target. Her best hope was to flee off into the woods and take a roundabout way.

As her plan went into action, she could hear the growls in the distance as the dragons were alerted to her escape attempt. She rounded a corner, but pressed herself firmly up against a wall when she saw a few of them run past. She waited until she didn’t see anyone else and then moved back out into the hallway as she made a full dash towards the stairs.

“Hey!” she heard a male’s voice. Looking up only briefly, she saw three men standing behind her as they moved down to try and catch her. Just as one grabbed her, she hit him with the mace in the arm causing him to howl out in pain and release her even as he tried again to grab her. She was surprised at how effective the weapon was. Though she never tried to learn much, she was aware that the only weapons that hurt a dragon were blunt ones. Swords didn’t tend to do much damage because their exteriors were too tough, even when in human form.

The attack bought her just enough time to move down the stairs where she saw a large window at the end. She ran towards it, still in her boots, and saw that the drop wasn’t very far. She quickly opened the latch, and just as the men got close enough, she dove out.

She didn’t fall gracefully by any means. She ended up having to quickly scramble up, even as she was trying to adjust to the new surrounds and figure out her next route. She dashed off into the woods, still very unsure if she was safe.

The consequences of being caught were worrisome, and that was a chance Layla didn’t want to take.


The woods were dense and foggy from the rain. As fast as her feet could carry her, Layla ran. She didn’t look back, but she could hear the wing beats behind her. As long as she kept moving she would make it.

She moved in a confusing pattern, hoping to throw off her kidnappers, but she knew dragons were very capable hunters who wouldn’t be easily fooled. Their sense of smell was strong, and hers they had likely memorized long ago.

As she ran, she heard a voice in her head...

You know this is futile…
It said tauntingly.

Layla gasped when she heard it, and before she could realize what was happening, she found herself tumbling downhill rapidly. The entire way down she screamed as she fell. She had even lost a shoe. Now she was covered in the earth and evidence of her whereabouts was left behind.

When she finally came to a stop, she laid there stunned. She had failed…

Suddenly, she heard the footsteps of someone drawing near. She looked up, her vision still not completely focused, to find a familiar presence right in front of her. With one strong hand, she was lifted and her body was pushed roughly against a tree. Her eyes widened to stare into Lance’s ice colored irises. His expression was anything but congenial.

“Layla…” he said in a low growl as his grip tightened on her waist.

Layla trembled and a tear began to slide down her cheek. Honestly, why did she run…? What had they done that made her run? Perhaps it was just instinct? She looked at Lance and tried to form words to say, but as she stammered out nonsensical syllables, Lance’s body came closer to hers. They were pressed tightly to one another as he glowered down at her.

“So you like being a tease?” Lance asked, obviously referring to her stunt with Abel.

Layla’s eyes widened, “Lance…I…”

Again she was cut off, but this time by his lips crashing down on hers out of nowhere. Layla’s mind went blank for a moment as she tried to figure out what was going on, but somehow she enjoyed his kiss. She closed her eyes, and though her thoughts were twisted she let herself fall into it. She waited a few seconds and pushed away.

“You are the most insufferable woman I have ever met, and yet at the same time I enjoy you greatly. Watching you try to escape was quite amusing, but now we need to return back. You are going to fulfill your purpose.” He said as he stepped back for a moment. “Perhaps I like being a tease too.” He said.

Layla was quiet at his words. The only way she would be able to escape was if her father came for her, but now she wasn’t sure she wanted him to, and something about that deeply troubled her.

After she arrived back to the lair, she was allowed a shower and a quick change of clothes, but as soon as she was finished, she was taken to the same room and it was guarded more heavily. She was now dressed in a close fitting white tee-shirt and a pair of plaid fleece shorts, a much cuter style than had originally been offered. As she sat there alone, all she could think about was what Lance had done and how she enjoyed it, which infuriated her. She hadn’t expected him to do something like that, but her body did the thinking for her. The bottom line was that she liked what happened.

Soon, Casimir entered the room. He sat down next to her with a deep sigh. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “You ran away from food and warmth to instead roll around in the dirt.” He said with an amused smile.

Layla didn’t speak.

Casimir’s eyes settled on her form and a hand trailed up her thigh which shocked Layla, but for some reason she couldn’t budge. She looked him back in his eyes. “I didn’t know what else to do.” She admitted. “I was afraid.”

Casimir let a kind smile grow on his features. “Layla, our kinds have feuded for a long time, but if you just gave us a chance…If you gave me a chance.” He said looking her straight in her eyes, “I am sure we could stop this. You are beautiful, and I must admit since you’ve been here, this place has been a lot more lively.” He said grinning.

Layla felt her heart skip a beat. He was handsome, charming, and powerful. Though she had tried to run, something kept tugging in her heart when she attempted it.

“Casimir…” she said quietly. She was about to speak again when he instead spoke for her.

“I know you feel it…Like your heart is calling you to something. You know what that is…” he said quietly as his face came a bit closer to hers, and a hand cupped her cheek. “You already understand what you feel, but you’re fighting it.” He said softly.

Layla shook her head a little, but the walls that tried to erect themselves to protect her from the feelings fell instead. She felt herself falling victim to his charm.

“It wasn’t my plan initially, but I’m starting to think I do want you for more than just to end these feuds. You are strong-willed, intelligent, and beautiful. A woman like you is difficult to find, and I feel as though you might be the one.”

Layla blushed. “Y-you’re not insinuating…”

“I am.” He said, his gaze growing more serious by the moment. Slowly, his hand slid up her thigh further and it found itself underneath her shorts. He played lightly with her panty line, never once breaking his gaze. “I may be a dragon at heart, but you would miss no part of what you could gain from being with a human. I would love and protect you, and I would give you things you probably haven’t even dreamed of.” He said.

Layla’s eyes grew hopeful, but she was still hesitant. “Only to have a fate like your mothers?” she asked softly.

Casimir’s eyes watered at the thought of this mother and Layla felt a sense of guilt flow through her. “These times are more forgiving. Be thankful for people turning a blind eye to things for the sake of normalcy.” He said. His form began to move atop hers slightly, and she could feel her heart beating harder now.

“But what about my family?” she asked.

“Layla, all these years, you’ve been left to feel out of place. Halfway between normal society, and halfway between a cult of hunters. Why don’t you choose something for once?” he asked.

Before anymore words could be spoken, he kissed her softly. This was the end of it for her. She couldn’t find anything else to say, or anything else to think. In a short time, every concern, doubt, and fear she had about dragons had fallen. Her desire grew stronger, and instead she longed to be closer to him.

The kiss quickly deepened, and Casimir’s hand began to gently glide over her full hips until one arm wrapped around her waist strongly. He pulled her closer to him, and she moaned as their bodies were flush against one another. His other hand intertwined with her locks and his body moved completely over hers until she was beneath him on the long couch.

The clothes she had only recently put on found themselves discarded about the room until she was bare for his eyes to linger on. She hoisted his shirt over his head, and admired his physique for the first time. He was perfectly sculpted, powerful looking and bold. Even as a human, his draconic bloodline could easily be identified by her. So many things about him spoke to what he truly was, and for some reason this only fueled her lust for him.

“Layla, you are gorgeous…” he said softly as he took her close to him. They found themselves on the fur rug that sat just a few feet from the fireplace. The plush warmth along with his strong grip on her round hips made her moan more as their tongues danced.

With a fluid stroke, he moved a healthy thigh aside to expose her heat. She was soaked as she awaited him to take what was now his. “Make me yours…” she whispered into his ear just as the kiss had ended and he began to bite and suck the sensitive flesh on her neck.

He sat up after she had been sufficiently marked by him, and quickly undid his jeans leaving his lower half exposed. She now got a full view of his well-endowed cock as it stood erect and begging to claim her aching channel. It glistened with his desperate need to claim her, and his gaze was hungry.

Just seeing such a powerful man before her like this made every doubt she ever had about dragons disappear. Surely, this could not be a bad thing.

Casimir didn’t hesitate any longer and with one fluid and powerful stroke, he entered her channel and her back arched as she let out a cry that filled the room. The guards standing outside the door were surely getting an earful, but neither of them cared a bit.

Their bodies intertwined like it was meant to be this way, and soon she was meeting his powerful thrusts as he held her waist in a firm grip, bringing them closer. He whispered his desire to have her as his finest treasure, and how he wanted to make sure she would bear his child.

His words only pushed her further to orgasm as her body began to tremble when it approached. “Casimir…!” she moaned his name, “I-I need to…to…!” she cried.

He looked down at her and quickened his pace as her walls tightened around his cock. He was beginning to swell with the need to spill his seed deep inside of her, and this sensation only made the ascent sweeter. His groans of pleasure mixed with her cries, which grew higher in pitch. She clutched his backside tightly as she felt herself growing closer. His hands grabbed her ass firmly, and she could feel every inch of him now both pleasuring and punishing her with his strong thrusts.

Her vision got spotty and her mind went nearly blank as she came with an intensity that she had never experienced before. He only continued to push through her orgasm, still not having come to his own yet, but growing close. “Casimir!” she cried out as her hands gripped the furs beneath her now in an effort to brace herself.

His cock began to throb inside of her as it prepared to unleash a torrent of cum into her desperate warmth. “Layla…You’re mine now…” He said in throaty tone of voice as he came with a powerful roar of pleasure. Their cries mixed, and soon his thrusts slowed as he pushed one final time deeply inside of her.

She laid there, exhausted from the ordeal and breathing heavily. Her body was covered in a light sheen of perspiration, and her head was lolled to the side.

Casimir caught himself after he finally came down from the high and looked at her with deep and gentle eyes. The fire illuminated his intense gaze, and Layla found herself looking into them, mesmerized once more. “There is no turning back…” He said quietly to her as he moved a strand of her disheveled hair to the side.

Layla closed her eyes once more and smiled, “I know…” she said.

He let out a light smile. “You don’t mind being branded a traitor? It is the biggest betrayal in the history of our kinds I’m sure.” He said playfully.

Layla knew what she had done. All the years of being so far removed from the hunters had made it easy to land her in the arms of a powerful dragon.

“I suppose I don’t.” she finished softly as she went to kiss him once more.

The two shared each other’s company now, basking in the glow of the fire. She drifted off in his arms like this, thoughts of how she had found happiness in the most unexpected place filling her mind before she fell asleep in his embrace.

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